home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright: Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
- // License: All Rights Reserved.
- /**
- * @fileoverview Configuration panel support routines. NOTE that this file
- * relies on the dcbridge.js file having been included as a prerequisite as
- * well as the components.js base routines common to all component dialogs.
- */
- /**
- * Configurator object used as a namespace.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- var cfg = {};
- // Export the su namespace. See dcbridge.js for definition.
- var su = window.su;
- // Export the skp namespace. See dcbridge.js for definition.
- var skp = window.skp;
- // Export conv namespace. See converter.js for definition.
- var conv = window.conv;
- // Export comp namespace. See components.js for definition.
- var comp = window.comp;
- // Export the $ function. See dcbridge.js for definition.
- var $ = window.$;
- /**
- * Object used to store a list of attribute values that are changed as the
- * user chooses each options.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- cfg.changedValues = {};
- /**
- * Container for the root entity being configured.
- * @type {null}
- */
- cfg.rootEntity = null;
- /**
- * Placeholder for last custom style sheet link, used to assist with removal.
- * @type {null}
- * @private
- */
- cfg.lastCustomCSS_ = null;
- /**
- * A limit after which we show a confirm dialog rather than trying to merge
- * attributes directly. the goal here is to avoid having select-all or
- * fence operations which select large numbers of elements from triggering
- * slowdowns due to the config panel trying to merge big attribute sets.
- * @type {number}
- */
- cfg.CONFIRM_SIZE = 50;
- /**
- * How many decimal places to show when the user is editing a configure value.
- * @type {number}
- */
- /**
- * Initializes the configuration panel with content from the current
- * selection.
- */
- cfg.init = function() {
- // Store the loaded HTML so we can reset it on refresh.
- cfg.originalHTML = $('original-html').value;
- su.callRuby('pull_information',
- {'onsuccess': 'su.handlePullInformationSuccess',
- 'oncomplete': 'cfg.initRootEntity'});
- };
- /**
- * Initializes the root entity data and updates the user interface as a
- * downstream activity, ensuring the content of the configuration panel is
- * current with the root entity data found.
- * @param {string} queryid The unique ID of the invocation that triggered
- * this callback.
- */
- cfg.initRootEntity = function(queryid) {
- cfg.ZERO_ENTITIES_MESSAGE = '<div class="no-selection-head">' +
- su.translateString('No Components Selected') + '</div>' +
- '<div class="no-selection-content">' +
- su.translateString(
- 'Select one or more components to view their options.') +
- '</div>';
- su.translateString('There are no options to choose on this component.');
- su.translateString('There are no matching options to choose ' +
- 'across this selection.');
- comp.pullSelectionIds(
- {'oncomplete': 'cfg.handlePullSelectionIdsComplete'});
- };
- /**
- * Initializes the user interface, relying on data in the cfg.rootEntity
- * object to provide content values.
- */
- cfg.initUI = function() {
- var root;
- var value;
- var units;
- var arr;
- var totalFields;
- var attrs;
- var name;
- var img;
- var formLabel;
- var hasFoundValue;
- var selectedString;
- var optarr;
- var width;
- var height;
- var filePath;
- var localPath;
- // Keep ESCAPE from closing the panel. ENTER applies any changes.
- comp.installKeyHandler('down', function(evt) {
- var keycode = su.getKeyCode(evt);
- if (keycode == su.ESCAPE_KEY) {
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- } else if (keycode == su.ENTER_KEY) {
- var applyButton = $('applyButton');
- if (su.isValid(applyButton)) {
- if (applyButton.disabled == false) {
- cfg.doApply();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- cfg.clearCustomStyle();
- root = cfg.rootEntity;
- if (su.notValid(root)) {
- su.setContent(document.body, cfg.ZERO_ENTITIES_MESSAGE);
- return;
- }
- su.setContent(document.body, cfg.originalHTML);
- arr = [];
- // If our root object contains a file variable then strip the
- // filename off of its end to arrive at an absolute, local path to
- // where we will look for CSS or image content.
- if (su.isValid(root.file)) {
- filePath = su.unescapeHTML(root.file + '');
- filePath = filePath.replace(/\\/gi, '/');
- localPath = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- } else {
- localPath = '';
- }
- // Translate the submit button.
- $('applyButton').value = su.translateString('Apply');
- // Handle top heading (name). Show the count message as the default.
- value = root.name || su.translateString('Unnamed Component');
- su.setContent('config-head', comp.formatContent(value));
- // Handle subheading (summary).
- value = comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'summary') || '';
- if (su.isEmpty(value) == false) {
- su.setContent('config-subhead', comp.formatContent(value));
- su.show('config-subhead')
- } else {
- su.hide('config-subhead')
- }
- value = comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'msrp');
- if (su.isEmpty(value) == false) {
- units = comp.getAttributeUnits(root, 'msrp') || 'DOLLARS';
- value = conv.format(conv.fromBase(value, units), units,
- cfg.DEFAULT_FORMAT_DECIMAL_PLACES, true, skp.decimalDelimiter());
- if (cfg.$single == false) {
- value += ' ' + su.translateString('total');
- }
- su.setContent('config-msrp', comp.formatContent(value));
- su.show('config-msrp')
- } else {
- su.hide('config-msrp')
- }
- value = comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'description') || '';
- if (su.isEmpty(value) == false) {
- su.setContent('config-description', comp.formatContent(value));
- su.show('config-description')
- } else {
- su.hide('config-description')
- }
- value = comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'creator') || '';
- if (su.isEmpty(value) == false) {
- su.setContent('config-creator', su.translateString('by ') +
- comp.formatContent(value));
- su.show('config-creator')
- } else {
- su.hide('config-creator')
- }
- value = comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'itemcode') || '';
- if (su.isEmpty(value) == false) {
- su.setContent('config-itemcode', comp.formatContent(value));
- su.show('config-itemcode')
- } else {
- su.hide('config-itemcode')
- }
- value = comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'imageurl');
- if (su.notEmpty(value)) {
- // If the image path is just a filename (no folders) then append the
- // local skp path to try for a local load.
- if (value.indexOf('\\') == -1 && value.indexOf('/') == -1) {
- value = localPath + value;
- }
- } else {
- value = '../../../plugins/config-thumb.jpg?' + Math.random();
- }
- arr.length = 0;
- arr.push('<img id="thumbnail" src="', value, '" alt="',
- su.translateString('Component'), '" class="config-thumb');
- if (cfg.$single == false) {
- arr.push('-multiselect');
- }
- arr.push('"/>');
- su.setContent('config-image', arr.join(''));
- // This checks to see if the image loads. If there is a load error, then
- // we will set the path of our image to the default thumb path.
- img = new Image;
- img.onerror = function() {
- $('thumbnail').src = '../../../plugins/config-thumb.jpg?' +
- Math.random();
- };
- img.src = value;
- // Handle attribute table.
- totalFields = 0;
- arr.length = 0;
- arr.push('<table cellspacing="0"><tbody>');
- attrs = root.attributeDictionaries[comp.DICTIONARY];
- // Note that attrs is an Object, not an array, so using for (name in attrs)
- // is okay in this case.
- for (name in attrs) {
- // Do not show attributes that start with an underscore,
- // these are used internally for maintaining UI state.
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(root, name);
- // Material is always forced to a unit type of 'STRING' to ensure
- // compatibility with older component versions.
- if (name.toLowerCase() == 'material') {
- attr.units = 'STRING';
- }
- if (name.indexOf('_') != 0 &&
- attr.access != 'NONE' &&
- attr.access != undefined) {
- formLabel = su.sanitizeHTML(su.ifEmpty(attr.formlabel, attr.label));
- arr.push('<tr>',
- '<td class="config-label"><nobr>', formLabel, '</nobr></td>',
- '<td class="config-cell">');
- value = su.sanitizeHTML(attr.value);
- value = su.escapeHTML(value);
- if (attr.access != 'LIST') {
- var units = su.ifEmpty(attr.units, 'STRING');
- if (units == 'DEFAULT') {
- units = skp.units();
- }
- value = conv.fromBase(attr.value, units);
- value = conv.format(value + '', units,
- cfg.DEFAULT_FORMAT_DECIMAL_PLACES, true, skp.decimalDelimiter());
- }
- if (attr.access == 'VIEW') {
- totalFields++;
- arr.push('<input type="text" class="config-field-readonly" value="',
- value, '" readonly="readonly" />');
- } else if (attr.access == 'TEXTBOX') {
- totalFields++;
- arr.push('<input type="text" class="config-field" value="',
- value,
- '" onkeypress="$(\'applyButton\').disabled=false;" ',
- 'onblur="cfg.doStoreChanges(', root.id, ',\'', name,
- '\',this,\'', attr.units, '\')" name="', name, '"/>');
- } else if (attr.access == 'LIST') {
- totalFields++;
- arr.push('<select class="config-field" value="', value,
- '" onkeypress="$(\'applyButton\').disabled=false;" ',
- 'onchange="cfg.doStoreChanges(', root.id, ',\'', name,
- '\',this,\'', attr.units, '\')" name="', name, '">');
- var options = su.ifEmpty(attr.options, '');
- if (su.isString(options)) {
- options = su.unescapeHTML(options);
- }
- var valuePairs = options.split('&');
- hasFoundValue = false;
- optarr = [];
- for (var valuePairID = 0; valuePairID < valuePairs.length;
- valuePairID++) {
- var valuePair = valuePairs[valuePairID];
- if (su.notEmpty(valuePair)) {
- var nameValueArray = valuePair.split('=');
- selectedString = '';
- value = nameValueArray[1].toLowerCase();
- value = unescape(su.escapeHTML(value));
- if (conv.isEqual(attr.value.toLowerCase(), value) ||
- ('=' + attr.formula).toLowerCase() == value ||
- ('="' + attr.value + '"').toLowerCase() == value) {
- selectedString = ' selected="selected" ';
- hasFoundValue = true;
- }
- value = unescape(nameValueArray[1]);
- value = su.escapeHTML(value);
- optarr.push('<option value="',
- value,
- '" ', selectedString, '>', unescape(nameValueArray[0]),
- '</option>');
- }
- }
- if (hasFoundValue == false) {
- optarr.unshift('<option value="', value, '"></option>');
- }
- arr.push(optarr.join(''));
- arr.push('</select>');
- }
- arr.push('</td></tr>');
- }
- }
- arr.push('</tbody></table>');
- if (totalFields > 0) {
- su.show('config-options');
- su.setContent('config-error', '')
- } else {
- su.hide('config-options');
- if (cfg.$single == false) {
- su.setContent('config-error', cfg.NO_MATCHING_MESSAGE)
- } else {
- su.setContent('config-error', cfg.ZERO_OPTIONS_MESSAGE)
- }
- }
- su.setContent('config-options', arr.join(''));
- document.getElementById('content').style.top =
- su.elementHeight(document.getElementById('header')) + 'px';
- // Resize our window to the author's specifications, or default to a
- // standard size if none is provided.
- width = su.ifEmpty(comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'dialogwidth'), 345);
- height = su.ifEmpty(comp.getAttributeValue(root, 'dialogheight'), 560);
- su.callRuby('set_dialog_properties', {'width': width, 'height': height});
- cfg.updateLayout();
- };
- /**
- * Responds to requests (usually initiated via the UI) to apply any changes
- * made to the configuration panel so they appear in SketchUp.
- */
- cfg.doApply = function() {
- var key;
- var parts;
- var entityID;
- var attribute;
- var value;
- var noRedraw;
- var attributeCount = 0;
- var changes;
- var elem;
- var name;
- // Current field isn't always picked up if the user didn't tab out but
- // instead just hit return...so grab its value.
- if (su.isValid(elem = document.activeElement)) {
- name = elem.getAttribute('id') || elem.getAttribute('name');
- if (su.notEmpty(name) && (name != 'applyButton')) {
- // Force the blur of the currently selected element to ensure that
- // storeChanges for that value is fired.
- elem.blur();
- }
- }
- // If the changed value list doesn't have values then we can simply return.
- if (su.isEmpty(su.getKeys(cfg.changedValues))) {
- return;
- }
- // The changed values hash can carry the data to be serialized for
- // transmission over the bridge, we just need to include the entities.
- comp.pushAttributeSet(cfg.entityIds, cfg.changedValues);
- cfg.changedValues = {};
- };
- /**
- * Responds to requests (usually initiated via the UI) to cancel any changes
- * made to the configuration values and close the dialog window.
- */
- cfg.doCancel = function() {
- su.callRuby('do_close');
- };
- /**
- * Stores a changed value in the configuration panels set of changes so they
- * can be pushed to SketchUp for display at the appropriate time.
- * @param {string} nodeID The ID of the element being updated.
- * @param {string} attribute The name of the attribute to modify.
- * @param {element} field The field whose value is being committed.
- * @return {boolean} True to allow default event handling to continue.
- */
- cfg.doStoreChanges = function(nodeID, attribute, field) {
- var defaultValue;
- var displayValue;
- var div;
- var baseValue;
- // Get the entity and unit.
- var entity = su.findEntity(nodeID, cfg.rootEntity);
- var units = su.ifEmpty(comp.getAttributeUnits(entity, attribute), 'STRING');
- if (units == 'DEFAULT') {
- units = skp.units();
- }
- // If this is a list box, then store the value of the field. Otherwise, it
- // must be a text box, so scrub whatever was entered into a valid value.
- if (su.isValid(field.selectedIndex)) {
- baseValue = field.value;
- } else {
- // Take the entered value and turn it into the appropriate base
- // units. (For example, lengths are always stored in inches, regardless
- // of the unit they are displayed in.)
- var enteredValue = conv.parseTo(field.value, units, skp.decimalDelimiter());
- baseValue = conv.toBase(enteredValue, units);
- }
- cfg.changedValues[nodeID + '__' + attribute] = baseValue + '';
- // If it's a text box we're displaying, format the string.
- if (field.type == 'text') {
- displayValue = conv.format(conv.fromBase(baseValue, units), units,
- cfg.DEFAULT_FORMAT_DECIMAL_PLACES, true, skp.decimalDelimiter());
- // Using this innerHTML trick unescapes the &FFF; style unicode
- // characters so they display properly in a form field.
- div = document.createElement('div');
- div.innerHTML = displayValue;
- displayValue = div.innerHTML;
- field.value = displayValue;
- }
- $('applyButton').disabled = false;
- return true;
- };
- /**
- * Returns an Array of key paths, dot-separated key names which represent
- * the paths to descendant objects in the object provided. For example, a
- * nested object {a: {b: 'foo'}} would return ['a', 'a.b'] for key paths.
- * @param {object} anObject The object to recursively iterate.
- * @param {String} opt_prefix A prefix, passed from the prior invocation
- * internally. to maintain the key string. Do not pass this value
- * yourself.
- * @return {Array} The list of key paths for anObject.
- */
- cfg.$getKeyPaths = function(anObject, opt_prefix) {
- var arr;
- var i;
- var len;
- var key;
- var slot;
- arr = [];
- if (su.isScalar(anObject)) {
- return arr;
- } else if (su.isJSArray(anObject)) {
- // For arrays we want keys to preserve [i] as part of the path so we can
- // look back and realize we had an array in the data structure.
- len = anObject.length;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- key = opt_prefix ? opt_prefix + '[' + i + ']' : '[' + i + ']';
- arr.push(key);
- slot = anObject[i];
- if ((slot != null) && (slot.constructor === Object)) {
- arr = arr.concat(cfg.$getKeyPaths(slot, key));
- }
- }
- return arr;
- } else {
- for (i in anObject) {
- key = opt_prefix ? opt_prefix + '.' + i : i;
- arr.push(key);
- slot = anObject[i];
- if ((slot != null) && (slot.constructor === Object)) {
- arr = arr.concat(cfg.$getKeyPaths(slot, key));
- }
- }
- return arr;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Responds to notifications that the configuration panel is being resized.
- */
- cfg.handleResize = function() {
- cfg.updateLayout();
- };
- /**
- * Updates the layout of the panel. Note that this is only actively used by IE
- * as Safari's CSS engine can manage the interface automatically.
- */
- cfg.updateLayout = function() {
- var elem;
- if (su.IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- elem = $('content');
- if (su.isValid(elem)) {
- try {
- elem.style.height = (su.elementGetBorderBox('background').height -
- su.elementGetBorderBox('header').height -
- su.elementGetBorderBox('footer').height) + 'px';
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore when new value(s) aren't viable.
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Handles success notification from the Ruby pull_attribute_tree function
- * and triggers initial UI construction based on the selection attribute
- * data provided by that routine.
- * @param {string} queryid The unique ID of the invocation that triggered
- * this callback.
- */
- cfg.handlePullAttributesComplete = function(queryid) {
- var obj;
- var arr;
- var len;
- var count;
- var keys;
- var key;
- var i;
- var j;
- var len2;
- var dict;
- var items;
- var item;
- var root;
- var last;
- var source;
- var attrs;
- var attr;
- var name;
- var msrp;
- // By default we clear any changed attribute list. This is updated for
- // multiple selection to auto-dirty shared values.
- cfg.changedValues = {};
- // Keep a running total of the cost of the selection.
- msrp = 0;
- if (su.notValid(obj = su.getRubyResponse(queryid))) {
- alert(su.translateString('No attribute data returned.'));
- }
- if (su.notValid(arr = obj['entities'])) {
- alert(su.translateString('No entity data returned.'));
- }
- len = arr.length;
- cfg.$count = len;
- switch (len) {
- case 0:
- // Empty selection, nothing to configure but we'll want to redraw.
- cfg.$single = null;
- cfg.rootEntity = null;
- break;
- case 1:
- // Single selection, most common case.
- cfg.$single = true;
- cfg.rootEntity = arr[0];
- // Place this component's name attribute into the root for display.
- cfg.rootEntity.name = su.ifEmpty(comp.getAttributeValue(cfg.rootEntity,
- 'name'), cfg.rootEntity.name);
- break;
- default:
- // Multiple-selection. have to merge attributes into a common root
- // entity that will allow the user to edit a group en-masse.
- cfg.$single = false;
- count = 0;
- dict = {};
- // Get a list of keys for each object that represent the set of nested
- // object names which might be shared.
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- obj = arr[i];
- // Note that we don't bother with objects that aren't components with
- // dynamic attribute subcontent.
- if (su.notValid(obj) || (obj.typename != 'ComponentInstance')) {
- continue;
- }
- if (su.notValid(attrs = comp.getAttributes(obj))) {
- continue;
- }
- msrp += parseFloat(su.ifEmpty(comp.getAttributeValue(obj, 'msrp'), 0));
- // Count the valid ones for later filtering.
- count++;
- keys = cfg.$getKeyPaths(obj);
- // Inject the keys/counts into our dictionary of known keys.
- len2 = keys.length;
- for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
- key = keys[j];
- dict[key] = (dict[key] || 0) + 1;
- }
- }
- // Now we remove those that are shared, leaving the list we should
- // prune from a prototypical instance.
- items = su.getItems(dict);
- len = items.length;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- item = items[i];
- if (item[1] == count) {
- try {
- delete dict[item[0]];
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore errors.
- }
- }
- }
- // Sort the remaining keys so shortest go first, which ensures that
- // we remove from the top down in the next loop.
- keys = su.getKeys(dict);
- keys.sort(function(a, b) {
- if (a.length < b.length) {
- return -1;
- } else if (a.length == b.length) {
- if (a < b) {
- return -1;
- } else if (a == b) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- };
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- });
- // The optimization here is that we only need to remove the top-most
- // slot for each key, so a set of keys which all start with 'x.' can be
- // simplified to 'x'.
- len = keys.length;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- key = keys[i];
- if ((last != null) && (key.indexOf(last) == 0)) {
- keys[i] = null;
- };
- last = key;
- };
- // We'll use the first selected object as the prototype.
- root = arr[0];
- len = keys.length;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- key = keys[i];
- if (key == null) {
- continue;
- };
- try {
- source = 'delete root.' + key;
- eval(source);
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore errors.
- }
- }
- cfg.rootEntity = root;
- root.name = cfg.$count + ' ' + su.translateString('Components');
- // Mapping root entity leaves to the changedValues data effectively
- // dirties the entire set of shared attributes so we can immediately
- // apply changes to all selected items without having to edit each one.
- cfg.changedValues = {};
- attrs = root.attributeDictionaries[comp.DICTIONARY];
- // Note that attrs is an Object, not an array, so using for/in looping
- // is okay in this case.
- for (name in attrs) {
- attr = comp.getAttribute(root, name);
- if (name.indexOf('_') != 0 &&
- attr.access != 'NONE' &&
- attr.access != undefined) {
- cfg.changedValues[name] = attr.value;
- }
- }
- comp.setAttributeValue(root, 'msrp', msrp);
- break;
- }
- cfg.initUI();
- };
- /**
- * Responds to notification that the pullSelectionIds call has succeeded on
- * our behalf. Changes to the current selection will trigger this routine so
- * that the configuration panel remains slaved to the current selection.
- * @param {string} queryid The unique ID of the invocation that triggered
- * this callback.
- * @param {string} idlist An optional comma-delimited list of specific
- * IDs to process as the selection set.
- */
- cfg.handlePullSelectionIdsComplete = function(queryid, idlist) {
- var ids;
- var list;
- var len;
- // NOTE that we don't leave these purely on the comp object since we
- // share that dataset with the manager panel and it may be altering our
- // data if it changes focus.
- ids = idlist || comp.selectionIds;
- // ID is no selection ID? Clear all cached ID sets.
- if (ids == -1) {
- ids = '';
- comp.selectionIds = null;
- cfg.entityIds = null;
- } else {
- cfg.entityIds = ids;
- }
- if (su.isEmpty(ids)) {
- cfg.clearCustomStyle();
- su.setContent(document.body, cfg.ZERO_ENTITIES_MESSAGE);
- return;
- }
- list = ids.split(',');
- len = list.length;
- if (len == 0) {
- // No length? No selection -- 0 entities selected.
- cfg.clearCustomStyle();
- su.setContent(document.body, cfg.ZERO_ENTITIES_MESSAGE);
- return;
- } else if (len > cfg.CONFIRM_SIZE) {
- // Over the limit, have to confirm and then either cancel or
- // continue.
- if (!confirm('Merging multiple items might be slow. Continue?')) {
- cfg.clearCustomStyle();
- su.setContent(document.body, len + ' entities selected.');
- return;
- }
- }
- comp.pullAttributes({'selection_ids': ids,
- 'oncomplete': 'cfg.handlePullAttributesComplete'});
- };
- /**
- * Clears any custom style sheet that may be current for the configuration
- * panel.
- */
- cfg.clearCustomStyle = function() {
- // Remove any custom style sheet regardless of selection size so we
- // don't have leftover UI even on an empty selection.
- if (su.notEmpty(cfg.lastCustomCSS_)) {
- su.removeStylesheet(document, cfg.lastCustomCSS_);
- cfg.lastCustomCSS_ = null;
- }
- };