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- /*
- * What fun! A new LIFE program by Tomas Rokicki. Commented rather
- * erratically; hell, this is all just one big hack.
- */
- int modulo ;
- int wmodulo ;
- int vsize ;
- #define RASTSIZE (wmodulo * (long)(vsize+1))
- #include "structures.h"
- #include "blit.h"
- short *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *t1=NULL, *t2=NULL, *t3=NULL, *t4=NULL ;
- short noplanes ;
- short torus ;
- short orify ;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL ; /* the GfxBase */
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL ; /* the IntuitionBase */
- struct Screen *myscreen = NULL ;
- struct Window *mywindow = NULL ;
- struct TextAttr myfont = {(STRPTR)"topaz.font", TOPAZ_EIGHTY, 0, 0 };
- struct NewScreen mynewscreen = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0,
- CUSTOMSCREEN, &myfont, (UBYTE *)"AmigaLIFE -- Radical Eye Software"} ;
- /*
- * Let's use a borderless window too, so we can get vanilla
- * keys. This gives us a nicer way to exit and adjust the
- * speed of the program. But we still play with the screen
- * bitmaps.
- */
- static struct NewWindow mynewwindow = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
- NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, -1, -1, -1, CUSTOMSCREEN } ;
- /*
- * This routine gets a raster for temporary storage.
- */
- short *myalloc() {
- void *AllocMem() ;
- void *p ;
- if ((p=AllocMem(2L*RASTSIZE, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR))==NULL) {
- printf("Could not allocate raster data\n") ;
- cleanup() ;
- }
- return(p) ;
- }
- /*
- * Here we set things up.
- */
- initialize() {
- long color ;
- if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary(
- "intuition.library",0L))==NULL ||
- (GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L))
- ==NULL) {
- printf("Couldn't open libraries.\n") ;
- cleanup() ;
- }
- if ((myscreen = OpenScreen(&mynewscreen))==NULL) {
- printf("Couldn't open screen.\n") ;
- cleanup() ;
- }
- mynewwindow.Screen = myscreen ;
- if ((mywindow = OpenWindow(&mynewwindow))==NULL) {
- printf("Couldn't open window.\n") ;
- cleanup() ;
- }
- a = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[0])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- b = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[1])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- c = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[2])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- d = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[3])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- e = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[4])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- t1 = myalloc() ;
- t2 = myalloc() ;
- t3 = myalloc() ;
- t4 = myalloc() ;
- if (orify) {
- color = GetRGB4(myscreen->ViewPort.ColorMap, 0L) ;
- if (color & 0xf00)
- color -= 256 ;
- if (color & 0xf0)
- color -= 16 ;
- if (color & 0xf)
- color -= 1 ;
- SetRGB4(&(myscreen->ViewPort), 1L << (noplanes - 1), (color >> 8) & 15,
- (color >> 4) & 15, color & 15) ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Exit routine.
- */
- cleanup() {
- if (mywindow != NULL)
- CloseWindow(mywindow) ;
- if (myscreen != NULL)
- CloseScreen(myscreen) ;
- if (IntuitionBase)
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase) ;
- IntuitionBase = NULL ;
- if (GfxBase)
- CloseLibrary(GfxBase) ;
- GfxBase = NULL ;
- if (t1)
- FreeMem(t1, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
- if (t2)
- FreeMem(t2, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
- if (t3)
- FreeMem(t3, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
- if (t4)
- FreeMem(t4, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
- exit(0) ;
- }
- #define PARITY (0x96)
- #define CARRY (0xe8)
- #define SPEC1 (0x6a)
- #define SPEC2 (0xbe)
- #define SPEC3 (0x40)
- #define COPY (0xf0)
- #define ORIFY (0xfc)
- #define ORAC (0xfa)
- /*
- * This routine does the necessary four blits to wrap the LIFE image.
- * Please make sure that you own the blitter when you call it!
- */
- struct blitparam blitparam ;
- fixit() {
- register struct blitparam *p = &blitparam ;
- p->bltsize = BLTSIZE(1, vsize) ;
- p->asource = a ;
- p->csource = a + wmodulo - 1 ;
- p->dsource = a + wmodulo - 1 ;
- p->amod = 2 * (wmodulo - 1) ;
- p->bmod = 0 ;
- p->cmod = 2 * (wmodulo - 1) ;
- p->dmod = 2 * (wmodulo - 1) ;
- p->fwm = 0x4000 ;
- p->lwm = 0xffff ;
- p->con0 = SHIFTSHIFT(14) + USEA + USEC + USED + ORAC ;
- p->con1 = 0 ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->asource = a + 2 * wmodulo - 1 ;
- p->csource = a ;
- p->dsource = a ;
- p->fwm = 0x0002 ;
- p->con0 = SHIFTSHIFT(2) + USEA + USEC + USED + ORAC ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->bltsize = BLTSIZE(wmodulo, 1) ;
- p->asource = a + wmodulo ;
- p->dsource = a + wmodulo * (long)(vsize - 1) ;
- p->amod = 0 ;
- p->cmod = 0 ;
- p->dmod = 0 ;
- p->fwm = 0xffff ;
- p->lwm = 0xffff ;
- p->con0 = USEA + USED + COPY ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->asource = a + wmodulo * (long)(vsize - 2) ;
- p->dsource = a ;
- blit(p) ;
- }
- /*
- * Does one LIFE generation. Fancy algorithm uses only 9 blits. If
- * anyone can improve this, please let me know.
- */
- dogeneration() {
- register struct blitparam *p = &blitparam ;
- /*
- * Initialize the parameters we are not going to change.
- */
- p->fwm = 0xffff ;
- p->lwm = 0xffff ;
- p->amod = 0 ;
- p->bmod = 0 ;
- p->cmod = 0 ;
- p->dmod = 0 ;
- p->asource = a - wmodulo ;
- p->bsource = a - wmodulo + 1 ;
- p->csource = a - wmodulo ;
- p->dsource = t1 ;
- p->bltsize = BLTSIZE(wmodulo, vsize+1) ;
- p->con0 = SHIFTSHIFT(1) + USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + PARITY ;
- p->con1 = SHIFTSHIFT(15) ;
- OwnBlitter() ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->dsource = t2 ;
- p->con0 = SHIFTSHIFT(1) + USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + CARRY ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->csource = t1 + wmodulo ;
- p->dsource = t3 ;
- p->con0 = SHIFTSHIFT(1) + USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + CARRY ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->bltsize = BLTSIZE(wmodulo, vsize) ;
- p->asource = t2 ;
- p->bsource = t2 + 2 * wmodulo ;
- p->csource = t3 + wmodulo ;
- p->dsource = t4 ;
- p->con1 = 0 ;
- p->con0 = USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + CARRY ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->dsource = t3 ;
- p->con0 = USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + PARITY ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->bltsize = BLTSIZE(wmodulo, vsize+1) ;
- p->asource = a - wmodulo ;
- p->bsource = a - wmodulo + 1 ;
- p->csource = t1 + wmodulo ;
- p->dsource = t2 ;
- p->con0 = SHIFTSHIFT(1) + USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + PARITY ;
- p->con1 = SHIFTSHIFT(15) ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->bltsize = BLTSIZE(wmodulo, vsize) ;
- p->asource = t1 ;
- p->bsource = t2 + wmodulo ;
- p->csource = t3 ;
- p->dsource = t3 ;
- p->con0 = USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + SPEC1 ;
- p->con1 = 0 ;
- blit(p) ;
- p->csource = a ;
- p->dsource = t1 ;
- p->con0 = USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + SPEC2 ;
- blit(p) ;
- /*
- * Before we do the final write, we copy bits down one generation.
- */
- if (orify) {
- a = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[0])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- p->asource =
- ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[noplanes-1])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- p->bsource =
- ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[noplanes-2])) + 10 * wmodulo ;
- p->dsource = p->asource ;
- p->con0 = USEA + USEB + USED + ORIFY ;
- blit(p) ;
- }
- p->con0 = USEA + USED + COPY ;
- switch (noplanes - orify) {
- case 5:
- p->asource = d ;
- p->dsource = e ;
- blit(p) ;
- case 4:
- p->asource = c ;
- p->dsource = d ;
- blit(p) ;
- case 3:
- p->asource = b ;
- p->dsource = c ;
- blit(p) ;
- case 2:
- p->asource = a ;
- p->dsource = b ;
- blit(p) ;
- default: ;
- }
- p->bltsize = BLTSIZE(wmodulo, vsize-2) ;
- p->asource = t1 + wmodulo ;
- p->bsource = t3 + wmodulo ;
- p->csource = t4 + wmodulo ;
- p->dsource = a + wmodulo ;
- p->fwm = 0x7fff ;
- p->lwm = 0xfffe ;
- p->con0 = USEA + USEB + USEC + USED + SPEC3 ;
- blit(p) ;
- /*
- * Wrap, if necessary
- */
- if (torus)
- fixit() ;
- DisownBlitter() ;
- }
- /*
- * Random number generator; probably not a very good one.
- */
- int rnd(i)
- int i ;
- {
- static long seed = 323214521 ;
- long rval ;
- seed = seed * 123213 + 121 ;
- rval = (seed >> 5) & 65535 ;
- return ((i * rval) >> 16) ;
- }
- /*
- * Main routine. If called with no arguments, makes 1 bit plane screen.
- * Otherwise, first argument is used as the number of bit planes.
- */
- char buffer[200] ;
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- register int x, y ;
- int hires = 320 ;
- int randoms = 0 ;
- int ir ;
- int dvsize = 0 ;
- struct IntuiMessage *message ;
- int code ;
- long delayval = 0 ;
- noplanes = 1 ;
- while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0]=='-') {
- argc-- ;
- argv++ ;
- if (argv[0][1]=='h' || argv[0][1]=='H') {
- if (sscanf(argv[0]+2, "%d", &hires)!=1)
- hires = 640 ;
- } else if (argv[0][1]=='r' || argv[0][1]=='R') {
- if (sscanf(argv[0]+2, "%d", &randoms)!=1)
- randoms = 1 ;
- } else if (argv[0][1]=='p' || argv[0][1]=='P') {
- noplanes = argv[0][2] - '0' ;
- if (noplanes < 1 || noplanes > 6)
- noplanes = 1 ;
- } else if (argv[0][1]=='o' || argv[0][1]=='O') {
- orify = 1 ;
- } else if (argv[0][1]=='t' || argv[0][1]=='T') {
- torus = 1 ;
- } else if (argv[0][1]=='v' || argv[0][1]=='V') {
- if (sscanf(argv[0]+2, "%d", &dvsize)!=1)
- dvsize = 0 ;
- } else if (argv[0][1]=='s' || argv[0][1]=='S') {
- delayval = -1 ;
- }
- }
- if (noplanes == 1)
- orify = 0 ;
- if (argc > 1) {
- if (argv[1][0]=='?' && argv[1][1]==0) {
- printf(
- "Usage: life [-h[n]] [-r[n]] [-p[n]] [-o] [-t] [-v[n]] [-s] [infile]\n") ;
- cleanup() ;
- }
- if (freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin)==NULL) {
- printf("Couldn't open %s\n", argv[1]) ;
- cleanup() ;
- }
- }
- if (hires > 400) {
- vsize = 390 ;
- mynewscreen.ViewModes |= HIRES ;
- } else {
- vsize = 190 ;
- }
- modulo = hires & ~15 ;
- ir = randoms ;
- if (dvsize >= 10 && dvsize <= 600)
- vsize = dvsize ;
- wmodulo = modulo / 16 ;
- mynewscreen.Depth = noplanes ;
- mynewscreen.Width = modulo ;
- mynewscreen.Height = vsize + 10 ;
- mynewwindow.Width = modulo ;
- mynewwindow.Height = vsize + 10 ;
- if (vsize > 300)
- mynewscreen.ViewModes |= LACE ;
- initialize() ;
- readin(a) ;
- if (torus) {
- OwnBlitter() ;
- fixit() ;
- DisownBlitter() ;
- }
- while (1) {
- if (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(mywindow->UserPort)) {
- code = message->Code ;
- ReplyMsg(message) ;
- switch(code) {
- case 27 : case 3 : case 'q' : case 'Q' : case 'x' : case 'X' :
- cleanup() ;
- case '0' : case 'g' : case 'G' :
- delayval = 0 ;
- break ;
- case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case '4' :
- case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : case '8' : case '9' :
- delayval = 1L << (code - '0') ;
- break ;
- case ' ' :
- delayval = -1 ;
- goto doone ;
- case 'S' : case 's' :
- delayval = -1 ;
- default :
- break ;
- }
- }
- if (delayval) {
- if (delayval == -1)
- continue ;
- Delay(delayval) ;
- }
- doone:
- if (randoms) {
- if (ir-- == 0) {
- x = rnd(modulo-2) + 1 ;
- y = rnd(vsize-2) + 1 ;
- a[y * (long)wmodulo + (x >> 4)] |= 1 << (15 - (15 & x)) ;
- ir = randoms ;
- }
- }
- dogeneration() ;
- }
- cleanup() ;
- }