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Text File | 1994-03-15 | 62.4 KB | 1,751 lines |
- AmigaFax
- *********
- A Facsimile Software Package for the Amiga Computer
- Copyright (C) 1994 by C-Born Software Systems
- Introduction
- *************
- This manual describes the AmigaFax software package for the Amiga
- family of computers. AmigaFax was originally written both to solve a
- personal need for shared facsimile and data on a single telephone line,
- and to become a commercial software product. When changing company
- circumstances dictated that bringing the product to commercial release
- level in a reasonable time frame would not be possible, it was decided
- to release the package in `Shareware' form, rather than deprive the
- Amiga community of the work that had already gone into it. While total
- returns from the registration fee charged have not even covered code
- maintenance and distribution costs, we still feel it has been a
- worthwhile project, especially due to the many contacts it has allowed
- us to form with the worldwide Amiga community.
- What is AmigaFax?
- ==================
- AmigaFax is a software package that, in combination with a FaxModem,
- allows you to send and receive facsimile information from your Amiga
- computer. Received faxes can be viewed, printed, forwarded to other
- fax machines, and saved as ILBM files which can then be accessed using
- many standard Amiga programs. You can transmit text, ILBM graphics,
- and combinations of these as faxes. Using the AmigaFax command language
- you can add text from any Amiga font, along with logos and ILBM
- graphics, to create high quality multi-page fax documents.
- AmigaFax can be set up to automatically send documents to multiple
- recipients, to send faxes at or after set times, to answer incoming fax
- calls automatically, and even to forward received faxes (useful as a
- vacation mechanism).
- Faxes can be printed on plain paper, using your normal Amiga printer.
- AmigaFax is highly configurable, allowing you to set up a custom
- environment that best suits your hardware and way of working.
- Summary of Features
- ====================
- * *Automatic Reception*
- AmigaFax may be configured to receive faxes in the background, or
- to answer an already ringing line in Fax mode. Autoanswer may also
- be integrated with a UUCP or BBS environment, where incoming calls
- may be Fax or data, by using a specially modified version of the
- getty program that recognises Fax calls.
- * *Automatic Transmission*
- Faxes may be queued for transmission after a particular time, to
- take advantage of lower off-peak telecom rates, for example. You
- may specify the number of times to try before giving up on
- transmission, and the period at which retry attempts should be
- made. All call progress is logged, and progress may be monitored
- from the main program. Call logging displays when attempts were
- made, the success or failure of the call, and the Called Number ID
- of the remote Fax machine reached.
- * *Multiple Recipients*
- Fax numbers may be entered either directly, or using defineable
- aliases. Therefore instead of sending to `99123456', you could
- send it to `Fred'. In the same way, an alias can refer to a list
- of other aliases, or numbers, so that one fax could be sent to
- `Customers', representing a list of customers.
- * *Flexible Fax Viewer*
- The Fax viewer allows you to view a fax document at scales of from
- 1:1 to 1:8. A 1:3 scale igenerally gives a quite readable image
- while still fitting the entire Fax width across a standard Amiga
- screen. You can easily zoom in on areas of particular interest if
- required. The viewer may be configured to take advantage of new
- display modes (eg Productivity) and add-in high resolution display
- cards (eg Retina).
- * *Powerful Document Builder*
- This allows you to mix any Amiga font or ILBM graphic on a page,
- to include text, ILBM, Fax, or AmigaFax command files anywhere on
- a page or in a document, perform alignment at character or pixel
- level, justify text regardless of font size, automatically add
- standard information such as address, signature, logo, and current
- time/date. Text conversion includes selectable fonts size and
- styles, including underline, bold and italic.
- * *TeX to fax conversion*
- The `dvifax' program (registered version only) allows TeX `dvi'
- files to be converted directly to fax files.
- * *Fax Printer-Driver*
- The fax printer driver allows the output of wordprocessing, DTP,
- painting and drawing programs to be converted directly to fax
- files.
- * *Highly User Configurable*
- The configuration file allows you to set the system up to suit your
- requirements. You can define your prefered editor for text and for
- graphics, set a standard file to use as a template when creating
- new Fax documents, customize your dial type (pulse/tone, special
- prefix to get outside line, etc), set the Caller ID string to
- identify yourself to remote Fax machines, define the modem type
- you are using, and set many system default values.
- * *Multiple Serial Port Support*
- Using the A2232 multi-serial port card, AmigaFax can support
- multiple FaxModems simultaneously, each modem being able to
- transmit and receive facsimiles and data.
- * *Uses Preferences Printer*
- Because the Amiga Preferences printer is used to print out the
- documents, you can tradeoff speed for resolution as you require.
- * *Workbench or CLI interface*
- AmigaFax can be run either from the workbench, or from a shell or
- CLI interface. In either case, an easy to use graphical
- presentation makes operation straightforward.
- System Requirements
- ====================
- AmigaFax requires AmigaDOS version 1.3 or greater. It operates with
- AmigaDOS 2.0, and will run on Amigas from the original A1000 through to
- the A3000. It is possible to run on an unexpanded A1000 with 512K RAM
- and 1 disk drive, but in this case memory and disk restraints will
- limit the number and size of faxes that may be generated or received.
- In general the more memory and disk available the better. For
- unattended Auto-receive operation a hard disk system is highly
- desirable.
- Certain features, such as font scaling, ASL file requester, and
- demand-loading of the printer symbiont rely on AmigaDOS 2.0 features,
- and will not operate under 1.3
- As of AmigaFax version 1.40, support for AmigaDOS 1.3 will not be
- guaranteed, however we will endeavour to maintain basic operation as
- long as possible, and will listen to any user feedback in this area.
- Installation
- *************
- *Warning:* Be sure to back up your original disks, and use working
- copies of the disks for normal operation.
- Installing the Software
- ========================
- Information on installing the AmigaFax software on your system is given
- in the ReadMe file on the distribution disk. Insert the distribution
- disk, and from the WorkBench double-click on the ReadMe icon for
- instructions.
- The installation script should automatically handle most installations.
- To use it, from the WorkBench double-click the Install_Now icon, or
- from a Shell window type amigafax:install . The script will prompt you
- for information required to complete the installation.
- If you are updating to a later revision, the installation procedure
- will not overwrite your configuration or alias files, so you will not
- lose information. However in this case you may want to examine the
- files in the directories `lib.user' and `s.user' on the distribution
- disk for examples of more recent configuration options.
- The AmigaFaX software requires certain logical assignments to be made.
- The installation procedure will create a file `afax:s/User-Startup'.
- You must edit your `S:User-Startup' (2.0) or `S:Startup-Sequence' (1.3)
- to include the contents of that file, which will be typically
- something like:
- assign afax: Work:AmigaFax
- mount null:
- run >nil: <nil: l:fifo-handler
- if exists afax:s/AFAX-Startup
- execute afax:s/AFAX-Startup
- endif
- If your `devs:MountList' doesn't contain an entry for the NULL: device,
- append the `MountList' file from the `devs' directory on the AmigaFax
- to it.
- Basic Configuration
- ====================
- There are many possible ways to operate the AmigaFax software. You may
- wish to operate it as the only software using your FaxModem, or have it
- share the modem with other software such as AmigaUUCP. The AmigaFax
- spooler may be started when you boot up your computer, or only when you
- want to send a fax. Fax Auto-Answer may be left on all the time,
- started only when you are expecting a fax, or not used at all.
- If you want the fax-spooler to start when you boot up your system, you
- must add the line
- run >nil: <nil: AFAX:C/afaxspl
- to your startup sequence. This can be done in the `AFAX:s/AFaxAssign'
- file, for example. Normally this would only be necessary if you send a
- lot of faxes with delayed spooling, and your computer may be rebooted
- often, as the spooler is automatically started when sending a fax.
- If you want auto-answer with Fax detection running constantly in
- background, you may either use the modified `Getty' command, or use
- `faa' directly, by adding the line
- run >nil: <nil: faa
- somewhere in your startup sequence.
- Note that the modified `getty' will allow you to receive data and fax
- calls effectively, and is the recommended approach. However if you only
- wish to receive faxes, `faa' is effective and may be started by
- double-clicking on the *FaxAutoAnswer* icon.
- Hardware
- =========
- The cable between your Amiga and Modem MUST connect CTS,RTS,DTR, DCD,
- TXD, RXD and GND conductors. CTS and RTS are used for flow control
- handshaking. DTR is used to keep the modem on line - hangup occurs if
- it is dropped. DCD is used for carrier detection.
- TXD 2 Transmit Data
- RXD 3 Receive Data
- RTS 4 Request to Send
- CTS 5 Clear to Send
- GND 7 Signal Ground
- DCD 8 Data Carrier Detect
- DTR 20 Data Terminal Ready
- ====
- If you have the ARP library installed (`Libs:arp.library') the system
- will make use of it for file requesters.
- Support for the ASL library under AmigaDOS2.0 has now been added to
- AmigaFax. It is used in preference to ARP.
- Extra FONTS
- ============
- Some extra fonts have been included in the FaxFonts directory. You may
- let the installation script copy them into your `FONTS:' directory, or
- under AmigaDOS2.0 you may copy them into another directory, and modify
- your startup to extend the `FONT:' assign to that directory. The extra
- fonts are from the *Computer Modern* series, as used with TeX.
- These fonts will normally *not* be required under AmigaDOS2.0. You are
- much better off using the built-in font scaling where it is available.
- Printer Setup
- ==============
- AmigaFax currently uses the standard printer driver, as configured in
- `Preferences'. Using a dot-matrix printer, Halftone Dithering, Integer
- Scaling, Black and White, Density 7 appears to work reasonably well.
- Configuring for Hardware and User Preferences
- ==============================================
- You will need to modify the file `FAXLIB:Config' to suit your
- specific hardware and preferences. See Configuring the System, for
- details on how to do this.
- Configuring the System
- ***********************
- The file `FAXLIB:Config' is used to configure the basic operation of
- AmigaFax to suit your particular hardware and preferences. You must
- edit this file carefully, using a text editor. You should always keep a
- backup copy of this file. The configuration options are continually
- being added to as AmigaFax grows, so if you are upgrading you should
- look at the latest copy. This will *NOT* overwrite your existing
- configuration as part of the installation process.
- From version 1.30, AmigaFax configuration can be done using local or
- global environmental variables. This will override the values read in
- from the `FAXLIB:Config' file. For example typing from the CLI/Shell
- SetEnv LocalID +61-52-786355
- will override the `LocalID' string with the new number. Parameters set
- by command-line switches will override bot environmantal and
- config-file values.
- General Configuration
- ======================
- * *Debug*
- Debug level, 0-9. Takes one numeric argument. Useful for
- fault-finding, observing handshake between the Amiga and your
- FaxModem.
- * *LogFile*
- Specifies the file for logging debug and error information. If not
- given, information will not be logged.
- * *LocalID*
- The rest of the line is used as the local identifier string, which
- is passed to the remote fax machine. This is usually your fax
- number, and is limited to 20 characters. Some faxmodems (eg Supra)
- require the ID string to be enclosed in double-quotes, others do
- not allow this. *Important:* This seems to be the setting which
- gives new users the most problems when trying to get AmigaFax
- working. If you have difficulties please try setting your
- `LocalID' both with and without the enclosing double-quotes.
- LocalID "123-4567"
- LocalID 123-4567
- * *Device*
- The device to use for connecting to the modem, usually
- serial.device (default). This should only be changed if using a
- different serial device, as with a third-party serial hardware.
- * *Unit*
- Takes one numeric parameter as the unit number to use on the given
- device. Default is 0. For example when using the first port on the
- A2232 multi-serial, set this to 2.
- AmigaFax User Interface
- ========================
- These items are used by the `afax' program.
- * *Editor*
- The name of the your prefered text editor, for example `TxEd, ced,
- memacs, dme, mg', or `Ed' (default). I use `mg' (MicroGnuEmacs).
- * *ILBMEditor*
- The editor you prefer for editing IFF ILBM graphics, for example
- `dpaint'.
- * *Template*
- The name of a file to use as a template for building fax
- documents, If given, the editor will be given a copy of this file
- to work on when you ask for a new fax file. This may include
- references to your address, your signature, etc.
- Fax Page Layout Options
- ========================
- These items are used by the `mkafax' program.
- * *DefaultFont*
- This is the default font, used for normal text unless otherwise
- specified. It takes two parameters, the font name, and size. The
- TeXfont `cmtt10 41' looks quite good for standard text, as does
- the Amiga font `courier 32'.
- * *HeaderFont*
- This is the font used for page headers. My current setting is
- `courier 16'.
- * *PHeader*
- If given, a header will be printed on each fax page, and the rest
- of the line used as the main text, along with the date, local ID
- string, and page number. If not given, no header will be printed.
- * *LeftIndent*
- The left indentation (border) to be used, in pixels. Many fax
- machines will not print to the full fax width, and typically an
- indentation of at least 50 pixels (approx 1/4 inch) on each size
- is required to avoid losing characters.
- * *RightIndent*
- The right indentation (border) to be used, in pixels.
- * *SyncEOL*
- When set, `mkafax' will create faxes with EOL (End-Of-Line)
- markers byte-aligned. While this should not be necessary, and
- results in larger files, some fax modems to not correctly identify
- EOL sequences which are not byte aligned, and this can cause
- problems. ZyXEL modems with ROM versions before 6.00 had this
- problem, and certain rare fax files could cause the modem to lock
- up completely.
- Fax Viewer Configuration
- =========================
- These items are used by the `viewafax' program.
- * *ViewScale*
- Takes one numeric argument, 1-8. This is the default scale used by
- the fax viewer when it starts up. A value of three allows a
- standard fax to fit across the screen. A scale of 1 shows maximum
- detail.
- * *CustomScreen*
- Under AmigaDOS2.0 only, the value of this parameter is passed to
- the OpenScreen() call in the ti_Data field of the SA_DisplayID tag
- item. This allows users to define what type of screen the viewer
- will appear on. The default values passed are PAL_MONITOR_ID and
- HIRESLACE_KEY. Some possible values are:
- NTSC_MONITOR_ID 0x00011000
- PAL_MONITOR_ID 0x00021000
- VGA_MONITOR_ID 0x00031000
- or'ed with
- LORES_KEY 0x00000000
- HIRES_KEY 0x00008000
- SUPER_KEY 0x00008020
- HAM_KEY 0x00000800
- LORESLACE_KEY 0x00000004
- HIRESLACE_KEY 0x00008004
- SUPERLACE_KEY 0x00008024
- HAMLACE_KEY 0x00000804
- LORESDPF_KEY 0x00000400
- HIRESDPF_KEY 0x00008400
- SUPERDPF_KEY 0x00008420
- LORESDPF2_KEY 0x00000440
- HIRESDPF2_KEY 0x00008440
- SUPERDPF2_KEY 0x00008460
- LORESLACEDPF2_KEY 0x00000444
- HIRESLACEDPF2_KEY 0x00008444
- SUPERLACEDPF2_KEY 0x00008464
- VGALORES_KEY 0x00039004
- VGAPRODUCT_KEY 0x00039024
- VGAHAM_KEY 0x00031804
- VGAHAMLACE_KEY 0x00031805
- VGALORESDPF_KEY 0x00039404
- VGALORESDPF2_KEY 0x00039444
- Fax Printer Configuration
- ==========================
- These items are used by the `afaxprt' program.
- * *MinLines*
- `MinLines' is used to scale a fax page to fit on a printer page.
- If the fax page is longer then the printer page by less than
- MinLines, it will be scaled to fit. A value of around 500 works
- for most faxes.
- `MinLines' had a different meaning in versions of AmigaFax prior to
- 1.32, as follows:
- Takes one numeric argument. This is the minimum number of lines
- that must be on a fax page before we print it. The default value
- is 0 (zero), meaning print all pages. This is for cut-sheet
- feeders (Laser Printers), where the fax may be just a little
- longer than one page. Use a value of around 100 here to stop
- getting `blank pages' printed out.
- Fax Spooler Configuration
- ==========================
- These items are used by the `afaxspl' program.
- * *SpoolInterval*
- This is the time interval, in minutes, at which the outbound fax
- queue is scanned for untransmitted files.
- Fax Receiver Configuration
- ===========================
- These items are used by the `faa' program.
- * *RSetup*
- The receive setup string. This optional string is sent to the
- modem. Unlike versions before 1.23, the string is *not* preceded
- by AT . Instead, the line is sent as it appears. This allows
- multiple commands to be sent when initializing the modem. This
- allows you to add commands to set such things as speaker use and
- volume.
- * *RStatus*
- Receive Status. If present, a status window will pop up when a fax
- is being received, showing various details such as name, connect
- speed, transmitter ID, amount of data received. It takes two
- optional numeric parameters, which are used for the top and left
- edge pixel positions to place the window.
- * *DLEmode*
- There are many incompatible modems and modem ROM revisions about.
- This allows you to specify certain things about how your FaxModem
- sends your data. It currently takes one numeric argument, (0, 1 or
- 3).
- * 0 (default) treat DLE in received data as escape
- (Maestro 3.1, ZyXEL 3.99+)
- * 1 Received DLE is g3 data (ZyXEL Vn3.90, Supra?)
- * 3 RAW input mode. Data is saved raw. For debug only.
- * *RRate*
- Sets the initial baud rate (`Receive Rate') for modem
- communications. This defaults to 2400, for simple faxmodems that
- normally communicate at 2400, but switch to 19200 for actual fax
- data. More advanced modems, such as the ZyXEL, will communicate at
- 19200 baud or greater, at a locked DCE-DTE rate, as per the
- FaxModem specification. I have this set to 19200, which is the
- highest speed common to my FaxModem and the AS2232 multiport
- serial card.
- When receipt handshaking is via the `getty' program, `RRate' is
- not used.
- Fax Transmitter Configuration
- ==============================
- These items are used by the `afaxsend' program.
- * *WSetup*
- The transmit setup string. This optional string is sent to the
- modem. As in the `RSetup' line, the line is sent to the modem as it
- appears (since 1.23). This allows you to add commands to set such
- things as speaker use and volume.
- * *DialType*
- Takes the parameters `Pulse' (default) or `Tone'.
- * *DialPrefix*
- Prefix to add before number when dialling. I use it to get an
- outside line (dials 0 first), by setting it to `ATDP0,DT,' which
- will pulse-dial 0, then tone-dial the rest of the number.
- * *DoPadding*
- This should not be necessary. However, some FaxModems to not
- observe the minimum scan-time restrictions set by the standard.
- When connecting to slower fax machines, this may result in missed
- scan-lines. Note that if you set this parameter, it will usually
- result in fax transmissions taking longer, as worst-case padding
- must be added.
- * *WStatus*
- Write Status. If present, a status window will pop up when a fax is
- being transmitted, showing various details such as name, connect
- speed, receiver ID, percent of file sent. It takes two optional
- numeric parameters, which are used for the top and left edge pixel
- positions to place the window.
- * *ScriptBeforeSending*
- This may contain the name of a CLI command script to be executed
- before a fax is sent. The script is executed synchronously before
- the serial device is locked or opened.
- * *ScriptAfterSending*
- This may contain the name of a CLI command script to be executed
- after a fax has been sent. The script is executed synchronously
- just before `afaxsend' terminates.
- * *XonXoff*
- If set, causes `afaxsend' to use XON/XOFF handshaking with the
- faxmodem while transmitting fax data. This is not normally
- necessary, as the modems should implement CTS/RTS hardware
- handshaking, but some modems, such as the NetComm M7F, have a
- hardware bug that prevents the hardware handshake working.
- Symptoms are buffer overrun, and loss of fax data.
- PrintSymb Configuration
- ========================
- These items are used by the `PrintSymb' program.
- This contains the name of the file to write fax-data from the
- printer-driver to. If not defined, data will be written to the file
- `FAXSPOOL:P_xxxx.AFX', where `xxxx' is used to create a new
- sequential name, or if that cannot be done it will be written to
- `Ram:fax.prt'.
- When you do not with the fax file to be retained, you may direct
- is to a temporary file, eg `SetEnv FAXFILE t:fx'. The variable
- will be read in again every time file is created, so you may
- change it dynamically.
- * *ClipPage*
- This is used to clip whitespace from the top and bottom of a page
- sent to the fax printer driver. At present only bottom-clipping is
- implemented, but for future compatability use the following values:
- ClipPage 1 # Remove whitespace at bottom of page
- ClipPage 2 # Remove whitespace at top of page
- ClipPage 3 # Remove whitespace at top and bottom of page
- Modem Command and Status Strings
- =================================
- Certain modem commands and status codes have now been made variable.
- The variables default to their own value, and may be set in the Config
- file, or as environment variables.
- eg setenv +FLID +FLI
- will result in the string `+FLI' rather than `+FLID' being used for
- setting the local ID code.
- Variables are:
- * Status
- * +FCON Fax connect established
- * +FCSI Called station identifier follows
- * +FTSI Transmitting station identifier follows
- * +FDCS Current session parameters follow
- * +FK
- * +FPTS
- * +FHNG Fax hangup (terminal)
- * Command
- * +FDT Fax Data Transmit (I am about to transmit)
- * +FDR Fax Data Receive
- * +FLID Local ID string follows
- * Dual Use
- * +FET Fax End of Transmission (Followed by status code)
- * +FDIS Constrain session parameters
- Configuration Variables Index
- ==============================
- The Workbench Interface
- ************************
- Once configured, AmigaFax may be operated either from a Shell or CLI
- (Command Line Interface), or from the Workbench. If you choose to
- operate from the Workbench, you will find three main icons, `AmigaFax',
- `FaxAutoAnswer' and `FaxSpool'.
- AmigaFax
- =========
- When you double-click on the `AmigaFax' icon, the main AmigaFax control
- window will open. This allows you to edit, compile and view faxes,
- queue them for transmission, review previously queued transmissions,
- and so forth. There are currently six string gadgets, six pushbutton
- gadgets, and one toggle gadget on the control window.
- The gadget functions are:
- * *FINE/STD*
- This toggle gadget allows the user to toggle between `Fine' (200
- DPI) and `Standard' (100 DPI) vertical resolution, when creating
- AFax files. Standard resolution takes half the space, and half the
- time to transmit, of `Fine' mode, but `Fine' looks *much* nicer !!
- * *To:*
- This is the intended recipient of the Fax. It may be just a phone
- number, or it may be an alias. When you enter a string and press
- return, if the first character is a digit it will be treated as a
- number, otherwise it will be checked for aliases. If no aliases are
- found, the string is removed, otherwise the number of aliases
- found is shown. See Aliases, for more information on aliases.
- * *From:*
- This is picked up from the `LocalID' field in your Config file, if
- present. You may override this value. It is a 20 character string
- sent to the remote Fax to identify you as the sender, usually your
- phone number for return faxes.
- * *Source:*
- This is the name of the fax source document, usually an AmigaFax
- command (`.FCOM') file, although plain text or ILBM files may also
- be used. If you press return with an empty string, and ARP is
- installed, a requester will prompt you for a filename.
- * *AFAX:*
- This is the name for the actual fax file. The system will usually
- pick a name for you, but you may wish to override it. Note that
- the AFAX file name will be reserved, but not actually created,
- until time to send the Fax. You may force creation with the "Make"
- gadget if you wish to test that it is created correctly. If a
- document is to be faxed to multiple recipients, only one copy of
- the AFAX file will be made. It is automatically deleted when all
- recipients have been reached.
- * *Tries:*
- The maximum number of times to try to get a fax through to a
- specific recipient if problems are encountered, such as remote
- phone being engaged. Defaults to three.
- * *Time:*
- The Fax will not be sent until after this time. An empty field
- means send at any time. Fill in as hh:mm, (24 hour format) then
- press return. The system will interpret the time, and display the
- result. Time can only be in the future, past time is rounded up by
- a day.
- * *New*
- Create a new Fax document, and edit it using your configuration
- editor. The file pointed to by the configuration entry `Template'
- will be used as a fax pro-forma. The system will pick a default
- document name for you, which you may keep or override.
- * *Edit*
- Edit a Fax document, using your configuration editor. Note that you
- may set both a text and a graphic editor in your `config' file.
- * *Make*
- The system will attempt to build an AFAX file from your source
- document. This is not necessary when sending faxes, but does allow
- you to check whether the document will appear as you wish.
- * *Preview*
- Invokes the AFAX viewer program, so you can preview the completed
- document.
- * *Send*
- Your facsimile document will be queued for sending to the
- appropriate recipients. If the fax-spooler is not running, you
- will be asked if you wish to start it.
- * *QCheck*
- This gadget will bring up the queue check window, to monitor the
- progress of outgoing Faxes. From here it is possible to requeue
- Faxes that have exceeded their error allowance, and to remove the
- spool files for faxes that have been successfully sent, or that
- are still queued for transmission.
- FaxAutoAnswer
- ==============
- This icon will activate the background automatic-answer facility. If it
- is already operating, you will get the choice of removing the existing
- application (stopping it), or replacing it with the new version. You
- may wish to replace it if you have modified the configuration file
- settings.
- Note that you should only activate the auto-answer system in this
- fashion if you are not using the GETTY mode of operation, and only
- want to receive facimile transmissions, not data.
- FaxSpool
- =========
- This icon will activate the background fax-spooler program. If it is
- already operating, you will get the choice of removing the existing
- application (stopping it), or replacing it with the new version. Note
- that in normal operation the main AmigaFax program will start the
- spooler for you when you queue a fax for transmission, or you will run
- it up automatically in your startup sequence. You may wish to replace
- it if you have modified the configuration file settings.
- Operating from the Shell
- *************************
- The main executable modules included in the release are:
- * `afax' Intuitionized interface for AFAX create/edit/send etc
- * `newfax'
- Notifies new fax received, allows print/view/delete, etc
- [Intuitionized interface]
- * `afaxspl'
- Fax spooler daemon, many options/features
- * `mkafax'
- Convert documents to AmigaFax AFAX IFF file format
- * `afaxprt'
- Print and AmigaFax AFAX IFF file using preferences printer
- * `afaxsend'
- Send an AmigaFax AFAX IFF file to a remote Fax machine
- * `faa'
- Receive Fax documents in auto-answer mode
- * `afaxilbm'
- Convert pages from an AmigaFax AFAX IFF file to ILBM format
- * `viewafax'
- AmigaFax document viewer
- * `fxfx'
- Manipulates fax files
- * `dvifax'
- Converts TeX .dvi file to fax format (Registered version only)
- * `showlib'
- Display licence status
- * `printsymb'
- AmigaFax printer-driver print symbiont (assists afax.driver)
- * `FPrint'
- Redirect printer output to afax.driver
- =====
- `AFAX:c/afax'
- `Afax' takes only one command line option at present:
- afax [-f faxfile]
- If the `faxfile' option is given, `Afax' will come up with the given
- file name set as both its source and FAX file. This is used when `Afax'
- is started from the fax printer-driver. A common source and fax file is
- treated as a special case by the spooler, which will not delete the fax
- file when transmission is complete.
- This brings up a window which you can use to create new Fax documents,
- edit the documents, create the actual AFAX files, and send your faxes.
- It also allows you to monitor the status of faxes queued for
- transmission and maintain the queues, and to re-queue faxes that have
- exceeded teir allowed retry count.
- =======
- `AFAX:C/newfax faxname'
- This program is automatically invoked by faa when a fax is received. It
- puts up a window informing you of the Fax, with details about it (name,
- sender ID, number of pages), and allows you to view, print or delete
- the document.
- ========
- [run >nil: <nil:] afax:c/afaxspl [-s] [-i n] [-d num]
- With the `-s' option, the spooler will run once only, checking for any
- faxes waiting to be spooled out. In this mode, it could be launched
- using cron/dcron/amicron at whatever times you wish to send faxes.
- Otherwise it will run in background and check for faxes to spool at
- intervals of every `n' minutes, where `n' is the interval in minutes
- from the configuration file default, optionally overridden by the `-i'
- command-line switch. You could do this perhaps every 1/2 hour, (n =
- 30), or even at 1 minute intervals while testing.
- The spooler checks for files of the form `FAXSPOOL:*.SPL'. These are
- human-readable. As calls progress, results are added to the end of the
- file. If successfully sent, the file is renamed `FAXSPOOL:*.OK' . If
- unsuccessful for more than the specified number of tries, it is renamed
- The queues are maintained from the `QCheck' module of the `afax'
- command. See AFAX.
- `-d' is used to specify the debug level (0-9).
- =======
- mkafax [-s][-f][-dn][-Rresfile] <docfilename> <AFAX_filename>
- `mkafax' currently recognizes the IFF file types AFAX and ILBM, plain
- text files, and AFAX command text files, as input.
- A plain text file will be converted to an AFAX file using default
- settings.
- An IFF ILBM will be converted to a single-page FAX document. Only the
- first plane is converted, to convert multi-plane (eg DigiView Pics) use
- another tool, such as PfiltView (AmigaTeX).
- See AmigaFax Command File Format, for a full description of the
- command-file formatting instructions.
- The switches `-s' and `-f' are used to force `Standard' and `Fine'
- resolution repectively.
- `-d0' to `-d9' sets the debug level.
- The `-R' option specifies the name of the file to pass operational
- results in. This is meant for internal use only, and is not a feature
- guaranteed to be maintained. However some users have found it useful in
- their environment, if you need to know the file format please ask me
- for it.
- =========
- afaxsend [-options] <dialstring | alias> <AFAX_filename>
- The present options are:
- -t Tone Dial (default is Pulse)
- -P DoPadding on (Uppercase P)
- -p DoPadding off (Lowercase p)
- -d n Set debug level, 0-9
- -D device Use named device (default serial.device)
- -U unit Use specified unit (default 0)
- -Rfile Write result in file
- Command line options are normally not used, and settings are taken from
- environment values of `Faxlib:config'. If given, the command line
- switches take precedence.
- The `-R' option specifies the name of the file to pass operational
- results in. This is meant for internal use only, and is not a feature
- guaranteed to be maintained. However some users have found it useful in
- their environment, if you need to know the file format please ask me
- for it.
- `afaxsend' attempts to dial out, connect to the remote fax machine, and
- tranfer the specified document.
- `afaxsend Jeff MyFaxFile'
- If the first character of dialstring is not a digit, and not a name
- alias, the whole string will we be sent to the modem non-prefixed as a
- dial string. If an alias is used, it may be a group alias, resulting in
- the fax being sent to everyone in that group.
- ========
- afaxprt [-pnum] [-n] [-dn]<AFAX_filename>
- eg `afaxprt -p2 MyFaxFile'
- If the `-p' option is not used, all pages are printed.
- Using the `-n' option causes `afaxprt' not to send the data to the
- printer. Useful with the debug option `-d'.
- `afaxprt' sends the AmigaFax document to the preferences printer. It is
- a good idea to set your printer for high density. Using a dot-matrix,
- Halftone Dithering, Integer Scaling, Black and White, Density 7 appears
- to work ok.
- ====
- `faa [BaseName]'
- Fax auto-answer. Sets up the FaxModem to auto-answer and recognise Fax
- or data tranmissions. Incoming Faxes will be saved in AFAX format. the
- default BaseName is `FAXREC:FAX', so that incoming faxes will be named
- etc.
- Note also that although `faa' recognises the difference between Fax and
- Data, it currently does nothing special with data. This may be
- integrated with the UUCP system in the future, along with *VoiceMail*
- capability.
- To terminate the `faa' program, send it a CTL_C break. If you ran it
- directly from your shell, just type control-C and wait. If you used
- `RUN' or `RUNBACK', send a break to its process number. (eg break 7 all)
- Command Line switches are:
- -a - Immediate Answer
- -dn - Set debug on, level n (default 1)
- -D name - Use name for the device (default serial.device)
- -U num - Use device unit num (default 0)
- -G - Run from a Getty
- -z - Diagnostic, do not detach, so debug messages can be read
- -p - Bump task priority by 1
- -Q - Qtest mode
- The Immediate Answer switch assumes phone is ringing, configures the
- modem & answers immediately. It probably makes sense to attach this to
- an alias if you use it this way. eg. `alias fa "faa -a"'
- The Getty option specifies that faa was run from a Getty. It will not
- modify the serial port parameters. It assumes that the Getty has
- answered the phone, detected a Fax call, and set up the line
- accordingly. Faa will connect, collect a Fax document, and return
- control to the Getty.
- If the `Qtest' option is specified, however, the baud rate will be set
- to `RRate' even if `Getty' mode is specified. This was added for
- compatability testing with `TrapDoor', a Getty-type front-end program.
- As `faa' will normally detach, and so debug diagnostics are not
- visible, the `-z' option was added to keep its STDIO attached to the
- launching console.
- =========
- afaxilbm [-pnum] <AFAX_filename> <ILBM_filename>
- eg
- afaxilbm -p2 RAM:AFAXR001 FX.ILBM
- This will extract the specified page from the AFAX file to the named
- ILBM file. It may then be viewed using standard ILBM viewing programs,
- such as LoadImage from Fish disks 281 and 355, of programs like
- DeluxePaint.
- If no page number is given, all pages will be extracted to separate
- files, and given names of the format base.1 base.2, etc
- The default ILBM file base name is afax_ilbm
- =========
- viewafax [opts] <FaxFile>
- The fax viewer is normally started automatically by from the `NewFax'
- window. When invoked from the CLI, it takes the options:
- -d debug_level
- -p Page_Number
- -s Scale
- The current version of the viewer keeps one entire fax page in memory.
- If the page will not fit in the requested scale, it tries to reduce the
- resolution until it finds one that will fit. Once a page is displayed,
- you can move about the page using the arrow keys. There is a scale
- gadget at the top left of the window, in the form of 1:n, where n is
- the current scale (say 3). You can click on the gadget, delete the
- current scale, and enter your own, in the range 1 to 8, where 1 is 1:1
- (full size), 2 is 1:2 (half size) etc. To the right of that gadget is
- another of the form Page: n where n is the current page displayed.
- Again you may enter the required page number in this gadget.
- To the top right of the window is a group of gadgets of the form
- `|<<-->>|'. These are actually four gadgets, which allow moving through
- the pages of the fax. From left to right they are First Page, Previous
- Page, Next Page, and Last Page.
- You may use the windows sizing gadget to resize the window. However
- with the current viewer, sizing the window larger than the fax page
- will result in the window shrinking to the page size at the next
- movement.
- Several keys are active in the viewer window.
- * *Down Arrow* (Cursor Key or Numeric Pad) Move window down fax page.
- * *Up Arrow* (Cursor Key or Numeric Pad) Move window up fax page.
- * *Right Arrow* (Cursor Key or Numeric Pad) Move window right on fax
- page.
- * *Left Arrow* (Cursor Key or Numeric Pad) Move window left on fax
- page.
- * *Numeric pad keys 1,3,7,9* Diagonal window movement
- * *i* Flip fax page vertically. Useful when faxes are sent
- upside-down.
- * *q* Quit from viewer
- * *b* Move back on page in fax file
- * *n* Move to next page in fax file
- * *f* Move to first page in fax file
- * *e* Move to end page in fax file
- * *s* Make fax smaller - reduce scale one step
- * *l* Make fax larger - increase scale one step
- =====
- This utility allows you to split and merge AFAX format fax files. A
- typical use is where you have a complete fax document, perhaps
- generated by TeX->dvifax, or received as an AFAX fax-file and you want
- to sent it with an attached cover page, or you want to extract one or
- more pages from the document.
- The command-line format is:
- fxfx [-f][-s] infile [-range] [infile[-range]] [...] outfile
- Some examples:
- fxfx file1 file2
- copies fax files file1 to file2
- fxfx file1 file2 file3 file4
- merges all pages from file1-3 to create file4
- fxfx file1 file2 -1,3,5-7,9- file3 -4 file4
- merges all pages from file1, pages 1,3,5-7 and 9 on from file2, and
- page 4 from file3, to create file4
- The range is currently sorted, so to reverse page order is currently
- not simple, eg
- fxfx file1 -3 file1 -2 file1 -1 file2
- to create file2 from pages 1-3 of file1 in reverse order.
- The flags `-s' and `-f' are used to override the resolution flags when
- translating. This may be useful when a fax machine has sent you a fax
- with the incorrect resolution flags, as a fax machine in Brazil does to
- me. It sends in `Standard', but sets the `Fine' flag. I can correct
- this with
- `fxfx -s faxfile newfaxfile'
- =======
- This module works with the AmigaTeX package from Radical Eye Software,
- to enable you to convert a TeX `.dvi' file into an AmigaFax fax file.
- The command line syntax is
- dvifax file.dvi -o file.afx
- You will be prompted for various size and scaling numbers. You are
- probably best to accept the default values (hit return) unless you have
- a very good idea what you are doing.
- The Squeeze Fax option will remove all white-space from the top and
- bottom of each page. This can result in significant savings in
- transmission time, and in fax paper at the other end.
- When creating faxes with `dvifax', you may want to add a cover page.
- This can be done easily with the `fxfx' utility.
- ========
- This programs attempts to open the `afax.library' and display its
- contents. You can use this to confirm that a valid license library is
- available, check for user name, expiry date, etc. Output is of the form:
- Current AmigaFax Library:
- Version = 1
- Type = 1
- Serial = 0
- No Expiry
- Level = 10
- User = David Varley
- For registered users the fields `Serial' and `User' should display your
- registration serial number and your name. The `Version' field is an
- internal library revision, the `Type' field is reserved and may be
- later used to distinguish between reviewer, distributor, user, etc. The
- `Level' is presently unused, but could be used for a service level, and
- there may also be an licence expiry date shown. At present all
- registered user licences should show `No Expiry'.
- ==========
- The `printsymb' module is used to translate data from the `afax.driver'
- printer driver into fax format, and save as a file. Under AmigaDOS2.0
- it will be run automatically by the driver, but under AmigaDOS1.3 it
- must be run up manually. It may be run in background, using a command
- such as `RunBack', from somewhere in your startup sequence.
- You can also run it manually from a CLI for diagnostic purposes. When
- run manually it takes the command line arguments
- -h Hang Around. Do not terminate when afax.driver is expunged
- -r Replace. Replace a currently running printsymb
- -q Quit. Kill any currently running printsymb and terminate
- If you run `printsymb' from a normal shell window, and print using the
- `afax.driver.debug' version of the driver, you will get lot of
- diagnostic information about how your application program is accessing
- the printer device. This can be useful for me in getting the driver to
- work with as many applications as possible.
- =======
- `FPrint' is a small program that changes the in-memory system
- `Preferences' to use the `afax.driver', puts up a requester informing
- you that print has been redirected, and waits for you to signal it to
- cease redirection. This can be useful for quickly redirecting output to
- a fax without changing your main preferences settings, especially if
- you tie `FPrint' to a `HotKey' using a program such as `FKeys'.
- `FPrint' may not always work as expected, however, as some applications
- will adjust the printer from saved settings. For these you will have to
- use the normal `Printer' command to set your default printer to
- `afax.driver'.
- AmigaFax Command File Format
- =============================
- An AFAX command file uses lines starting with a dot (.) as special
- commands, similar to TROFF style text processors. The file MUST start
- with .FCOM on the first line.
- on the first line to be recognised as a command file.
- .FCOM may optionally be followed by a dialstring or target alias.
- (Currently unused, future compatability)
- Other commands currently supported are :
- .PG Clear out the old page and start a new one
- .LM n Set the left margin to n characters, in the current font
- .LI n Set the left indentation to n pixels (default 50)
- .RI n Set the right indentation to n pixels (default 50)
- .LJ Left-justify text and Graphics from now on
- .RJ Right Justify text and Graphics
- .CT Center Text and Graphics
- .TS n Set Tabs every n characters (default 8)
- .PL n Set page length to n (pixel) rows (default 2292 == A4)
- .FILL Turn on fill mode
- .NOFILL Turn off fill mode
- All text read in will be printed verbatim, until .ENDVERB
- .VERBINC filename
- Include a file in verbatim mode. Still requires a .ENDVERB
- End verbatim mode
- .FONT name size [styles]
- Set the font as specified. Typical use might be
- .FONT topaz 11
- .FONT diamond 20
- .FONT cmr10 30
- and so on. See the .STYLE command for style options.
- .ENDF pop the current font/style, and return to the previous one.
- .STYLE styles
- Set the style according to the style string,
- N - Normal
- B - Bold
- U - Underlined
- I - Italics
- E - Extended
- eg .STYLE BU (set to bold, underlined)
- . (dot followed by white-space) Rest of line is a comment
- .INC file
- Include the named file. File may be text, ILBM, or another command
- file. Type is auto-recognised. If a full path is not given to the
- include file, the current directory will be searched, then the
- FAXLIB: directory. Thus addresses, signatures, etc may be kept
- in FAXLIB:
- From version 1.34, you may also .INC an AFAX format file. At
- present only one page is included, by default the first page.
- Page number can be specified by an optional parameter, eg
- .INC FAXREC:Fax0001 2
- At present only 1 page from an AFAX file can be included for each .INC
- command, and no data after that page will appear on the page it is
- included on. Text/graphics can be included before the included fax
- page, so you could use this, for example, to automatically add some
- header text to a received fax before relaying it on.
- Note that at present, normal page-length checking is NOT done while
- processing the included fax page, so you may get a longer than
- expected page.
- .DATE Insert a line with the current date and time, using current font
- and line settings.
- Any line not beginning with a . will be processed as normal text,
- according to the current settings.
- Fill Mode
- ----------
- In this mode, lines will be filled from input to full width (inside LR
- indent) in the current font. Line filling terminates on a dot command,
- blank line, or end of page. Left Margin is disabled while filling.
- See the included `test.com' file for examples of useage.
- Stackable fonts and Style support
- ----------------------------------
- Version 1.34 and later of `mkafax' support stackable fonts, and the use
- of styles, such as *Bold* , *Italic* and `Underline'.
- Useage of the command `.FONT' has been extended, and the commands
- `.STYLE' and `.ENDF' have been added.
- The font system has been modified so that fonts are now nestable. This
- means you can set a font/style, and then return to the original
- font/style, without needing to know what that was. This can be very
- useful for include files, which can return to the original font before
- they exit, for example.
- The `.FONT' command now takes an optional third parameter, which
- defines the requested style to use. This takes the form of a string,
- consisting of the letters `N, B, U, I' and `E' in any order, upper
- or lower case.
- N - Normal
- B - Bold
- U - Underlined
- I - Italics
- E - Extended
- Note that the letters are parsed in order, and that `N' will clear the
- other flags and set the font back to normal. For example,
- .FONT topaz 30 BU
- will set the font to topaz 30, Bold and Underlined.
- .FONT CGTimes 50 I
- set CGTimes at 50-point, Italic.
- You can retain the existing font, but change its style, by using the
- new .STYLE command.
- This is Underlined.
- This is Underlined and Italic.
- All `.FONT' and `.STYLE' commands can now be nested. This means that
- the font/style you set will remain in effect until the new command
- `.ENDF' is encountered. After this the previous font/style set will be
- in force. The Default font, which can be set from your `FAXLIB:Config'
- file or by environmental variable, is always the underlying font. No
- matter how many `.ENDF' commands you enter, this will not be popped
- from the font stack.
- Note that if you have defined a `Header' font, this will be
- automatically pushed for headers, and popped afterwards.
- Example .FCOM file:
- This is in default font
- .FONT CGTimes 30 U
- This is in Underlined 30 point CGTimes
- .FONT topaz 20 B
- This is in Bold 20 point topaz
- And this is Italic Underlined 20 point topaz
- Bold 20 point topaz
- Underlined 30 point CGTimes
- Default font
- Default font
- Other Files
- ************
- FAXLIB:Aliases
- ===============
- This file allows you to alias numbers to names, create fax mailing
- groups, etc. Aliases may be defined in terms of other aliases.
- For example we could have:
- joe: 1234596
- fred: 9876123
- bill: 0981234
- andy: "0,123-4567,,,"
- customers: joe, fred, bill
- Lines beginning with # are treated as comments, a comma means the alias
- list continues.
- If you want to include spaces or commas in an alias (commas are a way
- of inserting delays into a dial-string), you should surround the
- aliased number with double quotes. Adding coma-delays at the end of a
- dial string can be useful when dialing numbers that take a long time to
- respond, avoiding possible timeouts.
- The alias system is modelled closely on the one used in Matt Dillon's
- UUCP package. See UUCP documentation for more details. Thanks, Matt.
- ======
- AmigaFax can use all the standard Amiga fonts. Under AmigaDOS2.0 the
- ability to perform font-scaling means that you can generate quite
- impressive documents very easily.
- The AmigaFax distribution also includes a selection of larger sized
- fonts from the Computer Modern series, which again allows very high
- quality faxes to be produced. These were generated from standard TeX
- fonts using the TEXF program. Note that these fonts do not contain the
- umlaut characters commonly used in Europe.
- These include the fonts cmr10, cmbx10, cmssbx10 and cmtt10 in sizes
- from 29 to 103.
- I would suggest that anyone using AmigaDOS 2.0 use the standard Amiga
- fonts. Even Topaz scaled to 30 point size or greater comes out quite
- effectively. Play around until you find a setup you like.
- Integration with other software
- ********************************
- =====
- AmigaFax was designed from the beginning to integrate with UUCP, in
- particular with Matt Dillon's AmigaUUCP1.15D. Using the modified Getty
- program provided, a Fax call will be recognised, and the Fax
- auto-answer program will be called to handle it. Normal logins and UUCP
- connections should function as usual.
- Other facilities, such as network fax-server capability, can be
- provided to enhance the basic AmigaFax system.
- TeX
- ====
- We have written a `dvifax' program, which will take a standard TeX
- `.dvi' file, and transform it to an AmigaFax file, with superb quality
- output. This is now provided with the distribution.
- Martin Steppler and Martin Horneffer have donated a set of `PasTeX'
- compatability programs, to enable AmigaFax to run with the `PasTeX'
- freely distributable TeX package. This package is included in the
- distribution. *We have not tested these programs here.*
- PostScript
- ===========
- PostScript support is not yet in place, but it is on the list. Priority
- given depends on demand.
- Printer Driver
- ===============
- The AmigaFax printer driver `afax.driver' allows any program that sends
- its output via the standard Amiga printer-driver is able to create fax
- files. This includes many desktop publishing packages, word-processors,
- drawing and paint programs, etc.
- *Be aware:* that the present version of the afax.driver, as released
- with AmigaFax version 1.40, only converts *print graphics dumps* to fax
- files. Normal text sent to the printer is ignored. This may change for
- future releases.
- BBS Systems
- ============
- The FifoBBS BBS system for VLT is no longer distributed with AmigaFax.
- There several BBS systems that should work well alongside AmigaFax, the
- one we are currently using at C-Born is *TransAmiga*. This is a freely
- distributable shareware package which also supports FidoNet. It is
- available from several sources, including Amiga ftp sites. See the file
- BBSREADME in the distribution disk BBS directory for more details.
- Registration and Maintenance
- *****************************
- AmigaFax has always been distributed in two versions. The demonstration
- version was freely distributable, but had certain limitations, in
- particular the ability to transmit and receive only single-page faxes.
- The registered version was sent out directly to registered users, and
- was made available in restricted access areas of the BBS, UUFS
- fileserver and BMS. The majority of the package was the same for both
- versions.
- With the increasing ease of access to networked file storeage systems,
- such as AmiNet, the ability of users to collect the latest registered
- version of the software over a network would greatly ease the
- distribution bottleneck. Registered software could also be distributed
- by means such as the Fish CD-ROMs.
- In order to implement this, AmigaFax Version 1.40 and later incorporate
- a licence management facility, implemented as a loadable library,
- `afax.library'. This means that on registration only a small library
- file needs to be sent to a user with the AmigaFax package, and
- registered users can always load and use all the features of the latest
- distribution when it appears on the networks, BBS, CD-ROM, etc.
- The licence library has facilities for various levels of access, and
- for limited-time licences, so that users may try with all features
- enabled for a limited period. If the licence library is not found, the
- package will still operate fully in demonstration mode, which for many
- casual users will meet all their requirements.
- Getting Updates
- ================
- The latest version of AmigaFax is available from our BBS system, as
- well as via e-mail, using either the UUFS fileserver or Matt Dillon's
- BMS (Batch Mail System) for AmigaUUCP. We can also send it out on disk
- by mail if necessary. We plan to set up a direct Internet connection in
- the next few months (1st half 1994), and AmigaFax may be available for
- direct `ftp' access then. Address is not yet known.
- Our BBS system is *TransAmiga*, and it currently runs on the same line
- as our AmigaFax, `+61-52-786355'. This number is likely to change some
- time in 1994.
- Our mailing address is:
- C-Born Software System
- 59 West Fyans St.
- Geelong, 3220
- Victoria, AUSTRALIA.
- Phone +61-52-290144
- Fax +61-52 290248
- Our e-mail addresses may also be subject to change during 1994, as we
- set up our Internet connection. At present, the BMS server site is
- `sol.ccs.deakin.edu.au!drum3'
- and the UUFS fileserver can be reached as
- sol.ccs.deakin.edu.au!drum3!fs
- You can reach me by email as
- sol.ccs.deakin.edu.au!drum3!dave
- You can request help on useage of the UUFS fileserver by sending it
- email containing the following body text:
- REPLYTO <Your email address>
- ?
- GET BMS:Pub/Files
- The REPLYTO field is only necessary if your return address is not
- easily resolveable, for example if your mail is forwarded via a machine
- that mangles your path. `<Your email address>' is a working address
- from `drum3' to you, the `<>' are not included. `BMS:Pub/Files' lists
- all the accessible files. Generally requesting
- `BBS:File/AfaxDemo/AmigaFax.lha' should get you the latest version.
- Registration
- =============
- The registration fee has been held at $A65, or $US50, for several years
- now. (The original offer was valid until 6 April 1992, but we never got
- around to changing it) We accept MasterCard, VISA and BankCard in
- Australian dollars. EuroCheques are not accepted (we've tried, the
- local banks won't accept them!).
- Here is an example registration form:
- o /
- ------X------cut here--------------------------------------------------
- To:
- C-Born Software Systems
- 59 West Fyans St.
- Geelong, 3220
- Victoria, AUSTRALIA
- Name: Phone:
- _________________________ _________________________
- Address:
- _______________________________________
- _______________________________________
- Country: Postal Code:
- _________________________ ________________
- Email:
- _________________________
- Payment Method:
- MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) BankCard ( ) Bank Cheque ( )
- Card No. Exp:
- _______________________________________ __________
- CardHolder Name: Amount: $65.00 Australian
- ______________________________
- o /
- ------X------cut here---------------------------------------------------
- FaxModem Specifics
- *******************
- ZyXEL U-1496
- =============
- The ZyXEL U-1496 provides data rates to v32bis and higher, with v42bis
- error correction and compression. It is capable of facsimile data rates
- greater than 9600bps, currently up to 14400bps. ZeroOne makes ROM
- upgrades available through their BBS, with frequent upgrades. They are
- very helpful and responsive to customer requests.
- The latest ROM version we have used is V6.10 .
- With this ROM, it is possible to lock the DCE/DTE data rate for fax
- with the sequence `ATS38=8S18=n' , where n is the DTE speed as per
- the S20 register list, eg 2 for 38.4Kbps, 3 for 19.2Kbps.
- There is a Voice-mode ROM for the ZyXEL currently in Beta-test. When
- this is released, we will try to integrate it with AmigaFax. this will
- allow you to send and receive voice messages, as well as fax and data
- calls, all from your Amiga.
- A few more tips on configuration, with getty. In my standard startup
- line I have been setting the page-length to A4, as my printer is A4,
- which is the standard here. However, it appears that my fax (and most
- others) when appending their header/footer lines, force the page past
- A4. This has not been a problem in the past, but now the U1496 must be
- obeying the page-length setting, and forces out an extra very short
- page for each A4 page. This causes handshake problems, etc.
- So for now, the best solution seems to be setting up for unlimited
- page-length. The AmigaFax software has no problem with this, but your
- printer may, if single-sheet type.
- Another option allows fax data-rates greater than 9600. Not many fax
- machines support this yet, but we may as well use it, just in case.
- The +FDCC options are as follows:
- +FDCC=1,5,0,2
- ^ ^ ^ ^
- | | | +- Page Length: 0=A4(297mm) 1=B4(364mm) 2=unlimited
- | | +--- Page Width : 0=1728 Pixels in 215mm
- | +----- Bit Rate : 0=2400 1=4800 2=7200 3=9600 4=12000 5=14400
- +--------Vert. Res. : 0=Normal(98 lpi) 1=Fine(196 lpi)
- Other options cover compression format, error correction mode, binary
- file transfer, and scan time. These are not yet supported, probably not
- until the standards are finalized.
- The line I use to start up `Getty' is:
- RunBack Getty -Mh -B19200 -x8 -F6 AT&C1&D3+FDCC=1,5,0,2
- As I have the FaxModem running from a AS2232 multiport serial card,
- with a maximum baud rate of 19200, I must limit the DCE/DTE rate to
- that.
- Maestro 9600XR
- ===============
- This is a low-cost Australian made 2400bps data, 9600bps send/receive
- fax modem, based on the Exar chipset. It does not allow DCE/DTE rate
- locking, and as of the latest version ROMs we have, still has
- occasional problems in correctly synchronising to incoming fax data,
- resulting in `garbage data' faxes, and missing lines from the top of
- pages. These problems may have been fixed in later ROM versions, but we
- have not been notified of any upgrades. The modem software does not
- appear to observe specified line-scan delays, which may result in
- missing lines when transmitting to older/slower fax machines.
- A typical Getty startup-line for this modem is:
- run >nil: <nil: Getty -Mh -B2400 -F AT&C1&D2+FDCC=1,3