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- # Copyright 2005-2008, Google, Inc.
- # This software is provided as an example of using the Ruby interface
- # to SketchUp.
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
- # any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- # copyright notice appear in all copies.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- require 'sketchup.rb'
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This example shows how you can create a simple shape in a script.
- # When you run this function, it will display a dialog box which prompts
- # for the dimensions of a box, and then creates the box.
- def create_box
- # First prompt for the dimensions. This is done using the inputbox
- # method. In this case, we will actually use a wrapper for UI.inputbox
- # that is defined in sketchup.rb which does some extra error checking
- # The first step is to create some arrays which contain the prompts
- # and default values.
- prompts = [$exStrings.GetString("Width"), $exStrings.GetString("Height"), $exStrings.GetString("Depth")]
- values = [6.feet, 5.feet, 4.feet]
- # Note that for the default values, we specify the values like "6.feet"
- # This says that the value is Langth, and tells what the units of
- # the Length are. When you display a Length value in an input box, it
- # will be formatted using your current units settings and it will parse
- # the values that you enter as a Length.
- # Now display the inputbox
- results = inputbox prompts, values, $exStrings.GetString("Box Dimensions")
- # The values that the user entered are returned in the results value.
- # If the user hit the "Cancel" button, then the function will return
- # nil. Otherwise it is an array of values. SKetchUp tries to match
- # the type of the returned values with the types of the default value
- # supplied, so in this case, since the default values were Lengths we
- # will get back an Array of Lengths
- return if not results # This means that the user canceld the operation
- width, height, depth = results
- # Now we can actually create the new geometry in the Model. There are
- # a number of ways that we could actually create the geometry. We will
- # show a couple of ways.
- # The first thing that we will do is bracket all of the entity creation
- # so that this looks like a single operation for undo. If we didn't do this
- # you would get a whole bunch of separate undo items for each step
- # of the entity creation.
- model = Sketchup.active_model
- model.start_operation $exStrings.GetString("Create Box")
- # We will add the new entities to the "active_entities" collection. If
- # you are not doing a component edit, this will be the main model.
- # if you are doing a component edit, it will be the open component.
- # You could also use model.entities which is the top level collection
- # regardless of whether or not you are doing a component edit.
- entities = model.active_entities
- # If you wanted the box to be created as simple top level entities
- # rather than a Group, you could comment out the following two lines.
- group = entities.add_group
- entities = group.entities
- # First we will create a rectangle for the base. There are a few
- # variations on the add_face method. This uses the version that
- # takes points and automatically creates the edges needed.
- pts = []
- pts[0] = [0, 0, 0]
- pts[1] = [width, 0, 0]
- pts[2] = [width, depth, 0]
- pts[3] = [0, depth, 0]
- base = entities.add_face pts
- # You could use a similar technique to crete the other faces of
- # the box. For this example, we will use the pushpull method instead.
- # When you use pushpull, the direction is determined by the direction
- # of the fromnt of the face. In order to control the direction and
- # get the pushpull to go in the direction we want, we first check the
- # direction of the face normal. If it is not in the direction that
- # we want, we will reverse the sign of the distance.
- height = -height if( base.normal.dot(Z_AXIS) < 0 )
- # Now we can do the pushpull
- base.pushpull height
- # Now we are done and we can end the operation
- model.commit_operation
- end
- # This shows how you can add new items to the main menu from a Ruby script.
- # This will add an item called "Box" to the Create menu.
- # First check to see if we have already loaded this file so that we only
- # add the item to the menu once
- if( not file_loaded?("box.rb") )
- # This will add a separator to the menu, but only once
- #Note: We don't translate the Menu names - the Ruby API assumes you are
- #using English names for Menus.
- add_separator_to_menu("Draw")
- # To add an item to a menu, you identify the menu, and then
- # provide a title to display and a block to execute. In this case,
- # the block just calls the create_box function
- UI.menu("Draw").add_item($exStrings.GetString("Box")) { create_box }
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- file_loaded("box.rb")