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- *
- * EPFix.asm: Copyright 1986 by Limited Reality, Inc.
- *
- INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
- INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
- XLIB MACRO ;avoid _LVO on XREF's
- SysCall MACRO ;avoid typing _LVO every time
- jsr _LVO\1(a6)
- WriteFile MACRO ;File,String,Len
- move.l \1,d1 ;file to write
- move.l \2,d2 ;string to write
- move.l \3,d3 ;number of chars to write
- SysCall Write ;write 'em
- XREF _AbsExecBase ;base address for exec library
- XLIB OpenLibrary ;exec: open a library
- XLIB AllocMem ; allocate memory block
- XLIB FreeMem ; free memory block
- XLIB Lock ;DOS functions
- XLIB UnLock
- XLIB DupLock
- XLIB CurrentDir
- XLIB Examine
- XLIB ExNext
- XLIB Output
- XLIB Open
- XLIB Close
- XLIB Read
- XLIB Write
- XLIB Exit
- * StoredFile structure
- EPLen EQU 0 ;size of the file in this block
- EPFile EQU EPLen+4 ;contents of the file start here
- ***************************** initialization ***************************
- movem.l d0/a0,-(SP)
- move.l #FSpec1,d0
- move.l d0,FileSpec
- **************************** open DOS library **************************
- move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ;find exec library
- move.l #DOS_Name,a1 ;pass string containing name
- clr.l d0 ;expect any version
- SysCall OpenLibrary
- move.l d0,a6
- move.l a6,DosLibrary
- beq Abort2
- *************************** find output device ***************************
- SysCall Output ;get a file handle, already open
- move.l d0,StdOut
- beq Abort2
- *************************** check command line ***************************
- movem.l (SP)+,a0/d0
- cmpi.l #1,d0
- beq GoToIt
- ScanArgs:
- cmpi.b #' ',(a0)
- bne OkSoFar
- addq.l #1,a0
- subq.l #1,d0
- beq BadArgs
- bra ScanArgs
- OkSoFar:
- andi.b #$5f,(a0)
- cmpi.b #'J',(a0)
- bne BadArgs
- DoJX:
- move.l #FSpec2,d0
- move.l d0,FileSpec
- move.b #1,d0
- move.b d0,JXFlag
- GoToIt:
- WriteFile StdOut,#IntroMsg1,#IM1Len
- move.l #JXFlag,a3
- cmpi.b #1,(a3)
- bne GTI2
- WriteFile StdOut,#JX80,#JXLen
- GTI2:
- WriteFile StdOut,#IntroMsg2,#IM2Len
- ************************ find DEVS:printers directory *******************
- ChangeDir:
- move.l #Path,d1
- move.l #ACCESS_READ,d2
- SysCall Lock ;try to find this device
- move.l d0,DirLock
- beq Abort2 ;got it?
- SysCall CurrentDir ;make it current
- move.l d0,OldDir ;save old directory
- *********************** get data about directory **************************
- ExamineDir:
- move.l DirLock,d1
- move.l #DirItem,d2
- SysCall Examine ;get data about dir
- tst.l d0 ;successful?
- beq Abort ; no: quit
- NextFile:
- move.l DirLock,d1
- move.l #DirItem,d2
- movea.l DosLibrary,a6
- SysCall ExNext ;get data about next entry
- tst.l d0 ;is there another?
- beq NotFound ; no: quit
- tst.l fib_DirEntryType+DirItem ;is dir?
- bpl NextFile ;can't use it
- *********************** does it match the file spec **********************
- movea.l #DirItem+fib_FileName,a0
- movea.l FileSpec,a1
- FMatchLoop:
- move.b (a1),d0 ;get char from FSpec
- cmp.b (a0),d0 ;match?
- bne NextFile
- CharMatch:
- tst.b d0 ;matched null terminators?
- beq Match ; yes: success
- NotFNEnd:
- addq.l #1,a1
- addq.l #1,a0
- bra FMatchLoop
- Match:
- ************* allocate space to hold file info and contents ************
- * space needed:
- * 4-- length of file
- * ??-- contents of file: fib_Size
- * total: length of file+4
- move.l DirItem+fib_Size,d0 ;length of file
- addq.l #4,d0 ;+4
- clr.l d1 ;request any kind of RAM
- movea.l _AbsExecBase,a6
- SysCall AllocMem
- tst.l d0 ;successful?
- beq NoMem ; no: quit
- ********************* load the file into RAM *************************
- move.l d0,FilePTR ;save file pointer for later use
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l DirItem+fib_Size,(a1)+ ;store file size
- move.l DirLock,d1
- movea.l DosLibrary,a6
- SysCall CurrentDir ;make it current
- move.l #DirItem+fib_FileName,d1
- move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
- SysCall Open ;Open the file
- move.l d0,d1
- move.l d0,FileHandle
- move.l FilePTR,d2
- addq.l #EPFile,d2
- move.l DirItem+fib_Size,d3
- SysCall Read ;Read it
- move.l FileHandle,d1
- SysCall Close ;be nice
- ******************************* patches *********************************
- movea.l FilePTR,a4 ;point to beginning of file
- addq.l #EPFile,a4
- move.b #72,117(a4) ;offset 117: (Same for both drivers)
- ; changed from 82 to 72 dpi for
- ; correct graphic renditions.
- move.l #JXFlag,a3 ;check to see if we are modifying
- cmpi.b #1,(a3) ; the JX-80 driver
- beq ModJX ; if so, do it right!
- ModEp: ; (Mods for standard Epson)
- move.b #3,2665(a4) ;offset 2665:
- ; changed from 02 to 03 to
- ; tell new number of data
- ; bytes to read to set
- ; correct line spacing.
- move.b #65,3339(a4) ;offset 3339, 3340:
- move.b #8,3340(a4) ; changed from $31,0 to $41,8
- ; to set correct line spacing
- ; of 8/72" instead of 7/72"
- bra EPFixDone
- ModJX: ; (Mods for JX-80)
- move.b #3,2893(a4) ;offset 2893:
- ; changed from 02 to 03 to
- ; tell new number of data
- ; bytes to read to set
- ; correct line spacing.
- move.b #65,3945(a4) ;offset 3945, 3946:
- move.b #8,3946(a4) ; changed from $31,0 to $41,8
- ; to set correct line spacing
- ; of 8/72" instead of 7/72"
- ********************** clean up house and leave ************************
- EPFixDone:
- bsr SaveFile ;write out the file
- bsr RestoreDir ;restore original directory
- move.l DirLock,d1 ;free lock structure
- SysCall UnLock
- WriteFile StdOut,#Fini,#FLen ;tell 'em we're done
- bra Abort2 ;and end
- ********************* error handling routines **************************
- BadArgs: ;bad command line arguments
- WriteFile StdOut,#BAMsg,#BALen
- bra Abort2
- NotFound:
- WriteFile StdOut,#NoFile,#NFLen
- bra Abort1
- NoMem: ;file too big to load
- movea.l DosLibrary,a6
- WriteFile StdOut,#NoMemMSG,#NMMLen
- bra Abort
- WriteFailed: ;file is open
- move.l FileHandle,d1
- SysCall Close ;close the file
- SaveAbort:
- WriteFile StdOut,#FailedMSG,#FailedLen
- Abort:
- bsr FreeRAM ;free all memory
- Abort1:
- bsr RestoreDir ;restore original current directory
- move.l DirLock,d1
- SysCall UnLock ;unlock source directory
- Abort2:
- SysCall Exit ;flee!
- ********************* subroutine to save the file **********************
- SaveFile:
- movea.l FileSpec,a3
- move.l a3,d1
- move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
- SysCall Open ;open it
- move.l d0,FileHandle
- beq SaveAbort
- ***************************** write the file ***************************
- movea.l FilePTR,a0
- move.l d0,d1 ;file handle
- move.l a0,d2
- addi.l #EPFile,d2 ;pointer to data
- move.l EPLen(a0),d3 ;file length
- SysCall Write
- cmpi.l #-1,d0 ;error
- beq WriteFailed
- move.l FileHandle,d1
- SysCall Close ;close the file
- SaveDone:
- bsr FreeRAM ;free memory used for file
- rts
- ************** restore original current directory **********************
- RestoreDir:
- move.l OldDir,d1
- movea.l DosLibrary,a6
- SysCall CurrentDir
- rts
- ************** give back all the allocated memory ***********************
- FreeRAM:
- movea.l FilePTR,a1
- move.l (a1),d0 ;length of file
- addi.l #4,d0 ;+4 = length of block
- movea.l _AbsExecBase,a6
- SysCall FreeMem ;free this block
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- DOS_Name:
- dc.b 'dos.library',0
- IntroMsg1:
- dc.b 'Patching Epson'
- IM1Len EQU *-IntroMsg1
- JX80:
- dc.b ' JX-80'
- JXLen EQU *-JX80
- IntroMsg2:
- dc.b ' printer driver for proper operation...'
- IM2Len EQU *-IntroMsg2
- Fini:
- dc.b 'Done.',13,10
- FLen EQU *-Fini
- BAMsg:
- dc.b 'Bad Arguments!',13,10
- BALen EQU *-BAMsg
- NoFile:
- dc.b 'File NOT found!',13,10
- NFLen EQU *-NoFile
- NoMemMSG:
- dc.b 'Not enough RAM to load driver!',13,10
- FailedMSG:
- dc.b 'Unable to write file!',13,10
- FailedLen EQU *-FailedMSG
- Path:
- dc.b 'DEVS:printers',0 ;directory name
- FSpec1:
- dc.b 'epson',0 ;file name
- FSpec2:
- dc.b 'epson_jx-80',0 ;alternate
- JXFlag:
- dc.b 0
- CNOP 0,4 ;long word align
- DosLibrary:
- ds.l 1 ;handle for DOS Library
- FileSpec:
- ds.l 1 ;pointer to filename
- FilePTR:
- ds.l 1 ;pointer to file
- FileHandle:
- ds.l 1 ;handle of driver file
- DirLock:
- ds.l 1 ;lock for directory being examined
- OldDir:
- ds.l 1 ; " " old directory
- StdOut:
- ds.l 1 ;handle for default output device
- DirItem:
- ds.b fib_SIZEOF