Fish 'n' More 2
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* \__________/ Copyright (c) 1990 Francois Rouaix and The Software Winery.
* \o o / All Rights Reserved. This program may not be distributed
* \ o o/ without the permission of the author:
* \ o / Francois Rouaix
* \ o/ 7 rue de la Ferme
* || 78150 Le Chesnay FRANCE
* || Contact The Software Winery at:
* || BBS : +33 (1) 39 55 84 59 (V23 Videotex)
* || MAIL : c/o Alain DIDIERJEAN 69 rue Dunois
* || 75646 Paris cedex 13 FRANCE
* <====> INTERNET: rouaix@inria.inria.fr
Version 1.0 (First released version)
RXGEN is an ARexx library designed for the hacker.
This library allows you to call any function of (almost) any amiga
library from a Arexx program.
I would say it is essentially useful under 2.0 to test some of
the new "high-level" features of the system. It also works under 1.3.
You can use the library to write small programs, when you don't want
to use your C-compiler ! Eventually, your program will get bigger and
bigger, and you'll find out that either you don't need your C-compiler,
or that Arexx is slow (heheh).
The rxgen distribution consists in the following files
libs/rxgen.library the library itself
rxgen.readme (this file)
rxgen.doc autodoc file
rexx/FD2rxFD.rexx filter from FD.FILES to specific format
rexx/db.rexx DisplayBeep example
rexx/wbfront.rexx WBenchToFront example
rexx/alert.rexx DisplayAlert example
rexx/port.rexx MsgPort example
rexx/fd.rexx Scanner for FD.FILES
rexx/wbmaster.rexx AppMenuItems under 2.0
All the files of the distribution are Copyright (C) 1990 Francois Rouaix
and The Software Winery.
RXGEN is NOT Public Domain, but can be distributed freely, provided
all files are included, unmodified. Inclusion in a commercial product
requires previous written permission from the author.
You will have to
-copy rxgen.library to your libs: directory (or any :libs directory
under 2.0)
-install the script FD2rxFD.rexx in your rexx: directory
-install rxgen.library in the list of arexx libraries with either
1> rxlib rxgen.library 0 -30 0
or the usual ARexx clause:
if ~show('L','rxgen.library') then call addlib('rxgen.library',0,-30,0)
rxgen provides you with 3 functions,
GenOpenLib generic open library
GenCloseLib generic close library
GenACall generic assembly call
GenACall will need a definition of the function it will call.
Fortunately, part of this definition can be obtained automatically
from the FD.FILES (found on the Extras disk), through the
ARexx program FD2rxFD. More details in the autodocs.
In the distribution, you will find an autodoc file for these three functions.
You're invited to check with the examples (the examples have to run, the doc
doesn't). Examples are usually documented when needed (!).
Special offer:
-INCLUDED in the distribution is an example (wbmaster.rexx) using a
new 2.0 feature of the Workbench: AppMenuItems
Read the comments. Use with care.
-INCLUDED in the distribution is an utility (fd.rexx) for scanning
the FD.FILES when looking for
* either function OFFSET when function name is known
* or function name when OFFSET is known
Bug reports, comments, suggestions: see my mail/e-mail address in the header
Francois Rouaix