Hangman Deluxe ⌐1997 is copyrighted freeware and freely distributable. Programming and design done by ERWIN RAVAU. Thanks to CAROLINE D'HAEYER for beta-testing.
Comments, questions and bug reports to eravau@mail.dma.be
Visit the Hangman DeLuxe site at http://bewoner.dma.be/eravau/hangman.html
All use of this package is subject to the disclaimer below.
Copy contents of the archive into a directory on your harddisk and make a shortcut to HangmDL.exe.
Hangman Deluxe looks at its best on a highcolor display.
***How to play***
Hangman Deluxe is the computerised version of the well known hangman game.
The first time you start the program you have to choose a wordlist you want to play with. Hangman Deluxe v1.0 is distributed with support for Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, Swahili and Swedish.
Once you've loaded a wordlist you can start guessing the first word by clicking 'go'. The program window displays the hidden letters of the loaded word.
For instance: 'help' -> * * * *
You can click the letterbuttons with the mouse to start guessing letters.
As soon as you click a letter contained by the word, it appears on your window:
For instance: 'B' -> * * * *
For instance: 'P' -> * * * P
For instance: 'H' -> H * * P
You start with a score of 1000. Don't go below zero or your game is ended.
You get 20 points bonus or minus for a good or bad guessed letter. When finished guessing letters you get a chance for winning or loosing 50 points if you guessed (or not) the whole word
You can guess 10 times a wrong letter before the next word is loaded.
As soon as you went through a cycle of 50 words your score will be compared to the previous played scores and you will have a chance to edit your name in the highscore list. Each wordlist has its own highscorelist.
*** Editing wordlists ***
Why this topic?
As the contents of most wordlists are in not understandable languages to me, I can't check if they contain any errors or strange words. You are free to change them for personal use, not for distribution with Hangman Deluxe, without my permission.
If you make a wordlist you want to be included in the distribution package, please contact me.
The wordlists have to be in a special format to be readable with Hangman Deluxe v1.0
- it MUST be an ascii file
- words can ONLY contain letters from A to Z, no special characters, no spaces
- the 1st line MUST contain the name of the wordlist (f.i. English)
- the 2nd line MUST contain the letters 'HWL' in uppercase. (HWL)
- the 3rd line MUST contain the number of words in the file. (f.i. 5000)
- file extension = '.hwl'
*** Disclaimer & Distribution ***
The author of this software does not accept any responsibilities for damages resulting from the use of HangMan Deluxe software and makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Hangman Deluxe software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume all risks when using it.
The author of this software does not accept responsibility for the contents of the hangman wordlists distributed in this package.
This package is released as FREEWARE. This means that it is FREE, but it is NOT public domain software. Erwin Ravau retains full copyright except on the dictionary files.
You may freely redistribute this package, on the conditions;
[a] that the whole package is redistributed, AND,
[b] that NO alteration is made to the package, or to any of the files in it, AND,
[c] that no charge (other than charges for disk duplication and handling) be made for any redistribution.
Bulletin boards and CD-ROM producers may freely distribute this package, subject to the above conditions.
Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents.