Labels:book | person | poster | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: The Concept fee that of we Shareware: charge for our sharcware programs i5 s onlya distr bution charge pue seop not CHART or cover daa the on it cost of the they are program sharewa itself you Aithough find you the own shareware Lhe dir you prograrn Ido to rot be Own t useful, the programs you are 100% UNOFF requircd regisler with the author The registration entitles you va ious rights and ADD ONS FOR WING benefits This corcept allows you to try before You huy Terris: Before using this please read IE text the "readme doc" file uo this d rom. Fxplanation is qiven in reference use copyright warranty We have apee every cffort to determine that the irformation contained on this cd rom accurate UK Action ma tkes ou war rranty e ther r expres sed or implied as to the accuracy cffective ...