home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* _main.c Copyright (C) 1985 Lattice, Inc. */
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "fcntl.h"
- #include "ios1.h"
- #include "workbench/startup.h"
- #include "libraries/dos.h"
- #include "libraries/dosextens.h"
- #define MAXARG 32 /* maximum command line arguments */
- #define QUOTE '"'
- #define isspace(c) ((c == ' ')||(c == '\t') || (c == '\n'))
- #ifndef TINY
- extern int _stack,_fmode,_iomode;
- extern int (*_ONBREAK)();
- extern int CXBRK();
- #endif
- extern int LoadAddress;
- extern struct UFB _ufbs[];
- int argc; /* arg count */
- char *targv, *argv[MAXARG]; /* arg pointers */
- #define MAXWINDOW 40
- extern struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg;
- static char window[MAXWINDOW] = "con:10/10/320/80/";
- static struct Process *process, *FindTask();
- static struct FileHandle *handle;
- /**
- *
- * name _main - process command line, open files, and call "main"
- *
- * synopsis _main(line);
- * char *line; ptr to command line that caused execution
- *
- * description This function performs the standard pre-processing for
- * the main module of a C program. It accepts a command
- * line of the form
- *
- * pgmname arg1 arg2 ...
- *
- * and builds a list of pointers to each argument. The first
- * pointer is to the program name. For some environments, the
- * standard I/O files are also opened, using file names that
- * were set up by the OS interface module XCMAIN.
- *
- **/
- void _main(line)
- register char *line;
- {
- register char **pargv;
- register int x;
- /*
- *
- * Build argument pointer list
- *
- */
- while (argc < MAXARG)
- {
- while (isspace(*line)) line++;
- if (*line == '\0') break;
- pargv = &argv[argc++];
- if (*line == QUOTE)
- {
- *pargv = ++line; /* ptr inside quoted string */
- while ((*line != '\0') && (*line != QUOTE)) line++;
- if (*line == '\0') XCEXIT(1);
- else *line++ = '\0'; /* terminate arg */
- }
- else /* non-quoted arg */
- {
- *pargv = line;
- while ((*line != '\0') && (!isspace(*line))) line++;
- if (*line == '\0') break;
- else *line++ = '\0'; /* terminate arg */
- }
- } /* while */
- targv = (argc == 0) ? (char *)WBenchMsg : (char *)&argv[0];
- /*
- *
- * Open standard files
- *
- */
- #ifndef TINY
- if (argc == 0) /* running under workbench */
- {
- strncat(window, WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList->wa_Name,MAXWINDOW);
- _ufbs[0].ufbfh = Open(window,MODE_NEWFILE);
- _ufbs[1].ufbfh = _ufbs[0].ufbfh;
- _ufbs[1].ufbflg = UFB_NC;
- _ufbs[2].ufbfh = _ufbs[0].ufbfh;
- _ufbs[2].ufbflg = UFB_NC;
- handle = (struct FileHandle *)(_ufbs[0].ufbfh << 2);
- process = FindTask(0);
- process->pr_ConsoleTask = handle->fh_Type;
- x = 0;
- }
- else /* running under CLI */
- {
- _ufbs[0].ufbfh = Input();
- _ufbs[1].ufbfh = Output();
- _ufbs[2].ufbfh = Open("*", MODE_OLDFILE);
- x = UFB_NC; /* do not close CLI defaults */
- }
- _ufbs[0].ufbflg |= UFB_RA | O_RAW | x;
- _ufbs[1].ufbflg |= UFB_WA | O_RAW | x;
- _ufbs[2].ufbflg |= UFB_RA | UFB_WA | O_RAW;
- x = (_fmode) ? 0 : _IOXLAT;
- stdin->_file = _ufbs[0].ufbfh;
- stdin->_flag = _IOREAD | x;
- stdout->_file = _ufbs[1].ufbfh;
- stdout->_flag = _IOWRT | x;
- stderr->_file = _ufbs[2].ufbfh;
- stderr->_flag = _IORW | x;
- /* establish control-c handler */
- #endif
- /*
- *
- * Call user's main program
- *
- */
- main(argc,targv); /* call main function */
- #ifndef TINY
- exit(0);
- #else
- XCEXIT(0);
- #endif
- }