17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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Again it's
Flying Toasters!
Version 1.2
Gernot Reisinger (w)92
Copyright Notice:
FT is Public Domain. This release includes binary and source files.
Do anything with it you want but:
1. keep all files of the package together,
2. describe the changes you made in the program,
3. I am the author of the original program, so please state this
in your release,
4. no commercial selling (copy fees up to 2$ (5$ including the
medium) are allowed),
5. the permission to include and to distribute FT within the Fred
Fish PD disks is explicitly stated here,
6. FT is limited to non-atomic, non-military and non-chemical
industries related usage (write your own screen blankers -
7. send me a postcard of your hometown if you frequently use
Another screen/mouse blanker commodity (software that makes you happy ;=)
I saw them fly on the macintosh and on a stupid pc. From that on I
couldn't sleep. Flying objects arround everywhere.
Well it was a 3 days hack to bring them on the amiga and for the
flight studies required for the art design I crashed 17 toasters ;-).
The blanker eats up a lot of calculation time. So if you do any
background calculations adjust the number of objects or decrease
the object speed (new 1.1 change priority).
CX_POPKEY (default shift f1) Pops up the FT preferences window.
CX_BLANKKEY (default shift f2) Immediatly blanks the screen.
CX_PRIORITY (default 0) Commodity priority
CX_POPUP (default no) Open preferences window at startup
SPEED (default medium) toaster speed
Choose between boring, medium and turbo.
TIMEOUT (default 180) Seconds until screen blank.
OBJECTS (default 20) Maximum number of toaster on the screen
(max. 40). 0 disables toasters - simple
screen blanker.
PRIORITY (default 0) The process priority of the animation process.
SLEEP (default top right) The sleep corner. Place the mouse in this screen
corner and the screen immediatly blanks.
NEVERSLEEP (default bottom left) disable screen blanking while mouse is in this
screen corner
MOUSETIMEOUT (default 3) seconds until mouse pointer blanks, if -1 specified
mouse blanking is disabled.
The Preferences Window:
Lets you adjust the speed and number of objects and timeout. Additional
you can watch the different flight modes of the toasters (use the
mx-gadget or menu). The about menu item displays some program notices
(sorry for the bad scroller). The rest should be self explaining,
(All files edited with tabsize = 4!!)
I developed the whole package with SAS-C ver. 5.10 (thanks to HS for
providing me the machine and compiler). The package includes no makefile as
I used my private version of bmake which is not compatible to the official
version. Compile all files with -v and link cback.o! The include file std.h
contents some private goodies and is also not included in the package.
All typedefs and defines needed stated below:
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef char BYTE;
typedef unsigned int UINT;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef long LONG;
typedef char BOOLEAN;
typedef short SHORT;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef int INT;
#undef TRUE
#undef FALSE
#define TRUE ((BOOLEAN) 1)
#define FALSE ((BOOLEAN) 0)
#undef GLOBAL
#undef LOCAL
#define GLOBAL extern
#define LOCAL static
#define FOREVER for(;;)
#undef NULL
#define NULL 0L
#define IS_KICK2_0 (SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version >= 37)
Further you should define following symbols:
HEADER_PRECOMPILED if you want to use procompiled header files
DEBUG to enable debugging mode
I developed FT on a Amiga 3000 25 MHz with 5 MB and 150 MB Harddisk.
I didn't test FT on other machines. But there is no reason why it
shouldn't work (performance may lack on a 68000 machine).
FT was modeled on several other programs programs:
FracBlank by Olaf Barthel & MXM
MouseBlanker by Stefan Sticht
Other implementation Tools:
IFF2Src J. Thyberghein
makec Robert Kesterson
All programs appeared withtin the Fred Fish PD series.
At least - send regards, bug fixes, your own little hacks to
Gernot Reisinger
4943 Geinberg 121
Austria (Europe)
EMail: gr@cast.uni-linz.ac.at (may expire in october '92)
(Department of Systems Science, University Linz, Austria)
I try to reply all incoming mail, but PLEASE be patient!
Motto of release 1.2:
The easy way is always mined.
24/03/92 1.0 very first public release
30/03/92 1.1 added sleep corner and priority selection, decreased
stack of animation process. Added a mouse blanker
12/09/92 1.2 Bugfixes; forgot to include pics in the previous
releases - pics are nw included in version 1.2;
implemented mousblanking disable; changed the mouse
blanking methods of the ft window which caused some
problems (SetSprite replaced OFF_SPRITE)