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Documentation of PrintStudio
PrintStudio V1.25 (c) 11/1990 by Andreas Krebs
Following parts belong to PrintStudio and have to be copied too, when you
copy PrintStudio.
-PrintStudio 63500 (the program itself)
-PrintStudio.info 4137 (the icon for PrintStudio)
-PrintStudio.dat 56132 (the data-file containing the graphics)
-Deutsche_Anleitung (drawer containing the german documentation)
-LIESMICH_zuerst 1476 (the german README_first-file)
-LIESMICH_zuerst.info 1472 (the icon for the german README_first-file)
-Anleitung 55639 (the german documentation)
-Anleitung.info 1472 (the icon for the german documentation)
-English_Doc (drawer containing the english documentation)
-README_first 1247 (the english README_first-file)
-README_first.info 1472 (the icon for the english README_first-file)
-Documentation 45811 (the english documentation)
-Documentation.info 1472 (the icon for the english documentation)
Changes in compare to version 1.2:
The version 1.25 is identical to version 1.2, but 2 bugs have been removed:
1.) The last line of a text will now also be displayed.
2.) The bug in the saving-routine for texts has been removed, so that
this function now works correct.
The size has also been reduced (the code is now about 2 KByte smaller).
About PrintStudio:
The program PrintStudio is an all-purpose printer-utility with a very
comfortable graphic surface. Some of the capabilities of PrintStudio:
- Hardcopies of IFF-Pictures (also HAM, EXTRA_HALFBRITE and OVERSCAN)
- Hardcopies of any part of a picture
- Hardcopies of screens and windows
- Printings of texts
- Printings of blocks out of a text
- Saving screens and windows to IFF-files
- Changing the colors of screens and pictures
- comfortable adjustment of the printing parameters
- comfortable loading and saving with a file requester
- automatical starting of the preferences program
- and much more
As you see PrintStudio has the capabilities of a lot of other utilities, and
that was the main object I had, when writing PrintSrudio. Instead of many
uncomfortable printer utilities, I wanted to write an all-purpose printing
utility, that's able to handle text as well as graphics and all that with a
very comfortable surface.
The surface is the main difference between PrintStudio and other programs.
The surface can be totally controlled by the mouse, so that it is very
easy and fast to handle by the user.
Following programs were used to realize PrintStudio:
- CygnusEd Professional: The best editor on the Amiga, that was a great
help to write the more than 200KByte source code.
- Aztec-C V3.6a: The compiler making it possible to write this program.
(the version compiled with Aztec-C v5.0a caused a lot of guru's.
For the length of this version was almost the same as before, I
decided to save the work necesarry to adjust it. Therefore I
distribute the version compiled with Aztec-C v3.6a, that seems
to work quite ok).
- Deluxe Paint III: The fantastic graphic-programm, that was a great help
by creating to over 30 more or less large graphics for the surface.
PrintStudio and your Amiga:
PrintStudio should run on all Amigas with at least 512Kbyte ram, because
PrintStudio itself needs about 190Kbyte ram, of which 110Kbyte must be chip-
ram for the graphical surface.
With following configurations PrintStudio was successfully tested:
- Amiga 500 (512Kbyte + 1Mbyte)
- Amiga 1000 (512Kbyte + 2.5Mbyte)
- Amiga 2000
- Amiga 2000 with 1Mbyte chip-ram
- Amiga 2000 with 68030-turbocard and 4Mbyte 32Bit-ram
When running PrintStudio on a Amiga with only 512Kbyte be carefull, that no
other large programs run beside PrintStudio, or there may be memory problems
especially when you work on large graphics, because then the memory needed
for the printer device can't be alloced. (At the moment I'm working on a
version, whose surface is simpified and therefore saves a lot of chip-memory,
but I can't say when it'll be released.)
On all Amigas with more memory there shouldn't be problems, because Print-
Studio fully supports Amiga's multitasking.
The test have been made with kickstart 1.2 as well as kickstart 1.3, but you
should only use workbench 1.3, because PrintStudio uses some functions of the
printer device that are not available under version 1.2.
PrintStudio should run on PAL Amigas as well as on NTSC Amigas. I never had
a chance to test it on a real NTSC Amiga, but because of the bug in the
operating system, that regular turns a PAL Amiga into a NTSC Amiga by cutting
down the lower part of the display, it was possible to test it under NTSC
conditions. (one thing this bug is good for)
PrintStudio and printers:
PrintStudio works together with all printers, as long as a suitable printer
driver is used (can be determined through the preferences).
This is very important, when you make hardcopies, because in this area are
the greates differences between the printers.
When you have problems with hardcopies, you should at first check your
printer driver, because very often they are responsible for problems with
Starting PrintStudio:
You can start PrintStudio from the workbench by a double click as well as
through the CLI by typing in its name, but in this case the files PrintStudio
and PrintStudio.dat must be placed in the current directory, because Print-
Studio automatically tries to load the file PrintStudio.dat.
After being started PrintStudio changes the workbench colors an the mouse
pointer, because PrintStudio uses its own colors and pointers. When these
things are changed PrintStudio opens the About-window in the middle of the
workbench screen, that contains short information about PrintStudio and a
copyright notice.
After reading this text press one of the mouse buttons somewhere inside
the window. This causes the About-window to disappears and the Main-window
The Main-window:
On the Main-window you see 10 gadgets, whose functions are explained below.
At first the gadgets, that are placed in the top border of the Main-window.
(from left to right)
The Quit-gadget:
The Quit-gadget is placed in the left top corner and looks like 3 squares.
With this gadget you can quit PrintStudio after a request, if you really
want to quit it.
The Grey-gadget:
The Grey-gadget converts the brown colors of PrintStudio into grey colors.
While I was drawing the graphics, I couldn't decide which colors I should
use, so I decided to use both in the program. Now everybody can select the
colors he prefers.
The Memory-gadget:
The Memory-gadget is placed right of the Grey-gadget. If you don't see it,
click on the word "PrintStudio" and keep the left mouse button pressed.
While the left mouse button iss pressed, there appears a window containing
information about the available memory.
The Brown-gadget:
The Brown-gadget reactivates the brown colors. This only works, when you've
activated the grey colors before.
Beside the small gadgets in the top border there are the large gadgets in the
window itself. These gadgets are described below.
The ILBM-gadget:
The ILBM-gadget starts a subprogram that is responsible for all functions
concerning pictures in the IFF/ILBM-format. (see "The ILBM-subprogram")
The Screen-gadget:
The Screen-gadget starts a subprogram that controlls all open screens on
your Amiga. (see "The Screen-subprogram")
The Text-gadget:
The Text-gadget starts a subprogram that is responsible for all functions
concerning texts in the ASCII-format. (see "The Text-subprogram")
The Preferences-gadget:
The Preferences-gadget starts the Preferences program, if it is placed in
one of the following directories:
- Preferences (in the current directory)
- SYS:Preferences (in the man directory of the boot disk)
- SYSTEM:Preferences (in the System directory of the boot disk)
- SYS:Prefs/Preferences (in the Prefs directory of the boot disk)
If the program is not in one of this directories, there appears an error
message. Otherwise the Preferences-window appears as usual, but before
PrintStudio changes the colors and the mouse pointer into the original
one. After leaving the Preferences program the Main-window of PrintStudio
appears again.
This function is of great value, when you want to change some parameters
like printer drivers or other things, that can't be changed through
The About-gadget:
The About-gadget opens the About-window, that was also opened at the
beginning. (see "Starting PrintStudio")
The Iconify-gadget:
The Iconify-gadget makes PrintStudio to wait until it is reactivated by
the user. This function closes the Main-window and activates the old
colors and the old mouse pointer again. After this it opens a small window
with the text "PrintStudio" left of the Depth-gadgets of the workbench
screen. To reactivate PrintStudio simply click the right mouse button
somewhere in this window and at once the Main-window appears again.
This function is of great value, when you don't want to quit PrintStudio,
but want to do something on the workbench, at which the Main-window in the
middle of the screen would be troublesome.
The following part describes the ILBM-, Screen- and Text-subprogram. They all
open a screen at the bottom of the display, that can be placed in the back-
ground by a click on the right mouse button. After a second click it is placed
in the foreground again. But now the the single subprograms.
The ILBM-subprogram:
After a click on the ILBM-gadget of the Main-window this subprogram is
activated. This subprogram is responsible for the handling of IFF-pictures
and brushes. At first there appears a file requester (see "The file
requester") to determine a picture that should be load.
When you've determined a picture PrintStudio tries to load it. If it fails
a error message appears, otherwise a screen is opened to display the picture.
In front of the screen with the picture the ILBM-screen ist opened. This
screen contains the ILBM-window with following gadgets:
(from top left to right bottom)
The 'Close Screen'-gadget:
With this gadget you close the screen with the loaded picture and remove the
picture unrecoverably out of the memory, so that you have to load it again,
if you need it. This function is of needed, if you want to load another
picture than the active one, because PrintStudio is only able to load one
picture in memory. When quitting PrintStudio a loaded pictures is removed
out of the memory and the belonging screen is closed.
The 'Select Part'-gadget:
This gadgets starts the Part-subprogram (see "The Part-subprogram"). This
subprogram allows you to select a rectangle part of the picture, that can
be printed out, so that you don't have to print the whole picture, if you
are only interested in a part of the picture.
The PRINT-gadget:
This gadget you start the Grapic print-subprogram (see "The Graphic print-
subprogram"). This subprogram allows you to set the printing parameters
and start afterwards the printing.
The Palette-gadget:
This gadget starts the Palette-subprogram (see "The Palette-subprogram").
With this subprogram you can easyly change the colors of the loded picture.
The 'Whole Picture'-gadget:
With this gadget you reset the part of the picture defined with the Part-
subprogram to the maximal size (the whole picture). When the whole picture
is selected no border is drawn around the part.
The RETURN-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the ILBM-subprogram and go back to the main
program. The difference to the 'Close Screen'-gadget ist, that the loaded
picture is not deleted. Instead it is only placed in the background.
If you click again on the ILBM-gadget the picture is again placed into the
The Screen-subprogram:
After a click on the Screen-gadget of the Main-window this subprogram is
activated. This subprogram is responsible for the hardcopies of screens.
It is able to handle up to 16 screens, but mostly it is used together with
the workbench screen, but it is also able to work with all other screens
open. This subprogram opens opens a small screen in front of the active
screen and in the bottom of the display. This screen contains the Screen-
window with following gadgets on it:
(from top left to right bottom)
The 'Act.: Screen/Window'-gadget:
With this gadget you start a subprogram (see "The ScreenSpecial-subprogram")
allowing you to select a window from the active screen for printing.
Moreover it allows you to save a screen or window to an IFF-file.
When a window is selected the text in this gadget is "Act.: Window", other-
wise the text is "Act.: Screen".
The 'Next Screen'-gadget:
With this gadget the next screen of the screen list is placed into the
foreground. If already all screens have been shown PrintStudio again starts
with the first screen (normally the workbench screen). This new screen is
automatically activated for the printing, but if a window has been selected,
it'll be lost.
The PRINT-gadget:
This gadget you start the Grapic print-subprogram (see "The Graphic print-
subprogram"). This subprogram allows you to set the printing parameters
and start afterwards the printing.
The Palette-gadget:
This gadget starts the Palette-subprogram (see "The Palette-subprogram").
With this subprogram you can easyly change the colors of the active screen.
The 'Last Screen'-gadget:
With this gadget the last screen of the screen list is placed into the
foreground and activated.
The RETURN-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Screen-subprogram and go back to the main
program, at which the active screen gets lost, so that you have to activate
it again, if you wan't to print it out. This is possible, because the
Screen-subprogram only places screens in the fore- or background, but it
doesn't close a screen.
The Text-subprogram:
After a click on the Text-gadget of the Main-window this subprogram is
activated. This subprogram is responsible for the printings of texts and
parts out of a text. But a first the file requester appears (see "The file
requester"), that allows you to select a file that should be loaded.
When you've selected a file PrintStudio tries to load it. If it fails a
error message appears, otherwise the text is displayed on a screen with a
window containing Scroll-gadgets at the top (see "Scrolling a text").
In front of the screen with the text a screen is opened in the bottom of the
display. This screen contains the Text-window with following gadgets on it:
(from top left to right bottom)
The 'Close File'-gadget:
With this gadget you close the screen with the loaded text and remove the
text unrecoverably out of the memory, so that you have to load it again,
if you need it. This function is of needed, if you want to load another
text than the active one, because PrintStudio is only able to load one
text in memory. When quitting PrintStudio a loaded text is removed out of
the memory and the belonging screen is closed.
The 'Select Block'-gadget:
This gadgets starts the Block-subprogram (see "The Block-subprogram"). This
subprogram allows you to select a block out of the loaded text, that can be
printed out, so that you don't have to print the whole text, if you are only
interested in a block of the text.
The PRINT-gadget:
This gadget you start the Text print-subprogram (see "The Text print-
subprogram"). This subprogram allows you to set the printing parameters
and start afterwards the printing.
The Options-gadget:
With this gadget you start the Options-subprogram (see "The Options-
subprogram"). This subprogram allows you to set some special printing
information for text, like page number, date, and so on.
When the options are active the text in this gadget is "Options: ON",
otherwise the text is "Options: OFF".
The 'Whole Text'-gadget:
This gadget resets the text block set by the Block-subprogram to the maximal
possible size (the whole text), so that the whole text is use for further
printings. Afterwards the the whole text is displayed on the screen.
The RETURN-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Text-subprogram and go back to the main
program. The difference to the 'Close File'-gadget ist, that the loaded
text is not deleted.
If you click again on the Text-gadget the text is automatically displayed
on the screen.
Scrolling a text:
As PrintStudio is normally not able to display the whole text at once on the
screen, you can scroll the text up and down with following gadgets and keys.
At first the gadgets of the Scroll-window (the window above the text):
- The Start-gadget:
jumps to the beginning of the text
- The Up-gadget (arrow left):
scrolls the text up, as long as you click on this gadget
- The Down-gadget (arrow right):
scrolls the text down, as long as you click on this gadget
- The End-gadget:
jumps to the end of the text
- The Proportional-gadget (long box in the middle):
By moving the knob around you can scroll the text, at which the left
side is the beginning of the text and the right side the end.
Besides the Scroll-gadgets it is also possible to scroll the text with the
mouse by pressing the left mouse button down. If you now move the mouse the
text is scrolled in the direction you move the mouse and the more you move it
up or down the faster the text is scrolled.
But it is also possible to scroll the text with the keyboard by using
following key combinations:
- Cursur up or 8 on the numeric pad:
scrolls one line up
- Cursur down or 2 on the numeric pad:
scrolls one line down
- Cursur up or 8 (numeric pad) + ALT:
scrolls 12 lines up
- Cursur down or 2 (numeric pad) + ALT:
scrolls 12 lines down
- Cursur up or 8 (numeric pad) + SHIFT:
scrolls the text one page up
- Cursur down or 2 (numeric pad) + SHIFT:
scrolls the text one page down
- 9 on the numeric pad (Pg Up):
scrolls the text one page up
- 3 on the numeric pad (Pg Dn):
scrolls the text one page down
- Cursur up or 8 (numeric pad) + CTRL:
jumps to the beginning of the text
- Cursur down or 2 (numeric pad) + CTRL:
jumps to the end of the text
- 7 on the numeric pad (Home):
jumps to the beginning of the text
- 1 on the numeric pad (End):
jumps to the end of the text
- 5 (numeric pad) or ESC:
This keys have a special funktion, and are used to place the Text-
screen into the fore- or background (same function as a click on the
left mouse button). This is the necessary when this screen covers a
part of the text.
The file requester:
Many functions use the file requester, because he allows a very easy way to
select a file. Depending on the function that uses the file requester the
text in the title line is changing. The entries in the display field are still
active, this means the last loaded directory is still active. The file
requester removes all icons (files with the ending ".info") from the list of
the files.
The gadgets in the file requester are:
The Drawer-gadget:
This gadget contains the name of the active directory and its path. A new
directory can be read in by typing its name in this gadget and pressing
The File-gadget:
This gadget contains the name of the selected file. If you want to create
a non existing file you have to type its name in this gadget.
The UP-gadget (arrow up):
While pressed this gadget scrolls the display field up.
The DOWN-gadget (arrow down):
While pressed this gadget scrolls the display field down.
The Scroll-gadget:
With this Proportional-gadget you can scroll the display field by moving the
knob up and down.
The display field:
The display field consists of 6 lines containing the entries of the active
directory. When started this field contains a list of all connected drives,
inserted disks and logical devices for directories.
By clicking on one name the name is placed in the Drawer-gadget if it is a
directory or in the File-gadget if it is a file. If it is a file, it'll be
automatically read in.
The first 3 lines of the display field can contain some special text, de-
pending on what is read in. Possible texts are:
-"" Current Directory: This text is always active. By a click on it the
current directory is read in. This is normally the directory Print-
Studio is started from.
-VOLUMES: This text is active, when a directory is read in. This text
shows again the list of drives, that was also shown at the beginning.
-/Parent (DIR): This text is active, when the path contains at least one
subdirectory. By a click on this text the last directory in read in.
At the end of each name in the display field a suffix is appended. This
suffix shows of which type the entry is. Possible suffixs are:
- (DEV) = Device: One of the disk drives (e.g. DF0-Df3) or another device
like a Ramdisk, Harddisk, ...
- (VOL) = Volume: A disk inserted in one drive.
- (DIR) = Directory: A subdirectory in the active directory or a logical
device in the list of drives.
- no suffix: A file in the active directory (except "" Current Directory
and VOLUMES, see above).
All entries with an suffix can be read in equal whether it is a disk or a
directory. In difference to files, whose name is only placed in the File-
gadget, if they are selected.
The OK-gadget:
This gadget is placed in the left bottom. Its text is changing depending on
the function, that started the file requester. With this gadget you leave
the file requester, at which the selected name is send to the function, that
started the file requester, so that it can continue its work. The same
effekt has an double click on a file in the display field.
The CANCEL-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the file requester, at which the function, that
stated the file requester, breaks off its work.
In the following part the subprograms are explained, that are started by the
ILBM-, Screen- or Text-subprogram.
The Part-subprogram:
With this subprogram you can select a part out of a picture, that should be
use for printing. The active part has a border around. (With HAM-pictures
there may be some horrible looking lines, but they are remove before the
printing starts.)
The following gadgets are in the Part-window: (from left to right)
The Max-gadget:
This gadget sets the active part to the maximum (whole picture). This
is identically with the function "Whole Picture" of the ILBM-subprogram,
except that a border is drawn. This part is also active, when the Part-
subprogram is started for the first time.
The Pos-gadgets:
This gadgets show the active x- and y-position of the left top edge of the
active part. It is also possible to write values into this gadgets. If the
values are possible they become active.
The Size-gadgets:
This gadgets show the size of the part in x- and y-direction. They can also
be set by hand.
The Move-gadget:
When this gadget is active (is looks pressed down) it is possible to move
the active part with the Arrow-gadgets in the direction the arrow points at,
until you reach the border of the picture.
The Size-gadget:
When this gadget is active (is looks pressed down) it is possible to change
the size of the active part with the Arrow-gadgets. The "+/-"-gadgets shows
in which way the size is changed ("+" stands for lager and "-" for smaller).
The change os size always goes in the direction the arrow points at.
The Size- and the Move-gadget exclude each other, so that only one can be
active. If one is activated, the other is automatically deactivated.
The Arrow-gadgets:
See "The Move-gadget" and "The Size-gadget".
The "Set Edge"-gadget:
This gadget allows you to define your part with the mouse. After a click on
this gadget the screen with the picture is placed in the foreground. If you
press the left mouse button once the first edge is set. Now move the mouse
until you've found the correct part. Now press the left mouse button again
to activate the part.
The OK-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Part-subprogram, at which the active part
is taken over by the ILBM-subprogram.
The CANCEL-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Part-subprogram, at which the active part
gets lost, because the part that was active before the Part-subprogram was
started is reactivated again.
The Palette-subprogram:
With this subprogram you can change the colors of a screen, at which Print-
Studio makes no difference between its own screen (e.g. a loaded picture),
the screens of other programs and the workbench.
(At HAM-pictures not all colors can be changed, because this colors are
created with a special method.)
The Palette-window contains following gadgets (from left to right)
The R/G/B-gadgets:
This 3 Proportional-Gadgets are used to change the red- (R), green- (G) and
blue- (B) values of the active color, at which the left side is a value of 0
and the right side a value of 15.
By moving th knob or a click in the box you change change the corresponding
value. This function only has effect on one color of the palette all others
stay unchanged.
The color display:
This fiels (right of the R/G/B-gadgets) shows the active color. The display
also shows how the color is changed, when you move the R/G/B-gadgets.
The color select-gadgets:
Each of this 20 gadgets shows one color of the screen or picture palette.
If not all gadgets are needed, the gadgets left contain a cross to show,
that they are inactive.
If you click on one of the active gadgets, the color in this gadget is
automatically activated and shown in the color display, so that it now can
be changed.
The color scroll-gadgets:
This 2 gadgets contain a arrow. This gadgets are only active, when a screen
or picture has 32 colors (LORES). For PrintStudio is not able to show all
32 colors at once, you can scroll the palette through the color select-
gadgets. The colors are scrolled in the direction the arrows point at.
The Negative-gadget: (Neg)
This gadget converts the active palette into the negative palette, at which
the new RGB-values are calculated as follows:
new value = 15 - old value
The Bg<->FG-gadget:
This gadget exchanges the background color (0) and the foreground color (1).
This function is of usefull, when the background is very dark in comparision
to the foreground, because then this function helps to spare the ribbon of
your printer.
The Grey-gadget:
This gadget converts the active palette into a grey palette, at which the
grey values are calculated as follows:
R-, G-, B-value = (R-value + G-value + B-value) / 3
The UNDO-gadget:
This gadget reactivates the color palette, that was active before the
Palette-subprogram was started.
The OK-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Palette-subprogram, at which the active
palette is taken over by the ILBM-subprogram.
The CANCEL-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Palette-subprogram, at which the active
palette gets lost, because the palette that was active before the Palette-
subprogram was started is reactivated again.
The ScreenSpecial-subprogram:
With this subprogram you can select a window of the active screen, that can
be saved or printed out.
The ScreenSpecial-window contains following gadgets: (from left to right)
The 'Select Screen'-gadget:
This gadget reactivates the active Screen, so that the whole screen is
printed and not only a window. The active window will be lost.
The title line:
This line shows the name of the active window. Additional the window is
placed in the foreground (except Backdrop-windows).
If no window is active this line contains "---------".
The 'Select Window'-gadget:
This gadget activates the window mode, this means you can now select a
window for printing. The name of the active window is shown in the title
The Next/Last-gadget:
This gadgets activate the next/last window of the window list. The active
window is placed in the foreground and its name is written in the title
line. This function is only active, if you have prior clicked on the
'Select Window'-gadget.
The 'Save Screen'-gadget:
With this gadget you can save the active screen as an IFF/ILBM-file, whose
name has been defined with the file requester.
The 'Save Window'-gadget:
With this gadget you can save the active window as an IFF/ILBM-file, whose
name has been defined with the file requester. This function is only active,
if you have prior clicked on the 'Select Window'-gadget.
The 'Clone it'-gadget:
This function copies the active screen or window to the ILBM-screen. If
there was a picture loaded it'll be deleted without warning and afterwards
the screen or window is copied. Now it is treaded in the same way, as a
loaded picture. This allows you to select a part, which is not possible
with normal screen or windows. This function works with all screens except
to the ILBM-screen, for it is impossible to close a screen and then copy it.
The RETURN-Gadget:
With this gadget you leave the ScreenSpecial-subprogram, at which the active
screen or window is taken over by the Screen-subprogram. The active type is
shown in the 'Act.: Screen/Window'-gadget.
The Block-subprogram:
With this subprogram you can select a block for printing out of a text.
The Block-window contains following gadgets: (from left to right)
The MAX-gadget:
This gadget activates the whole text for printing. This is only possible,
if you have selected a block before. (Identical to the 'Whole Text'-
gadget of the Text-subprogram)
The Block-gadgets:
This 2 gadgets contain the starting line (Beg) and the ending line (End) of
the active block. With this gadgets you can also set the block by typing the
line numbers into the gadgets. The numbers in this gadgets refer to the
original text.
The Line-gadget:
This gadget contains the number of the active line, wheras the line 1 ist
the first line of the active block. The active line is printed in other
colors than normal. It is also possible to type a number direct into this
gadget, but you can also scroll the active line (see "Scrolling a text").
The Mark-gadget (identical with F1- or Del-Key):
Press this gadget, when you've reached the first line of the new block.
Now scroll the text, until you've reached the last line of your block. The
new block is now written in same color as the active line before. If you
want to break of the marking press the gadget again.
The Show-gadget (identical with F2- or Help-Key):
Press this gadget, when you've marked a new block (see "The Mark-gadget")
and now want to activate this block. After you've pressed this gadget the
new block is displayed on the screen and the gadgets actualized.
The Scroll-gadgets:
This gadgets have the same function as the UP- and DOWN-gadget of the
scroll-window, at which the arrow up moves the active line up and the arrow
down moves the active line down.
The OK-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Block-subprogram, at which the active block
is taken over by the Text-subprogram.
The CANCEL-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Block-subprogram, at which the active block
gets lost, because the block that was active before the Block-subprogram was
started is reactivated again.
The Options-subprogram:
With this subprogram it is possible to define additional information for the
text printing. This subprogram opens a window on the workbench screen. This
gadget contains following gadgets: (from top to bottom)
The Options-gadget:
This gadget is in the title line of the window. When this subprogram is
started it is alway ON. With it you can define whether the options should
be turned ON or OFF, when leaving the Options-subprogram.
The Headline-gadgets:
With this gadgets you can define a headline, that is be printed above the
text. The gadgets are:
- The point-gadget:
When the point in front of the word "Headline" is filled, the Headline-
function is active, this means the headline will be printed.
- The Style-gadget:
This gadget is the word "Headline" itself. When you click on it a small
window is opened to define the printing style for the headline. Possible
styles are:
+ Normal: no special style (turns all other styles off)
+ Italic: the headline is printed italic
+ Bold: the headline is printed bold
+ Enlarged: the headline is printed enlarged
+ Underlined: the headline is printed underlined
When you've defined the printing style, use the OK-gadget to go back to
the Options-subprogram.
- once-gadget:
When this gadget is pressed down, the headline, the date and the time
are only printed on the first page. Otherwise on all pages.
- The left-gadget (arrow left):
When this gadget is active, the headline is printed on the left side.
- The center-gadget (double arrow):
When this gadget is active, the headline is printed centered.
- The right-gadget (arrow right):
When this gadget is active, the headline is printed on the right side.
- The text-gadget:
In this string-gadget (below th word "Headline") you can type in the
headline (up to 60 chars).
The Date-gadgets:
With this gadget you can define, how the date is printed.
- The point-gadget:
With this gadget you activate the date for the printing (filled point),
at which the date is always printed in the top right corner.
- The Date-gadget:
This gadget is the word "Date" itself. When clicking on it the date is
actualized (the active date is written in the text-gadget).
- The text-gadget:
This string-gadget is set at the beginning with the active date. You
can change the date by hand, if it is wrong.
The Time-gadgets:
With this gadget you can define, how the time is printed.
- The point-gadget:
With this gadget you activate the time for the printing (filled point),
at which the time is always printed in the top left corner.
- The Date-gadget:
This gadget is the word "Time" itself. When clicking on it the time is
actualized (the active time is written in the text-gadget).
- The text-gadget:
This string-gadget is set at the beginning with the active time. You
can change the time by hand, if it is wrong.
- The Buf-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), the time is printed, that is
written in the text-gadget.
- The Act-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), the time in the moment of
printing is printed and the time in the text-gadget is neglected.
The page number-gadgets:
With this gadget you can define, how the page number is printed.
- The point-gadget:
With this gadget you activate the page number for the printing (filled
point), at which the page number is always printed at the bottom of the
- The 'Page No.'-gadget:
This gadget is the word "Page No." itself. When clicking on it a small
window is opened. With this window you define the position of the page
number. Possible positions are:
+altering: When this position is active, the page number is first
printed on the right and then on the left side and so on. This
function is usefull, when you print on both sides of a paper.
+left: The page number is printed on the left side.
+center: The page number is printed in the middle.
+right: The page number is printed on the right side.
When you've defined the position, leave the window by a click on the
- The 'Page xx'-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), the page number is printed in
the format "Page xx", at which xx stands for the page number.
- The '-xx-'-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), the page number is printed in
the format "-xx-", at which xx stands for the page number.
The line number-gadgets:
With this gadget you can define, how the line number is printed.
- The point-gadget:
With this gadget you activate the line number for the printing (filled
point), at which the line number is always printed in front of the line.
- The all-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), the line number is printed for
all lines.
- The every-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), the line number is printed
every n lines, at which n is written in String-gadget behind the every-
The 'Line free'-gadgets:
With this gadgets you can define between which Options lines a free line
should be printed.
- The 'after Headline'-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), a free line is printed after
the headline and before the text.
- The 'after Date/Time'-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), a free line is printed after
the date/time and before the headline.
- The 'before Page No.'-gadget:
When this gadget is active (filled box), a free line is printed before
the page number and after the text.
The ACCEPT-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the options-subprogram, at which the active
options are taken over by the Text-subprogram. If the options are switched
on, depends on the status of the Option-gadget (see "The Option-Gadget").
The CANCEL-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the Options-subprogram, at which the active
options get lost, because the options that were active before the Options-
subprogram was started are reactivated again. But the options are switched
off, so that in the Options-gadget of the Text-window is written
"Options: OFF".
The text print-subprogram:
This subprogram opens a window on the workbench screen. With the gadgets of
this window you define the different printing parameters for the text print.
The window contains following gadget: (from top to bottom)
The Quality-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define the printing quality. The active quality looks
pressed down. Possible qualities:
- Draft (faster printing, but not so good quality)
- Letter (good quality, but slow)
The Spacing-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define the spacing between the lines. The active
spacing looks pressed down. Possible spacings:
- 6 LPI: 6 lines per inch (large spacing)
- 8 LPI: 8 lines per inch (small spacing)
The Pitch-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define the pitch of the chars. The active pitch looks
pressed down. Possible pitches:
- 10-Pica: 10 chars per inch (largest pitch)
- 12-Elite: 12 chars per inch
- 15-Fine: 15 chars per inch (smallest pitch)
This is not used correct by the printer device, because it is
identical to the function condensed. But because of compability to
the preferences program this pitch also exists.
The page size-gadgets:
With this 3 gadgets you define the size of the page. The possible parameters
- 'Form Length': the height of the page
- 'Left Margin': left margin in number of chars
- 'Right Margin': right margin in number of chars
The Spezial-gadgets:
With this 3 gadgets you define 3 parameters, that are not available from
the preferences. This parameters are:
- Proportional: switchs the proportinoal printing on (filled box)
- Condensed: switchs the condensed printing on (filled box)
- Doublestrike: switchs the double strike on (filled box), so that each
line is printed twice.
The PRINT-gadget:
This gadget starts the printing. At first the STOP-window is opened in front
of the Text-screen. By a click on the STOP-gadget the printing is broken
off, but the printer may still continue for a short time. (It may take some
time before the printing starts, because at first the new paramerters have
to be set.)
The WRITE-gadget:
With this gadget the printing is diverted to a file, whose name has been set
with the file requester. When the options are switched off the text is saved
without all printer commands. Otherwise the text is saved with all printer
commands, which allows you to create text files with printer commands and
things like page or line numbers. To print such a file simply type in 'type
>PRT: filename' from the cli and the file is printed without PrintStudio.
The CANCEL-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the text print-subprogram, at which the active
parameters are kept active. This gadget only quits printing and goes back
to the Text-subprogram.
The graphic print-subprogram:
This subprogram opens a window on the workbench screen. With the gadgets of
this window you define the different printing parameters for the graphic
print. The window contains following gadget: (from top to bottom)
The Aspect-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define the printing aspect. The active aspect looks
pressed down. Possible aspect:
- Horizontal: the graphic is printed horizontal
- Vertical: the graphic is printed vertical
The Image-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define the printing image. The active image looks
pressed down. Possible images:
- Positive: the graphic is printed positive
- Negative: the graphic is printed negative
The Shade-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define the printing shade. The active shade looks
pressed down. Possible shades:
- B&W: the graphic is printed in back and white
- Grey: the graphic is printed in grey tones
- Grey2: the graphic is also printed in grey tones, but they are created
in a different way
- Color: the graphic is printed in colors, when a color printer is
The Density-gadgets:
With this 7 gadgets you define the printing density. The active density
looks pressed down. Not all printers drivers support all 7 densities, but
the higher number the higher is the density and the more time takes the
The printing size-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define the printing size. At first I wanted to support
all combinations of the printer device, but I only supported the most
important directly, but all others are also available.
The aktive size has a filled point in front. The other 3 points are empty.
- The Cols/Rows/Special-gadgets:
With this gadgets you can directly define the values for io_DestCols,
io_DestRows and io_Special. For the possible combinations see the
ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries and Devices (Device Summaries,
A special gadget is the word "Special". It opens a window, that shows
you the active special flags, but its also possible to change them.
When you have set the flags, leave this window with a click on the OK-
(Attention: When the FRACCOLS- or FRACROWS-flag is activated, the
maximum is no more 0xFFFFFFFF, but 100000.)
- The %-gadgets:
With this gadgets you define, how much % of the maximal width (%W) and
% of the maximal height (%H) the printing should be. The maximum is
the size of the page.
- The MaxSize-gadget:
If this gadget is active, the maximal page size is used. (identical
with 100 in the %W and %H-gadget)
- The Size-gadgets:
With this gadgets you can define the size of the printing in mm. It is
possible, that the size is a few mm smaller than defined. This is
normal and seems to be a failure in the printer device.
The Spezial-gadgets:
With this 3 gadgets you define 3 special parameters for the printing. This
parameters are:
- Center: The picture is printed centered, when this funtion is active.
- Aspect: The proportion of the original graphic is kept, this means the
width or height is changed in order to keep the proportion.
- NoFormFeed: After the printing no form feed is done, when this function
is active.
This function is only usefull for page orientated printers like laser
The PRINT-gadget:
This gadget starts the printing. At first the STOP-window is opened in front
of the graphic-screen. By a click on the STOP-gadget the printing is broken
off, but the printer may still continue for a short time.
The CANCEL-gadget:
With this gadget you leave the graphic print-subprogram, at which the active
parameters are kept active. This gadget only quits printing and goes back
to the subprogram, that started the graphic print-subprogram.
I hope PrintStudio allows you to print your texts and graphics easier and
better than before. And please remeber that PrintStudio is a SHAREWARE-
program (see README_first).
If you have suggestions, bug reports or other comments, please send them to:
Andreas Krebs
Mittelweg 9
7110 Oehringen 2