By TNT/DeeLite Demo Group 13-12-'96 A Minority Complex Release Yes, it is december. That means: Christmas and New Year. Lots of food, greasy food!!!! We're all getting heavier and fat, because it is december!!! Anyways, g.r.e.e.t.z. go to Master M Claymore RadiKal Vertex The Woolfman The Doctor Necros SudderLap Savage Raoel Grasman Herman Halfmouw Mart de Graaf I wish you all a merry X-mas and a happy New Year! And now, some important things. These are some addresses you should visit if you have Internet: The DeeLite Homepage: ~nhtbrink/deelite.html The Minority Complex Home: ~nhtbrink/index.html The Longest List of Star Trek Links ever Encountered ~nhtbrink/ startreklinks.html Some mailing addresses: TNT: hietbrin@swi.psy.uva. nl Please only use the bottom address if all else fails!