17 Bit Software 4: Phase Four
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,324 lines
* dspcom.c - C source for GNU CHESS
* Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 John Stanback
* Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation
* This file is part of GNU CHESS.
* GNU Chess is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* GNU Chess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Chess; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "gnuchess.h"
#include "ataks.h"
extern short Mwpawn[64], Mbpawn[64], Mknight[2][64], Mbishop[2][64];
extern char *version, *patchlevel;
char mvstr[4][6];
char *InPtr;
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef MSDOS
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifndef AMIGA
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#define WarnMessage ShowMessage
#include <sys/types.h>
extern int get_command;
#endif /* AMIGA */
#endif /* MSDOS */
algbr (short int f, short int t, short int flag)
* Generate move strings in different formats.
int m3p;
if (f != t)
/* algebraic notation */
mvstr[0][0] = cxx[column (f)];
mvstr[0][1] = rxx[row (f)];
mvstr[0][2] = cxx[column (t)];
mvstr[0][3] = rxx[row (t)];
mvstr[0][4] = mvstr[3][0] = '\0';
if (((mvstr[1][0] = pxx[board[f]]) == 'P') || (flag & promote))
if (mvstr[0][0] == mvstr[0][2]) /* pawn did not eat */
mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[1][0] = mvstr[0][2]; /* to column */
mvstr[2][1] = mvstr[1][1] = mvstr[0][3]; /* to row */
m3p = 2;
/* pawn ate */
mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[1][0] = mvstr[0][0]; /* column */
mvstr[2][1] = mvstr[1][1] = mvstr[0][2]; /* to column */
mvstr[2][2] = mvstr[0][3];
m3p = 3; /* to row */
if (flag & promote)
mvstr[0][4] = mvstr[1][2] = mvstr[2][m3p] = qxx[flag & pmask];
mvstr[0][5] = mvstr[1][3] = mvstr[2][m3p + 1] = mvstr[3][0] = '\0';
mvstr[3][0] = mvstr[0][0]; /* Allow e7e8 for chesstool */
mvstr[3][1] = mvstr[0][1];
mvstr[3][2] = mvstr[0][2];
mvstr[3][3] = mvstr[0][3];
mvstr[3][4] = '\0';
mvstr[2][m3p] = mvstr[1][2] = '\0';
/* not a pawn */
mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[1][0];
mvstr[2][1] = mvstr[0][1];
mvstr[2][2] = mvstr[1][1] = mvstr[0][2]; /* to column */
mvstr[2][3] = mvstr[1][2] = mvstr[0][3]; /* to row */
mvstr[2][4] = mvstr[1][3] = '\0';
strcpy (mvstr[3], mvstr[2]);
mvstr[3][1] = mvstr[0][0];
if (flag & cstlmask)
if (t > f)
strcpy (mvstr[1], CP[5]);
strcpy (mvstr[2], CP[7]);
strcpy (mvstr[1], CP[6]);
strcpy (mvstr[2], CP[8]);
mvstr[0][0] = mvstr[1][0] = mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[3][0] = '\0';
VerifyMove (char *s, short int iop, unsigned short int *mv)
* Compare the string 's' to the list of legal moves available for the
* opponent. If a match is found, make the move on the board.
static short pnt, tempb, tempc, tempsf, tempst, cnt;
static struct leaf xnode;
struct leaf *node;
*mv = 0;
if (iop == 2)
UnmakeMove (opponent, &xnode, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst);
return (false);
cnt = 0;
MoveList (opponent, 2);
pnt = TrPnt[2];
while (pnt < TrPnt[3])
node = &Tree[pnt++];
algbr (node->f, node->t, (short) node->flags);
if (strcmp (s, mvstr[0]) == 0 || strcmp (s, mvstr[1]) == 0 ||
strcmp (s, mvstr[2]) == 0 || strcmp (s, mvstr[3]) == 0)
xnode = *node;
if (cnt == 1)
MakeMove (opponent, &xnode, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst, &INCscore);
if (SqAtakd (PieceList[opponent][0], computer))
UnmakeMove (opponent, &xnode, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst);
#if defined CHESSTOOL
printz (CP[15]);
#ifdef NONDSP
/* Illegal move in check */
printz (CP[77]);
printz ("\n");
/* Illegal move in check */
WarnMessage (CP[77]);
#endif /* CHESSTOOL */
return (false);
if (iop == 1)
return (true);
UpdateDisplay (xnode.f, xnode.t, 0, (short) xnode.flags);
if ((board[xnode.t] == pawn)
|| (xnode.flags & capture)
|| (xnode.flags & cstlmask))
Game50 = GameCnt;
ZeroRPT ();
GameList[GameCnt].depth = GameList[GameCnt].score = 0;
GameList[GameCnt].nodes = 0;
ElapsedTime (1);
GameList[GameCnt].time = et;
if (TCflag)
TimeControl.clock[opponent] -= et;
*mv = (xnode.f << 8) | xnode.t;
algbr (xnode.f, xnode.t, false);
return (true);
#if defined CHESSTOOL
printz (CP[78]);
#ifdef NONDSP
/* Illegal move */
printz (CP[75], s);
#ifdef DEBUG8
if (1)
int r, c, l;
extern unsigned short int PrVar[];
D = fopen ("/tmp/DEBUG", "a+");
pnt = TrPnt[2];
fprintf (D, "resp = %d\n", ResponseTime);
fprintf (D, "iop = %d\n", iop);
fprintf (D, "matches = %d\n", cnt);
algbr (hint >> 8, hint & 0xff, (short) 0);
fprintf (D, "hint %s\n", mvstr[0]);
fprintf (D, "inout move is %s\n", s);
for (r = 1; PrVar[r]; r++)
algbr (PrVar[r] >> 8, PrVar[r] & 0xff, (short) 0);
fprintf (D, " %s", mvstr[0]);
fprintf (D, "\n");
fprintf (D, "legal move are \n");
while (pnt < TrPnt[3])
node = &Tree[pnt++];
algbr (node->f, node->t, (short) node->flags);
fprintf (D, "%s %s %s %s\n", mvstr[0], mvstr[1], mvstr[2], mvstr[3]);
fprintf (D, "\n current board is\n");
for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
for (c = 0; c <= 7; c++)
l = locn (r, c);
if (color[l] == neutral)
fprintf (D, " -");
else if (color[l] == white)
fprintf (D, " %c", qxx[board[l]]);
fprintf (D, " %c", pxx[board[l]]);
fprintf (D, "\n");
fprintf (D, "\n");
fclose (D);
abort ();
/* Illegal move */
WarnMessage (CP[76]);
#endif /* CHESSTOOL */
#if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
if (cnt > 1)
WarnMessage (CP[32]);
#endif /* CHESSTOOL */
return (false);
parser (char *f, int side)
int c1, r1, c2, r2;
if (f[4] == 'o')
if (side == black)
return 0x3C3A;
return 0x0402;
else if (f[0] == 'o')
if (side == black)
return 0x3C3E;
return 0x0406;
c1 = f[0] - 'a';
r1 = f[1] - '1';
c2 = f[2] - 'a';
r2 = f[3] - '1';
return (locn (r1, c1) << 8) | locn (r2, c2);
GetGame (void)
FILE *fd;
char fname[256], *p;
int c, i, j;
short sq;
/* enter file name */
ShowMessage (CP[63]);
scanz ("%s", fname);
/* chess.000 */
if (fname[0] == '\0')
strcpy (fname, CP[137]);
if ((fd = fopen (fname, "r")) != NULL)
NewGame ();
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
computer = opponent = white;
InPtr = fname;
skip ();
if (*InPtr == 'c')
computer = black;
opponent = black;
skip ();
skip ();
skip ();
Game50 = atoi (InPtr);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
InPtr = &fname[14];
castld[white] = ((*InPtr == CP[214][0]) ? true : false);
skip ();
skip ();
castld[black] = ((*InPtr == CP[214][0]) ? true : false);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
InPtr = &fname[11];
skipb ();
TCflag = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
InPtr += 14;
skipb ();
OperatorTime = atoi (InPtr);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
InPtr = &fname[11];
skipb ();
TimeControl.clock[white] = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
skip ();
TimeControl.moves[white] = atoi (InPtr);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
InPtr = &fname[11];
skipb ();
TimeControl.clock[black] = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
skip ();
TimeControl.moves[black] = atoi (InPtr);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
for (i = 7; i > -1; i--)
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
p = &fname[2];
InPtr = &fname[11];
skipb ();
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
sq = i * 8 + j;
if (*p == '.')
board[sq] = no_piece;
color[sq] = neutral;
for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
if (*p == pxx[c])
board[sq] = c;
color[sq] = black;
for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
if (*p == qxx[c])
board[sq] = c;
color[sq] = white;
Mvboard[sq] = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
GameCnt = 0;
flag.regularstart = true;
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
while (fgets (fname, 256, fd))
struct GameRec *g;
int side = computer;
side = side ^ 1;
InPtr = fname;
skipb ();
g = &GameList[GameCnt];
g->gmove = parser (InPtr, side);
skip ();
g->score = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
g->depth = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
g->nodes = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
g->time = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
g->flags = c = atoi (InPtr);
skip ();
g->hashkey = strtol (InPtr, (char **) NULL, 16);
skip ();
g->hashbd = strtol (InPtr, (char **) NULL, 16);
g->piece = no_piece;
g->color = neutral;
if (c & (capture | cstlmask))
if (c & capture)
skip ();
for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
if (pxx[c] == *InPtr)
g->piece = c;
skip ();
g->color = ((*InPtr == CP[119][0]) ? black : white);
/* GameCnt--; */
if (TimeControl.clock[white] > 0)
TCflag = true;
fclose (fd);
WarnMessage (CP[48]);
ZeroRPT ();
InitializeStats ();
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
Sdepth = 0;
hint = 0;
#ifndef AMIGA
GetXGame (void)
FILE *fd;
char fname[256], *p;
int c, i, j;
short sq;
/* Enter file name */
ShowMessage (CP[63]);
scanz ("%s", fname);
if (fname[0] == '\0')
/* xboard.position.read*/
strcpy (fname, CP[205]);
if ((fd = fopen (fname, "r")) != NULL)
NewGame ();
flag.regularstart = false;
Book = false;
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
fname[6] = '\0';
if (strcmp (fname, CP[206]))
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
for (i = 7; i > -1; i--)
fgets (fname, 256, fd);
p = fname;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
sq = i * 8 + j;
if (*p == '.')
board[sq] = no_piece;
color[sq] = neutral;
for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
if (*p == qxx[c])
board[sq] = c;
color[sq] = black;
for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
if (*p == pxx[c])
board[sq] = c;
color[sq] = white;
p += 2;
fclose (fd);
WarnMessage (CP[48]);
ZeroRPT ();
InitializeStats ();
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
Sdepth = 0;
hint = 0;
#endif /* AMIGA */
SaveGame (void)
FILE *fd;
char fname[256];
short sq, i, c, f, t;
char p;
if (savefile[0])
strcpy (fname, savefile);
/* Enter file name*/
ShowMessage (CP[63]);
scanz ("%s", fname);
if (fname[0] == '\0')
/* chess.000 */
strcpy (fname, CP[137]);
if ((fd = fopen (fname, "w")) != NULL)
char *b, *w;
b = w = CP[74];
if (computer == black)
b = CP[141];
if (computer == white)
w = CP[141];
fprintf (fd, CP[37], b, w, Game50);
fprintf (fd, CP[42], castld[white] ? CP[214] : CP[215], castld[black] ? CP[214] : CP[215]);
fprintf (fd, CP[111], TCflag, OperatorTime);
fprintf (fd, CP[117],
TimeControl.clock[white], TimeControl.moves[white],
TimeControl.clock[black], TimeControl.moves[black]);
for (i = 7; i > -1; i--)
fprintf (fd, "%1d ", i + 1);
for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
sq = i * 8 + c;
switch (color[sq])
case black:
p = pxx[board[sq]];
case white:
p = qxx[board[sq]];
p = '.';
fprintf (fd, "%c", p);
for (f = i * 8; f < i * 8 + 8; f++)
fprintf (fd, " %d", Mvboard[f]);
fprintf (fd, "\n");
fprintf (fd, " %s\n", cxx);
fprintf (fd, CP[126]);
for (i = 1; i <= GameCnt; i++)
struct GameRec *g = &GameList[i];
f = g->gmove >> 8;
t = (g->gmove & 0xFF);
algbr (f, t, g->flags);
fprintf (fd, "%s %5d %5d %7ld %5d %5d %#08lx %#08lx %c %s\n",
mvstr[0], g->score, g->depth,
g->nodes, g->time, g->flags, g->hashkey, g->hashbd,
pxx[g->piece], ((g->color == 2) ? " " : ColorStr[g->color]));
fclose (fd);
/* Game saved */
ShowMessage (CP[70]);
/*ShowMessage ("Could not open file");*/
WarnMessage (CP[48]);
ListGame (void)
FILE *fd;
short i, f, t;
long when;
char fname[256], dbuf[256];
if (listfile[0])
strcpy (fname, listfile);
#ifdef MSDOS
sprintf (fname, "chess.lst");
time (&when);
strncpy (dbuf, ctime (&when), 20);
dbuf[7] = '\0';
dbuf[10] = '\0';
dbuf[13] = '\0';
dbuf[16] = '\0';
dbuf[19] = '\0';
/* use format "CLp16.Jan01-020304B" when patchlevel is 16,
date is Jan 1
time is 02:03:04
program played black */
sprintf (fname, "CLp%s.%s%s-%s%s%s%c", patchlevel, dbuf + 4, dbuf + 8, dbuf + 11, dbuf + 14, dbuf + 17, ColorStr[computer][0]);
/* replace space padding with 0 */
for (i = 0; fname[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (fname[i] == ' ')
fname[i] = '0';
#endif /* MSDOS */
fd = fopen (fname, "w");
if (!fd)
fprintf (stderr, CP[219], fname);
exit (1);
/*fprintf (fd, "gnuchess game %d\n", u);*/
fprintf (fd, CP[161], patchlevel);
fprintf (fd, CP[10]);
fprintf (fd, CP[11]);
for (i = 1; i <= GameCnt; i++)
f = GameList[i].gmove >> 8;
t = (GameList[i].gmove & 0xFF);
algbr (f, t, GameList[i].flags);
fprintf (fd, "%5s %5d %2d %7ld %5d", mvstr[0],
GameList[i].score, GameList[i].depth,
GameList[i].nodes, GameList[i].time);
if ((i % 2) == 0)
fprintf (fd, "\n");
#ifdef DEBUG40
if (computer == black)
fprintf (fd, " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
fprintf (fd, " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
GameList[i - 1].d1,
GameList[i - 1].d2,
GameList[i - 1].d3,
GameList[i - 1].d4,
GameList[i - 1].d5,
GameList[i - 1].d6,
GameList[i - 1].d7);
fprintf (fd, " ");
fprintf (fd, "\n\n");
if (GameList[GameCnt].flags & draw)
fprintf (fd, CP[54], DRAW);
else if (GameList[GameCnt].score == -9999)
fprintf (fd, "%s\n", ColorStr[player ]);
else if (GameList[GameCnt].score == 9998)
fprintf (fd, "%s\n", ColorStr[player ^ 1]);
fclose (fd);
Undo (void)
* Undo the most recent half-move.
short f, t;
f = GameList[GameCnt].gmove >> 8;
t = GameList[GameCnt].gmove & 0xFF;
if (board[t] == king && distance (t, f) > 1)
(void) castle (GameList[GameCnt].color, f, t, 2);
/* Check for promotion: */
if (GameList[GameCnt].flags & promote)
board[t] = pawn;
board[f] = board[t];
color[f] = color[t];
board[t] = GameList[GameCnt].piece;
color[t] = GameList[GameCnt].color;
if (color[t] != neutral)
if (GameList[GameCnt].flags & epmask)
EnPassant (otherside[color[f]], f, t, 2);
InitializeStats ();
if (TCflag && (TCmoves>1))
hashkey = GameList[GameCnt].hashkey;
hashbd = GameList[GameCnt].hashbd;
computer = computer ^ 1;
opponent = opponent ^ 1;
flag.mate = false;
Sdepth = 0;
player = player ^ 1;
ShowSidetoMove ();
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
if (flag.regularstart)
TestSpeed (void (*f) (short int side, short int ply), unsigned j)
short i;
long cnt, rate, t1, t2;
t1 = time (0);
for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
f (opponent, 2);
t2 = time (0);
cnt = j * (TrPnt[3] - TrPnt[2]);
if (t2 - t1)
et = (t2 - t1) * 100;
et = 1;
rate = (et) ? (cnt / et) : 0;
/*printz ("Nodes= %ld Nodes/sec= %ld\n", cnt, rate);*/
#ifdef NONDSP
printz (CP[91], cnt, rate*100);
#ifdef DEBUG9
for (j = TrPnt[2]; j < TrPnt[3]; j++)
struct leaf *node = &Tree[j];
algbr (node->f, node->t, node->flags);
printf ("%s %s %s %s %d %x\n", mvstr[0], mvstr[1], mvstr[2], mvstr[3],node->score,node->flags);
ShowNodeCnt (cnt);
TestPSpeed (short int (*f) (short int side), unsigned j)
short i;
long cnt, rate, t1, t2;
short int t;
t1 = time (0);
for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
(void) f (opponent);
t2 = time (0);
cnt = j;
if (t2 - t1)
et = (t2 - t1) * 100;
et = 1;
rate = (et) ? (cnt / et) : 0;
/*printz ("Nodes= %ld Nodes/sec= %ld\n", cnt, rate);*/
#ifdef NONDSP
printz (CP[91], cnt, rate*100);
ShowNodeCnt (cnt);
SetMachineTime (char *s)
char *time;
int m, t;
time = &s[strlen (CP[197])];
t = strtol (time, &time, 10);
m = strtol (time, &time, 10);
if (t)
TimeControl.clock[computer] = t;
if (m)
TimeControl.moves[computer] = m;
#ifdef XBOARD
printz (CP[222], m, t);
InputCommand (void)
* Process the users command. If easy mode is OFF (the computer is thinking
* on opponents time) and the program is out of book, then make the 'hint'
* move on the board and call SelectMove() to find a response. The user
* terminates the search by entering ^C (quit siqnal) before entering a
* command. If the opponent does not make the hint move, then set Sdepth to
* zero.
int i = 0;
short have_shown_prompt = false;
short ok, tmp;
unsigned short mv;
char s[80], sx[80];
#if defined CHESSTOOL
short normal = false;
ok = flag.quit = false;
player = opponent;
ft = 0;
if (hint > 0 && !flag.easy && !flag.force)
if ((board[hint >> 8] != pawn) || ((row (hint & 0xFF) != 0) && (row (hint & 0xFF) != 7)))
fflush (stdout);
time0 = time ((long *) 0);
algbr ((short) hint >> 8, (short) hint & 0xFF, false);
strcpy (s, mvstr[0]);
tmp = epsquare;
#ifdef DEBUG12
if (1)
int r, c, l;
extern unsigned short int PrVar[];
extern struct leaf rootnode;
D = fopen ("/tmp/DEBUGA", "a+");
fprintf (D, "score = %d\n", rootnode.score);
fprintf (D, "inout move is %s\n", s);
for (r = 1; PrVar[r]; r++)
algbr (PrVar[r] >> 8, PrVar[r] & 0xff, (short) 0);
fprintf (D, " %s", mvstr[0]);
fprintf (D, "\n current board is\n");
for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
for (c = 0; c <= 7; c++)
l = locn (r, c);
if (color[l] == neutral)
fprintf (D, " -");
else if (color[l] == white)
fprintf (D, " %c", qxx[board[l]]);
fprintf (D, " %c", pxx[board[l]]);
fprintf (D, "\n");
fprintf (D, "\n");
fclose (D);
#if !defined CHESSTOOL
if (flag.post)
GiveHint ();
if (VerifyMove (s, 1, &mv))
Sdepth = 0;
#ifdef NONDSP
PromptForMove ();
ShowSidetoMove ();
ShowPrompt ();
have_shown_prompt = true;
SelectMove (computer, 2);
VerifyMove (s, 2, &mv);
Sdepth = 0;
ft = (time ((long *) 0) - time0) * 100;
epsquare = tmp;
while (!(ok || flag.quit))
#if defined CHESSTOOL
normal = false;
player = opponent;
if (!have_shown_prompt)
#ifdef NONDSP
PromptForMove ();
ShowSidetoMove ();
ShowPrompt ();
have_shown_prompt = false;
#ifdef NONDSP
s[0] = sx[0] = '\0';
while (!sx[0])
i = (int) gets (sx);
#ifndef AMIGA
fflush (stdout);
i = (int) getstr (sx);
#ifndef NON_GFX
get_command = true;
i = (int) getstr (sx);
#ifndef NON_GFX
get_command = false;
#endif /* AMIGA */
sscanf (sx, "%s", s);
if (i == EOF)
ExitChess ();
if (s[0] == '\0')
if (stricmp (s, CP[131]) == 0) /*bd*/
#if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
chesstool = 0;
#endif /* CHESSTOOL */
ClrScreen ();
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
#if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
chesstool = 1;
#endif /* CHESSTOOL */
else if (stricmp (s, CP[129]) == 0) /* noop */ ; /*alg*/
else if ((stricmp (s, CP[180]) == 0) || (stricmp (s, CP[216]) == 0)) /* quit exit*/
flag.quit = true;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[178]) == 0) /*post*/
flag.post = !flag.post;
else if ((stricmp (s, CP[191]) == 0) || (stricmp (s, CP[154]) == 0)) /*set edit*/
EditBoard ();
#ifdef NONDSP
else if (stricmp (s, CP[190]) == 0) /*setup*/
SetupBoard ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[156]) == 0) /*first*/
#if defined CHESSTOOL
computer = white;
opponent = black;
flag.force = false;
Sdepth = 0;
#endif /* CHESSTOOL */
ok = true;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[162]) == 0) /*go*/
ok = true;
flag.force = false;
if (computer == white)
computer = black;
opponent = white;
computer = white;
opponent = black;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[166]) == 0 || stricmp (s, "?") == 0) /*help*/
help ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[221]) == 0) /*material*/
flag.material = !flag.material;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[157]) == 0) /*force*/
{flag.force = !flag.force; flag.bothsides = false;}
else if (stricmp (s, CP[134]) == 0) /*book*/
Book = Book ? 0 : BOOKFAIL;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[172]) == 0) /*new*/
NewGame ();
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
else if (stricmp (s, CP[171]) == 0) /*list*/
ListGame ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[169]) == 0 || stricmp (s, CP[217]) == 0) /*level clock*/
SelectLevel ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[165]) == 0) /*hash*/
flag.hash = !flag.hash;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[132]) == 0) /*beep*/
flag.beep = !flag.beep;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[197]) == 0) /*time*/
SetMachineTime (sx);
else if (stricmp (s, CP[33]) == 0) /*Awindow*/
ChangeAlphaWindow ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[39]) == 0) /*Bwindow*/
ChangeBetaWindow ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[183]) == 0) /*rcptr*/
flag.rcptr = !flag.rcptr;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[168]) == 0) /*hint*/
GiveHint ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[135]) == 0) /*both*/
flag.bothsides = !flag.bothsides;
flag.force = false;
Sdepth = 0;
ElapsedTime (1);
SelectMove (opponent, 1);
ok = true;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[185]) == 0) /*reverse*/
flag.reverse = !flag.reverse;
ClrScreen ();
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
else if (stricmp (s, CP[195]) == 0) /*switch*/
computer = computer ^ 1;
opponent = opponent ^ 1;
xwndw = (computer == white) ? WXWNDW : BXWNDW;
flag.force = false;
Sdepth = 0;
ok = true;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[203]) == 0) /*white*/
computer = black;
opponent = white;
xwndw = WXWNDW;
flag.force = false;
Sdepth = 0;
* ok = true; don't automatically start with white command
else if (stricmp (s, CP[133]) == 0) /*black*/
computer = white;
opponent = black;
xwndw = BXWNDW;
flag.force = false;
Sdepth = 0;
* ok = true; don't automatically start with black command
else if (stricmp (s, CP[201]) == 0 && GameCnt > 0) /*undo*/
Undo ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[184]) == 0 && GameCnt > 1) /*remove*/
Undo ();
Undo ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[160]) == 0) /*get*/
GetGame ();
#ifndef AMIGA
else if (stricmp (s, CP[207]) == 0) /*xget*/
GetXGame ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[189]) == 0) /*save*/
SaveGame ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[151]) == 0) /*depth*/
ChangeSearchDepth ();
#ifdef DEBUG
else if (stricmp (s, CP[147]) == 0) /*debuglevel*/
ChangeDbLev ();
#endif /* DEBUG */
else if (stricmp (s, CP[164]) == 0) /*hashdepth*/
ChangeHashDepth ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[182]) == 0) /*random*/
dither = DITHER;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[152]) == 0) /*easy*/
#if defined(AMIGA) && defined(LATTICE) /* no way to interrupt in Lattice */
; /* yet... */
flag.easy = !flag.easy;
else if (stricmp (s, CP[143]) == 0) /*contempt*/
SetContempt ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[209]) == 0) /*xwndw*/
ChangeXwindow ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[186]) == 0) /*rv*/
flag.rv = !flag.rv;
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
else if (stricmp (s, CP[145]) == 0) /*coords*/
flag.coords = !flag.coords;
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
else if (stricmp (s, CP[193]) == 0) /*stras*/
flag.stars = !flag.stars;
UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
else if (stricmp (s, CP[196]) == 0) /*test*/
ShowMessage (CP[108]);/*test movelist*/
TestSpeed (MoveList, 20000);
ShowMessage (CP[107]);/*test capturelist*/
TestSpeed (CaptureList, 30000);
ShowMessage (CP[85]);/*test score position*/
TestPSpeed (ScorePosition, 15000);
if (stricmp (s, CP[179]) == 0) /*p*/
ShowPostnValues ();
else if (stricmp (s, CP[148]) == 0) /*debug*/
DoDebug ();
else if (stricmp (s, "Mwpawn") == 0) /*debug*/
DoTable (Mwpawn);
else if (stricmp (s, "Mbpawn") == 0) /*debug*/
DoTable (Mbpawn);
else if (stricmp (s, "Mwknight") == 0) /*debug*/
DoTable (Mknight[white]);
else if (stricmp (s, "Mbknight") == 0) /*debug*/
DoTable (Mknight[black]);
else if (stricmp (s, "Mwbishop") == 0) /*debug*/
DoTable (Mbishop[white]);
else if (stricmp (s, "Mbbishop") == 0) /*debug*/
DoTable (Mbishop[black]);
#if defined CHESSTOOL
normal = (ok = VerifyMove (s, 0, &mv));
ok = VerifyMove (s, 0, &mv);
if ((ok && mv != hint))
Sdepth = 0;
ft = 0;
Sdepth = 0;
ElapsedTime (1);
if (flag.force)
computer = opponent;
opponent = computer ^ 1;
#if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
#if defined CHESSTOOL
if (normal)
if (computer == white)
printz ("%d. %s", ++mycnt2, s);
printz ("%d. ... %s", ++mycnt2, s);
printz ("%d. %s\n", ++mycnt2, s);
#ifdef notdef
if (flag.post)
register int i;
printz (" %6d ", MSCORE);
for (i = 1; MV[i] > 0; i++)
algbr ((short) (MV[i] >> 8), (short) (MV[i] & 0xFF), false);
printz ("%5s ", mvstr[0]);
printz ("\n");
#endif /* CHESSTOOL */
signal (SIGINT, TerminateSearch);
#if !(defined(MSDOS) || defined(AMIGA))
signal (SIGQUIT, TerminateSearch);
#endif /* MSDOS */
ElapsedTime (short int iop)
* Determine the time that has passed since the search was started. If the
* elapsed time exceeds the target (ResponseTime+ExtraTime) then set timeout
* to true which will terminate the search. iop = 0 calculate et bump ETnodes
* iop = 1 calculate et set timeout if time exceeded, calculate et
#ifndef MSDOS
long nchar;
extern int errno;
int i;
if (i = ioctl ((int) 0, FIONREAD, &nchar))
perror ("FIONREAD");
fprintf (stderr,
"You probably have a non-ANSI <ioctl.h>; see README. %d %d %x\n",
i, errno, FIONREAD);
exit (1);
if (nchar)
if (!flag.timeout)
flag.musttimeout = true;
flag.bothsides = false;
#endif /*FIONREAD*/
if (kbhit ())
if (!flag.timeout)
flag.musttimeout = true;
flag.bothsides = false;
#endif /* MSDOS */
et = (time ((long *) 0) - time0) * 100;
ETnodes = NodeCnt + ZNODES;
if (et < 0)
et = 0;
if (iop == 1)
if (et > ResponseTime + ExtraTime && Sdepth > MINDEPTH)
flag.timeout = true;
ETnodes = NodeCnt + ZNODES;
time0 = time ((long *) 0);
#if !defined NONDSP
if (!background)
UpdateClocks ();
ResetTimeControl (void) /* reset clock using chosen level */
if (TCflag)
TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = TCmoves;
TimeControl.clock[white] = 6000L * TCminutes + TCseconds * 100;
TimeControl.clock[black] = 6000L * TCminutes + TCseconds * 100;
SetTimeControl (void)
if (TCflag)
TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = TCmoves;
TimeControl.clock[white] += 6000L * TCminutes + TCseconds * 100;
TimeControl.clock[black] += 6000L * TCminutes + TCseconds * 100;
TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = 0;
TimeControl.clock[white] = TimeControl.clock[black] = 0;
flag.onemove = (TCmoves == 1);
et = 0;
ElapsedTime (1);