"Could not find Material named"="Could not find Material named";
"Total Cost Estimate"="Total Cost Estimate";
"Cost Estimate"="Cost Estimate";
"Assign Estimate to Material"="Assign Estimate to Material";
"Assign Estimate to Faces"="Assign Estimate to Faces";
"Compute Estimate"="Compute Estimate";
"Box Dimensions"="Box Dimensions";
"Create Box"="Create Box";
"Point at Center"="Point at Center";
"Select second end"="Select second end";
"Select first end"="Select first end";
"Create Cylinder"="Create Cylinder";
"Hide Rest"="Hide Rest";
"Select By Layer"="Select By Layer";
"Select By Material"="Select By Material";
"Ruby Script Examples"="Ruby Script Examples";
"Adds examples of tools created in Ruby to the SketchUp interface. The example tools are Draw->Box, Plugins->Cost and Camera->Animations."="Adds examples of tools created in Ruby to the SketchUp interface. The example tools are Draw->Box, Plugins->Cost and Camera->Animations.";