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Text File | 1995-08-29 | 5.8 KB | 129 lines | [TEXT/mdos] |
- IndyCar Racing II Ver. 1.0.0d14 (IMG Preview Version)
- Memory - This demo requires a minimum of 4,400K of available memory.
- It is recommended that you have 5,120K. You can check
- available memory by selecting "About this MacIntosh" from the
- Apple menu. If the largest unused block of memory is less
- than 5,120K, you may have difficulty running IndyCar II.
- Here are several ways to increase your available memory.
- 1) Disable unnecessary extensions.
- - unprotect your system folder by choosing general
- controls from the control panels folder and make sure
- the "protect system folder" box is not checked.
- - choose the extensions manager folder from the Control
- Panel and uncheck any unnecessary extensions. (DO NOT
- uncheck Sound Manager).
- - remove all unnecessary startup applications from the
- Startup Items folder.
- - RESTART you computer to put these changes into effect.
- 2) Enabling Virtual Memory (may decrease performance)
- - Open the memory control panel within the Control Panels
- folder of the system folder.
- - Turn virtual memory ON.
- - RESTART you computer to put these changes into effect.
- - If available memory is still less than 5,120K, you may
- still try to run the demo.
- Driving with the mouse - note the cursor's position on the screen.
- Steering - to steer left or right move the cursor to the left or right
- of the screen. You should see the front tires move accordingly.
- Acceleration - to accelerate move the cursor toward the top of the screen.
- Full-throttle is achieved when the cursor is at the top
- edge of the screen.
- Reverse - to drive in reverse move the cursor toward the bottom of the
- screen.
- Braking - to brake, press and hold down the mouse button.
- If you find driving with the mouse to be difficult, try adjusting MOUSE
- sensitivity in your computer's SYSTEM FOLDER.
- Joystick - not available in demo, but will be supported in the game;
- which will be released November 95.
- Improving your frame-rate
- In the lower left corner of the screen is a frame rate indicator which
- displays in frames per second. Low frame rates are around 5, high rates
- are over 20. Satisfactory rates are around 9, but this is subjective.
- Sound
- Make sure the new Sound Manager 3.1 is installed. The new Sound Manager
- is 9 times faster than the old one. Installing this will increase the
- speed of all of your sound intensive applications.
- Turning sound off will also increase the frame-rate because your computer
- can use the extra time to draw. To turn sound off, select OPTIONS - SOUND
- and reduce the master volume control to zero (0). The indicator above the
- master volume control must read zero in order to gain ANY improvement.
- Screen Resolution - 3 screen resolutions are available, to set the
- resolution choose OPTIONS - GRAPHICS - ADVANCED.
- High-resolution 640 x 480: while this provides the finest detail, the
- frame rate will be the slowest.
- Medium-resolution 640 x 400: this is faster than high-resolution, but
- slower than low-resolution.
- Low-resolution 320 x 200: offers the fastest frame-rate but has
- less graphic detail and runs in a small window.
- Screen Colors - make sure to have 256 color mode set in your Monitors
- control panel.
- Graphic Detail - controlled by number keys 1-9. Pressing the number keys
- while driving toggles the associated option. The more options you turn off,
- the faster the frame-rate. These options can also be controlled
- from the OPTIONS - GRAPHICS dialog box.
- 1 Grass detail - On/Off/Auto
- 2 Asphalt detail - On/Off/Auto
- 3 Objects - On/Off/Auto/None
- 4 Crowd - On/Off/Auto
- 5 Wall detail - On/Off/Auto
- 6 Horizon - On/Off/Auto
- 7 Car detail - On/Off/Auto
- 8 Smoke/Dirt - On/Off/Auto
- 9 Skid/Paint Marks - On/Off/Auto
- Miscellaneous Features:
- Shift+R - Restarts the current session.
- P - Pauses game.
- Option+B - Auto-braking
- F10 - 2 Arcade, 1 cockpit view.
- Pitting - to activate your pit crew you must drive into the pit, align your
- car with your crew and hold the brake.
- INDYCAR RACING II is available in the 4th Quarter 1995
- at your local software retail store or order direct:
- 1-800-836-1829 ext. MAC
- IndyCar and the helmet logo are trademarks of The Indianapolis Motor
- Speedway Corporation, under exclusive license to Championship Auto
- Racing Teams, Inc.
- Mac and the Mac OS logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
- Michigan International Speedway is a registered trademark of
- Penske Corporation, AC Delco is a registered trademark of
- Delco Electronics Corp. Division, General Motors Corporation.
- Alumax is a trademark of Alumax Aluminum, Inc. Chevrolet, the bow
- tie emblem are trademarks of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General
- Motors Corporation and used with permission to Papyrus Design Group,
- Inc. Goodyear (& winged foot design) and Eagle are trademarks
- of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., reproduced by permission,
- Monroe is a trademark of Monroe Auto Equipment Co., subsidiary of
- Tenneco Inc. PPG and the PPG emblem are registered trademarks of
- PPG Industries, Inc. and used under license by Papyrus Design Group,
- Inc. PEPSI and Pepsi emblem are registered trademarks of PepsiCo,
- Inc. Pontiac, Pontiac "Arrowhead" emblem are trademarks of
- General Motors Corporation used under license to Papyrus Design
- Group, Inc.