17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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GADGET.Electronic Edition SEPTEMBER 1987
Copyright 1987 by Ray Radlein
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All The News That Fits The Print
Well, now that the Scandal has broken, the question on everyone's
mind is "What did the President know, and when did he know it?"
By now, we've all seen the television coverage, the articles in
the newspaper, the covers of Time and Newsweek and Amazing
Computing. You have seen the calm but embattled face of our own
Treasurer, Barry Burton, as he sat on the witness stand
testifying to the Special Persecutor. You, too, have probably
wondered where all that money really went. But, being the
obviously intelligent readers that you are, you have steadfastly
refused to jump to conclusions; you have waited until all the
facts were in. Being headstrong, individualistic, free-thinkers,
you have decided to wait for The GADGET to tell you what to
For most of us, the first we heard about it all was when the New
York Times broke the story about how money for the Club's new
Theme Park, "Vapor Land," was being funneled through Swiss banks,
eventually to arrive in Central America, funding the Contra
Rebels. Our Club President denied the story, saying it was "a
complete mess of lies and fabrications; a totally bogus bag of
misrepresentations and prevarications; and, anyway, I'm sure that
it was all our Treasurer's idea. I, uh, didn't know anything
about it, did I?"
Within a week, the story was all over the front pages of every
magazine and newspaper in America, except for the Natural
OWN MOUTH, ESCAPES!" - and within another week, the Special
Persecutor had convened the "Vapor-Gate" hearings. First, the
Club's photogenetic Secretary, Ray Radlein, denied shredding
issues of The GADGET. "It wasn't me! The U.S. Mail did that just
fine on its own! And anyway, I was only following orders!"
After that, Chief of Intelligence Bob Scott was slated to testify
on his role in transporting currency to the Carribean, but he
never did show up, prompting all kinds of wild rumors, which,
unfortunately, no one can recall.
But finally, the Big Day arrived: Under a promise of Immunity
from Measles, Barry was finally slated to testify on his role in
this riveting drama. Looking stern and patriotic, Barry quickly
captured the hearts of an enraptured nation - Upper Volta, to be
precise - with his terse, unashamed description of the events
that lead from Theme Park to Rebel Militia. "I have no regrets,"
intoned Barry. "I would do it all over again to help our country
in its struggle against the Forces of Communism in all parts of
the world."
A Hero was born. All over the county, people broke into
spontaneous applause, writing cards and letters expressing their
support, as well as engaging in that uniquely American form of
celebration: Printing thousands of idiotic-looking "Barry for
President" posters, T-Shirts, bumper stickers, and underwear.
There was even a move afoot to make Barry our Club President,
until we realized that, being as how he was always off in
Nicaragua, he wouldn't be able to attend the meetings.
Ah, yes! The Meetings! What this column is ostensibly about! In
the wake of the hearings, we were all pretty distracted at the
meetings, to the point that no one can remember what actually
occured. There are dim, almost ancestral, memories of seeing
dynamic new software demonstrations and listening to thrilling
guest speakers hold forth on a variety of fascinating topics.
There was the speaker from Apple Computers, who demonstrated a
groundbreaking new achievement in Personal Computing:
"Multi-Tasking." According to the Apple rep, Multi-tasking is The
Wave of The Future, a process by which a given computer can
perform sevreral tasks AT THE SAME TIME. Most people in the
audience weren't particularly impressed. "Why on Earth would
anyone want to do that?" asked Vice-President Ray Marsh.
"I dunno," replied Doug Smoak, "I guess it's just too
sophisticated a concept for simple rubes like us to appreciate."
The development, called "Multi-Finger" by Apple, was also
downplayed by the representative from International Booloean
Mechanisms, who claimed that their new BS/2 line of computers
would support Multi-tasking, "Any Day Now. I mean, like Real
Soon. Fred and Barney are finishing up the Code even as we speak!
And it'll have all kinds of really neat-o graphics stuff, too;
just wait and see!"
"Just wait and see!", unfortunately, has also been the operative
phrase regarding Vapor Land. The Official Public Grand Opening,
originally slated for a couple of months ago, has since been
postponed to "Real Soon Now," as, in the wake of the Hearings,
funding for the Park has dwindled to a trickle. Many of the rides
have not been completed yet, and many others have not even been
started. Spokesmodel Ray Radlein claimed that Vapor Land was held
up due to "...a problem with FCC approval. Also, we're waiting to
get the manuals to get back from the printers."
"But never fear!" he added. "Work is proceeding at full speed! We
should finish our futuristic "Vapor Land 2000" section Real Soon
Now! And don't forget to look for our Gigantic Ad campaign! We'll
be running ads on prime number days of the month in The Columbia
Retched, as well as the Oshkosh Herald-Messenger and the Papua
Star-Tribune! And in such leading magazines as Look, Mac World,
and PM Magazine! And television! We're talking TV! Look for our
sophisticated, high-tech ads during ESPN's "Kick-Boxing from the
Phillipines" and "World Championship Wrestling," not to mention
"Nitrogen: Our Invisible Friend" on the Discovery Channel!
Anyhow, despite all the adverse publicity, and the repeated
threats from the PTA, PMRC, Governor's Office, and National
Guard, we will continue to hold meetings; and those meetings
will, no doubt, be every bit as action-packed and exciting as
your favorite "Dukes of Hazard" episode, but with even more car
crashes and literate humor! So come one, come all, and see what
the fuss is about!