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- /* asendpacket.c - (asynchronous) send multiple packets to a dos- */
- /* 05-SEP-86 handler */
- /* Phillip Lindsay - Commodore-Amiga */
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "exec/io.h"
- #include "exec/memory.h"
- #include "libraries/dos.h"
- #include "libraries/dosextens.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef MANX
- #include "functions.h" /* aztec C include */
- #endif
- #define DOSTRUE -1L /* AmigaDos TRUE */
- #define MAXARGS 7L /* limit in packet structure (dosextens.h) */
- /*
- asynchronous sendpkt routine
- you must supply a port for packet replies...This function returns the
- address of the pending packet.
- */
- long asendpkt(replyport,pid,action,args,nargs)
- struct MsgPort *replyport; /* where all packet replies are sent */
- struct MsgPort *pid; /* process indentifier ... (handlers message port ) */
- long action, /* packet type ... (what you want handler to do ) */
- args[], /* a pointer to a argument list */
- nargs; /* number of arguments in list */
- {
- struct StandardPacket *packet;
- long count, *pargs;
- if(nargs > MAXARGS) exit(FALSE);
- packet = (struct StandardPacket *)
- AllocMem((long)sizeof(*packet),MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR);
- if(!packet)
- {
- FreeMem(packet,(long)sizeof(*packet));
- return(NULL);
- }
- packet->sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name = (char *) &(packet->sp_Pkt); /* link packet- */
- packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Link = &(packet->sp_Msg); /* to message */
- packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Port = replyport; /* set-up reply port */
- packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Type = action; /* what to do... */
- /* move all the arguments to the packet */
- pargs = &(packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1); /* address of first argument */
- for(count=NULL;count < nargs;count++)
- pargs[count]=args[count];
- PutMsg(pid,packet); /* send packet */
- return((long)packet); /* everything went ok...so far... give-em the packet */
- }
- /* end of asendpkt.c */
- /*
- simple packet flush with error detection ... returns ZERO for error
- or DOSTRUE (-1) for a-o-k.
- A packet error can be detected in most cases by "Res1" being equal
- to zero--"Res2" will hold more information pertaining to the error.
- The problem with handling multiple packets is detecting an error for a
- particular packet. What makes things a little more difficult is the fact
- that the "Res1" member of the packet structure is not generally an
- indicator of an error. So depending on what type of packets you'll be
- handling you might want to deal with packet replies differently.
- ( I was designing a elegant packet handling tool, but I found that
- AmigaDos doesn't handle ports like EXEC does. So I couldn't have
- a software interrupt generated on packet arrvial [sigh...] Tim? )
- */
- long pktflush(rport,pkts)
- struct MsgPort *rport; /* reply port for packets */
- long pkts; /* number of packets to flush */
- {
- struct StandardPacket *apkt;
- long res1,cres;
- res1 = DOSTRUE;
- while(pkts--) /* received all packets? */
- {
- WaitPort(rport); /* sleep until a packet arrives */
- apkt = (struct StandardPacket *) GetMsg(rport); /* get packet */
- cres = apkt->sp_Pkt.dp_Res1; /* get result */
- FreeMem(apkt,(long)sizeof(*apkt)); /* free packet structure from memory */
- res1 = (!cres ? cres : res1); /* error? */
- }
- return(res1);
- }
- /*
- for all those people interested in implementing AmigaDos file I/O
- with an asynchronous design.
- */
- /* start of example */
- #define NARGS 3L /* number of arguments */
- #define NBUFFS 3L /* number of buffers */
- #define BUFFLEN 60L /* buffer length */
- #define ESC 27L
- main()
- {
- struct MsgPort *filehdlr; /* for process id handler */
- struct MsgPort *rport; /* where all packets return */
- long arg[NARGS], /* array of arguments */
- rpkt, /* holds returned packet */
- count; /* count messages */
- struct FileHandle *filehandle; /* our file handle */
- BPTR fh, /* AmigaDos file handle */
- fharg1; /* Arg1 from filehandle */
- UBYTE *buff; /* buffer pointer */
- struct StandardPacket *pkt; /* our packet */
- /* get buffers */
- if(!buff) exit(TRUE);
- rport = (struct MsgPort *) CreatePort(NULL,NULL); /* make reply port */
- if(!rport)
- {
- FreeMem(buff,(BUFFLEN * NBUFFS));
- exit(TRUE);
- }
- /* here we open a dummy file */
- fh = (BPTR) Open("df1:temp",MODE_NEWFILE);
- if(!fh)
- {
- FreeMem(buff,(BUFFLEN * NBUFFS));
- DeletePort(rport);
- exit(TRUE);
- }
- /* bring our AmigaDos file handle into the real world... */
- filehandle = (struct FileHandle *) (fh << 2);
- /* read your AmigaDOS Technical Reference Manual for packet requirements */
- fharg1 = filehandle->fh_Arg1; /* get Arg1 */
- filehdlr = filehandle->fh_Type; /* get handler for file */
- /*
- you could get process id of the handler this way also ...
- filehdlr = (struct MsgPort *) DeviceProc("DF1:");
- */
- /* give each buffer unique data */
- for(count=0;count < (BUFFLEN * NBUFFS);count ++)
- buff[count]= 0x31 + (count / BUFFLEN);
- /* set-up arguments and send packets */
- arg[0]= (long) fharg1; /* file handle Arg1 */
- arg[1]= (long) &buff[0]; /* buffer */
- arg[2]= BUFFLEN; /* buffer length */
- puts("one");
- rpkt = asendpkt(rport,filehdlr,ACTION_WRITE,arg,NARGS);
- arg[1]= (long) &buff[BUFFLEN];
- puts("two");
- rpkt = asendpkt(rport,filehdlr,ACTION_WRITE,arg,NARGS);
- arg[1]= (long) &buff[BUFFLEN + BUFFLEN];
- puts("three");
- rpkt = asendpkt(rport,filehdlr,ACTION_WRITE,arg,NARGS);
- /* a more elegant packet flush routine would be nice */
- if(!pktflush(rport,3L)) puts("Error in packets sent.");
- /* done clean up... */
- Close(fh);
- FreeMem(buff,(BUFFLEN * NBUFFS));
- DeletePort(rport);
- exit(FALSE);
- }
- /* eof */