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- /* C K C F N 2 -- System-independent Kermit protocol support functions... */
- /* ...Part 2 (continued from ckcfns.c) */
- /*
- Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B),
- Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985.
- Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
- Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
- redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this
- copyright notice is retained.
- */
- /*
- Note -- if you change this file, please amend the version number and date at
- the top of ckcfns.c accordingly.
- */
- #include "ckcker.h"
- #include "ckcdeb.h"
- extern int spsiz, rpsiz, timint, npad, chklen, ebq, ebqflg, rpt, rptq, rptflg,
- capas;
- extern int pktnum, prvpkt, sndtyp, bctr, bctu,
- size, osize, maxsize, spktl, nfils, stdouf, warn, timef;
- extern int parity, speed, turn, turnch,
- delay, displa, pktlog, tralog, seslog, xflg, mypadn;
- extern long filcnt, ffc, flci, flco, tlci, tlco, tfc, fsize;
- extern int deblog, hcflg, binary, fncnv, local, server, cxseen, czseen;
- extern CHAR padch, mypadc, eol, seol, ctlq, myctlq, sstate, *hlptxt;
- extern CHAR filnam[], sndpkt[], recpkt[], data[], srvcmd[], *srvptr, stchr,
- mystch;
- extern char *cmarg, *cmarg2, **cmlist;
- char *strcpy();
- CHAR dopar();
- /* I N P U T -- Attempt to read packet number 'pktnum'. */
- /*
- This is the function that feeds input to Kermit's finite state machine.
- If a special start state is in effect, that state is returned as if it were
- the type of an incoming packet. Otherwise:
- . If the desired packet arrives within MAXTRY tries, return its type,
- with its data stored in the global 'data' array.
- . If the previous packet arrives again, resend the last packet and wait for
- another to come in.
- . If the desired packet does not arrive within MAXTRY tries, return indicating
- that an error packet should be sent.
- */
- input() {
- int len, num, type, numtry;
- if (sstate != 0) { /* If a start state is in effect, */
- type = sstate; /* return it like a packet type, */
- sstate = 0; /* and then nullify it. */
- *data = '\0';
- return(type);
- } else type = rpack(&len,&num,data); /* Else, try to read a packet. */
- /* If it's the same packet we just sent, it's an echo. Read another. */
- if (type == sndtyp) type = rpack(&len,&num,data);
- chkint(); /* Check for console interrupts. */
- /*
- If previous packet again, a timeout pseudopacket, or a bad packet, try again.
- */
- for (numtry = 0;
- (num == prvpkt || type == 'T' || type == 'Q' || type == 'N');
- numtry++) {
- if (numtry > MAXTRY) { /* If too many tries, give up */
- strcpy(data,"Timed out."); /* and send a timeout error packet. */
- return('E');
- }
- if (type == 'N' && num == (pktnum+1) & 63) { /* NAK for next packet */
- return('Y'); /* is ACK for current. */
- } else {
- resend(); /* Else, send last packet again, */
- }
- if (sstate != 0) { /* If an interrupt routine has set */
- type = sstate; /* sstate behind our back, return */
- sstate = 0; /* that. */
- *data = '\0';
- return(type);
- } else type = rpack(&len,&num,data); /* Else, try to read a packet. */
- chkint(); /* Look again for interruptions. */
- if (type == sndtyp) type = rpack(&len,&num,data);
- }
- ttflui(); /* Got what we want, clear input buffer. */
- return(type); /* Success, return packet type. */
- }
- /* S P A C K -- Construct and send a packet */
- spack(type,num,len,dat) char type, *dat; int num, len; {
- int i,j,k;
- j = dopar(padch);
- for (i = 0; i < npad; sndpkt[i++] = j) /* Do any requested padding */
- ;
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(mystch); /* Start packet with the start char */
- k = i;
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(len+bctu+2)); /* Put in the length */
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(num)); /* The packet number */
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(sndtyp = type); /* Packet type */
- for (j = len; j > 0; j-- ) sndpkt[i++] = dopar(*dat++); /* Data */
- sndpkt[i] = '\0'; /* Mark end for block check */
- switch(bctu) {
- case 1: /* Type 1 - 6 bit checksum */
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(chk1(sndpkt+k)));
- break;
- case 2: /* Type 2 - 12 bit checksum*/
- j = chk2(sndpkt+k);
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar((j & 07700) >> 6));
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(j & 077));
- break;
- case 3: /* Type 3 - 16 bit CRC-CCITT */
- j = chk3(sndpkt+k);
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(( (unsigned)(j & 0170000)) >> 12));
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar((j & 07700) >> 6));
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(j & 077));
- break;
- }
- sndpkt[i++] = dopar(seol); /* EOL character */
- sndpkt[i] = '\0'; /* End of the packet */
- ttol(sndpkt,spktl=i); /* Send the packet just built */
- flco += spktl; /* Count the characters */
- tlco += spktl;
- if (pktlog) zsoutl(ZPFILE,sndpkt); /* If logging packets, log it */
- screen(SCR_PT,type,(long)num,sndpkt); /* Update screen */
- }
- /* D O P A R -- Add an appropriate parity bit to a character */
- dopar(ch) char ch; {
- int a, b;
- if (!parity) return(ch); else ch &= 0177;
- switch (parity) {
- case 'm': return(ch | 128); /* Mark */
- case 's': return(ch & 127); /* Space */
- case 'o': /* Odd (fall thru) */
- case 'e': /* Even */
- a = (ch & 15) ^ ((ch >> 4) & 15);
- a = (a & 3) ^ ((a >> 2) & 3);
- a = (a & 1) ^ ((a >> 1) & 1);
- if (parity == 'o') a = 1 - a; /* Switch sense for odd */
- return(ch | (a << 7));
- default: return(ch);
- }
- }
- /* C H K 1 -- Compute a type-1 Kermit 6-bit checksum. */
- chk1(pkt) char *pkt; {
- int chk;
- chk = chk2(pkt);
- return((((chk & 0300) >> 6) + chk) & 077);
- }
- /* C H K 2 -- Compute the numeric sum of all the bytes in the packet. */
- chk2(pkt) char *pkt; {
- unsigned int chk;
- int p;
- for (chk = 0; *pkt != '\0'; *pkt++) {
- p = (parity) ? *pkt & 0177 : *pkt;
- chk += p;
- }
- return(chk);
- }
- /* C H K 3 -- Compute a type-3 Kermit block check. */
- /*
- Calculate the 16-bit CRC of a null-terminated string using a byte-oriented
- tableless algorithm invented by Andy Lowry (Columbia University). The
- magic number 010201 is derived from the CRC-CCITT polynomial x^16+x^12+x^5+1.
- Note - this function could be adapted for strings containing imbedded 0's
- by including a length argument.
- */
- chk3(s) char *s; {
- unsigned int c, q;
- LONG crc = 0;
- while ((c = *s++) != '\0') {
- if (parity) c &= 0177;
- q = (crc ^ c) & 017; /* Low-order nibble */
- crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 010201);
- q = (crc ^ (c >> 4)) & 017; /* High order nibble */
- crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 010201);
- }
- return(crc);
- }
- /* Functions for sending various kinds of packets */
- ack() { /* Send an ordinary acknowledgment. */
- spack('Y',pktnum,0,""); /* No data. */
- nxtpkt(&pktnum); /* Increment the packet number. */
- } /* Note, only call this once! */
- ack1(s) char *s; { /* Send an ACK with data. */
- spack('Y',pktnum,strlen(s),s); /* Send the packet. */
- nxtpkt(&pktnum); /* Increment the packet number. */
- } /* Only call this once! */
- nack() { /* Negative acknowledgment. */
- spack('N',pktnum,0,""); /* NAK's never have data. */
- }
- resend() { /* Send the old packet again. */
- int w;
- for (w = 0; w < timint - 2; w++) { /* Be extra sure no stuff is */
- ttflui(); /* still coming in. */
- sleep(1);
- if (!ttchk() ) ttinc(1); /* be extra sure no stuff in SIII/V */
- if (!ttchk() ) break;
- }
- if (*sndpkt)
- ttol(sndpkt,spktl); /* Resend if buffer not empty */
- else nack();
- screen(SCR_PT,'%',(long)pktnum,sndpkt); /* Display that resend occurred */
- if (pktlog && *sndpkt) zsoutl(ZPFILE,sndpkt); /* Log packet if desired */
- }
- errpkt(reason) char *reason; { /* Send an error packet. */
- encstr(reason);
- spack('E',pktnum,size,data);
- screen(SCR_TC,0,0l,"");
- }
- scmd(t,dat) char t, *dat; { /* Send a packet of the given type */
- encstr(dat); /* Encode the command string */
- spack(t,pktnum,size,data);
- }
- srinit() { /* Send R (GET) packet */
- encstr(cmarg); /* Encode the filename. */
- spack('R',pktnum,size,data); /* Send the packet. */
- }
- nxtpkt(num) int *num; {
- prvpkt = *num; /* Save previous */
- *num = (*num + 1) % 64; /* Increment packet number mod 64 */
- }
- sigint() { /* Terminal interrupt handler */
- errpkt("User typed ^C");
- doexit(GOOD_EXIT); /* Exit program */
- }
- /* R P A C K -- Read a Packet */
- rpack(l,n,dat) int *l, *n; char *dat; {
- int i, j, x, done, pstart, pbl, cccount, tries, gotsoh;
- CHAR chk[4], xchk[4], t, type;
- /* Try 3 times to get a line that has a start-of-packet char in it. */
- /* This allows skipping of blank lines that some hosts might send. */
- for (gotsoh = tries = 0; (tries < 3) && (gotsoh == 0); tries++) {
- j = inlin(); /* Read a line */
- if (j < 0) {
- debug(F101,"rpack: inlin fails","",j);
- screen(SCR_PT,'T',(long)pktnum,"");
- return('T');
- }
- debug(F111,"rpack: inlin ok, recpkt",recpkt,j);
- for (i = 0; ((t = recpkt[i]) != stchr) && (i < j); i++)
- ; /* Look for start of packet char */
- gotsoh = (t == stchr);
- }
- if (gotsoh) i++; else return('Q'); /* No SOH in 3 tries, fail. */
- /* Got something that starts out like a packet, now "parse" it. */
- debug(F101,"entering rpack with i","",i);
- done = 0;
- while (!done) {
- debug(F101,"rpack starting at i","",i);
- pstart = i; /* remember where packet started */
- /* length */
- if ((t = recpkt[i++]) == stchr) continue; /* Resynch if SOH */
- if (t == 3) cccount++; /* Count any control-C's */
- if (t == eol) return('Q');
- *l = unchar(t); /* Packet length */
- debug(F101," pkt len","",*l);
- if (*l + i + 2 > RBUFL) { /* Sticks out too far? */
- debug(F101," ** overrun","",i);
- return('Q');
- }
- /* sequence number */
- if ((t = recpkt[i++]) == stchr) continue;
- if (cccount && (t == 3)) { conoll("^C^C exit..."); doexit(0); }
- if (t == eol) return('Q');
- *n = unchar(t);
- debug(F101,"rpack: n","",*n);
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...rpack(), cont'd */
- /* type */
- if ((type = recpkt[i++]) == stchr) continue;
- if (type == eol) return('Q');
- debug(F101,"rpack: type","",type);
- if ((type == 'S') || (type == 'I')) pbl = 1; /* Heuristics for */
- else if (type == 'N') pbl = *l - 2; /* syncing block check type */
- else pbl = bctu;
- *l -= (pbl + 2); /* Now compute data length */
- debug(F101,"rpack: bctu","",bctu);
- debug(F101," pbl","",pbl);
- debug(F101," data length","",*l);
- /* data */
- dat[0] = '\0'; /* Return null string if no data */
- for (j=0; j<*l; i++,j++)
- if ((dat[j] = recpkt[i]) == stchr) continue;
- else if (dat[j] == eol) return('Q');
- dat[j] = '\0';
- /* get the block check */
- debug(F110," packet chk",recpkt+i,0);
- for (j = 0; j < pbl; j++) {
- chk[j] = recpkt[i];
- debug(F101," chk[j]","",chk[j]);
- if (chk[j] == stchr) break;
- if (chk[j] == eol) return('Q');
- recpkt[i++] = '\0';
- }
- chk[j] = 0;
- debug(F111," chk array, j",chk,j);
- if (j != pbl) continue; /* Block check right length? */
- done = 1; /* Yes, done. */
- }
- /* cont'd... */
- /* ...rpack(), cont'd */
- /* Got packet, now check the block check */
- switch (pbl) {
- case 1:
- xchk[0] = tochar(chk1(&recpkt[pstart]));
- if (chk[0] != xchk[0]) {
- if (deblog) {
- debug(F000,"rpack: chk","",chk[0]);
- debug(F000," should be ","",xchk[0]);
- }
- screen(SCR_PT,'Q',(long)n,recpkt);
- return('Q');
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- x = chk2(&recpkt[pstart]);
- xchk[0] = tochar((x & 07700) >> 6);
- xchk[1] = tochar(x & 077);
- if (deblog) {
- debug(F000," xchk[0]","=",xchk[0]);
- debug(F000," xchk[1]","=",xchk[1]);
- }
- if ((xchk[0] != chk[0]) || (xchk[1] != chk[1])) {
- debug(F100," bct2's don't compare","",0);
- screen(SCR_PT,'Q',(long)n,recpkt);
- return('Q');
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- x = chk3(&recpkt[pstart]);
- xchk[0] = tochar(( (unsigned)(x & 0170000)) >> 12);
- xchk[1] = tochar((x & 07700) >> 6);
- xchk[2] = tochar(x & 077);
- if (deblog) {
- debug(F000," xchk[0]","=",xchk[0]);
- debug(F000," xchk[1]","=",xchk[1]);
- debug(F000," xchk[2]","=",xchk[2]);
- }
- if ((xchk[0] != chk[0]) ||
- (xchk[1] != chk[1]) ||
- (xchk[2] != chk[2])) {
- debug(F100," bct3's don't compare","",0);
- screen(SCR_PT,'Q',(long)n,recpkt);
- return('Q');
- }
- break;
- }
- /* Good packet, return its type */
- screen(SCR_PT,type,(long)(*n),recpkt); /* Update screen */
- return(type);
- }
- /* I N C H R -- Input character from communication line, with timeout */
- inchr(timo) int timo; {
- int c;
- c = ttinc(timo);
- debug(F101,"inchr ttinc","",c);
- if (c < 0) return(c); /* Get a character */
- if (parity) c = c & 0177; /* If parity on, discard parity bit. */
- debug(F101," after parity","",c);
- return(c);
- }
- /* I N L I N -- Input a line (up to break char) from communication line */
- /* Returns number of chars input on success, -1 on failure. */
- /* Number of chars guaranteed to be within RBUFL. */
- inlin() {
- int i, j, k, maxt;
- CHAR e;
- maxt = (speed >= 110) ? (MAXTRY * 9600 / speed) : MAXTRY;
- debug(F101,"inlin: speed","",speed);
- debug(F101," maxt","",maxt);
- e = (turn) ? turnch : eol;
- i = j = k = 0;
- if (parity) {
- while ((j != e) && (i < RBUFL) && (k < maxt)) {
- j = inchr(1); /* Get char, 1 second timeout */
- debug(F101,"inlin inchr","",j);
- if (j < 0) k++; /* Timed out, count. */
- else {
- if (j) recpkt[i++] = j; /* Got one, save it, */
- k = 0; /* and reset timeout counter. */
- }
- }
- } else {
- i = ttinl(recpkt,RBUFL,timint,e); /* Get them all at once */
- if (i < 0) k = 1;
- }
- recpkt[i+1] = '\0'; /* Terminate near end of packet */
- debug(F111,"inlin",recpkt,i); /* Debug report... */
- debug(F101," timeouts","",k);
- if (i < 1) return(-1); /* No characters, return. */
- if (pktlog) zsoutl(ZPFILE,recpkt); /* Log any we got, if logging. */
- if (k > maxt) return(-1); /* If too many tries, give up. */
- tlci += i; /* All OK, Count the characters. */
- flci += i;
- return(i);
- }