17 Bit Software 4: Phase Four
Text File
666 lines
By Peter Harris
© Peter Harris 1994
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.0 Copyright Notice
1.1 Disclaimer
1.2 How To Register
1.3 System Requirements
1.4 About Cheque-Mate!
1.5 About Refcodes
1.6 Future Versions
1.7 Technical Support And Bug Reporting
Chapter 2 Getting Started
2.0 When And How To Start
2.1 Making A Backup
Chapter 3 Buttons And Menus
Chapter 4 Refcodes Tutorial
4.1 Menu Options
Print Reference Codes
4.2 Buttons
Chapter 5 Cheque-Mate! Tutorial
5.1 Opening A New Account
5.2 Loading An Existing Account
5.3 Entering Data
5.4 Changing Data
5.5 Saving An Account
5.6 Save As...
5.7 Deleting An Account
5.8 About
5.9 Quitting Cheque-Mate!
5.10 Reports
Detailed Expense Report
Summary Expense Report
Detailed Deposit Report
Summary Deposit Report
5.11 Balancing The Books
Chapter 6 A Little Bit More...
Chapter1: Introduction
1.0...Copyright Notice
This program is Freeware. You may copy it and are encouraged to
distribute it to others, however, it may not be altered in any way and
this document must remain on each disk. You may only make a small
charge for copying and distribution (approx. £2.00). Although this
program is Freeware you may like to register as a user which will entitle
you to unlimited technical support, a full user manual and free upgrade to
the Shareware version due out July 1994. See below for details of future
The author claims no responsibility for any financial loss however incurred
or data lost by anyone using this software. If you go bankrupt it's your
fault not mine... O.K!
As there are numerous hardware configurations now available for the Amiga it
would be very difficult to claim that this program will work with all
systems. I am sorry if this is the case with yours.
1.2...How To Register
If you wish to register please send £5.00 to;
Peter Harris
123 Holmes Avenue
East Sussex
In return you will receive;
o unlimited and free technical support
o full user manual
o update to Shareware version (due for release July 1994)
1.3...System Requirements
Cheque-Mate! v1.00 will work on any Amiga with at least 1Mb of RAM and
a mouse. A printer is not essential as all reports can be printed on
screen. If you are using a printer it should be set up as follows;
Printer Port.....Serial Or Parallel
Print Pitch......Any Setting
Print Spacing....Any Setting
Page Length......66 Lines
Left Margin......5
Right Margin.....85
1.4...About Cheque-Mate!
Cheque-Mate! is a program designed to help you control your personal
finances. You enter details about cheques, salary, direct debits etc.
and when you check your entries against bank statements Cheque-Mate! will
automatically display if your confirmed balance which should reflect
the state of your bank account. You are advised to make a back-up and work
only from the copy. Cheque-Mate! can hold up to 1000 entries which should
be enough for most people in one year. After this time you should make a
new database, see below for further details.
1.5...About Refcodes
Refcodes is a separate program supplied on your Cheque-Mate! disk and is
an essential accessory to the main program. Cheque-Mate! uses a system of
reference codes to group together similar entries (e.g. car insurance,
petrol, road fund licence and parking tickets! could all be grouped
together under 'VE' for Vehicle Expenses). A set of reference codes
has been included which you may like to use or change to your own
1.6...Future Versions
I am writing a Shareware version. It will be a fully working version with
no features disabled. I hope to include the following features;
o Find...A feature to find and highlight each occurrence of a transaction
o Hard disk installation program
o Fast Scroll...designed to speed up movement through a database
o Reconciliation...Display or print all transactions not yet confirmed
o Graphs...Pie and bar showing levels of expenditure and income
o Budgeting...Ability to set out a budget and monitor progress
o Sort...Facility to sort data by date or reference code
o Anything else I can think of!
1.6...Technical Support And Bug Reporting
If you require technical support or wish to report a bug either write to
the address above or call me on;
******** 0273 220859 ********
but please do not call after 9PM. Please have the following information
before calling as it helps when problem solving;
a) version number of Cheque-Mate!
b) full nature of problem
c) hardware setup
Chapter 2: Getting Started
2.0...When And How To Start
In many ways deciding when and how to start is the hardest part. I suggest
that you wait until you receive a bank statement before attempting to use
Cheque-Mate!. If you are the kind of person that always keeps a close check
on your bank account you should find the next part fairly easy, if you are
not then things are going to be a little more difficult. Either way check
off all your cheques etc. against your bank statement. Your first entry
nto Cheque-Mate! should now be the balance shown at the bottom of your
statement (see 'Cheque-Mate! Tutorial for details of how to enter data).
You should now enter into Cheque-Mate! all income, cheques, direct debits
and direct transfer payments such as 'Switch' or 'Delta' that have not
shown on the latest statement or are unlikely to have appeared on any
previous statements. If you have always kept a watch on your account you
should now have a true representation of your financial affairs. If
you have not previously been in the habit of checking against statements
you may find that one or two entries have in fact appeared on a previous
statement or you have forgotten to enter some. In future keep all cash
withdrawal/deposit receipts, wage slips, cheque stubs (correctly filled
in!) etc. and enter them into Cheque-Mate! on a regular basis.
2.1...Making A Backup
You are strongly advised to make a back-up of the original disk and only
ever work from the copy. If you are unsure how to do this refer to your
Amiga User Guide or give me a call.
Chapter 3: Buttons And Menus
Cheque-Mate! and Refcodes use menus in the standard Amiga format. That is
press and hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse pointer to
the top of the screen. Move the pointer until the option you require is
high-lighted and release button.
There are a number of 'on-screen' buttons which can be selected by moving
the pointer over the button and pressing the left mouse button once.
The buttons you will find are;
1. Top Moves you immediately to the first record in your list
2. Bottom Moves you immediately to the last record in your list
3. Insert Cheque-Mate! is ready to receive some input from you at the
current cursor position. When Insert has been selected all
other buttons and menus with the exception of 'Cancel'will
become inactive.
4. Change Allows you to change the record at the current cursor
position. When change has been selected all other buttons
and menus with the exception of 'Cancel' will become inactive.
5. Confirm Is used to check your entries against your bank statement.
This button is not found in the Refcodes program.
6. De-Con Allows the user to delete a confirmation made in error.
This button is not found in the Refcodes program.
7. Cancel Allows you to abort when inserting or changing a record
(pressing Esc has same effect).
8. Delete Erases the record at the current cursor position from memory.
In addition there are two arrow heads. Click on the arrow pointing up to
scroll up through your list. Click on the arrow pointing down to
scroll down through your list. Pressing the Up and Down cursor keys has
the same effect.
Chapter 4: Refcodes Tutorial
As mentioned earlier Cheque-Mate! requires a set of reference codes for
forming reports etc. The Refcodes program has been provided for this
purpose. Before using Cheque-Mate! you MUST therefore run the Refcodes
program to define or note down the set of codes. If you have a printer you
can get Refcodes to print them for you.
To run the Refcodes program double-click (left mouse button) on the
Refcodes icon. After a short while a screen will appear. I have
included some sample reference codes but if you wish to allocate your own
you can delete or change them.
Each reference code must consist of a two character code. It is
suggested that the first character is used for grouping a number of
reference codes (this is not so important using v1.00 software but
future versions will use this grouping letter for graphs etc.) for instance
use the letter C for car or B for bills. The second letter can be
anything but it is probably best to use the first letter of its description.
Therefore CI could be Car Insurance and CF could be Car Fuel. You will be
warned if the code you enter has already been allocated. Click on 'O.K.'.
You can then erase the duplicate entry by pressing backspace and
entering an alternative code.
4.1...Menu Options
Click and hold down the right mouse button to reveal the menu bar.
You will now see four options;
Selecting Save from the menu stores all changes made to your reference
Print Reference Codes
Selecting Print Reference Codes from the menu sends a list of all
reference codes and their descriptions to your printer.
Selecting About from the menu displays a few details about the program.
If you wish to report any bugs it is this version number you should
quote when contacting me.
Select Quit from the menu to leave the Refcodes program. If you have
made changes without saving you will be given the option to save before
Clicking on the Top button will take you immediately to the top of your
list of reference codes.
Clicking on Insert will display a thin red cursor in the description box
at the foot of the screen. Refcodes is now waiting for you to input
something. All other buttons and menus with the exception of 'Cancel'
will become inactive. Enter details that best describe the category you
wish to define. If you make a mistake you can use the cursor keys,
backspace key, or del key to correct errors. If you wish to abort making
an entry click on 'Cancel' or press 'Esc' key. If you are happy with
your entry press 'Return'. The cursor moves into a small box to the
right. Refcodes is now waiting for you to enter the code itself. As
before you can correct any errors or abort. Press 'Return' and the
details will be added to the list. The cursor will return to the left
box waiting for the next entry. If you do not wish to enter any more
click on 'Cancel' or press the 'Esc' key.
If you want to change any of the reference codes or their corresponding
descriptions move the block cursor using either the cursor keys, the Up
and Down arrow heads, or the Top and Bottom buttons. Click on 'Change'
and the details will appear in the boxes at the bottom of the screen.
All other buttons and menus with the exception of 'Cancel' will become
inactive. The thin red cursor will be in the left box. If you want to
make changes to the description you can now do so as mentioned above or
press 'Return' to skip to the next box. As before you can abort changes
by clicking on 'Cancel' or press 'Esc'.
To delete a reference code from your list move the block cursor using
either the cursor keys, the 'Up' and 'Down' arrow heads, or the 'Top'
and 'Bottom' buttons. Click on 'Delete'.
Click on the 'Cancel' when inserting or changing data to abort the
current operation without making changes. Pressing the 'Esc' key has
the same effect. All buttons and menus previously inactive will become
active again.
Chapter 5: Cheque-Mate! Tutorial
5.1...Opening A New Account
Press and hold down the right mouse button to reveal the 'File' pull down
menu. Move the mouse pointer to 'Open New Account' and release the mouse
button. A box will appear at the bottom of the screen waiting for you
to input some text. Enter the name of your choice up to a maximum of
twenty characters. You can correct any mistakes using a combination of
backspace, 'Del' and the cursor keys. Press 'Return' when you are happy
with your entry (If you do not wish to open the new account click on 'Esc'
or click on 'Cancel'). Cheque-Mate! will automatically add '.Mbx' to the
end of the name. If you have defined some reference codes (using the
Refcodes program also on this disk) you are now ready to start entering
some transactions. Your very first entry should be your opening balance.
See section 5.3 'Entering Data' for details on how to input transactions.
5.2...Loading An Existing Account
Press and hold down the right mouse button to reveal 'File' pull down menu.
Move the mouse pointer to 'Load' and release the mouse button. A requester
will appear. Each account will be displayed with a '.Mbx' suffix in a
requester. Click twice on the account you want to load.
5.3...Entering Data
At each stage in the following instructions you can amend any errors by
using a combination of 'Backspace', 'Del' and the cursor keys. You can
abort entering data by pressing 'Esc' or clicking on 'Cancel'.
I shall assume for this tutorial that you have just opened a new account
and this is the first time you are entering transactions. As an example I
am going to give you a bank balance (as showing at the bottom of your most
recent bank statement) of £352.58 and the date on the statement is
April 10th 1994.
Click on 'Insert'. All other buttons and menus with the exception of
'Cancel' will become inactive. A box will appear at the bottom of the
screen with a red cursor in a box labelled 'Date'. Enter the date of your
first transaction in the format DDMMYY, 100494 in our example. Note that
you do not need to enter spaces, slashes, dashes or commas as Cheque-Mate!
will automatically enter them for you. If you make a mistake you can only
correct it by using backspace and re-entering date. Cheque-Mate! will warn
you if you enter an invalid date. When you have entered the date press
The cursor will move to a box labelled 'Type'. Enter C for
credit (money coming in) or D for debit (money going out). In our example
the money is coming into the account so enter C (if your opening balance as
shown at the bottom of your most recent statement is a minus figure you
should enter D for debit) then press 'Return'.
The cursor will move to a box labelled 'Code'. Enter the required reference
code, DM (Deposit Miscellaneous) in our example and press 'Return'.
Cheque-Mate! will warn you if the code you have entered does not exist.
The cursor will now move to a box labelled 'Cheque'. You can enter up
to four digits for the cheque number, I tend to use the first digit and
then the last three (e.g. if my cheque number is 300425 I would enter 3425
in the cheque box). If you do not wish to enter a cheque number just press
The cursor will now move to a box labelled 'Description'. Enter the
description for this transaction. In our example we could enter it as
'Opening Balance'. Press 'Return'.
The cursor will move to a box labelled 'Amount'. Enter the amount for the
transaction. Note that you do not need to enter '.' (decimal point)
dividing pounds and pence, for example if your transaction amount is £324.85
you would simply enter 32485, Cheque-Mate! will add the decimal point for
you). If you make a mistake you can only correct it by using backspace and
re-entering the amount.
Press enter and Cheque-Mate! will place your transaction in the main list
and clear the input boxes ready for your next transaction. If you do not
wish to add any further transactions press 'Esc' or click on 'Cancel'.
Please Note: Whilst entering data all menus and buttons (except 'Cancel')
will become inactive.
5.4...Changing Data
If you wish to change a record from your main database firstly move the
block cursor to the record you want to change. You can do this by clicking
anywhere on it or clicking on the arrow heads or cursor keys until it is
next to it. Click on 'Change'.
At each stage in the following instructions you can amend any errors
by using a combination of 'Backspace', 'Del' and the cursor keys. You can
abort changing data by pressing 'Esc' or clicking on 'Cancel'.
A box will appear at the bottom of the screen. The details of the selected
record will fill each of the boxes. The red cursor will be in the 'Date'
box. You can change the date by using the 'Backspace key and re-entering.
Note that you do not need to enter spaces, slashes, dashes or commas as
Cheque-Mate! will automatically enter them for you. If you make a mistake
you can only correct it by using backspace and re-entering date.
Cheque-Mate! will warn you if you enter an invalid date. When you have
changed the date press 'Return'. If you do not want to change the date
simply press 'Return'.
The cursor will move to the 'Type' box. Change to C for credit (money
coming in) or D for debit (money going out) then press 'Return'. If you do
not want to change the type simply press 'Return'. Please Note that you can
not amend 'Type' if the record has been confirmed (see Confirming A Record
The cursor will move to 'Code'. Change the entry to the required reference
code and press 'Return'. Cheque-Mate! will warn you if the code you have
entered does not exist. If you do not want to change the code simply press
The cursor will now move to a box labelled 'Cheque'. Change the cheque
number and then press 'Return'. If you do not want to change the cheque
number simply press 'Return'.
The cursor will now move to a box labelled 'Description'. Change the
description for this transaction then press 'Return'. If you do not want
to change the description simply press 'Return'.
The cursor will move to a box labelled 'Amount'. Change the amount for the
transaction. Note that you do not need to enter '.' (decimal point)
dividing pounds and pence as Cheque-Mate! will automatically add this for
you. If you make a mistake you can only correct it by using backspace and
re-entering the amount. Please note: You can not change the amount if the
record has been 'Confirmed'. If you do need to change the amount and the
record has been confirmed you will have to 'Delete Confirmation' first.
Press 'Enter' and Cheque-Mate! will place your transaction back in the main
database. If you do not want to change the amount simply press 'Return'.
Please Note: Whilst changing data all menus and buttons (except 'Cancel')
will become inactive.
5.5...Saving An Account
Ensure that the Cheque-Mate! (copy) disk is in your internal drive and is
write enabled, that is so that the plastic tab is covering the small hole.
To save your work select 'Save' from the 'File' menu. Cheque-Mate! will
save the account and all changes made to it.
Please note: Cheque-Mate! will only save changes made in this current
session, therefore if you have loaded an account from disk you should use
that same disk when saving data.
5.6...Save As...
Ensure that a formatted disk is in your internal drive and is write
enabled, that is so that the plastic tab is covering the small hole. To
save your work under a new name select 'Save As...' from the 'File' menu.
A file requester will appear. Enter the new name for the account then click
on 'O.K.'. The entire database will be written to disk under the new name.
5.7...Deleting An Account
It is only possible to delete the account currently held in memory therefore
to delete an account you must first 'Load' it. See 'Loading An Existing
Account' above. Ensure that you really do want to delete the account as it
cannot be retrieved once it has been deleted. Select 'Delete Account' from
the 'File' menu. Cheque-Mate! will ask you if you really want to delete
the account. If you want to delete the account click on 'Yes'. If you do
not want to delete the account click on 'No'.
Select 'About' from the 'File' menu. You will be presented with a few
details about Cheque-Mate!. Make a note of the version number if you
need to report a bug.
5.9...Quitting Cheque-Mate!
To leave Cheque-Mate! select 'Quit' from the 'File' menu. If you have
unsaved work a warning box will appear asking you if you want to save
before quitting. If you chose to save before quitting ensure that a disk
is in your internal drive and click on 'Yes'. If you do want to save click
on 'No'.
Please note: Cheque-Mate! will only save changes made in this current
session, therefore if you have loaded an account from disk you should use
that same disk when saving data.
Detailed Expense Report
To obtain a detailed report of your expenditure between any two dates
select 'Expense Report-Detailed' from the 'Reports' menu. A box will
appear at the bottom of the screen. Enter the start date in the format
DDMMYY. If you make a mistake you can correct it using backspace and the
cursor keys. Press 'Return'. Now enter the end date for the report and
press 'Return'. Next enter 'Y' to send the report to a printer or 'N' to
display the report on screen.
Summary Expense Report
To obtain a summary report of your expenditure between any two dates
select 'Expense Report-Summary' from the 'Reports' menu. A box will
appear at the bottom of the screen. Enter the start date in the format
DDMMYY. If you make a mistake you can correct it using backspace and the
cursor keys. Press 'Return'. Now enter the end date for the report and
press 'Return'. Next enter 'Y' to send the report to a printer or 'N' to
display the report on screen.
Detailed Deposit Report
To obtain a detailed report of your income between any two dates select
'Deposit Report-Detailed' from the 'Reports' menu. A box will appear at
the bottom of the screen. Enter the start date in the format DDMMYY. If
you make a mistake you can correct it using backspace and the cursor keys.
Press 'Return'. Now enter the end date for the report and press 'Return'.
Next enter 'Y' to send the report to a printer or 'N' to display the
report on screen.
Summary Deposit Report
To obtain a detailed report of your expenditure between any two dates
select 'Deposit Report-Summary' from the 'Reports' menu. A box will
appear at the bottom of the screen. Enter the start date in the format
DDMMYY. If you make a mistake you can correct it using backspace and the
cursor keys. Press 'Return'. Now enter the end date for the report and
press 'Return'. Next enter 'Y' to send the report to a printer or 'N' to
display the report on screen.
If you are warned 'Printer Not Available' whilst attempting to print
any of the reports check the following;
a. Printer is switched on
b. Printer is On-Line
c. Printer cable is properly connected
d. Printer paper is fed correctly.
5.11...Balancing The Books
There are two boxes near the bottom right corner of the Cheque-Mate! screen
labelled 'Confirmed Balance' and 'Current Balance'. Confirmed Balance
calculates only entries that have been confirmed against a bank statement
and therefore should balance with your last bank statement. Current Balance
calculates all entries and therefore should give the current state of your
When you receive a bank statement you can confirm each entry by moving the
cursor to the appropriate entry and clicking on 'Confirm'. A cross will be
displayed next to the entry and the confirmed balance will adjust to take
account of the change. If you make a mistake and want to delete the
confirmation click on 'De-Con'. The cross will disappear and the confirmed
balance will adjust to take account of the change.
Chapter 6: A Little Bit More
Cheque-Mate! was written using Amos Professional and compiled using Amos
Professional compiler. This document was written using Wordworth2 AGA
from Digita. The graphics used within Cheque-Mate! were created using
Deluxe Paint III.
Don't forget to let me know what you think of Cheque-Mate! as your feed-back
(good or bad) will be vital to any future developments.
Thank you for using this program.