"For a Friend" by xerxes of n i g h t 5 5 Great samples by: - Rage - Basehead - Mellow-D - Jogier Liljedahl - Glitch *- This song is -* *- dedicated to-* * S C I R O C C O * This song was made (in a bit of a hurry) for the JADE m-disk! Special greetz go to: - Glitch - Gryzor - VelluV Greetz go to: - Spetsnaz - Trixter - Leviathan - Rage - Basehead - Pyro - Static - Aztech - Archon - Vinyl - Freelance - DennisC - DD - Ior - GD - and all the ppl - i know on #trax contact me: klunde@ shrike.depaul.edu Remeber, we are all responsible for keeping the scene alive! Never take it for granted! Take Care! -xerxes (2.18.96)