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- ==============
- Still To Do
- -----------
- ====
- o <jm>
- No error messages when afax fails to create files, run programs, etc
- o <mk>
- Usage lines on executables lack trailing \n. Also out of date.
- Either update or remove them.
- o <CB>
- Afaxspl crashed the machine when started in the startup-sequence.
- CHIPS: CPU 68020/68881fpu/68851mmu, ECS PAL Agnus, ECS Denise
- VERS: Kickstart version 34.5, Exec version 34.2, Disk version 34.34
- RAM: Node type $a, attribute $5 (FAST), from $200000 to $5fffff
- Node type $a, attribute $5 (FAST), from $600000 to $7fffff
- Node type $a, attribute $3 (CHIP), from $8c2 to $fe7ff
- CBM A2620 68020/RAM card: Prod=514/80($202/$50) (@$200000 4meg Mem)
- CBM A2090/A2090A HD controller: Prod=514/1($202/$1) (@$e90000 64K)
- CBM A2232 serial production: Prod=514/70($202/$46) (@$ea0000 64K)
- CBM A2052/58.RAM | 590/2091.RAM: Prod=514/10($202/$a) (@$600000 2meg Mem)
- ============
- o <mpk>
- FaxPrint button on afax window, allow printing of faxes before Tx.
- o <mpk>
- Please add a command to your script-language, that sets the
- line-pointer to the previous line and sets all pixels specified with
- the following line in OR-mode to the existing bitmap. This is a
- proposal for the overwrite feature I requested some time ago.
- o <mpk>
- Add print send and receive-reports to the afax-frontend that can be
- archived for documentation purposes. This is needed for business use.
- o <dav>
- Rationalize error/status codes. Set up text-table to allow readable
- responses.
- o <mpk>
- Please provide better error-messages in the qcheck option. I couldn't
- find the meaning of the diffrent numbers I got.
- o <dav>
- User configurable string-table, to allow multilingual use, as in TurboText.
- o <jm>
- Allow termination of AFaxSend from status window close button or similar.
- o <mb>
- Allow fax polling (poll remote machine)
- (Also incoming ??)
- o <mikko>
- Add ability to have extra blank lines in headers, or between header
- and start of text, especially when doing auto-page-break in straight
- text convert mode.
- o <DAV>
- Add wrapper option, where date/time/header line can wrap from
- sendfax, thus giving true send time, headers in dvifax converted
- files, etc.
- o <mikko>
- Add config options for faa, rings-to-answer, as in getty
- [could do this in startup command-line if auto-started?]
- o <CB>
- If anyhow possible, allow an IFF overlay function.
- o <CB>
- Internationalization (or better localisation)
- - Dates
- - Configurable message strings (English, German, etc)
- o <CB>
- Previewer needs lots of work. Caching? Don't resize display if avoidable.
- Separate screen option, rend to screen bitmap ?
- o <CB>
- The aliases should be displayed with the respective phone number
- within Afax.
- o <CB>
- The QCheck window needs at least a vertical scroll bar, some fax
- connects definitivly take more than three tries...
- o <CB>
- While I like the concept of the many programs doing dedicated tasks, the
- AFax program falls a bit short in it's role as an integrator. Ideally it
- would manage (not perform!) sending _and_ receiving faxes, be iconifyable,
- background/hotkeyable and eventually support AppIcon/AppWindow properties.
- Drop a text/DVI/IFF/PostScript file on it and it becomes the source
- file, etc...
- o <DAV>
- Do PostScript conversion code, using POST do do the work.
- o <BB>
- I'd say that the two areas that need work now are the user
- interfaces and PostScript support. To wit:
- o <BB>
- main afax window needs a print button, and the text gadgets should have
- corresponding buttons that bring up requesters for selcting files,
- aliases, etc.
- o <BB>
- a configuration editor would be a big help for novice users. Ideally, a "save
- config" button would save all the parameters of all the modules from the most
- recent run (window position, source files, etc.)
- o <BB>
- consistency: e.g. all the window sizes/positions should be configurable
- o <BB>
- slider gadgets, better caching, and custom-screen support for the viewer
- o <BB>
- support fax polling?
- o <James> [sl1zm@cc.usu.edu]
- Add the ability to automaticly send a fax cover sheet.
- This should allow users to create their own fax cover sheets with
- areas for "TO", "FROM" and other personal info.
- The software could then place the names and other data on the
- cover sheet.
- This lets users create a custom cover sheet and they don't need
- to edit it manually.
- The user would need to be able to tell the fax software what
- strings to place on the cover sheet and where to place them.
- It should support multiple cover sheets for people that make faxes
- for several businesses.
- Increase the support of 2.0.
- o <Chris Q>
- Add number of pages to ViewerFax gadget after page number.
- o <mike meyer>
- 1) a 3.0 datatype for FAX documents. That would instantly solve what I
- see as the worst problem in the package - the viewers user interface.
- At least for users with 3.0, who get multiview for it. I'd be glad to
- test such a thing for you :-).
- 2) ADPro savers for FAX documents. The color->grey conversion you're
- using doesn't compare to what ADPro does; I'd certainly appreciate not
- having to save things in a temp file (of course, if the ilbm has a
- space in the name, this is currently requied anyway). An adpro loader
- would also be useful; just not quite as usefull.
- o <Nikolaj>
- Font-sensitive windows, especially for larger displays
- o <Ian Smyth> (22FEB94)
- 1) [Resizing] box sometimes doesn't disappear until press key (old problem)
- 2) Want way to cancel spool file without deleting fax. Possibly would
- be "modify spool file", to change To-name, etc.
- Partially Done
- --------------
- o <various>
- Configuration for viewer - startup scale, etc
- - 12Jan92
- Config file Startup scale added
- o <CB>
- Fix `hidden screen' stuff
- (When I figure out proper RastPort useage w/o screens. DAV)
- - Done for afaxprt. Still in mkafax, though.
- o <DAV>
- Do fax printer-driver
- - 01Feb94
- Done for graphics prints. Still to do for text
- ==================
- 12Jan92
- - Startup scale config added to viewer
- (ViewAfax)
- o ZyXEL in Fax mode seems always to give +FCON at 2400, then go to 19200
- So, how can we answer UUCP at 38400, etc??
- Fax ZyXEL and ask them.
- - Done. New FaxGETTY distributed.
- o <CB>
- Fix FaxGETTY to answer at 38400, etc, and still work with faxes.
- (Required for high-speed UUCP incoming connects)
- - Done. New FaxGETTY distributed.
- o <smp>
- When the receive window comes up and the byte count goes over four
- digits, it shifts to the right and trashes the right window border.
- - Fixed. Receive window tidied up a little.
- (faa)
- o <DAV>
- - Added 0.1 second delay after collecting modem response, if not in
- debug mode. Sometimes modem was not ready for next message until a
- short time after it sent its reply.
- (afaxsend, faa)
- o <many>
- Config option to turn modem sound off (at various points)
- - Fixed. Config file option RSetup and WSetup allow user to configure
- speaker, etc. Programs do not alter speaker setting.
- (afaxsend, faa)
- 13Jan92
- o <CB> <others>
- Remove Copyright line at the top.
- Allow user-selectable fonts for Copyright notice and page header lines
- - Done. Standard and header fonts have config-file defaults
- o <smp>
- Suss out problem SMP is having with ZyXEL version 3.95 ROMs. Look at
- file he sent. Perhaps add line-store, with faulty-line dump, for debug.
- - 12Jan92- Decoder rejects noise better. ZyXEL problem still bad.
- (viewafax, afaxprt)
- - 16Jan92- Problem was with ZyXEL ROMs. Later version fixed it.
- Mailing list notified.
- 21Jan92
- o <CB>
- AfaxPrt not working with NEC P6+ printer. Could be due to
- strip-printing mode. Make config option to allow full-page print
- (and fax generation, etc)
- Also check strip-print correctly sensing pin-numbers or whatever.
- (modulo)
- - Well, not actually a fix. CB installed 2.04, and the problem went
- away.
- o <CB>
- Get multi-serial working.
- No way to set the serial device and unit within Afax or the config file.
- config entry like:
- <symbolic port name> <device> <unit> <speed> <modem-params>
- - 12Jan92
- Added Device, Unit to Config file. Not really tested yet.
- Also no way for multi-copies as yet.
- (afaxsend, faa)
- - 21Jan92
- A2232 arrived. Tested, can now have multiple Fax-Gettys waiting on
- different serial ports, send via different ports. Had system running
- with Maestro on Unit0, ZyXEL on Unit3, both auto-answering, each
- could send to the other. Found that at this stage both modems have a
- disconcerting number of (different) bugs/problems (not related to
- AmigaFax)
- 22Feb92
- o <CB>
- Support for AT&D3 load config on drop-DTR. (Clean up &D2 code)
- - Appears to work fine for me with getty - faa may still require work.
- o <CB>
- Don't move the input focus to you receive/send status windows, read
- don't make them active when they pop up.
- - Done.
- o <CB>
- When clicking on the View gadget in Afax, a file requester set to
- FaxSpool: will appear. If you select a valid fax filename it will _not_ be
- entered in the string gadgets above and consequently not be displayed.
- - Fixed. Problem was in arp filerequest return. Added faxfile overwrite
- check.
- o <DAV>
- Re-compiled with Aztec 5.2a
- 25Feb92
- o <DAV>
- Added ASL File-Requester Support (if available)
- 26Feb92
- o <CB>
- The local ID is received by remote FAX devices in quotes.
- (This seems to be ZyXEL specific at this stage. Config option??)
- - Fixed. Now require quotes in config for Maestro
- 28Feb92
- o <georg>
- mkafax corrupting memory when run with old chips and Vn2.0 DOS.
- Possibly to to with 1008 pix blit limit. - investigate
- - Fixed (I think) Now check for AmigaDos2 AND the ECS Agnus big-blit
- flag before attempting big blits. (Hopefully all occurrances found)
- o <CB>
- When clicking on the View gadget in Afax, a file requester set to
- FaxSpool: will appear. If you select a valid fax filename it will _not_ be
- entered in the string gadgets above and consequently not be displayed.
- - Fixed. Also fixed bug reported by Mikko, introduced when ASL
- file-requester support added.
- o <mb>
- Implement flip in y for upside-down faxes in viewer, afaxilbm
- - Added to viewafax, keyed off 'i' key (no gadget yet).
- 18Sep92
- o <sassen>
- Enforcer hits from AfaxPrt
- Due to SPECIAL_NOPRINT dumps, needs serious look at print method.
- - New version of afaxprt, 1.33. Fixes this and other problems, but
- doubtless introduces others!
- o <mpk>
- Allow use of environment variables, overriding config file entries.
- - Done 18Aug92, local and global accepted.
- o <dav>
- Make all command and response strings configurable, to allow for 3
- or 4 character systems (ZyXEL vs NetComm), standards changes, etc.
- - Almost all now configurable, as of 16Aug92
- o <dav>
- Allow configuration of printer output, so various aspects can be
- set, or 1:1 bitmap, or squeeze onto one page, etc.
- - 1.33 afaxprt goes a long way towards this
- o <jm>
- Add ability for configurable setups per alias/site, for modem speed, etc
- This could be through standard alias file, or shadow file with
- entries only for non-standard sites. (Or one file per non-standard site.)
- - As all configs can be overridden by local environment variables
- (set) I guess this is in by default
- o <dr>
- Run configurable script when running up/down afaxsend
- (Could open/close BBS, etc)
- - Done
- o <dav>
- Extend lockserial modes, to allow script, OwnDevUnit, etc
- - Done 23Jul93
- o <hiit>
- ViewAfax does not work (and reports errors) in some compression modes
- >1:4 (1:5, 1:7, 1:8)
- Also reported by Nils Goroll
- - 25-Sep-92 fixed some problems in the decoder when decoding scaled faxes
- Viewer 1.33
- 01Nov92
- o <CB> <Martin Hohl>
- Add support for bold/italic/underline modes.
- - Done
- 3rd Party ToDo Lists
- ====================
- From Martin Hohl, Tue, 17 Aug 1993 12:14:48 +0200
- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=-
- here is a list of proposals for improvements for the AFax package
- worked out from some german AFax users and me.
- ----------------------------------------------
- Improve the graphical user interface of AmigaFax (AFAX) dramatically:
- If I would have the source afax.c and the necessary include files
- (except the OS includes of course) then this would be the first thing
- I would do.
- (Keep the old version on the distribution disk as it is for those people,
- who don't have 2.0 yet. Who want's to be professional should have 2.0 or
- 2.1 anyway).
- - Use 2.0 functions for windows and gadgets (new look)
- - Add functionality :
- + Allow to view, print and delete old faxes in FAXREC: and new
- faxes in FAXSPOOL: (like in my FAXmaint.rexx program).
- + Allow to look at FAXSPOOL:FaxLog with configured pager program
- (could be done from a menu)
- + Allow to convert fax files to IFF files (just call ASL requester
- for input file and output file and ask for page number and then
- invoke afaxilbm) (Some german users have requested that)
- + Allow to make the most important config settings with intuitionized
- configuration program or at least allow to invoke the configured
- editor with the FAXLIB:Config file from a menu.
- ----------------------------------------------
- In FAXSPOOL:Faxlog instead of
- 92/09/15-21:46:27 Fax FAXSPOOL:A_0000.AFX to AAATDT0702235610
- write
- 92/09/15-21:46:27 Fax FAXSPOOL:A_0000.AFX to AAATDT0702235610 (OK)
- in case of success, or write
- 92/09/15-21:46:27 Fax FAXSPOOL:A_0000.AFX to AAATDT0702235610 (FAIL)
- in case of failure.
- (A debug level of 0 was assumed).
- ----------------------------------------------
- Implement the routines
- InitLocalDate(configname) Initialize local date settings, get them from
- FAXLIB:Config and/or locale.library (if present)
- WriteLocalDate(file,date) Write local date into a file (using fprintf/fputs)
- SWriteLocalDate(str,date) Write local date into a string (using sprintf)
- What should these routines do ? Write the date either in diverse
- european formats or in US format or in any user defined format, configured
- in FAXLIB:config.
- Would you incorporate these routines into the AFax programs (faa, afaxsend,
- mkafax), if I would write them for you ?
- (In this case I would have to know, which C compiler you use. I have
- SAS/C 6.3 and Manx 5.0d and on some disk I have the NET version of
- DICE as .lzh file.
- Currently I use SAS/C. I even have a version of AmigaUUCP compiled with
- SAS/C).
- You would have to insert WriteLocalDate/SWriteLocalDate for all writes to
- the logfile (see above), and also in mkafax where the date is written in
- the heading of the fax page.
- ----------------------------------------------
- Localize all msgs (locale.library, afax.catalog)
- A Catalog with german msgs could be provided by me, if you email me
- an english one.
- Use internal default msgs, if locale.library is not present (to remain
- pre-2.1 compatible).
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_] [_]