Labels:audio cd | box | bulletin board | cd rom | door | road | sky | table OCR: Geting emo DEMO TOP 40 KIDS' SOF TWARE BUY AND DOWNL OAD FULL VERSIONS RIGHT FROM THIS CD! CALL DAY EE K into NO ver MAIL 800 ORDER 354. OR UNLOCK 6150 In choose thep W VOLUME INI ISSUE W For technical support call men iorized use, Mon-Fri Sat-Sun 12pm 8-5 8pm duplicationor NEW CLUBROOM ACTIVITIES WACKY SCIENCE DUNGEON Give the Mad Scientist a brain IS st Three new stories CLUB eleven STORIES art AND pieces ART YOU can animate CLUB RADIO Mad Scientist song CLUB Win federal laws. Design Design the your NEW Own Information Fun CLUB Musical animations Super CONTESTS Instrument Highway Contest Contest Mouse Plus Video Contest Winners! on the TOiS DOS 5.0 or n ro register your disc ENIOY! KIDSOFT DAYS WEEK WINDOW ries prohibited Haws Pius TDHS ENJOY