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- Perfectly Ordinary People - Mattias Karlson
- Music and Video Production
- The Looping, Bubbling, Tripping and Bleeping Sounds of Infinity
- *The Trip* *Home*
- Opening Eternity
- Dreams Floating
- Timetraveller Explore
- Space Blue Planet
- Infinity Time
- Epilogue
- Live at the SuperSonic Wonderland 10/09/95
- Enter
- Orbiting
- Sonic Traveller
- Composed and Produced by Mattias Karlsson
- recorded on CrO2 using Dolby B
- at the SuperSonic Wonderland 1995
- A Review by Kevan R.Craft
- I received this Tape Album by Mattias Karlsson in October 1995 but have
- only recently got around to actually review this. I've listened to this
- tape quite a few times and I'm still knocked out by the shear scope of
- this project. Taking Space and Time as a concept to articulate in a
- musical album is a big task for anybody but Mattias Karlsson constructs
- a musical narrative which is both informative and entertaining in a very
- interesting way. Using OctaMED V6.0 and a Korg Wavestation and a
- collection of Sounds and speech samples from various NASA Space
- missions, Mattias has created a musical book full of wonderful ideas
- and endless possibilities all of which truly leave you gob-smacked!
- The Looping, Bubbling, Tripping and Bleeping Sounds of Infinity is a two
- sided album consisting of roughly 90 mins of music (See above for album
- structure), using a TRIP and return journey HOME as a travelogue
- through a series of multitude sounds and synthesizer landscapes..
- Using a gradual build up of droplet sounds and samples of NASA Space
- missions in "OPENING" we are being prepared for a journey into sound..
- Suddenly, we are thrust into take off signified by the clever use of Dance
- drum rhythms and some marvellous strings from the Korg Wavestation and
- a brilliant opener of a track..
- Next, gliding from "OPENING" we enter the world of "DREAMS" and the
- many possibilities this idea for a canvas presents to us.. Here, Mattias
- creates a series of subtle sequenced patterns, space sounding
- percussion and some excellent synth wave patches all caressing the
- cellebral ears. This is rounded off very nicely by some neat Dance
- drumming techniques all which juxtaposition to create an infinite tapestry
- of synth sounds and a very effective rhythmic structure much like those
- hypnotic sounds made so famous by Jean-Michele Jarre..
- Beginning with fragments of sampled speech we hear profound statements
- such as "They may cause a chain reaction, that could change the course of
- history" or "We do have time travel, memory is our past and
- imagination our future". Again, Mattias constructs a musical theme
- containing a textual narrative combined with fragments of sampled
- speech from NASA which postulate on the mysteries of time and the
- possibilities of time travel. The landscape of synth sounds here provide a
- spacious backdrop to this journey of sound all of which contribute to
- produce a great peice of music here..
- This track opens in a truly 'religious' way with deep, but soft synth
- organs coupled with a regular bleeping synth voice juxtapositioned
- with an actual sampled countdown from a NASA space mission take off..
- This peice actually takes off itself into an understated majestic
- wonder, floating into a lonely piano theme and a well balanced restraint
- on the unusual drum instruments all of which are used to excellent effect.
- The overall effect is to produce an aural sense of space itself..
- One of the clever aspects to come from the sequencer music revolution is
- the use of looping patterns helping to create catchy rhythmic phrases
- which repeat producing an hypnotic effect.. "INFINITY" uses looping
- phrases in a series of clever and interesting ways. Indeed, the
- main looping theme is balanced together with a Wave String synth
- which moves in and out of the score just like a wave; there's examples
- of excellent intermittent percussion and the occasional sampled
- speech. When this peice builds to a momentum you can begin to feel your
- foot just wanting to start tapping to this one's really catchy
- rhythmic structure..
- For this track, Mattias uses the Dance drum structure coupled with a
- series of samples of speech, a sequenced loop and synthetic space type
- percussion within this fantastic arrangement called "ENTER".
- Again, employing a subtle variation on the Dance structure, Mattias
- explores the possibilities of literally communicating the title of
- this peice. With "Orbiting" you feel as if the inspiration of
- looping, bubbling, tripping and bleeping sounds of infinity is the
- intended musical reality constructed within this track encapsulated in
- a landscape of sound and its many wonderful possibilities captured
- so beautifully here..
- This track opens with a series of percussion instruments and a softly
- gliding synth. "SONIC TRAVELLER" gradually builds in momentum to
- incorporate a catchy drum beat and an interesting synth pad instrument
- which gently weaves in and out of the score like the quickening of a
- heart beat. Again, Mattias creates a synthetic landscape, an ethereal
- tapestry of sounds from the Korg Wavestation coupled with a funky
- spacy synth bass all which contribute to a great sounding track!
- As with earlier peices on this album, Mattias has chosen to lead
- into "ETERNITY" with some carefully thought out percussion which
- provides the rhythmic background and springboard for an arpeggio guitar
- and a beautiful sounding synth wave. As a title, "ETERNITY" speaks
- volumes and as a musical composition Mattias has captured a rare insight
- into the meaning of musical space and time which really unfolds in a
- magical way..
- When one uses the word "FLOATING" our imagination begins to paint
- mental pictures of ourselves suspended in the air, free and flying and at
- one with the universe. The choice of instruments in "FLOATING" are
- quite remarkable, two acoustic guitars, which, strumming at odds with
- each other, but placed in the stereo spectrum, in such a way, which
- produces a complimentary effect that's quite unusual but very pleasing to
- hear. Gradually we are presented with an amazing orchestrated string
- section of awesome proportions much in the style of the minimalist composer
- Phillip Glass, which are juxtapositioned with some wonderful NEW AGE
- sounds and folk sounding madrigals on a piano. Slowly, "FLOATING"
- begins to build up its pace with a subtle slap bass synth and an
- electric guitar arpeggiating over these incredible strings and
- luscious horns.. This peice wouldn't be out of place in a film score or
- award winning documentary - its that good!
- With echoing piano chords and arpeggiated melody a gentle guitar enters
- and begins to play a sweet melody over some incredible Indian Tabla
- percussion and choral voices establishing the beginning of "EXPLORE".
- Again, the subtle use of percussion voices and well articulated phrasing
- within this score begin to firmly establish Mattias' own voice and his
- compositional style. Moreover, with the use of a beautiful piano melody
- and intermittent percussion we are presented with a masterpeice of an
- arrangement with its use of instrumentation and clever use of sound all
- encapsulated in a musical space, juxtapositioned with very interesting
- orchestrated percussion and synthesizer sequenced voicings..
- The inclusion of memorable melodies coupled with majestic sounding
- synth sections is another Mattias Karlsson trademark and in "BLUE
- PLANET" this is further explored with a lovely Fretless bass and chorus
- guitar producing an amazing sounding track..
- The very concept of "TIME" is a social construction of reality or
- does it simply exist outside of man's consciousness merely presenting us
- with fragments of moments we call memory? Here, Mattias uses all his
- powers of subtle persuasion to communicate a notion of "TIME"
- encapsulated in a musical narrative with a piano and guitar
- juxtapositioned with Looping, Bubbling and Bleeping Sounds of what we may
- call infinity.. Got that?
- As a means to an end, "Epilogue" opens with a bold, deep synth pad
- and an arpeggio piano, a carefully picked acoustic guitar and some
- excellent percussion, which by the way, play a counter melody to the main
- rhythm created by the other instruments within the score.. Then
- occasionally, a wave trumpet pad soars the musical heights and solos
- effortlessly between the empty passages. Mattias' careful choice of
- sequence patterns embellish the score and the emergence of those Tabla
- percussion really enhance this final peice to heavenly proportions..
- The Looping, Bubbling, Tripping and Bleeping Sounds of Infinity is a
- truly remarkable production by an Amiga musician and something everybody
- should get the opportunity to listen to for the vast possibilities
- captured in musical space and time. As a concept album it works really
- well, the idea is of a journet into sound is good, the use of sampled
- speech from NASA archives lends to the understanding and meaning of the
- text and the Korg Wavestation is a stunning collection a subtle hues and
- colours of synthesized sounds.
- Mattias Karlsson has definitely captured a sense of Looping, Bubbling,
- Tripping and Bleeping Sounds Of Infinity. This has got to be one of the
- best cassette albums that I've ever reviewed. If ever you get a record
- deal Mattias, and you should, your music is really very good, then
- you'll probably be the next Century's Jean-Michele Jarre. All you
- musicians out there do yourself a favour and order yourself a copy of
- this tape while you can because its simply an amazing experience in
- sound!
- Kevan R.Craft.. Jan 1996..
- Price for the 90 Min Tape including FREE support disk:-)
- 60 Swedish Kronor
- 15.00 Deutche Mark
- 5.00 British Pounds
- Include P+P within the E.C. or use International Replay Coupons
- (no coins please)
- E-mail as well as Snail-mail friends are welcome to the address below:-)
- Mattias Karlsson
- V─stra Storgatan 9 RUM 175
- S-55325 J÷nk÷ping
- Sweden
- Tel: 0390 303 59
- or
- Tel: 070 774 11 82
- E-mail: gl93kama@hlk.hj.se