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- (c) 1987,1988 LLog Version 3.0 by Ronald Shaw Sr.
- LLog is a portion of the Lightning Logger series
- Updates to LLog (this is not the final document,the entire docs
- for all programs are being re-written)
- This version of LLog has the following additions:
- The LLog program now internally generates an Icon to be used with LLread.
- With this addition you no longer have to maintain an Icon's drawer with a
- sample llg.info file for use with LLog. Any new Lib file generated with LLog
- will now build its own Icon. On existing LLoger files, to generate the new
- Icon (with path to LLread) simply load up the LLog program, set up a testlog
- file in RAM:, log one disk (no files, no dirs), setting up the path to LLread
- when the program requests it. Then go out the Logger and from CLI copy this
- Icon (the icon only) to the directory of your old Logger file, naming the
- icon the same as the existing icon for that file (with the .info extension).
- LLog now allows you to name the disk logged using your own name instead
- of the actual name of the diskette. This function is known in LLog as
- alias(ing). The program does NOT write the user entered name to the disk
- itself but saves this alias and the actual name in the librarian file. This
- name is used in LLread as the volume name and the user will not see the
- actual name of the diskette. If the disk being logged is not a DOS disk the
- alias string gadget will appear and the user MUST enter a name for LLog to
- save this entry. Only the alias (name) will be saved from a non-DOS disk, no
- files etc. can be saved.
- Example use of alias:
- Actual disk name = "AFS"
- User entered alias = "Flight Simulator"
- If the alias item is selected, each volume logged will bring up the alias
- string gadget. If you change your mind and want to use the actual volume
- name instead of an alias just hit <return> from the key board instead of
- enteringany characters in to the alias string gadget. If the disk can't be
- read by LLog, a blank entry will cause LLog to not record this disk. Default
- for aliasing is OFF.
- Using the "OTHER" menu, or associated keys located next to the items in
- the other menu, the user can elect not to save directories and files (default
- is to log the entire diskette, files and directories).
- To log volume names only;
- from the menu:
- select files (check mark should be off)
- select dirs (check mark should be off)
- from CLI :
- select right AMIGA key and F (to de-select or select files)
- select right AMIGA key and D (to de-select or select files)
- NOTE: check mark next to the item indicates the item is on.
- Remember if logging to RAM:, RAD:, or any disk other than the disk the
- lib files will be kept on, move all associated lib files to that disk. It is
- not enough to just move the Icon for that file. There are still 2 files
- associated with the Logger, the volume file (which consists of the volume
- names and offsets for records) and the main datafile. These files have the
- same name but one of them will have a .llg extention.
- You can now move existing lib files to RAM:, VD0:, VDK:, RAD: and Log to
- these devices. But because of the discrepancies existing between avail
- (which uses the same method of verifying available RAM as programmers) and
- the actual memory free display on the workbench screen , the user must make
- sure enough RAM: is available before logging or building a clean library
- using one of these devices.
- The total library size of both library files is totaled and shown in the
- box to the right of the library file name. If you elect to use the RAM disk,
- RAD:, or any other memory device, you will find that removing deleted items
- from an existing library will proceed a lot faster.
- The library files were displayed in two different size boxes, but to
- decrease the size of the LLog window both file sizes are now combined and
- displayed on the right.
- After entering a library file name (if new file) a string requester will
- appear that allows you to specify path to LLread. This is helpful to Hard-
- Drive owners like myself who put LLread & LLog in a directory 3 or 4 levels
- from the root. Just enter the path to LLread (ie: SYS:Utilities/Logger).
- The LLog program will append the necessary / (if needed) and the name of the
- Lightning Reader Program (LLread) so that the user can click directly on the
- created icon to Load LLread no matter where it resides. You can still click
- on the Lib file icon and double click on LLread to Boot the reader with the
- selected file as default, but if you constantly use one specific LLogger
- file, read the section in the LLread docs about AUTO LOAD OF DEFAULT FILE. I
- use it to bring up my source code library containing items such as Fred Fish.
- So from CLI in any directory I can Run LLread and LLread will start up
- loading my source code library automatically. All I have to do is enter the
- files I'm looking for and hit the search gadget.
- Don't hold me to these but the next version should have;
- A file requester to select existing library files instead of the
- string requester asking you to enter a file name.
- Adding filenotes to files before saving to lib file.
- Prettier displays.
- Actual verification of existing RAM: (when CBM fixes the avail code).
- Thanks for your support,suggestions and purchases of Lightning Logger and
- other help every one has given me.
- This program is dedicated to:
- LINDA (My better half), who gave me tea & cocoa, fed me and stayed up
- all night with me when I was ill on my nonstop computer hacking and just
- bearing with me when I was in my bitchy moods.
- My Mother (KATHERINE BELL SHAW) who took me to March of Dimes every
- day for years and years during my polio crisis, and for having confidence in
- me to the point of giving her last dime for my electronics and computer
- education!! THANKS MOM !!
- KEITH SKAGGS who sends me source code for use in my programs, kept me
- going when I needed some one to talk to, and just being a close friend (my
- Beta tester )
- ROBERT TODD for his BBS, where I can communicate with others and
- transfer source code (and his mom for having such a fine young man).
- HAL GREENLEE, GARY JONES & DAVE BROWN, the NASA engineers who came to
- my aid with suggestions critisism and testing. Also for testing the Light-
- ning Logger against other programs (made me feel good, mine was the fastest &
- best!).
- The ENTIRE SHOOK FAMILY for the kindness and understanding that only
- comes from being like family.
- BRIAN MCCOLLOUGH for suggestions, questions and over all
- friendliness.
- CBM for the AMIGA and the love/hate relationship that goes along
- with'em.
- OTHERS to numerous to mention.
- Thanks to you all.