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# If you want to know all secrets about K-Jofol's resources files,
# Just check out the great tutorial at : http://www.angelfire.com/mo/nequiem/
# Command : About <text>
# Desc. : This text will appear when the users selects "About ..."
# : You have 5 lines of text ...
About Made by Brian Cook for K-Jofol.
# Command : BackgroundImage <Name of .BMP file>
# Desc. : This is the back image.
BackgroundImage sg.bmp
# Command : BackgroundImageInactive <Name of .BMP file>
# Desc. : This is the back image when the window is not selected.
# : If you do not want this feature, just put the same name as
# : BackgroundImage
BackgroundImageInactive sg.bmp
# Command : BackgroundImagePressed[1-3] <Name of .BMP file>
# Desc. : This is the back images when all the buttons are pressed
# : Used if you use the BMP option in the buttons options.
# : You can have 3 backimages so you can do nifty things for the
# : buttons =)
BackgroundImagePressed1 sgpres1.bmp
#BackgroundImagePressed2 sgpres2.bmp
#BackgroundImagePressed3 sgpres3.bmp
FontImage sg_text.bmp
FontSize 10 14
FontSpacing 0
FontTransparent 0
TimeFontImage sg_num.bmp
TimeFontSize 16 36
TimeFontSpacing 1
TimeFontTransparent 0
# Command : VolumeControlType <BAR/BMP>
# Desc. : Put BAR if you want a bar style volume control, BMP if you want
# : to customize it by a BMP animation file ...
# VolumeControlType BAR
# VolumeControlImage btn_vol.bmp
# VolumeControlButton 435 166 275 174 vOLUME
VolumeControlType BMP
VolumeControlImage sgvol.bmp
VolumeControlImagePosition sgvolpos.bmp
VolumeControlImageXSize 73
VolumeControlImageNb 43
VolumeControlButton 535 204 609 276 Volume
SeekRegion 148 193 475 207
SeekImage sg_seek.bmp
# Pitch control definition
PitchControlImage sgpitch.bmp
PitchControlImageXSize 56
PitchControlImageNb 43
PitchControlButton 448 221 503 276 Pitch
PitchControlImagePosition sgpitchp.bmp
PitchFontImage sgvolnum.bmp
PitchFontSize 5 10
PitchFontSpacing 0
PitchFontTransparent 0
PitchText 423 175 445 185
# Command : [Option]Button <Position X> <Position Y> <End X> <End Y> <Tooltip Text> <DARKEN/BMP[?]>
# The DARKEN option just dark the button when the user click on it.
# The BMP[?] option use the BackgroundImagePressed[?] defined above.
# Be sure to define a BackgroundImagePressed if you use the BMP option !!
CloseButton 22 218 59 236 Close BMP1
MinimizeButton 450 235 474 240 Minimize BMP1
AboutButton 512 235 544 255 About BMP1
OpenFileButton 560 143 604 155 Open BMP1
StopButton 528 156 559 175 Stop BMP1
PlayButton 559 155 605 175 Play BMP1
RewindButton 466 176 490 183 FastRewind BMP1
ForwardButton 490 177 514 183 FastForward BMP1
PreviousSongButton 466 146 490 152 PreviousSong BMP1
NextSongButton 490 146 515 152 NextSong BMP1
PauseButton 529 143 559 155 Pause BMP1
PreferencesButton 244 253 257 265 Options BMP1
#EqualizerButton 125 152 135 159 Equalizer BMP1
EqualizerResetButton 447 85 492 92 Reset BMP1
EqualizerOnButton 141 253 154 265 On BMP1
EqualizerOffButton 167 253 180 265 Off BMP1
RepeatButton 193 253 205 265 Repeat BMP1
PlaylistButton 219 253 232 265 Playlist BMP1
# Command : FilenameWindow
# Desc. : This is the window where the file name appears
FilenameWindow 150 140 465 160
MP3KbpsWindow 145 172 180 188
MP3KhzWindow 205 172 240 188
MP3TimeWindow 274 154 360 183
CurrentTrackWindow 240 158 265 174
# Command : AnalyzerWindow <X> <Y> <MaxX> <MaxY> <TipTool>
# Desc. : Spectrum Analyzer area. If you doesn't want one, just comment the
# line ...
AnalyzerWindow 437 29 619 73 Analyzer
# Command : AnalyzerColor <Red> <Green> <Blue>
# Desc. : Spectrum Analyzer color. Colors range are 0-255.
AnalyzerColor 200 200 200
# Command : EqualizerWindow <X> <Y> <MaxX> <MaxY> <TipTool> <# of bands> <X-Space between bands>
EqualizerWindow 20 33 420 104 Equalizer 16 25
# Command : EqualizerBmp <X-Size> <Nb Equalizer> <BMP File>
EqualizerBmp 25 16 sgeq.bmp
VolumeFontImage sgvolnum.bmp
VolumeFontSize 5 10
VolumeFontSpacing 0
VolumeFontTransparent 0
VolumeText 423 160 445 170
# Playlist screen section
PlaylistBmp sgplist.bmp
PlaylistBmpPressed sgplist2.bmp
# Command : PlaylistWindowText <X> <Y> <MaxX> <MaxY>
# Desc. : Where all the playlist files will be placed on the playlist
# screen
PlaylistWindowText 104 44 408 155
PlaylistWindowFontName Arial
PlaylistWindowFontSize 16
PlaylistWindowFontYSpacing 16
PlaylistWindowNbSelectedTrack 500 66 530 84
PlaylistWindowNbTotalTracks 570 66 600 84
PlaylistWindowLinkButton 33 113 51 119
PlaylistWindowCloseButton 23 144 60 162
#PlaylistWindowUpButton 562 86 600 99
#PlaylistWindowDownButton 524 86 562 99
#PlaylistWindowShuffleButton 189 175 233 185
#PlaylistWindowSortButton 524 51 562 62
#PlaylistWindowSortInverseButton 562 51 600 62
#PlaylistWindowMinimizeButton 184 50 193 59
PlaylistWindowAddButton 557 137 582 145
PlaylistWindowDelButton 556 156 581 163
#PlaylistWindowResetButton 80 16 118 27
#PlaylistWindowLoadPlaylistButton 118 16 156 27
#PlaylistWindowSavePlaylistButton 156 16 195 27
#PlaylistWindowSelectionUpButton 562 16 600 27
#PlaylistWindowSelectionDownButton 524 16 562 27
#PlaylistWindowAboutButton 194 29 217 59
PlaylistWindowPlayButton 589 116 631 127
PlaylistWindowPreviousButton 590 155 608 166
PlaylistWindowNextButton 609 155 629 166
PlaylistWindowPauseButton 169 40 199 70
PlaylistWindowStopButton 589 136 630 147
#PlaylistWindowOpenButton 202 210 236 233
PlaylistWindowColor 200 200 200
PlaylistWindowCurrentTrackColor 255 0 0
PlaylistWindowCurrentSelectionColor 0 0 0