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- .k kerflags
- . This file contains an execute script for building Kermit
- .
- . <kerflags> allows you to specify -DDEBUG -DTLOG to enable debugging logging
- .
- . This script expects the following logical defines:
- . ASSIGN lc: <directory containing LC1, LC2, and ALINK commands>
- . ASSIGN include: <directory include directories are rooted at>
- . ASSIGN lib: <directory containing LC.LIB, AMIGA.LIB, and LSTARTUP.OBJ>
- .
- . The -v flag is used with LC2 to disable stack overflow checking in Kermit.
- . The temporary compiler quad files are created in RAM:.
- .
- stack 20000
- echo "compiling ckcmai:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckcmai
- lc:lc2 -v -ockcmai.o ram:ckcmai
- echo "compiling ckucmd:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckucmd
- lc:lc2 -v -ockucmd.o ram:ckucmd
- echo "compiling ckuusr:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckuusr
- lc:lc2 -v -ockuusr.o ram:ckuusr
- echo "compiling ckuus2:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckuus2
- lc:lc2 -v -ockuus2.o ram:ckuus2
- echo "compiling ckuus3:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckuus3
- lc:lc2 -v -ockuus3.o ram:ckuus3
- echo "compiling ckcpro:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckcpro
- lc:lc2 -v -ockcpro.o ram:ckcpro
- echo "compiling ckcfns:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckcfns
- lc:lc2 -v -ockcfns.o ram:ckcfns
- echo "compiling ckcfn2:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckcfn2
- lc:lc2 -v -ockcfn2.o ram:ckcfn2
- echo "compiling ckicon:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckicon
- lc:lc2 -v -ockicon.o ram:ckicon
- echo "compiling ckitio:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -iinclude: -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckitio
- lc:lc2 -v -ockitio.o ram:ckitio
- echo "compiling ckifio:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckifio
- lc:lc2 -v -ockifio.o ram:ckifio
- echo "compiling ckistu:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckistu
- lc:lc2 -v -ockistu.o ram:ckistu
- echo "compiling ckiutl:"
- lc:lc1 <kerflags> -iinclude: -csw -iinclude:lattice/ -oram: ckiutl
- lc:lc2 -v -ockiutl.o ram:ckiutl
- echo "linking Kermit:"
- lc:alink with ckiker.lnk faster