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# Version 1.0 Beta - By Nequiem Nonsuch
# Version Release date - 8/9/98
# This is my first K-Jofol skin, so it's pretty rough.
# It's a completely redone version of Steve Gedikian's
# concept. Many features are missing because they are
# not implemented at this time. For more K-Jofol skins and
# LiteStep themes, please visit my web page at
# www.angelfire.com/mo/nequiem.
About Blue Strain v1.0 skin for K-Jofol,
About by nequiem nonsuch (nequiem@angelfire.com).
About http://www.angelfire.com/mo/nequiem
BackgroundImage blustr.bmp
BackgroundImageInactive blustr.bmp
BackgroundImagePressed1 blustrp.bmp
BackgroundImagePressed2 blustrp2.bmp
FontImage blustrtxt.bmp
FontSize 5 6
FontSpacing 0
Font Transparent 1
TimeFontImage blustrno.bmp
TimeFontSize 9 13
TimeFontSpacing 0
TimeFontTransparent 1
VolumeControlType BMP
VolumeControlImage blustrvl.bmp
VolumeControlImagePosition blustrvp.bmp
VolumeControlImageXSize 77
VolumeControlImageNb 24
VolumeControlButton 186 111 263 188 vOLUME
CloseButton 296 85 306 98 Close bmp2
MinimizeButton 291 101 301 109 Minimize bmp2
AboutButton 114 184 133 193 About bmp1
OpenFileButton 22 8 57 24 Open BMP1
StopButton 50 15 73 48 Stop BMP2
PlayButton 23 23 58 58 Play BMP1
RewindButton 5 47 39 74 Rewind BMP2
ForwardButton 39 46 71 74 Fastforward BMP2
PreviousSongButton 160 103 169 111 PreviousSong BMP2
NextSongButton 171 103 180 111 NextSong BMP2
PauseButton 7 16 28 48 Pause BMP2
PreferencesButton 266 30 300 39 Options BMP1
RepeatButton 293 68 324 77 Repeat BMP1
EqualizerButton 63 118 83 139 Equalizer BMP1
EqualizerResetButton 156 121 175 134 Reset BMP1
EqualizerOnButton 115 158 125 162 On BMP1
EqualizerOffButton 126 156 138 162 Off BMP2
PlaylistButton 284 40 318 52 Playlist DARKEN
# feature doesn't exist // would be nice if it did though :]
LaunchUrlButton 82 46 88 52 LaunchUrl "http://www.angelfire.com/mo/nequiem" BMP1
VolumeFontImage blustrvn.bmp
VolumeFontSize 5 6
VolumeFontSpacing 0
VolumeFontTransparent 0
VolumeText 218 146 236 158
FilenameWindow 65 92 179 104
MP3TimeWindow 97 53 145 66
CurrentTrackWindow 148 105 159 111
MP3KbpsWindow 69 105 80 111
MP3KhzWindow 101 105 112 111
SeekRegion 95 28 288 118
SeekImage blustrsk.bmp
AnalyzerWindow 73 73 171 87 Analyzer
EqualizerWindow 86 122 154 154 Equalizer 12 6
EqualizerBmp 4 17 blustreq.bmp
# Playlist screen section
PlaylistBmp sgplist.bmp
PlaylistBmpPressed sgplist2.bmp
# Command : PlaylistWindowText <X> <Y> <MaxX> <MaxY>
# Desc. : Where all the playlist files will be placed on the playlist
# screen
PlaylistWindowText 43 42 170 211
PlaylistWindowFontName Arial
PlaylistWindowFontSize 12
PlaylistWindowFontYSpacing 10
PlaylistWindowNbSelectedTrack 79 215 93 225
PlaylistWindowNbTotalTracks 79 230 93 240
PlaylistWindowCloseButton 182 35 195 47
PlaylistWindowUpButton 146 226 179 242
PlaylistWindowDownButton 146 243 179 259
PlaylistWindowShuffleButton 189 175 233 185
PlaylistWindowSortButton 188 144 234 155
PlaylistWindowSortInverseButton 187 159 234 170
PlaylistWindowMinimizeButton 174 23 186 33
PlaylistWindowAddButton 188 74 234 84
PlaylistWindowDelButton 189 87 234 99
PlaylistWindowResetButton 192 102 232 113
PlaylistWindowLoadPlaylistButton 191 129 231 141
PlaylistWindowSavePlaylistButton 189 115 232 127
PlaylistWindowSelectionUpButton 27 42 41 55
PlaylistWindowSelectionDownButton 27 198 41 211
PlaylistWindowAboutButton 194 29 217 59
PlaylistWindowPlayButton 113 285 147 311
PlaylistWindowPreviousButton 76 285 109 310
PlaylistWindowNextButton 153 283 185 308
PlaylistWindowPauseButton 187 266 217 290
PlaylistWindowStopButton 198 239 234 262
PlaylistWindowOpenButton 202 210 236 233