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- Two programs to manipulate standard midifiles.
- mf2t is a program that reads a standard midifile (format 0 or 1) and
- writes an ASCII representation of it that is both compact and easily parsable.
- t2mf is the companion program that reparses the text representation
- into a midifile.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please report any problems, suggestion for improvement, or actual
- improvements to:
- Piet van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
- P.O. Box 80.089, 2508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
- email: piet@cs.ruu.nl
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can do with this program what you like, but if you think it is
- useful I would appreciate if you send me some of your midifiles. Not
- ones that I can find on the Internet. And only PD ones. Please send
- them uu- or btoa-encoded. Zoo and Arc archives (encoded) are also OK,
- Zip and Lharc may be problematic.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The text representation is chosen such that it is easily recognized and
- manipulated by programs like sed, awk or perl. Yet it is also humanly
- readable so that it can be manipulated with an ordianary text editor.
- In this way you can make changes to your midifiles using these
- powerful programs or even a Fortran program :=). Or you can write
- algorithmic compositions using a familiar programming language.
- The programs use the midifile library written by Tim Thompson
- (tjt@blink.att.com) and updated by Michael Czeiszperger (mike@pan.com).
- However, there were some bugs in the write code and I added some
- features that I needed. I also changes some of the names to cope with
- the 7-character limit for external identifiers in the Sozobon
- compiler. I will make an updated version of the library available
- soon. I also anticipate to split the read and write portions.
- Usage:
- mf2t [-mntv] [-f[n]] [midifile [textfile]]
- translate midifile to textfile.
- When textfile is not given, the text is written to standard output.
- When midifile is not given it is read from standard input. The meaning
- of the options is:
- -m merge partial sysex into a single sysex message
- -n write notes in symbolic rather than numeric form. A-C
- optionally followed by # (sharp) followed by octave number.
- -b or
- -t event times are written as bar:beat:click rather than a click number
- -v use a slightly more verbose output
- -f<n> fold long text and hex entries into more lines <n>=line length
- (default 80).
- t2mf [-r] [[textfile] midifile]
- translate textfile to midifile.
- When textfile is not given, text is read from standard input, when
- midifile is not given it is written to standard output.
- NOTE: This will give incorrect results on MS-DOS. Always specify the
- midifile on MS-DOS!!
- -r Use running status
- Note that if one file is given it is always the midifile. This is so
- that on systems like Unix you can write a pipeline:
- mf2t x.mid | sed ... | t2mf y.mid
- Format of the textfile:
- -----------------------
- The following representation of the midievents is generated (between
- [] the form when -v is used:
- File header: Mfile <format> <ntrks> <division>
- Start of track: MTrk
- End of track: TrkEnd
- Note On: On <ch> <note> <vol>
- Note Off: Off <ch> <note> <vol>
- Poly Pressure: PoPr[PolyPr] <ch> <note> <val>
- Channel Pressure: ChPr[ChanPr] <ch> <val>
- Controller parameter: Par[Param] <ch> <con> <val>
- Pitch bend: Pb <ch> <val>
- Program change: PrCh[ProgCh] <ch> <prog>
- Sysex message: SysEx <hex>
- Arbutrary midi bytes: Arb <hex>
- Sequence nr: Seqnr <num>
- Key signature: KeySig <num> <manor>
- Tempo: Tempo <num>
- Time signature: TimeSig <num>/<num> <num> <num>
- SMPTE event: SMPTE <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
- Meta text events: Meta <texttype> <string>
- Meta end of track: Meta TrkEnd
- Sequencer specific: SeqSpec <type> <hex>
- Misc meta events: Meta <type> <hex>
- The <> have the following meaning:
- <ch> ch=<num>
- <note> n=<noteval> [note=<noteval>]
- <vol> v=<num> [vol=<num>]
- <val> v=<num> [val=<num>]
- <con> c=<num> [con=<num>]
- <prog> p=<num> [prog=<num>]
- <manor> minor or major
- <noteval> either a <num> or A-G optionally followed by #,
- followed by <num> without intermediate spaces.
- <texttype> Text Copyright SeqName TrkName InstrName Lyric Marker Cue
- or <type>
- <type> a hex number of the form 0xab
- <hex> a sequence of 2-digit hex numbers (without 0x)
- separated by space
- <string> a string between double quotes (like "text").
- Channel numbers are 1-based, all other numbers are as they appear in
- the midifile.
- <division> is either a positive number (giving the time resolution in
- clicks per quarter note) or a negative number followed by a positive
- number (giving SMPTE timing).
- <format> <ntrks> <num> are decimal numbers.
- The <num> in the Pb is the real value (two midibytes combined)
- In Tempo it is a long (32 bits) value. Others are in the interval 0-127
- The SysEx sequence contains the leading F0 and the trailing F7.
- In a string certain characters are escaped:
- " and \ are escaped with a \
- a zero byte is written as \0
- CR and LF are written as \r and \n respectively
- other non-printable characters are written as \x<2 hex digits>
- When -f is given long strings and long hex sequences are folded by inserting
- \<newline><tab>. If in a string the next character would be a space or
- tab it will be escaped by \
- This facility is for those programs that have a limited buffer length.
- Of course parsing is more difficult with this option (see below).
- Input:
- ------
- t2mf will accept all formats that mf2t can produce, plus a number of others.
- Input is case insensitive (except in strings) and extra tabs and
- spaces are allowed. Newlines are required but empty lines are allowed.
- Comment starts with # at the beginning of a lexical item and continues
- to the end of the line. The only other places where a # is legal are
- insides strings and as a sharp symbol in a symbolic note.
- In symbolic notes + and # are allowed for sharp, b and - for flat.
- In bar:beat:click time the : may also be /
- On input a string may also contain \t for a tab, and in a folded
- string any whitespace at the beginning of a continuation line is skipped.
- Hex sequences may be input without intervening spaces if each byte is
- given as exactly 2 hex digits.
- Hex sequences may be given where a string is required and vice versa.
- Hex numbers of the form 0xaaa and decimal numbers are equivalent.
- Also allowed as numbers are "bank numbers" of the form '123. In fact
- this is equivalent to the octal number 012 (subtract 1 from each
- digit, digits 1-8 allowed). The letters a-h may also be used for 1-8.
- The input is checked for correctness but not extensively. An
- errormessage will generally imply that the resulting midifile is illegal.
- Implementation:
- ---------------
- I have compiled the programs on an Atari ST with the Sozobon compiler and
- the dlibs library. The scanner is generated using flex 2.3. The output of
- flex (t2mflex.c) is included for those that do not have flex. The module
- yyread.c is a flex library module that you need on TOS (and on MSDOS). The
- corresponding makefile is makefile.st. For Unix use makefile.unx. For
- Borland C on MSDOS use makefile.bcc. For Microsoft C on MSDOS makefile.msc.
- The makefiles may need minor changes for other systems.
- Useful hints:
- -------------
- channel number can be recognized by the regular expression /ch=/.
- note numbers by /n=/ or /note=/, program numbers by /p=/ or /prog=/.
- Meta events by /^Meta/ or /^SeqSpec/.
- Text events by /"/, continued lines by /\\$/, continuation lines by /$\t/
- (that was a TAB character).
- In awk each parameter is a field, in perl you can use split to get the
- parameters (except for strings).
- The following perl script changes note off messages to note on with
- vol=0, deletes controller 3 changes, makes some note reassignments on
- channel 10, and changes the channel numbers from channel 1 depending
- on the track number.
- ------------------------------- test.pl -------------------------------
- %drum = (62, 36, 63, 47, 65, 61, 67, 40, 68, 54);
- while (<>) {
- next if /c=3/;
- s/Off(.*)v=[0-9]*/On\1v=0/;
- if (/ch=10/ && /n=([0-9]*)/ && $drum{$1}) {
- s/n=$1/"n=".$drum{$1}/e;
- }
- if (/^MTrk/) {++$trknr ; print "track $trknr\n";}
- if ($trknr > 2) { s/ch=1\b/ch=3/; }
- else { s/ch=1\b/ch=4/; }
- print || die "Error: $!\n";
- }
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- and this is the corresponding awk script.
- ------------------------------- test.awk -------------------------------
- BEGIN { drum[62] = 36; drum[63] = 47; drum[65] = 61; \
- drum[67] = 40; drum[68] = 54 }
- /c=3/ { next }
- ($2 == "Off") { $2 = "On"; $5 = "v=0" }
- /ch=10/ { n = substr($4, 3); if (n in drum) $4 = "n=" drum[n] }
- /^MTrk/ { trknr++ }
- /ch=1 / { if (trknr > 2) { $3 = "ch=2" } else { $3 = "ch=3" } }
- { print }
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Good luck!
- $Id: readme.,v 1.6 1995/09/23 22:27:48 piet Rel $