sz$="Setup has added an icon to Program Manager. To run the sample, just double click on the appropriate icon "
sz$=sz$+"in Program Manager. When the program is running, click on Start to see the demonstration. Please disable "
sz$=sz$+"all screen savers before running the demonstration."
i% = DoMsgBox (sz$,Moi$,MB_OK)
sz$="If you have not already installed Apple's QuickTime on your system, please do so now. You will find a copy "
sz$=sz$+"in the QT subdirectory. Run the version of SETUP.EXE you find there."
i% = DoMsgBox (sz$,Moi$,MB_OK)
i% = DoMsgBox("The setup sources were corrupted. You may be able to correct the problem by using SCANDISK to fix your hard disk.", Moi$, MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND)
'** Purpose:
'** Appends a file name to the end of a directory path,
'** inserting a backslash character as needed.
'** Arguments:
'** szDir$ - full directory path (with optional ending "\")