Freelog Special Freeware 31
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Text File
178 lines
import BP, cPickle, time
exe = BP.BankPerfectExePath()
def DaysOfMonth(y, m):
if m == 2 and (y % 4 == 0) and (y % 100 != 0 or y % 400 == 0): return 29
else: return [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][m - 1]
def AddD(date, delta):
s = time.mktime(date + (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
return time.gmtime(s + 86400 * delta)[:3]
def AddM(date, delta):
y, m, d = date
KeepLastDay = DaysOfMonth(y, m) == d
m += delta
if delta > 0:
while m > 12: y += 1; m -= 12
elif delta < 0:
while m < 1: y -= 1; m += 12;
LastDay = DaysOfMonth(y, m)
if KeepLastDay or d > LastDay: return y, m, LastDay
else: return y, m, d
def Add2Date(d, delta, unit):
if unit == 0: return AddD(d, delta)
elif unit == 1: return AddM(d, delta)
else: return d[0] + delta, d[1], d[2]
def Reduce2Month(Vals):
d = {}
for v in Vals:
k = (v[0][0], v[0][1])
d[k] = (v[1], d.get(k, (0, 0))[1] + v[2])
K = d.keys()
return [((k[0], k[1], DaysOfMonth(k[0], k[1])), d[k][0], d[k][1]) for k in K]
def Cumul(Vals):
t = sum([BP.OperationAmount[Acc][i] for i in BP.VisibleLines()])
last_date = max([(int(d[6:]), int(d[3:5]), int(d[:2])) for d in BP.OperationDate[Acc]])
l = [(last_date, "Solde actuel", t, t)]
Max = abs(t)
for v in Vals:
if v[0] > last_date:
t += v[2]
if abs(t) > Max: Max = abs(t)
l.append( (v[0], v[1], v[2], t) )
return [v + (int(1000 * v[3] / Max), ) for v in l]
def ApplyRec(Vals, Rec, Acc, Until):
End, n = Rec["enddate"], "nextdate"
if End != (0, 0, 0) and End < Until: Until = End
while Rec[n] <= Until:
Vals.append((Rec[n], Rec["tiers"], Rec["montant"]))
Rec[n] = Add2Date(Rec[n], Rec["delta"], Rec["deltaunit"])
def bar(v, p):
w = p / 10
if w == 0: clr = "dddddd"
elif v < 0: clr = "cc0000"
else: clr = "007700"
head = '<table width="100" border="0" height="10" cellspacing="0"><tr>'
foot = '</td></tr></table>'
if w == 100 or w == 0: return '%s<td colspan="2" height="10" bgcolor="#%s" width="100%%">%s' %(head, clr, foot)
else: return '%s<td height="10" bgcolor="#%s" width="%s%%"></td><td height="10" bgcolor="#dddddd" width="%s%%">%s' %(head, clr, w, 100 - w, foot)
def Export(Sender):
s = "\n".join(['<tr><td align="right">%.2d %s %.4d</td><td>%s</td><td align="right">%.2f</td><td align="right">%.2f</td><td>%s</td></tr>' %(v[0][2], mois[v[0][1] - 1], v[0][0], v[1], v[2], v[3], bar(v[2], v[3])) for v in Vals])
s = '<html><head><style>.t, td, h2 {border: solid 1px #000;font-family: Arial}</style></head><body><h2 align="center">Tableau prévisionnel du compte %s</h2><table class="t" align="center" border="0">\n<tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#dddddd">Date</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#dddddd">Montant</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#dddddd">Solde</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#dddddd">Progression</td></tr>\n%s\n</table></body></html>' %(path, s)
open("%sexport.htm" %exe, "w").write(s)
BP.ShellExecute("open", "%sexport.htm" %exe, "", 1)
def draw(Sender, ACol, ARow, R, State):
cv = Sender.Canvas
cv.Font.Color = 0x00000000
if "gdSelected" in State: cv.Brush.Color = 0x00dec5b9
elif ARow > 0 and ARow % 2 == 0: cv.Brush.Color = 0x00f0f0f0
if ARow == 0:
s = ["Date", "Tiers", "Montant", "Solde", "Progression"][ACol]
cv.Font.Style = ["fsBold"]
v = Vals[ARow - 1]
if ACol == 0: s = "%.2d %s %.4d" %(v[0][2], mois[v[0][1] - 1], v[0][0])
elif ACol == 1: s = str(v[1])
elif ACol in [2, 3]:
s = "%.2f" %v[ACol]
if v[ACol] < 0: cv.Font.Color = 0x000000CC
else: cv.Font.Color = 0x00003300
s = ""
w = int(abs(v[4]) * (R.Right - R.Left - 6) / 1000.0)
R.Left, R.Right, R.Top, R.Bottom = R.Left + 3, R.Left + w, R.Top + 6, R.Bottom - 6
if R.Right <= R.Left: R.Right = R.Left + 1
cv.Brush.Color = 0x00000000
R.Left, R.Right, R.Top, R.Bottom = R.Left + 1, R.Right - 1, R.Top + 1, R.Bottom - 1
if v[4] < 0: cv.Brush.Color = 0x000000CC
else: cv.Brush.Color = 0x00007700
s = ""
if s != "":
Y = (R.Bottom - R.Top - dY) / 2
if Y < 3: Y = 3
if ACol == 0 or ARow == 0:
X = (R.Right - R.Left - cv.TextWidth(s)) / 2
if X < 3: X = 3
X = R.Left + X
elif ACol in [2, 3]:
X = R.Right - 3 - cv.TextWidth(s)
X = R.Left + 3
cv.TextRect(R, X, R.Top + Y, s)
cv.Brush.Style = 1
def Resize(S):
Grid.DefaultColWidth = (Grid.Width - 40) / 5
f = CreateComponent("TForm", None)
f.SetProps(Position="poMainFormCenter", Width=280, Height=205, BorderStyle="bsSingle", BorderIcons=["biSystemMenu","biMinimize"], Caption="PrΘvisions")
f.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
L1 = CreateComponent("TLabel", f)
L1.SetProps(Parent=f, Left=30, Top=30, Width=201, Caption="Calculer le tableau prΘvisionnel jusqu'au :")
Dt1 = CreateComponent("TDateTimePicker", f)
Dt1.SetProps(Parent=f, Left=30, Top=50, Width=214, Height=20, Format="dddd dd MMMM yyyy")
now = time.localtime()[:3]
now = (now[0] + 1, now[1], now[2])
Dt1.Date = time.mktime(now + (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) / 86400 + 25569
ChkEnd = CreateComponent("TCheckBox", f)
ChkEnd.SetProps(Parent=f, Left=30, Top=80, Width=214, Caption="Afficher des soldes mensuels")
BCnl = CreateComponent("TButton", f)
BCnl.SetProps(Parent=f, Left=48, Top=120, Width=90, Height=25, Caption="Annuler", Cancel=1, ModalResult=2)
BOK = CreateComponent("TButton", f)
BOK.SetProps(Parent=f, Left=144, Top=120, Width=90, Height=25, Caption="OK", Default=1, ModalResult=1)
fn = open("%sScripts\\Scheduler\\scheduler.dat" %exe, "rb")
files = cPickle.load(fn)
files = {}
AccNames = BP.AccountName;
path = BP.BankPerfectFileName()
while path.find("\\") > -1: path = path[path.find("\\") + 1:]
if files.has_key(path):
LenAcc = BP.AccountCount()
if f.ModalResult == 1:
Until = time.gmtime((int(Dt1.Date) - 25569) * 86400)[:3]
Vals = []
Acc = BP.AccountCurrent()
for Rec in files[path]:
if Rec["account"] == Acc: ApplyRec(Vals, Rec, Acc, Until)
if ChkEnd.Checked: Vals = Reduce2Month(Vals)
Vals = Cumul(Vals)
mois = ["jan", "fΘv", "mar", "avr", "mai", "jun", "jul", "ao√", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dΘc"]
f = CreateComponent("TForm", None)
f.SetProps(Position="poMainFormCenter", Width=600, Height=400, Caption="PrΘvisions", OnResize=Resize)
Grid = CreateComponent("TDrawGrid", f)
Grid.SetProps(Parent=f, DefaultColWidth=100, RowCount=len(Vals) + 1, Anchors=["akLeft", "akRight", "akTop", "akBottom"], OnDrawCell=draw, Left=30, Top=30, Width=540, Height=310, FixedCols = 0, FixedRows = 1, ColCount=5, Options = ["goFixedHorzLine", "goVertLine", "goDrawFocusSelected", "goRowSelect", "goThumbTracking"])
BExport = CreateComponent("TButton", f)
BExport.SetProps(Parent=f, Left=380, Top=350, Width=90, Height=25, Anchors=["akRight","akBottom"], Caption="Export HTML", OnClick=Export)
BOK = CreateComponent("TButton", f)
BOK.SetProps(Parent=f, Left=480, Top=350, Width=90, Height=25, Anchors=["akRight","akBottom"], Caption="OK", Default=1, Cancel=1, ModalResult=1)
dY = Grid.Canvas.TextHeight('A')
Grid.DefaultRowHeight = 20
BP.MsgBox("Il n'y a aucune ΘchΘance enregistrΘe", 64)