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- /******************************************************************/
- MemGrab -- The Fast Memory Grabber V1.0
- Copyright © 1986 by Mitchell Jareo IV
- This program is free and may be freely distributed with these
- restrictions.
- 1. NO FEE may be charged for this program.
- 2. NO modifications may be made to this program.
- /******************************************************************/
- This one's for all of you naughty boys and girls out there
- who never seem to find the time to ATOMize your programs.
- This program can only help those of you out there who are
- among the lucky people who have RAM expansion boards on the
- side expansion bus. This memory is called FAST memory. The
- other type of memory, the memory inside the computer and the
- 256K front expansion box, is called CHIP memory.
- The biggest difference between the two types of memory is
- that the three custom chips which perform graphics,
- animation, sound, and I/O cannot access FAST memory. This
- means that any data which should be in CHIP memory is in
- FAST memory it will not be usable.
- If you have ever run a program and not been able to see
- Gadgets, Images, or Pointers, then you have what is known as
- an unATOMized program. ATOM is a program that allows a
- programmer to assure that all of his data which should be in
- CHIP memory goes there when the final product is loaded.
- Any program which uses data structures that must be in
- CHIP RAM, needs to be ATOMized. But if you are only testing
- and don't want to bother, or if you happened to luck upon
- the works of one the naughty people mentioned above, then
- you need MemGrab.
- This program will allow you to quickly allocate all of
- the FAST RAM in your Amiga.
- To use MemGrab:
- From CLI -- type MemGrab <RETURN>
- From Workbench -- double click on the MemGrab icon.
- There are two states in which MemGrab exists.
- Grabbed and Released.
- When the program starts it has not yet grabbed all of the
- fast memory.
- Before you load the naughty program, press on the gadget
- labeled GRAB. This will allocate all of the FAST memory.
- Now, load the naughty program.
- When the naughty program has finished you may press on
- the gadget anytime in the future to release the memory
- (Run PM with this to see how well it works!).
- To quit MemGrab: Just select the Close Window Gadget in
- the upper left corner.
- Hope this program helps some of you frustated 4-meggers
- out there.
- Long Live Amiga,
- Mitchell Jareo IV