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- nolist
- include 'exec/types.i'
- include 'exec/memory.i'
- include 'intuition/intuition.i'
- ; include 'intuition.i'
- list
- ; Calc.asm
- ; Version 1.0.001
- ;
- ; These routines take care of handling all intuition input
- ; and all window activies. It also handles the allocating
- ; and deallocating of gadgets in chip memory.
- ;
- execute MACRO
- jsr _LVO\1(a6)
- xref Gadg,HEX,Decimal,Octal,hp,ocp,dp
- xref BIN,_CLR,Bp,Cp
- xref Zero,One,Two,Three,zp,op,twop,thrp
- xref Four,Five,Six,Seven,fp,fip,sip,sep
- xref Eight,Nine,Ten,Eleven,ep,np,tp,elp
- xref Twelve,Thrten,Forten,Fiften,twp,thp,fop,fifp
- xref Plus,Minus,Multi,Divide,Plp,Mip,Mup,Dip
- xref Equal,_Title,Eqp,Tip
- xref GadT,num,Clear,Cl,Funct,Itext0,Iok,ReqNam
- xref Igt,ReqNam1,HItext0
- xref Display,VarPtr
- xdef Finevnt,Input
- * A0 contains a pointer to the CLI input command.
- * D0 contains the length of that string.
- ExecB Equ 4
- * Window.asm
- start move.l ExecB,a6
- move.w #0,d0 ; Hex Default Input Method
- lea Input,a0
- move.w d0,0(a0)
- lea Table,a4 ; Memory allocation routine
- moveq #0,d1
- aloc move.l 0(a4,d1),d0
- tst.l d0
- beq.s cont
- move.l 4(a4,d1),a2
- jsr Amem(pc)
- tst.l d0
- beq.l A_Err
- move.l d0,8(a4,d1)
- move.l 12(a4,d1),a1
- move.l d0,(a1)
- addi.l #16,d1
- jmp aloc(pc)
- cont lea intuit,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- execute OpenLibrary
- tst.l d0
- beq.l e_int
- lea Libstg,a3
- move.l d0,0(a3)
- lea graph,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- execute OpenLibrary
- tst.l d0
- beq.l e_int
- lea Libstg,a3
- move.l d0,4(a3)
- move.l 0(a3),a6
- lea MyWin,a0
- execute OpenWindow
- move.l d0,a4 ;Window Pointer in A4
- lea Libstg,a3
- move.l 4(a3),a6
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- moveq #1,d0
- execute SetAPen
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- moveq #15,d0
- moveq #14,d1
- execute Move
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #276,d0
- moveq #14,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #276,d0
- move.l #54,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #15,d0
- move.l #54,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #15,d0
- move.l #14,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #15,d0
- move.l #24,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #276,d0
- move.l #24,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #276,d0
- move.l #34,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #15,d0
- move.l #34,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #15,d0
- move.l #44,d1
- execute Draw
- move.l wd_RPort(a4),a1
- move.l #276,d0
- move.l #44,d1
- execute Draw
- ; Main
- lea Libstg,a3
- move.l 0(a3),a6
- jsr Cl
- move.l ExecB,a6
- gmsg move.l wd_UserPort(a4),a0
- execute WaitPort
- clfifo move.l wd_UserPort(a4),a0
- execute GetMsg
- tst.l d0
- beq.s gmsg
- move.l d0,d6
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l wd_UserPort(a4),a0
- execute ReplyMsg
- move.l d6,a0
- move.l im_Class(a0),d0
- cmpi.l #CLOSEWINDOW,d0
- beq.l close
- cmpi.l #RAWKEY,d0
- beq.l Key
- move.l im_IAddress(a0),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w gg_GadgetID(a0),d0
- move.l d0,d1
- cmpi.l #26,d0
- bgt.s Finevnt
- lea jptbl,a1
- mulu #4,d0
- move.l 0(a1,d0.w),a0
- lea Libstg,a3
- move.l 0(a3),a6
- jmp 0(a0)
- Finevnt move.l ExecB,a6
- jmp clfifo
- Key moveq #0,d0
- move.w im_Code(a0),d0
- btst.l #7,d0
- bne.s Finevnt
- lea Libstg,a3
- move.l 0(a3),a6
- move.l #0,d3
- lea KeyConv,a5
- Keylp move.l 0(a5,d3.w),d1
- cmpi.l #$00FF,d1
- beq.s Finevnt ; disable this to show keys
- ; beq.s gotoit ; enable this to show keys
- cmp.b d0,d1
- beq.s gotoit
- addi.l #12,d3
- jmp Keylp
- gotoit move.l 8(a5,d3.w),d1
- move.l 4(a5,d3.w),a5
- jmp 0(a5) ;disable this to show keys
- ;enable the following to show keys
- ; lea VarPtr,a0
- ; move.l d0,4(a0) ; Display the key on screen
- ; jsr Display
- ; jmp Finevnt
- close lea Libstg,a3
- move.l 0(a3),a6
- move.l a4,a0
- execute CloseWindow
- done lea Libstg,a3
- move.l 0(a3),d0
- beq.s done2
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l ExecB,a6
- execute CloseLibrary
- done2 lea Libstg,a3
- move.l 4(a3),d0
- beq.s done3
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l ExecB,a6
- execute CloseLibrary
- done3 lea BOT,a4 ; Memory de-allocation routine
- moveq #0,d1
- A_Err subi.l #16,d1
- daloc move.l 0(a4,d1),d0
- tst.l d0
- beq.s fini
- move.l 8(a4,d1),a1
- movem.l d1,-(a7)
- execute FreeMem
- movem.l (a7)+,d1
- subi.l #16,d1
- jmp daloc(pc)
- fini moveq #0,d0
- rts
- e_int lea dos,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- execute OpenLibrary
- tst.l d0
- beq.s e_dos
- move.l d0,a6
- execute Output
- move.l d0,d1
- lea Int_Err,a2
- move.l a2,d2
- execute Write
- move.l a6,a1
- move.l ExecB,a6
- execute CloseLibrary
- moveq #20,d0
- e_dos jmp done(pc)
- ;********************************************************************
- ; Amem *
- ; INPUTS: A6 = Exec Library *
- ; D0 = Number of Bytes *
- ; A2 = Location of Source *
- ; *
- ; OUTPUT: D0 = Pointer to Destination in CHIP MEM *
- ; *
- ;********************************************************************
- Amem movem.l a1/a4/d1,-(a7)
- move.l #MEMF_CHIP,d1 ; MEMF_CHIP
- move.l d0,d5
- execute AllocMem
- tst.l d0
- beq.s bad(pc)
- move.l d0,a3
- moveq #0,d0
- lp2 move.l (a2)+,0(a3,d0)
- addi.l #4,d0
- cmp.l d5,d0
- blt.s lp2
- move.l a3,d0
- movem.l (a7)+,a1/a4/d1
- bad rts
- ;*******************************************************
- ;* Gadget Enables *
- ;* 2-F (2-15) *
- ;* a4 = window pointer *
- ;* d4 = start *
- ;* d5 = end *
- ;*******************************************************
- GadEn addi.l #4,d5
- move.l #0,a2
- lea GadT,a3
- cir move.l 0(a3,d4.w),a0
- move.l a4,a1
- execute OnGadget
- addi.l #4,d4
- cmp.l d5,d4
- bne.s cir
- rts
- ;*******************************************************
- ;* Gadget Disables *
- ;* 2-F (2-15) *
- ;* a4 = window pointer *
- ;* d4 = start *
- ;* d5 = end *
- ;*******************************************************
- GadDi move.l #0,a2
- lea GadT,a3
- cird move.l 0(a3,d4.w),a0
- move.l a4,a1
- execute OffGadget
- subi.l #4,d4
- cmp.l d5,d4
- bne.s cird
- rts
- DHex move.w #0,d0 ; Hex Input Method
- lea Input,a0
- move.w 0(a0),d4
- move.w d0,0(a0)
- cmpi.w #0,d4
- beq.l Finevnt
- lea InTbl,a0
- move.l 0(a0),d5
- mulu #4,d4
- move.l 0(a0,d4.w),d4
- jsr GadEn
- lea Tb,a0
- move.b #'H',0(a0)
- move.b #'e',1(a0)
- move.b #'x',2(a0)
- move.l a4,a0
- lea Titl,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- jmp Finevnt
- DDec move.w #1,d0 ; Dec Input Method
- lea Input,a0
- move.w 0(a0),d4
- move.w d0,0(a0)
- cmpi.w #1,d4
- beq.l Finevnt
- blt.s didec
- lea InTbl,a0
- move.l 4(a0),d5
- mulu #4,d4
- move.l 0(a0,d4.w),d4
- jsr GadEn
- jmp decf(pc)
- didec lea InTbl,a0
- move.l 4(a0),d5
- mulu #4,d4
- move.l 0(a0,d4.w),d4
- jsr GadDi
- decf lea Tb,a0
- move.b #'D',0(a0)
- move.b #'e',1(a0)
- move.b #'c',2(a0)
- move.l a4,a0
- lea Titl,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- jmp Finevnt
- DOct move.w #2,d0 ; Oct Input Method
- lea Input,a0
- move.w 0(a0),d4
- move.w d0,0(a0)
- cmpi.w #2,d4
- beq.l Finevnt
- blt.s dioct
- lea InTbl,a0
- move.l 8(a0),d5
- mulu #4,d4
- move.l 0(a0,d4.w),d4
- jsr GadEn
- jmp octf(pc)
- dioct lea InTbl,a0
- move.l 8(a0),d5
- mulu #4,d4
- move.l 0(a0,d4.w),d4
- jsr GadDi
- octf lea Tb,a0
- move.b #'O',0(a0)
- move.b #'c',1(a0)
- move.b #'t',2(a0)
- move.l a4,a0
- lea Titl,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- jmp Finevnt
- DBin move.w #3,d0 ; Bin Input Method
- lea Input,a0
- move.w 0(a0),d4
- move.w d0,0(a0)
- cmpi.w #3,d4
- beq.l Finevnt
- lea InTbl,a0
- move.l 12(a0),d5
- mulu #4,d4
- move.l 0(a0,d4.w),d4
- jsr GadDi
- binf lea Tb,a0
- move.b #'B',0(a0)
- move.b #'i',1(a0)
- move.b #'n',2(a0)
- move.l a4,a0
- lea Titl,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- jmp Finevnt
- TitlR move.l a4,a0
- lea ReqNam,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- move.l a4,a0
- lea Itext0,a1
- move.l #0,a2
- lea Iok,a3
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l #0,d1
- move.l #350,d2
- move.l #125,d3
- execute AutoRequest
- move.l a4,a0
- lea Titl,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- jmp Finevnt
- TitlH move.l a4,a0
- lea ReqNam1,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- move.l a4,a0
- lea HItext0,a1
- move.l #0,a2
- lea Igt,a3
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l #0,d1
- move.l #440,d2
- move.l #145,d3
- execute AutoRequest
- move.l a4,a0
- lea Titl,a1
- move.l #-1,a2
- execute SetWindowTitles
- jmp Finevnt
- ; Memory allocation Table for all chip destined data
- ; Bytes,Source,Destination(CHIP),Install Address
- dc.l 0,0,0,0 ; so we can find the top
- Table dc.l 204,HEX,0,hp
- dc.l 204,Octal,0,ocp
- dc.l 204,Decimal,0,dp
- dc.l 204,BIN,0,Bp
- dc.l 204,_CLR,0,Cp
- dc.l 144,Zero,0,zp
- dc.l 144,One,0,op
- dc.l 144,Two,0,twop
- dc.l 144,Three,0,thrp
- dc.l 144,Four,0,fp
- dc.l 144,Five,0,fip
- dc.l 144,Six,0,sip
- dc.l 144,Seven,0,sep
- dc.l 144,Eight,0,ep
- dc.l 144,Nine,0,np
- dc.l 144,Ten,0,tp
- dc.l 144,Eleven,0,elp
- dc.l 144,Twelve,0,twp
- dc.l 144,Thrten,0,thp
- dc.l 144,Forten,0,fop
- dc.l 144,Fiften,0,fifp
- dc.l 144,Plus,0,Plp
- dc.l 144,Minus,0,Mip
- dc.l 144,Multi,0,Mup
- dc.l 144,Divide,0,Dip
- dc.l 144,Equal,0,Eqp
- dc.l 1260,_Title,0,Tip
- BOT dc.l 0,0,0,0 ; bottom
- KeyConv dc.l $17,TitlR,0 ;I
- dc.l $5F,TitlH,0 ;HELP
- dc.l $45,close,0 ;ESC
- dc.l $A,num,0 ;0
- dc.l 1,num,1 ;1
- dc.l 2,num,2 ;2
- dc.l 3,num,3 ;3
- dc.l 4,num,4 ;4
- dc.l 5,num,5 ;5
- dc.l 6,num,6 ;6
- dc.l 7,num,7 ;7
- dc.l 8,num,8 ;8
- dc.l 9,num,9 ;9
- dc.l $F,num,0 ;0
- dc.l $1D,num,1 ;1
- dc.l $1E,num,2 ;2
- dc.l $1F,num,3 ;3
- dc.l $2D,num,4 ;4
- dc.l $2E,num,5 ;5
- dc.l $2F,num,6 ;6
- dc.l $3D,num,7 ;7
- dc.l $3E,num,8 ;8
- dc.l $3F,num,9 ;9
- dc.l $20,num,$A ;A
- dc.l $35,num,$B ;B
- dc.l $33,num,$C ;C
- dc.l $22,num,$D ;D
- dc.l $12,num,$E ;E
- dc.l $23,num,$F ;F
- dc.l $50,num,$A ;F1
- dc.l $51,num,$B ;F2
- dc.l $52,num,$C ;F3
- dc.l $53,num,$D ;F4
- dc.l $54,num,$E ;F5
- dc.l $55,num,$F ;F6
- dc.l $56,DHex,$0 ;F7
- dc.l $57,DOct,$0 ;F8
- dc.l $58,DBin,$0 ;F9
- dc.l $59,DDec,$0 ;F10
- dc.l $46,Clear,26 ;DEL
- dc.l $0C,Funct,16 ;+
- dc.l $0B,Funct,17 ;-
- dc.l $4A,Funct,17 ;-
- dc.l $32,Funct,18 ;*
- dc.l $3A,Funct,19 ;/
- dc.l $44,Funct,20 ;=
- dc.l $43,Funct,20 ;=
- dc.l 94,Funct,16 ;+ for Amy 500&2000
- dc.l 93,Funct,18 ;* for Amy 500&2000
- dc.l 92,Funct,19 ;/ for Amy 500&2000
- dc.l $FF,0 ;End of KeyConv table
- dc.l $FF,0 ;End of KeyConv table
- dc.l $FF,0 ;End of KeyConv table
- dc.l $FF,0 ;End of KeyConv table
- jptbl dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l num
- dc.l Funct
- dc.l Funct
- dc.l Funct
- dc.l Funct
- dc.l Funct
- dc.l TitlR
- ;22 is Hex
- dc.l DHex
- dc.l DOct
- ;24 is Dec
- dc.l DDec
- dc.l DBin
- dc.l Clear
- dc.l Finevnt
- dc.l Finevnt
- dc.l Finevnt
- MyWin dc.w 10,10,409,119
- dc.b 0,1
- dc.l Gadg,0
- dc.l Titl
- dc.l 0,0
- dc.w 20,20,350,100
- Titl dc.b 'Compu-Calc Ver 1.00 Input:'
- Tb dc.b 'Hex',0
- Libstg ds.l 2 ; long 0=Intuit 1=graphics
- Input ds.w 1 ; 0=Hex 1=Dec 2=Oct 3=Bin
- InTbl dc.l 60,36,28,4
- Int_Err dc.b 'Error Opening A Library',0
- intuit dc.b 'intuition.library',0
- dos dc.b 'dos.library',0
- graph dc.b 'graphics.library',0