17 Bit Software 4: Phase Four
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254 lines
Sensi(tm) Japanese Language Series, A Classical Dreams(tm)
System Requirements:
WorkBench 1.3 or 2.0 (or higher), 1 Meg ram, speakers for
sound, 2 or more drives if running from floppy.
Highly Recommended:
A hard drive or Floptical with 11-12 megs free.
What it is:
This is the demo (Ver. 2) version of the Japanese Talking
Picture Dictionary. The demo version consists of one program
disk, and the first data disk. The database has also been
altered so as to not request or play any of the remaining
eleven disks. Except for these changes, the program is fully
The text below was taken from the description from the registered *
version and describes what you will receive when you register: *
The registered version consists of the main program disk *
and twelve sound-file disks (thirteen disks total). This *
is version 2.0. (Version 1 was never released, and this is *
a major upgrade, based upon feedback from my beta testers and *
several Japanese friends. Improvements include things such as *
full keyboard support, number keypad support, overscan screens, *
higher sound sampling rate for improved sound quality, and much *
more! *
Floppy disk usage:
Boot your computer using a normal workbench disk.
Insert the program disk in a drive where you can leave it
until you are finished with the program. The program
disk contains the program itself, this file, and all the
picture files and must be accessible by the program at
all times.
When you run the program, it will determine on it's
own that you are running from floppy disk, and each of
the words displayed will have displayed, at the upper
inside corner, an indicator as to which floppy needs to
be inserted to play that word. The indicator is
displayed in reverse text, and does not show if you are
running from a hard disk. If you already have that disk
inserted into a drive, it will read the sound file as
needed. If you select a word that you do not have the
floppy disk inserted yet, you will get a requester asking
for the disk. You may insert the disk and the program
will continue, or select cancel. You may use up to four
drives at once, and should not need your workbench disk
inserted unless you are multi-tasking and another program
needs something. The sound-files are in order, and should
reduce the need for swapping disks.
Hard Disk Installation:
To install this program on hard disk, copy all files
and drawers into a sub-directory. Each of the sound file
disks, (Labeled 1 to 12) needs to be copied to it's own
drawer, named the same as the disk itself. These may be
in the sub-directory that the program itself is in, or in
the root. (I.E. "Work:Dictionary/1", "Work:Dictionary/2",
etc. or "Work:1", "Work:2", etc. Also, the sub-directory
name for the main program cannot have any spaces in it.
The easiest way is, under WB 2.0, is to simply drag
each of the sound disk icons to the drawer where you want
it and the system will copy all the files to the right
place. You can also copy the main program disk in the
same way. If you are going to put the sound files in the
same sub-directory as the program, be sure to open the new
drawer that was created when you dragged the disk icon from
the main program disk and drag the sound file icons to this
new (opened) drawer.
The program assigns a path to itself when you start
the program, and removes this path when it is finished,
and looks for the location of the sound files.
The buttons:
Each of the letters of the alphabet is represented by
a tab along the side of the book. Click on one to go to
the first word using that letter. As you change letters,
the tabs will move from one side to the other. Each of
the letters can also be selected by pressing the same key
on the keyboard.
There are two arrows at the bottom. Click on the
right one to go to the next page, or the left one to go
to the previous page. The right and left arrow keys
duplicate the functions of the arrows on the book. You
can also use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to
move one word at a time vice one page at a time.
To play a word and see a picture (if it has one),
single click (left mouse button) on the word, or press
the indicated number, 1 to 0, on the keyboard or keypad.
To clear a picture, click on it, or press space.
Menu items:
"About" brings up this document.
"Quit" does what it says. It quits the program.
This program will happily multi-task with most other
programs. To switch screens with your other
applications, use the "Left-Amiga/M" or "Left-Amiga/N"
key combinations.
There is also a font directory on the disk called
"TempFonts". This contains the "Nihongo" font that
allows usage of the over-line characters that indicate a
long "a,e,i,o,u, or y". If you want to view the "Words"
file (a list of all the words used in the program), use
an editor that will let you use this font, or else you
will see some funny looking characters. You do not need
to copy the fonts to your fonts directory. The program will
use them fine where they are.
Legal considerations:
This demo version, and the registered version of the
Japanese Talking Picture dictionary is copyrighted by Wayne
Quigley Sr. and Classical Dreams!(tm), Copyright 1992, 1993.
This software is released "As Is" and the author is
not responsible for any problems, damages, or other
legal stuff that may occur as a result of using this
software. (Sorry, but some people would sue anyone
for any reason, or no reason at all.)
If you wish to register, you may obtain the fully working
version by sending $40.00 + $2.00 shipping U.S. or $5.00
shipping for other countries to the address below. You will
also receive a disk containing my two programs "Word-A-Day"
and "Japanese Vocabulary" a quiz program. Both programs are
hard-disk installable and will use the data disks from the
Dictionary to pronounce the words. These two programs may
also be found on Fred Fish disk number 839.
Currently Available: A Hiragana module, that teaches
Hiragana writing. The demo version is on Fred Fish disk
Future modules: Future modules may contain the
1: Katakana (similar to the Hiragana module)
2: Kanji (several disk set containing several
hundred Kanji characters, with more to be
added as they are developed.
3. Japanese words and phrases.
4. Kanji-Tration, a game where the user matches the
Kanji with the romaji, and hears the word
or phrase spoken. This will include an editor
for customizing the game.
5. Possible dictionaries using other languages,
such as French, Spanish, Esperanto, German,
6. A CDTV or CD-ROM version including full-motion video!
The development of these programs depend on the
support and registeration of these programs.
* *
* *
* Special thanks to Satchaco for *
* allowing me to digitize her voice for *
* usage in this program. *
* *
These programs are written using "CanDo"tm.
Voices are digitized using "Perfect Sound"tm. (SunRise
Registered users will be sent notice of future modules
as they are completed. In addition, each registered
user will receive one free demo disk when it is ready.
My address:
Wayne Quigley Sr.
PSC 473 Box 1457
FPO AP 96349-5555
Remember, this program covers thirteen disks, and
several hundred man-hours of developement time, so $40.00
is not much to ask.
Schools wishing to register and use this progrram on
multiple machines are entitled to a multi-copy discount.
Please write me for details.
The above address is a military address and will be
valid until sometime in 1995, or longer. Hopefully
when I transfer the U.S. Snail service will forward
my mail.
Suggestions, comments, complaints, bugs, etc. should
be addressed to me as listed above. If you want a
personal reply, please include a stamp. (and your
return address would be very helpful.)
* *
* WANTED!!! *
* *
* Your Pictures! I would like users to send me their *
* own pictures for usage in future editions of this *
* Program. If you can think of pictures to use with *
* words that do not have pictures, please send them *
* to me, either on a disk (D-Paint style brush the same *
* size as those in the "Picts" sub-directory), hand *
* drawn on a post card, a description, or whatever. I *
* would like the dictionary to eventually have at least *
* one-half of the words with pictures, but I happen to *
* be one of the three worst artists in the world. If *
* you send me a picture (or several) that I use, I *
* will give you full credit in the Read-Me file, and *
* you will also receive your disk back with the new *
* program on it, free (registered users only, please). *
* Help me make this program better! *
* *
World's most liberal upgrade policy:
I hope that this program will not need any major
improvements, (other than the additional pictures I
mentioned above) but I am always open to suggestions,
so therefore:
"If you are the first person to make a suggestion
for improvement in the program that I implement,
you will receive the upgrade free. Other registered
users may upgrade by returning their original
registered program disk (not data disks) and $5.00
for the latest version."