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Text File | 1994-01-27 | 52.1 KB | 1,224 lines |
- ----------------------------------
- The following is an article Fred Fish posted on USENET containing
- information on ordering his PD library and on what is in the library.
- Keep in mind that Fred is only one person, so try to get copies from some
- other source (such as a local user group) before going to the horse's
- mouth.
- - Doug Walker
- ========================================================================
- ----------------
- There are "do-nothing-useful" examples of various capabilities of the
- AMIGA, real development tools, editors, languages, games, and other
- odds & ends. Also included are machine readable form of many of the
- examples (received directly from C-A sources) out of the official
- AMIGA manuals, including the 1.1 ROM Kernel Manual.
- -------------------
- First, check with your local dealers and user groups. Many already have
- the earlier disks. Since these disks can be copied freely, and widespread
- distribution is encouraged, they propagate out to central distribution
- points fairly quickly.
- If you just can't wait, or can't find copies locally, I am willing to
- make these disks available for the cost of media, mailing materials,
- postage, and miscellaneous expenses (like wear and tear on my drives).
- My goal is to get as much software as possible into the hands of people
- that can use and enhance it, and make the AMIGA the success it deserves
- to be.
- Each disk contains all source necessary to recreate the executables
- provided. All programs are currently compiled with the latest Lattice C
- and/or Manx C compiler available at the time of release. In a very few
- cases (noted in the description) the code will not compile or run for some
- reason, but was considered interesting enough to include anyway. Almost
- all executables are known to run on the latest kickstart/workbench
- combination available at time of release.
- Disks are typically 85 to 95 percent full.
- ------------
- To order, send a list of the disks you want, and $10 per disk, to:
- Fred Fish *******************************************
- 1346 W. 10th Place * Note address change since last posting! *
- Tempe, Az 85281 *******************************************
- (602) 921-1113 (Sorry, I can only return calls collect.)
- Time and other jobs permitting, all disks will be mailed via first class
- mail within 5 days of receipt of order. (Tips may help speed the process :-)
- Feel free to order more the the current number of disks available. Excess
- funds will be placed "in escrow" (refundable at any time) and drawn against
- for automatic mailings of future disks as they become available. I hope
- to add at least two to four disks per month to the library. Given that I
- have a database of about 300Mb of freely distributable software to
- draw upon, that should be a fairly easy goal to accomplish.
- ---------------------
- To the best of my knowledge, materials in this library are freely
- redistributable. This means that they have met one or more of the
- following conditions:
- (1) The materials contains explicit copyright notices permitting
- redistribution.
- (2) The materials were posted to a publically accessible electronic
- bulletin board and did not contain any copyright notice.
- (Such materials will be removed if it is subsequently shown
- that copyright notices were illegally removed.)
- (3) The materials were posted to a widely disseminated electronic
- network (such as usenet), thus implying that their author/poster
- intended them to be freely distributed. This applies only if
- they contain no notice limiting distribution.
- (4) The materials contain an explicit notice placing them in the
- public domain. This is not the same as condition (1).
- ======================================================================
- Itemized contents of disks 1-30 follows, in reverse order for
- the benefit of those that already have early releases.
- ======================================================================
- -------------------
- Note that the programs on this disk are all shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- Bbs A BBS for the Amiga (BBS-Amiga Version 1.1).
- Author: Ewan Grantham
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $25
- FineArt This is a collection of works from some of the best
- of current Amiga artists. Many thanks to Jim Sachs,
- Sheryl Knowles, Jack Haeger, and Aegis Development
- for submissions.
- FontEditor Does what the name implies, edits font's.
- Author: Tim Robinson
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $5
- MenuEditor Create and edit menus, saving the result as either
- a binary file for further editing or as C source for
- inclusion in a program.
- Author: David Pehrson
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $15
- StarTerm Starterm version 3.0. Very nice telecommunications
- program.
- Author: Jim Nangano
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $20
- -------------------
- AegisDrawDemo Demo disk of the Aegis Draw program. This is the
- actual production program with only the "save" feature
- disabled and without documentation (intentionally).
- Very impressive program! Received directly from
- Aegis Development.
- Cc Version of the Unix like C compiler frontend program,
- for Manx C. Previous released version was for Lattice C.
- Author: Fred Fish
- Enough A new CLI execute file command that tests for various
- system resources such as available memory or existance
- of specific files, directories, or devices.
- Author: Bruce Barrett @ Commodore-Amiga
- Player Animation player for Aegis Animator. Received directly
- from Aegis Development.
- Rubik An animated Rubik's cube program based on Barry Whitebook's
- "amiga3d" program and Raymond Brand's "skewb" program.
- Author: Bill Kinnersley
- StringLib A public domain reimplementation of the Unix string
- library functions.
- Author: Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto
- Vt100 A vt100 emulator program with Kermit and Xmodem file
- transfer protocols (based on AmigaTerm).
- Author: Dave Wecker
- -------------------
- Backgammon Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- Cpp This is a copy of the Decus cpp, ported to the Amiga.
- This cpp is more powerful and complete than either of
- the built in cpp's in Manx or Lattice C. Also included
- is a modified version of the Unix like cc frontend, for
- Manx C, that knows about the cpp.
- Author: cpp by Martin Minow; cc by Fred Fish
- Cribbage Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- MileStone Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- Othello Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- Shar A program which can pack and unpack archives compatible
- with the Unix "shar" (shell archiver) program.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- SuperBitMap An example program that shows how to use ScrollLayer,
- how to sync the SuperBitMap prior to printing, and how
- to create a dummy rastport for dumping the SuperBitMap.
- Works under 1.2 and up.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner and Phil Lindsay
- -------------------
- ABdemos Amiga Basic demos. NewConvertFD creates .bmaps from
- fd files. BitPlanes finds addresses of and writes to
- bitplanes of the screen's bitmap. AboutBmaps is a
- tutorial on creation and use of bmaps. LoadILBM loads
- and displays IFF ILBM pics. LoadACBM loads and displays
- ACBM pics. ScreenPrint creates a demo screen and dumps
- it to a graphic printer.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner, Commodore-Amiga
- Disassem A simple 68000 disassembler. Reads standard Amiga
- object files and disassembles the code sections.
- Data sections are dumped in hex. The actual disassember
- routines are set up to be callable from a user program
- so instructions in memory can be disassembled dynamically.
- Author: Bill Rogers, Univ of WAIKATO (New Zealand)
- DvorakKeymap Example of a keymap structure for the Dvorak keyboard
- layout. Untested but included because assembly examples
- are few and far between.
- Author: Robert Burns @ Commodore-Amiga
- Hypocycloids An electronic Spirograph inspired by an article in
- Feb '84 Byte.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- LinesDemo A demo program which illustrates the use of proportional
- gadgets to scroll around in a superbitmap window.
- Posted to usenet by Barry Whitebook @ Commodore-Amiga
- MemExpansion Schematics and directions for building your own homebrew
- 1 Mb memory expansion.
- Author: Michael Fellinger
- SafeMalloc Ever have a program that corrupts it's own memory? Well,
- this little gem can help you find the problem in a hurry.
- Acts as an interface between your program and the real
- malloc, checking for overrun, underrun, and duplicate
- freeing of malloc'd space.
- Author: Bjorn Benson, modifications by Fred Fish
- ScienceDemos Some science demos. Sidereal is a tutorial program which
- introduces the user to the relationships between Julian
- and calendar dates and solar and sidereal times. J2000
- is a utility program which converts stellar positions,
- proper motion, parallax and radial velocity from the
- standard epoch B1950 (FK4) to epoch J2000 (FK5). Galilean
- is a tutorial program which determines the position of
- the Galilean satellites relative to Jupiter.
- Programs courtesy of David Eagle at Science Software.
- -------------------
- UnHunk Tool to process the Amiga "hunk" loadfile format.
- Collects code, data, and bss hunks together, allows
- individual specification of code, data, and bss origins,
- and generates binary file with format reminiscent of Unix
- "a.out" format. The output file can be easily processed
- by a separate program to produce Motorola "S-records"
- suitable for downloading to PROM programmer.
- Author: Eric Black
- C-kermit Port of the popular "kermit" program, a flexible
- virtual terminal and file transfer program from
- Columbia University.
- Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Davide Cervone
- Ps A program to display process priorities and another
- program to set a process's priority to any arbitrary
- valid value. Very useful to provide finer control
- over your multitasking environment.
- Author: Dewi Williams
- Archx Yet more programs for bundling up text files and
- mailing or posting them as a single file unit.
- Author: Martin Minow
- -------------------
- This disk contains a port (executables only) of the popular UNIX game
- "Hack", courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511.
- This is Version 1.0.1E., with graphics enhancements for the Amiga.
- =====> NOTE FROM THE AMIGAN: John's address is now
- =====> 235 Trillingham Lane, Cary, NC 27511
- -------------------
- Conquest You control an interstellar empire, decide which star
- systems to explore, which planets to colonize, etc.
- The computer will also be building its own empire
- and competing with you for resources. The one with
- the greatest population at the end wins. First
- distributed in executable form only on disk number
- 10. This distribution includes source.
- Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Rob Shimbo
- Csh Second release of a csh-like alternative to the
- CLI, first released on disk number 14. Has alias,
- builtin functions like "dir" for speed, history,
- named variables, command re-execution with
- substitution, etc.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Modula-2 A pre-release version of the single pass Modula-2
- compiler originally developed for MacIntosh at ETHZ.
- This code was transmitted to the AMIGA and is executed
- on the AMIGA using a special loader. Binary only.
- -------------------
- This disk contains a significantly enhanced version of microemacs based
- on the version 30 release posted to usenet's mod.sources newsgroup.
- Previous versions of microemacs released on these disks derived from
- a very old version of microemacs. Since that old release, the author
- has cleaned up lots of loose ends and restructured major parts of the code.
- Other people have already added support for termcap, ports to other machines
- and operating systems, and a limited GNU emacs compatibility option.
- Because recipients of this disk might wish to run this new microemacs
- on other machines in addition to the Amiga, I have encluded all sources
- that were available to me at the time of release. The subdirectories
- which give alternate implementations are:
- Sys/Vms System modules for VAX VMS
- Sys/Atari System modules for Atari ST
- Sys/Msdos System modules for MSDOS
- Sys/Cpm86 System modules for Cpm
- Sys/Amiga System modules for Amiga
- Sys/Ultrix System modules for Ultrix/BSD4.2
- Sys/SysV System modules for Unix System V
- Tty/Atari Terminal driver for Atari ST
- Tty/7300 Terminal driver for AT&T Unix PC (7300)
- Tty/Intuition Terminal driver for Amiga using Intuition
- Tty/Termcap Terminal driver using termcap for Unix
- Tty/Ansi Terminal driver using Ansi codes
- Tty/Amigados Terminal driver for Amiga using just Amigados
- Tty/Heath Terminal driver for a Heath terminal
- There currently is a major effort underway on usenet, led by Dave
- Brower, to standardize microemacs and bring the many variations under
- one common implementation. Please send any enhancements to rtech!daveb,
- or send them to me and I will see that he gets them.
- -------------------
- This disk contains two new "strains" of microemacs, both derived from
- early releases of Dave Conroy's microemacs. There is currently an
- attempt on usenet, lead by Dave Brower, to coordinate an effort to
- merge features from the different versions into a single supported
- microemacs. In the meantime, perhaps you can find a feature you need
- in one of these...
- Lemacs Microemacs version 3.6 as enhanced and supported
- by Daniel Lawrence. This version works and has been
- tested on Unix V7, BSD 4.2, Amiga, MS-DOS, and VMS.
- Enhancements include overwrite mode, support for Amiga
- function keys, reverse video status line, numeric
- arguments using <ESC><number>, replace, buffer specific
- editing modes, word wrap mode, goto-line, buffer rename,
- insert-file, execute named command, describe bindings,
- startup files, and more.
- Author: Dave Conroy, enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- Pemacs Microemacs as enhanced by Andy Poggio. New features
- include use of <ALT> keys as Meta keys, default buffers
- on buffer switch, mouse support, higher priority to
- improve interactive response, creation of backup files,
- paragraph fill, word wrap, query replace, and support for
- function keys.
- Author: Dave Conroy, enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- -------------------
- This is a copy of Thomas Wilcox's Mandelbrot Set Explorer disk.
- It is unchanged except for:
- 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk21.
- 2) This file (README.list21) has been added.
- 3) The standard library README file README.dist
- has been added.
- To run from CLI:
- 1) cd dfX: (where X is drive containing disk)
- 2) mse
- To run from Workbench:
- 1) Click on MSD icon.
- It contains extensive on-line help information, unlike other
- Mandelbrot programs distributed in this library. It also is
- capable of displaying some very pretty hi-res pictures in
- interlace mode.
- -------------------
- AmigaToAtari Source code for an Amiga to Atari ST object code format
- converter. Takes Amiga objects as input and produces
- Atari objects as output. This allows the Amiga to be
- used as a cross development machine providing the
- proper libraries are available. (Currently does not
- work, but I don't have an ST to try it with anyway...)
- Author: Landon Dyer at Atari Corp.
- DiskSalv Program to recover files from a trashed AmigaDOS disk.
- Can also "undelete" files deleted by mistake, so long
- as they have not overwritten by further disk activity.
- Requires two disk drives. VERY useful...
- Author: Dave Haynie
- Hash Small example program that computes the AmigaDOS directory
- hash function.
- Author: Neil Katin at Commodore-Amiga
- Hd Hex dump utility using some ideas from Mike Higgin's
- article in Computer Language magazine, Apr 86.
- Formats the dump based on the natural byte ordering
- of the machine on which it runs.
- Author: David Elins at NEC Information Systems
- MandelBrots Some mandelbrot images submitted for the "mandelbrot
- images contest" some months ago. Only three people
- submitted mandelbrots and these were among the most
- interesting.
- MultiTasking Tutorial and example program for multitasking at the Exec
- level.
- Author: Leo L. Schwab
- Pack Program to strip extraneous whitespace from C programs
- or header files. Can be used to condense the C compiler
- header files to free up disk space.
- Author: Jeff Dickson
- PortHandler
- Author: A sample Port-Handler program that performs
- the functions of the standard Port-Handler. Shows what
- the BCPL environment looks like from the handler point of
- view.
- Author: John Toebus VIII
- Random Random number generator in assembly. Much faster than
- versions using floating point. Can be used by either
- assembly or C programs.
- Author: Steve Beats at Commodore-Amiga
- SetMouse2 Program to set the mouse port to either the left port or
- right port.
- Author: Robert Burns at Commodore-Amiga
- SpeechTerm Terminal emulator that can speak the received text.
- Also has XMODEM file transfer.
- Author: Leftheris Koutsofios
- Ted Demo version of an editor that has since been
- renamed as TxEd (I believe).
- Author: Charles Heath at MicroSmiths
- -------------------
- BlackJack A line oriented (no graphics) blackjack game.
- Author: Unknown
- JayMinerSlides These are the Amiga slides produced/used by Jay Miner
- (the designer of Amiga's custom graphics chips) in his
- talks about the Amiga. They are all hi-res (640 x 400)
- and are best displayed on a long-persistence color
- monitor.
- Keymap_Test A program to test the keymapping routines and find
- possible bugs. Useful as an example of keymapping.
- Author: Pushpa Kumar
- LockMon Find file locks. Useful for discovering if programs
- properly clean up after themselves.
- Author: Dewi Williams
- -------------------
- AmigaDisplay Yet another variation of a terminal emulator program.
- This is a modified AmigaTerm that can emulate a dumb
- terminal (interesting paradox here somewhere...), translate
- line termination sequences, optionally capture or discard
- control characters in the captured file, use audible bell,
- use another font, etc.
- Author: Don Woods (Original code by Michael Mounier)
- Ash Prerelease version of a C-shell like shell program.
- Has history, command substitution, loops, etc.
- Author: Thorn Smith
- Browser A program that lets you wander around a file tree and
- peek into files, all with the mouse.
- Author: Mike (I'll be mellow when I'm dead) Meyer
- MC68010 Complete information package for upgrading an Amiga
- to use an MC68010 in place of the MC68000. Includes
- a software fix that makes this transparent to user
- programs that use instructions that are priviledged
- on the 68010.
- Author: Thad Floryan
- Multidim Lets you rotate a 2 to 6 dimensional "cube" on the
- screen using the joystick.
- Author: Robert French
- PigLatin Tired of the "say" command? This one will translate
- and speak your input in pig latin!
- Author: Thomas Clement
- Scrimper Short for "SCReen IMage PrintER". A screen dump utility
- which can be run from the workbench or the CLI.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz
- Xlisp1.6 A very nice little lisp for those that want to study the
- internals of a real, working lisp interpreter.
- Author: Dave Betz
- -------------------
- This is a copy of a H.A.M. (Hold And Modify) graphics demo disk received
- from a vendor that is producing hardware to capture such images, and
- software to process them. It is unchanged except for:
- 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk17.
- 2) This file (README.list17) has been added.
- 3) The standard library README file README.dist
- has been added.
- 4) The 'showilbm' program has been added to allow viewing
- of the two monochrome pictures (dozer.hires and robert.lores)
- without requiring Deluxe Paint.
- 5) The supplied 'readme' file has been augmented with
- information received on hardcopy along with the disk, and
- a note has been added about how to use the showilbm
- program.
- -------------------
- This is a copy of the Amiga Developer's IFF disk, received directly from
- Commodore-Amiga sources, with permission to place in the library and
- redistribute. It is unchanged except for:
- 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk16.
- 2) This file (README.list16) has been added.
- 3) The standard library README file README.dist
- has been added.
- -------------------
- Blobs A simple graphics program, reminiscent of the unix "worms"
- program, but in color of course.
- Author: Peter Engelbrite
- Clock A simple digital clock program designed to be small and to
- live completely in the screen title bar, where it is out
- of the way.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- Dazzle An eight-fold symmetry dazzler program. Really pretty!
- Author: Peter Engelbrite
- Fish "A demo program which runs an AnimOb in a double buffered
- screen with sequence cycled animation". (Basically
- shows a fish "swimming" across the top of the screen).
- Author: Catherine Wagner (posted by Barry Whitebook)
- Monopoly A really nice monopoly game written in AbasiC.
- Follow the directions in the file "InstallationGuide"
- to produce a bootable games disk.
- Author: David Addison
- OkidataDump Okidata ML92 driver and WorkBench screen dump program.
- Does both alpha and graphics. Untested (I don't have the
- printer).
- Author: Raimund Gluecker
- Polydraw A drawing program written in AbasiC.
- Author: David Addison
- Polyfractals A fractal program written in AbasiC.
- Author: David Addison
- -------------------
- This disk contains the first ever public release of two new pieces of
- code, "dex" and "termcap". Also, this is the first disk in the library
- that includes executables produced with both the Manx and Lattice C
- compilers, whenever possible. This greatly helps to isolate bugs.
- amiga3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional solid "AMIGA" sign.
- This is an updated version of the program released
- on disk number 12, and now includes full source.
- Author: Barry Whitebook @ Commodore-Amiga
- beep Source for a function that generates a beep sound, like
- CTRL-G on a VT100 terminal.
- Author: Samuel Dicker @ Commodore-Amiga
- dex Program to extract documentation in a human readable
- format inside source files, and produce nroff style
- output for manuals and other such external documents.
- First ever public release.
- Author: Fred Fish
- dimensions Programs to demonstrate three and four dimensional graphics.
- Not quite sure how else to describe them!
- Author: Anselm Hook
- filezap An updated version of the file zap utility first released
- on disk number 10. Can be used to patch any type of
- file. Nice, and VERY useful.
- Author: John Hodgson
- gfxmem An updated version of the graphical memory display
- program first released on disk number 1. Watch your
- machine's memory usage change dynamically under use!
- Author: Louis Mamakos
- gi Converts DPaint brush files to C source files "necessary
- to create an Image structure, including height, width,
- depth, and color information, as well as the array of
- data which represents the bit planes of the image".
- Author: Mike Farren
- pdterm A simple terminal emulator that does ANSI or DEC VT-100
- emulation in 80 cols by 25 lines. Version 1.21.
- Author: Michael McInerny
- shell A simple csh style shell with history and some other
- goodies. Still needs some polishing and enhancement,
- but is quite nice as it. Thanks Matt!!! We've really
- needed something like this for a long time. Now if you
- would just do a ksh version instead...
- Author: Matt Dillon
- termcap A (mostly) unix compatible implementation of a termcap
- library. First ever public release.
- Author: Fred Fish
- -------------------
- This disk is a grab bag of basic programs, mostly untested.
- Some are for AbasiC and some are for Microsoft Basic.
- No speekee basic so if these don't work, call someone else.
- -------------------
- Note that this disk contains a number of programs apparently available
- only in executable form. I am not real happy with this trend, but
- had no way of getting in contact with the authors who posted these
- programs to various BBS's to request source. I have no reason to
- believe that any of these executable only postings contain any
- deliberate "misfeatures", but you should always use such programs
- cautiously.
- amiga3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional solid "Amiga sign".
- No source available, executable only (downloaded from
- a Denver BBS)
- Author: Barry (bart) Whitebook of C-A
- ArgoTerm Yet another terminal emulator program. However, this
- one is written in macro assembler, so should be of
- interest to anyone doing serious assembly language
- development. Version 0.20
- Author: Jez San
- arrow3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional wire frame arrow.
- No source available, executable only (downloaded from
- a Denver BBS)
- Author: Steve Beats of C-A
- ld4 Another directory listing program using some graphics
- style output. Executable only, no source available.
- (Downloaded from a Denver BBS)
- Author: unknown
- IconExec Tools which allow execution of a program from an
- icon without having to recompile the program.
- Author: John Toebes VIII
- images Miscellaneous DPaint and digitized pictures, in iff
- format. Some are rated R.
- SetAlternate Merge the images from two icons to produce one icon with
- a primary image, and a possibly completely different image
- to display when selected.
- Author: John Toebes VIII
- StarTerm Another terminal emulator program. ASCII and XMODEM
- support, telephone dialer, function keys, load file
- stripping, text file conversion, full/half duplex,
- Author: Jim Nangano and Steve Plegge
- -------------------
- dpslide A slide show program for displaying graphic images
- which are in the iff format, such as output from the
- Electronic Arts Deluxe Paint program. Allows the user
- to select the display time for each slide and the method
- of bringing the slide up to the screen, and then removing
- it. Double buffers images to improve smoothness of
- display. Executable only, no source available.
- Author: Paul Biondo
- pictures Miscellaneous DPaint and digitized pictures, in iff
- format. CAUTION: Some are rated R.
- -------------------
- conquest You control an interstellar empire, decide which star
- systems to explore, which planets to colonize, etc.
- The computer will also be building its own empire and
- competing with you for resources. The one with the
- greatest population at the end wins. Executable only,
- no source. Downloaded from Denver BBS.
- Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Rob Shimbo
- dehex Simple little program to convert hex format file into
- a binary file. Reads lines of hex characters on stdin
- and writes 8 bit dehex'd bytes to stdout.
- Author: Fred Fish
- filezap Patch program for any type of file. Executable only,
- no source available.
- Author: John Hodgson
- fixobj Strip extraneous garbage off end of object files
- transfered with xmodem. Does not require preknowledge
- of actual file length, uses knowledge of Amiga file
- structure.
- Author: John Hodgson
- iff Routines to read and write iff format files. Includes
- program to display iff files made by DPaint. Also
- see the DPSlide program on disk 11.
- Author: Jerry Morrison, Steve Shaw, and Steve Hayes
- ld I presume this stands for "list directory". Lists
- contents of specified diretory or disk, using inverse
- video and colors to group objects by type.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- ls Minimal implementation of UNIX ls. Demonstrates
- use of UNIX style filename pattern matching code.
- Author: Rick Schaeffer
- sq.usq Squeeze and unsqueeze, from the CPM world. Works, but
- "compress" from disk 6 runs almost twice as fast and
- produces even smaller files.
- Author: R. Greenlaw, Amiga port by Rick Schaeffer
- trek73 A Star Trek game. This one is just crying out to
- be Amiga'ized by some ambitious hacker.
- Authors: Many, see comment in main.c
- yachtc Dice game.
- Author: Sheldon Leemon
- ------------------
- moire Draws moire patterns in black and white in a borderless
- backdrop window. Currently only runs with Lattice C
- version 3.02, when compiled with 3.03 crashes the system.
- Author: Scott Ballantyne
- MVP-FORTH Mountain View Press Forth, version 1.00.03A.
- A shareware version of forth from Fantasia Systems.
- Runable from the workbench, comes with icons and
- such. If you use this, you should send a contribution
- to Fantasia Systems / Mountain View Press.
- proff Another text formatting program. This one is significantly
- more powerful than any of the others previously distributed
- on these disks.
- setlace Program to toggle interlace mode on and off.
- When used with a black background, and amber or green
- characters, produces a nice CLI environment.
- Author: Bob Pariseau, Nov 85
- skewb Not quite sure what this is supposed to be, it was
- downloaded from a bbs with no documentation. C'mon
- folks, at least put a three line description at the
- start of your programs!
- Author: Raymond S. Brand
- sparks Graphics demo that draws a "moving pathway", adding
- to the front and removing from the tail (sure is
- hard to come up with verbal descriptions of these
- things!).
- Author: Scott Ballantyne
- ----------------------
- disk7 The "Hack" games disk, derived from sources on disk 8.
- Version 1.0.1. This also contains some icons and other files
- that are not reproducable from the contents of the source
- disk (number 8), so number 7 and number 8 should really be
- ordered as a set. Both disks are almost full. It's huge!
- Courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511.
- disk8 Contains the source to "Hack", a popular UNIX game ported
- to the AMIGA by John Toebes. Please read all the associated
- README files before redistributing with changes. Also, if you
- appreciate John's work, help support it by sending a small
- contribution.
- Courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511.
- ------------------
- compress Compress reduces the size of the named files using
- adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding. The amount of compression
- obtained depends on the size of the input, the number of
- bits per code, and the distribution of common substrings.
- Typically, text such as source code or English is reduced
- by 50-60%. Compression is generally much better then that
- achieved by Huffman coding (as used in "pack") or
- adaptive Huffman coding (as used in "compact"), and takes
- less time to compute. Great for saving disk space, or
- reducing transmission time over phone lines! Also includes
- "btoa" and "atob" for converting binary files to ascii, and
- then back to binary (for transmission over links that do
- not support 8 bits).
- Author: Thomas Spencer, with improvements by others
- dadc A digital computer impersonating an analog clock
- impersonating a digital clock.
- Author: Perry S. Kivolowitz
- microemacs An upgraded version of microemacs originally distributed
- on disk number 2. I don't have an exact list of changes
- but the new executable is about 25% larger, so there must
- be something in there! One enhancement is that some
- functions are now also bound to function keys.
- Author: Dave Conroy, with enhancements by Jack Roose.
- mult Mult reads the input comparing adjacent lines. In the
- normal case, the second and succeeding copies of repeated
- lines are output, and the remainder of the lines are
- removed. Repeated lines must be adjacent in order to be
- found. Options are present to output the first of multiple
- lines, for comparing adjacent lines by field only, and for
- specifying the field separator character. Kind of the
- opposite of the Unix "uniq" program.
- Author: Dennis Bednar
- scales Demonstrates use of the Audio functions in the ROM to
- produce four voice sound. It uses a simple waveform
- (sawtooth) with no amplitude control (ie, envelope)
- or frequency variation (ie, vibrato), but these can be
- easily implemented. Also includes considerable
- documentation on audio device.
- Author: Steven A. Bennett
- setparallel Allows the CLI user to dynamically change any particular
- parallel port parameter.
- Author: Keith Stobie and Tom Pohorsky
- setserial Allows the CLI user to dynamically change any particular
- serial port parameter.
- Author: Keith Stobie and Tom Pohorsky
- sortc A quicksort based sort program, using separate driver
- and sort modules. Originally from a DECUS C distribution.
- Claims to be fast, but when operating entirely out of ram
- takes 93 seconds to sort its input file, sort.c, while
- AmigaDos's sort takes only 43 seconds under the same
- conditions.
- Author: Dave Conroy, Martin Minow, and Ray Van Tassle
- stripc Strips comments and extraneous whitespace from C source
- files. Useful for compacting the C header files to
- increase usable disk space.
- Author: Chris Metcalf
- ------------------
- cons Console device demo program with supporting macro routines.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- freemap Creates a visual diagram of free memory. Comes with
- custom icon so can be run from workbench screen.
- Author: Robert J. Mical
- input.dev In combination with hander.interface.asm (supplied),
- lets a user trap keyboard or mouse events before they
- get to Intuition and if desired, install new (phony/
- generated/other-devices-mouse-simulations) into the
- input stream. Handler.interface.asm is needed to convert
- the calling sequence performed by the input.task for
- the input stream management into something that a
- C program can understand.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- joystick Shows how to set up the gameport device as a joystick.
- Reports parameters received from joystick hooked to
- right port.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- keyboard Sample program to demonstrate direct communications with
- the keyboard.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- layers Shows use of the layers library, used by Intuition to
- create windows (layers handles all overlapping drawing
- areas and keeps things straight, sending to the back,
- bringing to the front, making larger/smaller, etc.)
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- mandelbrot Latest and greatest mandelbrot program. New features
- include the ability to save images in "iff" format,
- for reading into Deluxe Paint or other programs that
- use iff. Also includes code from GraphiCraft to handle
- color palette and change colors at will. Many additions
- by RJ Mical.
- Author: Robert French
- mouse Shows how to set up the gameport device as a mouse so
- that hooking up the mouse to the right port gives access
- to mouse information.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- one.window Produces a window with a console attached. Does graphics
- in the top half and limits the console activity to the
- lower half.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/18/85
- parallel Demonstrates access to the parallel port.
- Author: Tom Pohorsky 12/1/85
- printer Shows how to open and use a printer, does a screen dump
- of the workbench screen if there is a graphics-capable
- printer attached.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- print.support Printer support routines. Currently won't compile,
- missing a header file "local.h".
- Author: unknown
- proctest Sample code to create a process, set up message ports,
- pass messages, etc.
- Author: Rob Peck 1/4/86
- region Demonstrates how a drawing area can be split into linked
- rectangular regions. Draws a rectangle in a single
- playfield display, then draws "Behind a Fence" several
- times behind an apparent fence in the rectangle.
- Only works under Lattice Ver3.03.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- samplefont A sample font that produces clubs, hearts, spaces, and
- diamonds as its four characters. Shows precisely what
- is contained in an Amiga font.
- Author: Unknown
- serial Demonstrates access to the serial port. Requires an
- external terminal connected to the serial port.
- Author: Unknown
- singlePlayfield Creates and displays a 320 by 200 by 2 bit plane
- single playfield display. Completely covers Intuition's
- display, but gives the system back at exit.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- speechtoy Latest and greatest version of Dave's cute speech demo
- program. Comes with custom icon so can be run from
- a workbench screen.
- Author: Dave Lucas
- speech.demo A much simplified version of speechtoy. Also includes
- exec support functions for extended IO requests,
- CreateExtIO() to allocate and initialize a new IO request
- block and DeleteExtIO() to free an extended IO request
- block.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- text.demo Sample program that asks AvailFonts() to make a list of
- the fonts that are available, then opens a window and
- then prints a description of the various attributes that
- can be applied to the fonts, in the font itself.
- Previous versions were released as "whichfont".
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- timer Simple timer example program. Includes dynamic
- allocation of data structures needed to communicate
- with the timer device, as well as the actual device
- IO.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- trackdisk Demonstrates use of trackdisk driver. Useful example of
- "raw" disk read/write.
- Author Rob Peck 12/1/85
- ------------------
- banner Prints horizontal banner (across screen). From Decus
- C distribution of several years ago.
- Author: Unknown
- bgrep Another grep like utility, also using the Boyer-Moore
- algorithm.
- Author: Roy Mongiovi and Arnold Robbins
- bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
- the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained
- from the Free Software Foundation. Compiles and
- links (with some effort) but currently crashes the
- machine. Needs work, but will probably be worth it.
- Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman
- bm A grep like utility using the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
- Author: Peter Bain
- grep Decus grep (Get Regular Expression and Print). Useful
- for finding strings in files.
- Author: Unknown
- kermit This is an absolutely ancient kermit, who's only
- saving grace is that it is small and quite portable.
- On the AMIGA, there is no connect mode, only send and
- receive. You must log into the remote machine via
- one of it's local terminals and point it's kermit at the
- appropriate serial line connected to the AMIGA.
- Author: Unknown, but it is so hacked up it doesn't matter
- by now.
- MyCLI Another CLI for the AMIGA.
- Author: Mike Schwartz
- mandel A Mandelbrot set program.
- Author: Robert French, with additions by RJ Mical
- ------------------
- gothic Gothic banner printer. Prints DOWN the page, rather
- than across, so arbitrarily long banners can be
- created. Send EOF (CTRL-\e) to end input.
- From a Decus C distribution several years ago.
- Author: unknown
- roff A "roff" type text formatter, roughly following
- "Software Tools" version. Somewhat upwardly compatible
- with unix "nroff" command.
- Author Ken Yap
- ff A very fast text formatter, controlled exclusively by
- command line arguments.
- Author: Gary Perlman & hordes of students
- cforth A highly portable forth implementation. Lots of goodies.
- Author: Allan Pratt
- xlisp A nice little lisp implementation. Compiles and links
- ok, but something in the Lattice C setjmp/longjmp
- code prevents it from currently running. Might be
- easily fixed. Version 1.4
- Author: David Betz
- ------------------
- alib Object module librarian.
- Author: Mike Schwartz
- cc Unix-like frontend for Lattice C compiler.
- Author: Fred Fish
- dbug Macro based C debugging package. Machine independent.
- Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
- state information, and more.
- Author: Fred Fish
- make Subset of "unix" make command. Useful, but does not have
- many of the features of the full make, much less the newer
- "augmented make".
- Author: Landon Dyer
- make2 Another make subset command.
- Author: Marc Mengel
- microemacs Small, relatively portable version of emacs. Has
- keyboard macros. No extension language.
- Author: Dave Conroy
- portar Portable archiver. Used to bundle text file up into a
- single file for transmission as a unit, or otherwise
- handling as a single file. "Portable" because the code
- itself is portable and because the archive format is
- very simple (uses ascii headers to separate files).
- From Decus C distribution.
- Author: Martin Minow
- xrf C cross reference utility. Originally from Decus C
- distribution.
- Author: Bob Denny
- ------------------
- amigademo Graphical benchmark for comparing amigas.
- Author: Charlie Heath (MicroSmiths)
- amigaterm Terminal emulation program with xmodem upload/download
- capability.
- Author: Michael Mounier
- balls Simulation of the "kinetic thingy" with balls on strings
- where only the end balls move (quick, can YOU come up
- with a better description?). Anyway, cute.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz
- colorful Shows off use of hold-and-modify mode.
- Posted to usenet by Robert Pariseau.
- dhrystone Dhrystone benchmark program.
- Author: Reinhold Weicker (Ada version)
- Rick Richardson (C version)
- dotty Source to the "dotty window" demo on the Workbench disk.
- Posted to usenet by Dale Luck.
- freedraw A small "paint" type program. Free drawing, boxes,
- filled boxes, etc.
- Author: Rick Ross
- gad "Fun with Gadgets". Demonstration program for use
- of gadgets.
- Author: John Draper (Aka "crunch")
- gfxmem Graphical memory usage display program. Watch your
- machine's memory usage! Cute and useful.
- Author: Louis Mamakos
- halfbrite Sample program that demonstrates "Extra-Half-Brite"
- mode on latter AMIGA's with new VLSI chip. Allows
- 64 colors in low-res mode, rather than 32.
- Posted to usenet by Robert Pariseau.
- hello Demonstrates creation of a simple window, "hello world".
- Posted to usenet by Eric Lavitsky.
- latffp Shows how to access the Motorola Fast Floating Point
- library from Lattice C. Also demonstrates the tremendous
- speedup obtained.
- Author: Larry Hildenbrand
- palette Sample program for designing color palettes.
- Author: Charlie Heath
- trackdisk Demonstrates use of the trackdisk driver. Useful example
- of "raw" disk read/write.
- Author: Rob Peck
- requesters Sample program and documentation for building and
- using requesters. John worked REAL hard to dig out
- all the information in this one!
- Author: John Draper (aka "crunch")
- speech Sample speech demo program. Stripped down version of
- "speechtoy".
- Author: Rob Peck
- speechtoy Another speech demo program. Cute. You have to see this
- one. Be sure to click gadget that pops up the face.
- Author: David Lucas