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- # Copyright 2005-2008, Google, Inc.
- # This software is provided as an example of using the Ruby interface
- # to SketchUp.
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
- # any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- # copyright notice appear in all copies.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- require 'sketchup.rb'
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This example shows how you can attach arbitrary attribute data to entities
- # and then do queries based on those attributes.
- # In this example, there is a method to attach a cost estimate attribute to
- # selected faces. You can then do a query on the model and get the total
- # cost estimate.
- # This is a global variable that keeps track of the last value entered
- $cost_per_sq_ft = 1.00 if not $cost_per_sq_ft
- # This method prompts for a cost estimate and attaches it to all selected faces
- def attach_cost_estimate
- # See if there is anything selected
- ss = Sketchup.active_model.selection
- return if ss.empty?
- # First prompt the user for the cost per sq foot
- prompts = [$exStrings.GetString("Cost per sq. foot")]
- values = [$cost_per_sq_ft]
- results = inputbox prompts, values, $exStrings.GetString("Cost Estimate")
- return if not results
- # Now attach this as an attribute to all selected Faces
- $cost_per_sq_ft = results[0]
- ss.each do |e|
- if( e.kind_of? Sketchup::Face )
- # An attributes are stored with named values in a named dictionary
- # In this example, the dictionary name is 'skpex'.
- # The attribute value is named 'cpsf'.
- # Note that you can use any name that you want for the dictionary
- # and the attributes. The attributes names are currently stored
- # on every entity that the attribute is attached to however, so
- # it is generally a good idea to keep the name short to avoid
- # using a lot of extra memory storing the attributes.
- e.set_attribute 'skpex', 'cpsf', $cost_per_sq_ft
- end
- end
- end
- # This method assigns a cost estimate to a Material. You can then paint
- # faces with that material to get them to use that estimate
- def assign_estimate_to_material
- # First get a list of all of the materials in the model
- model = Sketchup.active_model
- materials = model.materials
- names = materials.collect {|m| m.name}
- translatednames = materials.collect {|m| m.display_name}
- # Display a dialog to pick a material and cost
- prompts = [$exStrings.GetString("Material"), $exStrings.GetString("Cost per sq. foot")]
- values = [translatednames[0], $cost_per_sq_ft]
- enums = [translatednames.join("|")]
- results = inputbox prompts, values, enums, $exStrings.GetString("Cost By Material")
- return if not results
- $cost_per_sq_ft = results[1]
- # Get the selected Material
- index = translatednames.index(results[0])
- material = index ? materials[names[index]] : nil
- if( not material )
- UI.messagebox $exStrings.GetString("Could not find Material named") + " #{results[0]}"
- return
- end
- # And attach the cost estimate attribute
- material.set_attribute 'skpex', 'cpsf', $cost_per_sq_ft
- end
- # This method iterates through all faces in the model and computes the
- # total cost estimate based on the the attributes attached to the faces.
- # For purposes of this example, it does not look at faces that are inside
- # Groups or Components.
- def compute_cost_estimate
- total_cost = 0.0
- entities = Sketchup.active_model.entities
- entities.each do |e|
- next if not e.kind_of? Sketchup::Face
- # See if it has a cost estimate attribute get_attribute will
- # return nil if there is no attribute matching the given names
- cost_per_sq_ft = e.get_attribute 'skpex', 'cpsf'
- # If there is a cost estimate attached directly to the Face
- # then that is used. Otherwise, look to see if there is a cost
- # estimate attached to a Material for the Face. This is a little
- # bit of a problem because a Face can have a front and back Material.
- # For this example, we use the cost estimates from both
- if not cost_per_sq_ft
- material = e.material
- if( material )
- cost_per_sq_ft = material.get_attribute 'skpex', 'cpsf'
- end
- material = e.back_material
- if( material )
- cpsf_back = material.get_attribute 'skpex', 'cpsf'
- if( cpsf_back )
- if( cost_per_sq_ft )
- cost_per_sq_ft += cpsf_back
- else
- cost_per_sq_ft = cpsf_back
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # If there is not Material with a cost estimate on it, then
- # skip this Face.
- next if not cost_per_sq_ft
- # Compute the estimate for this face based on the area
- # The area is returned in square inches - convert to square feet
- area = e.area / 144.0
- cost = area * cost_per_sq_ft
- total_cost += cost
- end
- # Now display the results
- dollars = format("%.2f", total_cost)
- msg = $exStrings.GetString("Total Cost Estimate") + " = \$#{dollars}"
- UI.messagebox(msg, MB_OK, $exStrings.GetString("Cost Estimate"))
- end
- # Add some menu items to access this
- if( not file_loaded?("attributes.rb") )
- #Note: We don't translate the Menu names - the Ruby API assumes you are
- #using English names for Menus.
- plugins_menu = UI.menu("Plugins")
- cost_menu = plugins_menu.add_submenu($exStrings.GetString("Cost"))
- cost_menu.add_item($exStrings.GetString("Assign Estimate to Material")) { assign_estimate_to_material }
- cost_menu.add_item($exStrings.GetString("Assign Estimate to Faces")) { attach_cost_estimate }
- cost_menu.add_item($exStrings.GetString("Compute Estimate")) { compute_cost_estimate }
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- file_loaded("attributes.rb")