/ MasterClips - The Art of Business / MasterClipsBusiness.iso / catalogs / entrtrdn.cat | < prev | next > |
Unknown | 1993-02-28 | 190KB |
Program Identifications | |||
Confidence | Program | Identification | Match Type |
10% | dexvert | OS/2 Bitmap Array (os2BitmapArray) | magic |
10% | dexvert | OS/2 Icon File (icoOS2) | magic |
1% | dexvert | Second Nature Slide Show (secondNatureSlideShow) | ext |
1% | dexvert | Microsoft Security Catalog (microsoftSecurityCatalog) | ext |
100% | file | data | default |
66% | TrID | OS/2 Bitmap Graphics Array (generic) | default |
33% | TrID | PrintFox/Pagefox bitmap (320x200) | default |