17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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~Contents of the 18th NZ Amiga Users Group (Wgtn) NewsDisk, January 1989`
~From New Zealands First Amiga Users Group.`
~ADC.Digitizer :` Audio digitizer circuit for the Amiga. Design by Robert
Dooge, C.C.U.G., Queensland (Australia). Downloaded from
local BBS, Jan, 1989.
~AmigaBASIC :` Simple BASIC programs from Roger Woods. (You'll need
your Extras disk with AmigaBASIC to run these).
~Bently :` Picture.
~Model T :` Picture.
~Mr.Pod :` Animated interactive program for youngsters?
~Stairway.Music :`Music.
~BASIC to Assembly :` Example of linking a BASIC program to a compiled
(or assembled) routine. This example is an assembly
language routine for calculating integer squareroots.
From John Murphy (New Plymouth)
~BASIC to Hardware :` Simple programs showing how to directly access
hardware from BASIC (or other high level language).
From John Murphy (New Plymouth).
~DiskTest :` Disk drive motors.
~Interface :` Parallel port.
~JoystickTest :` Joystick buttons.
~LED :` Power LED.
~MouseCheck :` Mouse buttons etc.
~PrinterStatus :` Printer paperout etc signals.
~ProtectCheck :` Disk write protect status.
~Buy\Sell\Swap :` Items too late for our January newsletter.
~Causers.Newsletter :` Newsletter of the CAROLINA AMIGA USERS GROUP (USA),
September 1987. Formatted for printing, so there are a few
odd gaps to allow for page breaks.
~ClubNews.EE :` Latest scandals from home and abroad
~FACCFact.EE :` The facts about FACC II
~Music.EE :` Sonix and Deluxe Music
~NewStuff.EE :` The hardword on new products
~Rumours.EE :` New products/Vapourware
~TC-Plus.EE :` Textcraft Plus view
~Welcome.EE :` Intro to newsletter
~Fxu.c :` Function extact utility, to extract function source code
from a 'C' file to include in other programs. Downloaded
from local BBS Jan, 1989.
~News.Dec88 :` Our December 1988 newsletter.
~Newsletter :` Our January 1989 newsletter (done in great haste).
~Prop.Gadgets :` Demo of using proportional gadgets (from a 'C' program)
by Mike Christie (Wellington).
~Read Me First! :`Modified version of a disk icon from a disk sent in from
the Christchurch group some time ago.
~ReSource.demo :` Demo of an interactive dissasembler, complete working
version, except doesn't allow you to save output.
By Glen McDiarmid (Australia), Ver. 0.36. Downloaded
from local BBS, Jan 1989.
~Snipit 1.0:` Allows you to clip text from windows and insert it into
the input stream of another program. VERY useful when you
want to capture text from an uncooperative program! CLI only
Put in startup-sequence. Sharware from S.Evernden. Amigan#12
~Stripes :` Copper list modifier to give striped background to Work-
Bench instead of plain blue. Must be run from CLI.
(c)1988 AVM. Downloaded from local BBS, Jan 1989.
~SuperBreakOut :` Game by James Walley, (c) Bit Player Software, shareware,
see doc file. Found on Tampus Bay A.G. #15 disk. There
wasn't enough room for the high scores file, but if you
want something to aim for, my score was 24472.
~Trashcan :` Icon sent in on disk by David Annette (Wellington).
~Weather :` It's of course a bit unfair for me to enter a competition
run by our group, so I wasn't going to. But as it turns out
no one else sent in an entry. So I'm including a picture
of a few storm clouds; flushing, crying, and raining cats &
dogs. No prize was actually awarded. (If you did send in
an entry, please tell me, I never received any).