House bass Piano Guitar Trance bass Willow synth Echovox Guitar Snaredrum Analog synth Cymbal crash Film synth Zch Fx11 Waveform change Bassdrum Hihat open Synth Prophet synth Strings CHILDREN by Robert Miles. XM version by Mentat/EXOBIT No part has been sampled from the original. This XM has been made 'note by note' with own samples (ripped from everywhere) Thnk u for listening. Some greets: Ray, Beto, Darkberry, Radical Rithms, KLF, Dance Federation, Wode, Necros, Pitufo, tRIP, DEM. (L)Copyleft '96 Mentat Joder, tres dias sin ir al insti!! que puto peyero estoy hecho!! X'DDD La verdad es que me la suda X-) Todo sea con tal de acabar esto... :-)