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- *** PAK Documentation ***
- File PAKer 1.0 - November 2, 1987
- Copyright 1987 by Mark Riley
- All rights reserved.
- *** Information ***
- PAK is a utility for combining and compressing several smaller files into
- one large file. The PAKed file may then be uploaded to a BBS or another
- computer. Transmission time is reduced because PAKed files are compressed.
- Also, the receiving party does *not* require any special program to unPAK
- the files - PAKed files unPAK themselves! Unlike other utilities of its
- type, PAK imposes no restrictions on filenames. PAK's small size (under
- 5K) makes it handier than those written in high-level languages (PAK is
- written in 68000 Assembly Language.) PAK is simple to use, so have fun!
- This program is ShareWare; it isn't free. If you like it (or use it) please
- send a $10 contribution to the following address:
- Mark Riley - Pak
- P.O. Box 234
- Simi Valley, CA 93062
- Thank you! This contribution will help me to provide further low cost
- utilities for the Amiga (I've already got several queued up.)
- You may freely redistribute PAK in its original unaltered state. If you
- have any questions or comments, I can be reached at the above address or
- the following services:
- BIX: mriley - PLINK: (SONIX)
- *** PAKing Files ***
- PAK is simple to use. You may want to install it into your "c:" directory
- before you use it though. This way it'll be there no matter which
- directory you move to. BTW, PAK works from the CLI only.
- Usage: PAK master[.PAK] file [file...]
- The first parameter is the pathname for the master file. This is
- followed by one or more pathnames for the files you want to PAK together.
- Files are compressed and added to the master file in the order specified.
- Only the name of the files are stored in the master file (not the complete
- pathname.) Also, the default extension ".pak" is added to the master
- pathname if not already present. You may need to explicitly add ".pak"
- to the master pathname if you have a file with the same name (minus the
- ".pak")
- Once you've created a PAK file you may add more files to it by simply
- using it as the master name again. If you want to start from scratch,
- delete the master file first.
- PAK files are created in multiples of 1K. This facilitates their use
- with either XMODEM or YMODEM since no chopping is required.
- Example:
- 1> dir
- Display Picture
- ReadMe
- 1> pak Test readme display picture
- ReadMe...PAKed
- Display...PAKed
- Picture...PAKed
- 1>
- *** Displaying PAKed Files ***
- Usage: PAK master[.PAK]
- If the master pathname is specified alone, then PAK will display the files
- in that master file, along with the original and compressed file sizes.
- Example:
- 1> pak test
- ------ ------ --------
- 239 202 ReadMe
- 2456 1924 Display
- 33724 25776 Picture
- 1>
- *** UnPAKing Files ***
- This is the easy part! You've already done it when you unPAKed this file.
- All you need to do is run the PAKed file. I suggest that you move it to
- an empty directory, as it'll overwrite any files with similar names.
- When uploading PAKed files to a BBS, explain in the description that all
- the user has to do is type the filename from the CLI to unPAK it. Also,
- make sure that you use the ".pak" extension (this is the default) so that
- this becomes standard and explanations won't be necessary in the future.
- Example:
- 1> dir
- Test.pak
- 1> test.pak
- 1> dir
- Test.pak ReadMe
- Display Picture
- 1>
- *** End of File ***