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Text File | 2010-08-26 | 139.9 KB | 4,359 lines |
- // Copyright: Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
- // License: All Rights Reserved.
- /**
- * @fileoverview Manage Attributes panel support routines. NOTE that this
- * file relies on the dcbridge.js file having been included as well as the
- * components.js base routines common to all component dialogs.
- */
- /**
- * The global manager namespace, containing functions, properties, and
- * constants specific to the Dynamic Components Manager panel.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- var mgr = {};
- // Export the su namespace. See dcbridge.js for definition.
- var su = window.su;
- // Export the skp namespace. See dcbridge.js for definition.
- var skp = window.skp;
- // Export comp namespace. See components.js for definition.
- var comp = window.comp;
- // Export conv namespace. See converter.js for definition.
- var conv = window.conv;
- // Export the $ function. See dcbridge.js for definition.
- var $ = window.$;
- // String constants used in the user interface in various places.
- mgr.ENTER_NAME_STRING = 'Enter Name';
- mgr.ERROR_PREFIX = '<span class="subformula-error">#</span> ';
- mgr.APPLYING_ATTRIBUTE_MESSAGE = '<span id="applying-attribute-message">' +
- 'Saving...' + '</span>';
- mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_LABEL = 'Enter Option Here';
- mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE = 'Enter Value';
- mgr.ADD_ATTRIBUTE = 'Add attribute';
- /**
- * How many decimal places to show when the user enters edit mode.
- * @type {number}
- */
- /**
- * Maximum string length we will allow a component or group to be renamed to.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 64;
- /**
- * Value that is stored in the scaletool attribute when all handles are hidden.
- * @type {number}
- */
- /**
- * The offset used for tab display in the component attributes panel.
- * @type {number}
- */
- /**
- * The standard width of the editor cell border, used for offset
- * computations.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.BORDER_OFFSET = 3;
- /**
- * The standard offset used for computations of edit field positioning.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.FIELD_OFFSET = 24;
- /**
- * The position used when moving the editor cell offscreen for hiding.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.HIDDEN_EDITOR_TOP = -5000;
- /**
- * The offset height necessary to ensure proper positioning of edit-panel.
- * This must be adjusted if markup layout is adjusted.
- * @type {number}
- */
- /**
- * Keycode for US ASCII 101 '='.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.EQUAL_KEY_STD = 61;
- /**
- * Keycode for US ASCII 101 '=' on number pad.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.EQUAL_KEY_NUM = 187;
- /**
- * Keycode for US ASCII 101 '@' (commat).
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.COMMAT_KEY = 50;
- /**
- * Access enumeration defining the alternatives for user atttribute access.
- * @type {Array}
- */
- mgr.ACCESS = [
- {value: 'NONE', label: 'Users cannot see this attribute.'},
- {value: 'VIEW', label: 'Users can see this attribute.'},
- {value: 'TEXTBOX', label: 'Users can edit as a textbox.'},
- {value: 'LIST', label: 'Users can select from a list.', disabled: true}
- ];
- /*
- * A list of the cells which should be treated as having an implicit formula
- * as their content.
- * @type {array}
- */
- mgr.FORMULA_CELL_LABELS = ['onClick'];
- /**
- * Offset to add when focusing on the 'current' field in a field list.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT = 0;
- /**
- * Offset to add when focusing on the 'next' field in a field list.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.FOCUS_NEXT = 1;
- /**
- * Offset to add when focusing on the 'previous' field in a field list.
- * @type {number}
- */
- mgr.FOCUS_PREVIOUS = -1;
- /**
- * The tree instance which handles all rendering responsibilities.
- */
- mgr.tree = null;
- /**
- * The last DOM Element selected via either click or mouse movement. This
- * tracks the user's last selection to assist with redraw and editing.
- * @type {Element}
- */
- mgr.lastElementSelected = null;
- /**
- * Whether the manager is currently calling on SketchUp for Ruby data.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- mgr._calling = false;
- /**
- * Whether the edit field is currently floating above the attribute tree.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- mgr._floating = false;
- /**
- * The setTimeout/clearTimeout timer object used for smooth display updates.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- mgr.finalScrollAdjustTimeout = null;
- /**
- * The setTimeout/clearTimeout timer object used for smooth resize handling.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- mgr.finalResizeAdjustTimeout = null;
- // ---
- // Initialization / Startup
- // ---
- /**
- * Initializes the Manage Attributes panel with content from the current
- * selection.
- */
- mgr.init = function() {
- // Set up our initial state for less screen flashing on large DCs.
- mgr.updateLayout();
- mgr.SELECT_MESSAGE = '<div class="no-selection-head">' +
- su.translateString('Single Component Not Selected') + '</div>' +
- '<div class="no-selection-content">' +
- su.translateString(
- 'Select a single component to view its attributes.') +
- '</div>';
- // Translate static parts of the UI.
- $('refresh-button').title = su.translateString('Refresh');
- $('settings-button').title = su.translateString('Toggle Formula View');
- $('tab-basic-title').innerHTML = su.translateString('Info');
- $('tab-function-title').innerHTML = su.translateString('Functions');
- // Start off requesting common SketchUp environment information. The
- // initRootEntity callback will then proceed to load entity data.
- mgr.callRuby('pull_information',
- {'onsuccess': 'su.handlePullInformationSuccess',
- 'oncomplete': 'mgr.initRootEntity'});
- };
- /**
- * Initializes the root entity data and updates the user interface as a
- * downstream activity, ensuring the content of the configuration panel is
- * current with the root entity data found.
- * @param {string} queryid The unique ID of the invocation which triggered
- * this callback.
- */
- mgr.initRootEntity = function(queryid) {
- // Now that we have our su.info loaded, we can calculate our help URLs.
- // Note that there is a problem with loading double quotes from inside
- // a translated string, so to minimize the risk of dropping a translation,
- // the DC_HELP_URL is an unquoted parameter.
- var intro = su.translateString('Add attributes below to create your ' +
- 'component options. Visit our <a href=DC_HELP_URL>getting started ' +
- 'guide</a> for tutorials.');
- mgr.INTRO_STATUS = intro.replace(/DC_HELP_URL/gi,
- 'skp:do_open_url@url=' + su.info['dc_help_url']);
- mgr.FUNCTIONS_URL = su.info['dc_functions_url'];
- mgr.SELECT_MESSAGE = '<div class="no-selection-head">' +
- su.translateString('Single Component Not Selected') + '</div>' +
- '<div class="no-selection-content">' +
- su.translateString(
- 'Select a single component to view its attributes.') +
- '</div>';
- // Translate static parts of the UI.
- $('refresh-button').title = su.translateString('Refresh');
- $('settings-button').title = su.translateString('Toggle Formula View');
- $('tab-basic-title').innerHTML = su.translateString('Info');
- $('tab-function-title').innerHTML = su.translateString('Functions');
- // Effectively this is the same as a redraw, but without having an entity
- // in place yet.
- comp.pullAttributes({
- 'deep': true,
- 'oncomplete': 'mgr.handlePullAttributesComplete'
- });
- };
- /**
- * Invokes a function in Ruby defined as part of the SketchUp Ruby API or as
- * part of an included/required Ruby module. NOTE that this call is made in
- * an asynchronous fashion. Callbacks to the JavaScript are dependent on the
- * Ruby function being invoked. See SketchUp's js_callback Ruby method for
- * more information on how to return results to the invoking JavaScript.
- * @param {string} funcname The name of the Ruby function to invoke.
- * @param {string|Object} opt_request A pre-formatted URL-style query string
- * or an object whose keys and values should be formatted into a URL
- * query string.
- */
- mgr.callRuby = function(funcname, opt_request) {
- mgr.isCalling(true);
- mgr.showCurtain();
- // Note that the call to the true bridge is last since it's async.
- su.callRuby(funcname, opt_request);
- };
- /**
- * Returns the current state of the manager's "calling sketchup" flag. When a
- * call to SketchUp is underway this flag will be true. You can set the value
- * of the flag by passing the new value as the first parameter.
- * @param {boolean} opt_flag An optional new value for the calling flag.
- * @return {boolean} True when a call is actively underway.
- */
- mgr.isCalling = function(opt_flag) {
- if (su.isValid(opt_flag)) {
- mgr._calling = opt_flag;
- }
- return mgr._calling;
- };
- /**
- * Hides the semi-opaque event-trapping layer over the panel's document body.
- */
- mgr.hideCurtain = function() {
- su.hide('curtain');
- };
- /**
- * Shows a semi-opaque layer over the panel's document body, trapping events.
- */
- mgr.showCurtain = function() {
- var el = $('curtain');
- if (su.notValid(el)) {
- el = document.createElement('div');
- el.setAttribute('id', 'curtain');
- document.body.appendChild(el);
- }
- su.show(el);
- };
- /**
- * Respond to notifications that attributes related to the managed entity have
- * been retrieved.
- * @param {string} queryid The unique ID of the invocation which triggered
- * this callback.
- */
- mgr.handlePullAttributesComplete = function(queryid) {
- var obj;
- var arr;
- // Depress the refresh button.
- $('refresh-button').className = 'refresh-button';
- mgr.isCalling(false);
- mgr.hideCurtain();
- if (su.notValid(obj = su.getRubyResponse(queryid))) {
- alert(su.translateString('No attribute data returned.'));
- }
- if (su.notValid(arr = obj['entities'])) {
- alert(su.translateString('No entity data returned.'));
- }
- if (arr.length != 1) {
- // We need to hide the details panel and leave the functions tab to ensure
- // that pulldown controls do not "show through" the message-panel on IE.
- if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- if (mgr.tree) {
- mgr.tree.hideDetailPanel();
- }
- }
- mgr.setTab('basic');
- su.show('message-panel');
- su.setContent('message-panel', mgr.SELECT_MESSAGE);
- return;
- } else {
- su.hide('message-panel');
- }
- // If the root entity has changed, meaning the user has selected another
- // DC than they had before, do some cleanup of the previous state.
- if (mgr.rootEntity != arr[0]) {
- if (mgr.isHighlighting()) {
- mgr.hideHighlight();
- }
- }
- // The manager (currently) works on single entity, so extract first item as
- // the rootEntity driving the attribute tree.
- mgr.rootEntity = arr[0];
- mgr.initUI();
- };
- /**
- * Initializes the user interface of the Manage Attributes panel based on
- * data in the mgr.rootEntity object acquired from the current selection.
- * This operation is invoked on panel startup as well as in response to edits
- * which need to push data to the Ruby side of the bridge so that the view can
- * be updated in response to attribute value changes.
- */
- mgr.initUI = function() {
- mgr.tree = new AttributeTree('mgr.tree');
- // If we have already initialized, we can skip redrawing the entire UI and
- // instead redraw the mgr.tree.
- if (mgr.initDone == true) {
- mgr.tree.render();
- return;
- }
- mgr.initDone = true;
- // Keep ESCAPE from closing the panel and process top-level navigation
- // keys outside of any particular field (hence we don't use onkeydown).
- comp.installKeyHandler('down', mgr.tree.handleKeyDown);
- comp.installKeyHandler('press', mgr.tree.handleKeyPress);
- comp.installKeyHandler('up', mgr.tree.handleKeyUp);
- if ($('extras').getElementsByTagName('form').length == 0) {
- // Configure the extras content, which includes the editing field and the
- // various affordances for showing highlighting of the currently focused
- // field.
- var arr = [];
- // Open a form so input elements and textareas render properly.
- arr.push('<form name="edit-form" onsubmit="return false;">');
- // The editing panel and textarea used for text input.
- arr.push('<div id="edit-panel" class="edit-panel">');
- arr.push('<div id="edit-field-reference-tab"></div>');
- arr.push('<textarea id="edit-field" name="edit-field" class="edit-field"',
- ' onkeydown="', mgr.tree.id, '.handleKeyDown(this, event)"',
- ' onkeypress="', mgr.tree.id, '.handleKeyPress(this, event)"',
- ' onkeyup="', mgr.tree.id, '.handleKeyUp(this, event)"',
- ' oncut="mgr.updateEditorLayoutTimeout()"',
- ' onpaste="mgr.updateEditorLayoutTimeout()"',
- '/></textarea>');
- arr.push('</div>');
- // Close the form.
- arr.push('</form>');
- // The focus highlighting divs.
- arr.push('<div id="highlight-panel" class="highlight-panel"></div>');
- arr.push('<div id="highlight-line-top" class="highlight-line"></div>');
- arr.push('<div id="highlight-line-left" class="highlight-line"></div>');
- arr.push('<div id="highlight-line-right" class="highlight-line"></div>');
- arr.push('<div id="highlight-line-bottom" class="highlight-line"></div>');
- // The details button
- arr.push('<div id="details-button" title="', su.translateString('Details'),
- '" class="details-button" onclick="',
- mgr.tree.id, '.showDetailPanel()"></div>');
- // The delete button.
- arr.push('<div id="delete-button" title="', su.translateString('Delete'),
- '" class="delete-button" onclick="',
- mgr.tree.id, '.deleteAttribute()"></div>');
- // The function list panel.
- arr.push('<div id="list-panel" class="list-panel">',
- '<div id="list-sub-panel" class="list-sub-panel"></div></div>');
- // Complete the extras html content and inject it into the UI.
- var html = arr.join('');
- su.setContent('extras', html);
- }
- // Cache references to the edit panel and scroll panel for better
- // performance in routines below.
- mgr.editPanel = $('edit-panel');
- mgr.scrollPanel = $('scroll-panel');
- // Reset the active tab to be what it was when the user closed the panel.
- var activeTab;
- if (su.notEmpty(activeTab = su.retrieveFromCookie('activeTab'))) {
- mgr.setTab(activeTab);
- }
- // Draw the main attribute tree content next. This generates the actual
- // tree/spreadsheet UI elements.
- mgr.tree.render();
- // Update the status bar, which is defined in the original HTML content.
- mgr.setStatusBar(mgr.INTRO_STATUS);
- // Disable text selection across most content areas.
- var disableSelect = function(evt) { return false; };
- $('highlight-panel').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- $('header').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- $('tab-panel').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- $('list-panel').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- $('footer').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- $('message-panel').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- $('functions-panel').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- $('edit-field-reference-tab').onselectstart = disableSelect;
- mgr.scrollPanel.onselectstart = function(evt) {
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement;
- // IE does not consistently return the nodeType one would expect, so the
- // TEXTAREA tag check is a workaround for IE.
- if (target.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') {
- return true;
- } else if (target.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- mgr.scrollPanel.onscroll = function(evt) {
- window.clearTimeout(mgr.finalScrollAdjustTimeout);
- mgr.finalScrollAdjustTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.floatEditorIfNecessary();
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- $('edit-field').focus();
- }
- }, 100);
- mgr.floatEditorIfNecessary();
- };
- // If the user is selecting from the big list of attributes and they click
- // outside onto the scroll panel hide the list panel the same way that
- // standard select controls hide their options.
- $('content').onmousedown = function(evt) {
- if (su.isVisible('list-panel') &&
- $('edit-field').value == su.translateString(mgr.ENTER_NAME_STRING)) {
- mgr.tree.hideEditPanels();
- }
- };
- // Build the interface for the functions tab/select list.
- arr = [];
- arr.push('<table class="function-summary-table" cellspacing="0">', '<tr><td>',
- '<select id="function-list" onchange="mgr.showFunctionSummary(this)">',
- '<option class="function-list-item">',
- su.translateString('Select a spreadsheet function...'),
- '</option>');
- // Generate an option for each available function as defined in the
- // components.js function list.
- for (var functionSetName in comp.functionList) {
- arr.push('<option class="function-list-head">',
- su.translateString(functionSetName));
- var functionArray = comp.functionList[functionSetName];
- for (var i = 0; i < functionArray.length; i++) {
- var functionData = functionArray[i];
- arr.push('<option value="', su.translateString(functionData.summary),
- '" class="function-list-item"> ',
- su.translateString(functionData.name), '</option>');
- }
- }
- // Close the select list and its enclosing table data cell.
- arr.push('</select></td>');
- // Next cell is the insert button which will inject the currently selected
- // function into the edit cell at the cursor location. Setting width to 1%
- // here keeps the input button pushed to the far right.
- arr.push('<td width="1%"><input type="button" disabled="true"',
- ' id="insert-button" onclick="mgr.insertFunction()"',
- ' class="submit-button" value="', su.translateString('insert'), '">',
- '</td></tr>',
- '</table>');
- // Below the select list/input button pair we keep another table whose
- // content is the summary text and a "more" link.
- arr.push('<table class="function-summary-table" cellspacing="0"><tr>',
- '<td><div id="function-summary"></div></td>',
- '<td id="function-insert-cell"><a href="skp:do_open_url@url=',
- // NOTE that this embedded URL has no quoting.
- mgr.FUNCTIONS_URL, '"><b>',
- su.translateString('more'), '»</b></a> ',
- '</td></tr></table>');
- $('functions-panel').innerHTML = arr.join('');
- // Hide any of the extras we don't want to be visible on first view.
- su.hide('details-panel');
- // If the user interface is being completely (re)built then we'll have to
- // reset any focus/highlighting that might have been in place. This is due
- // to the asynchronous nature of calls to the Ruby side of the bridge.
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.refocus();
- }, 0);
- mgr.updateLayout();
- };
- // ---
- // Display Management
- // ---
- /**
- * Responds to notifications that the manager panel is being resized. As a
- * result the detail controls are hidden and the highlight or edit cell (if
- * visible) are resized to fit their underlying cell.
- */
- mgr.handleResize = function() {
- mgr.updateLayout();
- if (mgr.tree) {
- mgr.tree.hideDetailControls();
- }
- if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- mgr.updateDetailPanelLayout();
- }
- if (mgr.isHighlighting()) {
- mgr.tree.highlight();
- }
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- window.clearTimeout(mgr.finalResizeAdjustTimeout);
- mgr.finalResizeAdjustTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.updateEditorLayout();
- mgr.floatEditorIfNecessary();
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- $('edit-field').focus();
- }
- }, 100);
- mgr.updateEditorLayout();
- mgr.floatEditorIfNecessary();
- if (mgr.isFloating()) {
- mgr.updateFloatingEditorLayout();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Toggles formula view mode on or off, rendering the tree appropriately.
- */
- mgr.toggleFormulaView = function() {
- if (mgr.showFormulas == true) {
- mgr.showFormulas = false;
- $('settings-button').className = 'settings-button';
- } else {
- mgr.showFormulas = true;
- $('settings-button').className = 'settings-button-on';
- }
- // Since this will redraw our panel, we need to store the refocus rule.
- if (mgr.getFocusedElement()) {
- mgr.refocusIndex = mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT;
- mgr.refocusTarget = mgr.getFocusedElement().getAttribute('id');
- }
- mgr.tree.render();
- };
- /**
- * Forces a redraw of the user interface.
- */
- mgr.redraw = function() {
- comp.pullAttributes({
- 'selection_ids': '',
- 'deep': true,
- 'oncomplete': 'mgr.handlePullAttributesComplete'
- });
- };
- /**
- * Updates the layout of the detail panel, adjusting specific style
- * properties to help ensure proper display.
- */
- mgr.updateDetailPanelLayout = function() {
- // Update the details panel formLabel field to be a fixed size that fits
- // within its parent cell, regardless of the length of the content inside.
- var formLabel = $('formlabel-textbox')
- if (su.isValid(formLabel)) {
- // Note that we first set the size to a fixed value, otherwise the
- // subsequent call to su.elementWidth(formLabel.parentElement) returns
- // zero on IE.
- formLabel.style.width = 100;
- formLabel.style.width = su.elementWidth(formLabel.parentElement);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Updates the layout of the user interface, adjusting specific style
- * properties to help ensure proper display.
- */
- mgr.updateListPanelLayout = function() {
- var listSubpanel;
- var pageWidth;
- var width;
- if (su.isValid(listSubpanel = $('list-sub-panel'))) {
- var listPanel = $('list-panel');
- var editField = $('edit-field');
- var popupHeight = su.elementHeight(listPanel);
- var fieldHeight = su.elementHeight(editField);
- var panel = mgr.editPanel;
- var scrollPanel = mgr.scrollPanel;
- var offset = su.elementY(scrollPanel);
- var scrollHeight = scrollPanel.scrollHeight;
- var offsetHeight = su.elementHeight(scrollPanel);
- var scrollTop = scrollPanel.scrollTop;
- var scrollBottom = scrollHeight - (scrollTop + offsetHeight);
- var panelTop = su.elementY(panel) - offset;
- var panelHeight = su.elementHeight(panel);
- var scrollAbove = scrollTop + panelTop;
- var scrollBelow = scrollBottom + (offsetHeight - panelTop -
- panelHeight) - 12;
- var viewAbove = panelTop - 24;
- var viewBelow = offsetHeight - (viewAbove + panelHeight) - (12 + 24);
- if (viewBelow > popupHeight) {
- // First choice is to align with top and have it feel like a
- // drop-down menu with everything in view. That requires that we have
- // room in the "viewBelow" size for the entire panel.
- listPanel.style.top = panelTop - fieldHeight + 12 - 4 + scrollTop;
- } else if (viewAbove > popupHeight) {
- // Second choice is if we have room above we can align with the bottom
- // and place to align with the bottom of the field.
- listPanel.style.top = panelTop - popupHeight + scrollTop + 12;
- } else {
- // Last option is that we try to position in the available space in
- // the window, but since we already know it won't fit cleanly above or
- // below we can just set the top to be just below the visible top.
- listPanel.style.top = scrollTop + 12;
- }
- // Avoid throwing off computations as we move between levels by pushing
- // the panel to the left so it doesn't trigger scrollbars etc too early.
- listPanel.style.left = 0;
- // If we're adjusting this panel's size we're showing an editor cell
- // over the attribute name cell. That implies that the current target is
- // the editor name cell. We want to be the size of that cell's value
- // counterpart so we fit into the table regardless of scrollbars, window
- // offsets, etc.
- var target = mgr.getFocusedElement();
- while ((target = target.nextSibling) &&
- (target.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) {
- }
- if (su.notValid(target)) {
- // Fallback is to work from page width.
- if (document.body.clientWidth) {
- pageWidth = document.body.clientWidth || 0;
- } else {
- pageWidth = window.innerWidth || 0;
- }
- width = Math.max(pageWidth - su.elementX(editField) -
- su.elementWidth(editField) - (su.IS_MAC ? 30 : 15), 0);
- } else {
- width = su.elementWidth(target);
- }
- listPanel.style.width = width;
- // Our left edge lines up with the editor, wherever it may be.
- listPanel.style.left = su.elementX(editField) +
- su.elementWidth(editField) + 1;
- }
- };
- // ---
- // Editor Management
- // ---
- /**
- * Returns true if the manager is currently displaying the details panel and
- * hence is actively detailing a particular attribute.
- * @return {boolean} True if the manager details panel is currently open.
- */
- mgr.isDetailing = function() {
- return su.isVisible('details-panel');
- };
- /**
- * Returns true if the manager is currently displaying the editor cell and
- * hence is actively editing a particular attribute label or value.
- * @return {boolean} True if the manager editing cell is currently open.
- */
- mgr.isEditing = function() {
- // As long as we're below mgr.HIDDDEN_EDITOR_TOP this allows scrolling
- // quickly without causing editing state to be lost.
- return su.isVisible('edit-panel') && (su.elementY('edit-panel') >
- (mgr.HIDDEN_EDITOR_TOP + 1000));
- };
- /**
- * Combined setter/getter for the isFloating state, which is true when the
- * edit panel has "torn off" and is floating over the attribute tree surface
- * to keep the edit field in view during scrolling operations.
- * @param {boolean} opt_flag True to set floating state to true.
- * @return {boolean} True if the manager editing cell is floating.
- */
- mgr.isFloating = function(opt_flag) {
- if (su.isValid(opt_flag)) {
- mgr._floating = opt_flag;
- }
- return mgr._floating;
- };
- /**
- * Returns true if the manager is currently displaying a highlight rectangle.
- * @return {boolean} True if the manager highlight rectangle is visible.
- */
- mgr.isHighlighting = function() {
- return su.isVisible('highlight-line-top');
- };
- // ---
- // Event Handling
- // ---
- /**
- * Responds to requests to cancel any pending edits to an entity.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity object to cancel edits for.
- */
- mgr.doCancel = function(entity) {
- var obj = su.notValid(entity) ? mgr.rootEntity : entity;
- mgr.callRuby('do_close', {'id': obj.id});
- };
- /**
- * Responds to clicks in the background of the manager panel, ensuring that
- * any pending edits commit when the user clicks away.
- * @param {Event} evt The native click event.
- */
- mgr.doPending = function(evt) {
- if (!mgr.isEditing()) {
- return;
- }
- // Check for DIV so we allow TD and editor cells to be clicked without
- // triggering handleEdit (which would be bad).
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement;
- if (!target || target.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'DIV') {
- return;
- }
- if (target.getAttribute('class') == 'add-attribute-link') {
- return;
- }
- mgr.tree.handleEdit();
- };
- /**
- * Respond to requests to delete an attribute from an entity. The user
- * interface is redrawn after this request completes.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity object to modify.
- * @param {String} attribute The name of the attribute to remove.
- */
- mgr.doDeleteAttribute = function(entity, attribute) {
- mgr.hideHighlight();
- if (mgr.tree.attNameToDetail == attribute) {
- mgr.tree.idToDetail = null;
- mgr.tree.attNameToDetail = null;
- mgr.tree.lastAttributeSelected = null;
- mgr.lastElementSelected = null;
- }
- mgr.callRuby('do_delete_attribute', {
- 'id': entity.id,
- 'dictionary': comp.DICTIONARY,
- 'oncomplete': 'mgr.redraw',
- 'name': attribute
- });
- };
- /**
- * Responds to requests to refresh the UI of the manager panel. Commonly
- * invoked from the Refresh button in manager.html.
- */
- mgr.doRefresh = function() {
- // Before we refresh, store the current scroll position in a cookie
- // so we can keep the same scroll position.
- su.storeToCookie('panelScrollTop', $('content').scrollTop);
- // Press the refresh button.
- $('refresh-button').className = 'refresh-button-on';
- // Hide the details panel.
- if (su.isValid(mgr.tree)) {
- mgr.tree.hideDetailPanel();
- }
- // Since this will redraw our panel, we need to store the refocus rule.
- if (su.isValid(mgr.getFocusedElement())) {
- mgr.refocusIndex = mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT;
- mgr.refocusTarget = mgr.getFocusedElement().getAttribute('id');
- }
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- // If edits are in progress we'll let the handleEdit routine deal with
- // them and then redraw as needed.
- if (!mgr.tree.handleEdit($('edit-field'))) {
- mgr.isCalling(true);
- mgr.showCurtain();
- mgr.redraw();
- }
- } else {
- mgr.isCalling(true);
- mgr.showCurtain();
- mgr.redraw();
- }
- };
- // ---
- // Focus Management
- // ---
- /**
- * Returns the element which the editor is currently, or was most recently,
- * asked to edit.
- * @return {Element} The element whose content was last used for
- * editing.
- */
- mgr.getEditorTarget = function() {
- return mgr.editorTarget;
- };
- /**
- * Sets the element which the editor is currently, or was most recently,
- * asked to edit.
- * @param {Element} target The element whose content was last used for
- * editing.
- */
- mgr.setEditorTarget = function(target) {
- mgr.editorTarget = target;
- };
- /**
- * Returns the currently focused element.
- * @return {Element?} The currently focused element.
- */
- mgr.getFocusedElement = function() {
- return mgr.lastElementSelected;
- };
- /**
- * Sets the currently focused element.
- * @param {Element?} element The currently focused element.
- */
- mgr.setFocusedElement = function(element) {
- mgr.lastElementSelected = element;
- };
- /**
- * Moves the focus and/or highlight to the next focusable element in document
- * order. If editing is currently active it will be moved to the new element,
- * otherwise only the highlight effect will be moved.
- * @param {string|Element} opt_elementOrID The element or element ID to find.
- * Default is the current actively focused element.
- * @param {boolean} opt_forceEdit True to force edit field display.
- * @return {Element?} The newly focused element.
- */
- mgr.focusNext = function(opt_elementOrID, opt_forceEdit) {
- return mgr.moveFocus(opt_elementOrID, mgr.FOCUS_NEXT, opt_forceEdit);
- };
- /**
- * Moves the focus to the previous focusable element in document order.
- * If editing is currently active it will be moved to the new element,
- * otherwise only the highlight effect will be moved.
- * @param {string|Element} opt_elementOrID The element or element ID to find.
- * Default is the current actively focused element.
- * @param {boolean} opt_forceEdit True to force edit field display.
- * @return {Element?} The newly focused element.
- */
- mgr.focusPrevious = function(opt_elementOrID, opt_forceEdit) {
- return mgr.moveFocus(opt_elementOrID, mgr.FOCUS_PREVIOUS, opt_forceEdit);
- };
- /**
- * Moves the focus from an element in either a forward or backward direction
- * in terms of document order. If editing is currently active it will be moved
- * to the new element, otherwise only the highlight effect will be moved.
- * @param {string|Element} opt_elementOrID The element or element ID to find.
- * Default is the current actively focused element.
- * @param {number} opt_direction Either mgr.FOCUS_NEXT or mgr.FOCUS_PREVIOUS.
- * @param {boolean} opt_forceEdit True to force edit field display.
- * @return {Element?} The newly focused element.
- */
- mgr.moveFocus = function(opt_elementOrID, opt_direction, opt_forceEdit) {
- var el;
- if (su.isValid(opt_elementOrID)) {
- el = $(opt_elementOrID);
- } else {
- el = mgr.getFocusedElement();
- }
- var direction = su.isValid(opt_direction) ? opt_direction : mgr.FOCUS_NEXT;
- if (su.isValid(el)) {
- var name = el.getAttribute('name');
- if (su.notEmpty(name)) {
- var match = name.match(/(.*)_(.*)/);
- if (su.isValid(match)) {
- var nextID = 'field_' + (parseInt(match[2], null) + direction);
- // Note that we pass the parent.parent here to create a context node
- // for the search that's high enough to find the peer we need. If we
- // can't go up that far we stop at the parent.
- var ancestor = el.parentNode;
- if (su.isValid(ancestor)) {
- ancestor = ancestor.parentNode;
- if (su.notValid(ancestor)) {
- ancestor = el.parentNode;
- }
- var nextElement = $(nextID, ancestor);
- if (su.isValid(nextElement)) {
- var focusEl = mgr.setFocus(nextElement, opt_forceEdit);
- // Refresh value of the field we left to force redraw after the
- // edit panel has moved on and 'uncovered' the old field.
- el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return focusEl;
- };
- /**
- * Reestablishes focus, typically after the AttributeTree instance has been
- * replaced with a new instance in response to a call to Ruby.
- */
- mgr.refocus = function() {
- // Reset our last selection state.
- mgr.resetLastSelection();
- if (su.isEmpty(mgr.refocusIndex) || su.isEmpty(mgr.refocusTarget)) {
- return;
- }
- switch (mgr.refocusIndex) {
- case mgr.FOCUS_NEXT:
- mgr.focusNext(mgr.refocusTarget, mgr.refocusEditor);
- break;
- case mgr.FOCUS_PREVIOUS:
- mgr.focusPrevious(mgr.refocusTarget, mgr.refocusEditor);
- break;
- default:
- mgr.setFocus(mgr.refocusTarget, mgr.refocusEditor);
- break;
- }
- // Be sure to clear so we don't get out of sync with future operations.
- mgr.refocusTarget = null;
- mgr.refocusIndex = null;
- mgr.refocusEditor = null;
- };
- /**
- * Sets the focus/highlight to the element or element ID provided.
- * @param {string|Element} elementOrID The element or element ID to focus.
- * Default is the current actively focused element.
- * @param {boolean} opt_forceEdit True to force edit field display.
- * @return {Element?} The newly focused element.
- */
- mgr.setFocus = function(elementOrID, opt_forceEdit) {
- var el = $(elementOrID);
- if (su.notValid(el)) {
- // Element not found.
- return;
- }
- // Compute entity and attribute names from the element's ID, then
- // get the entity so we can properly query for the old value.
- var id = el.getAttribute('id');
- if (su.isEmpty(id)) {
- // Element has no ID data to compute entity/attribute from.
- return;
- }
- var parts = mgr.parseIdIntoParts(id);
- if (parts.length < 3) {
- // Element ID isn't in a prefix_entity_attribute format.
- return;
- }
- var entity = su.findEntity(parts[1], mgr.rootEntity);
- if (su.notValid(entity)) {
- // Specified entity isn't in our current data set.
- return;
- }
- // Update the properties which drive navigation and value
- // operations.
- mgr.tree.lastEntitySelected = entity;
- mgr.tree.lastAttributeSelected = comp.getAttribute(entity, parts[2]);
- mgr.setFocusedElement(el);
- // If we're in edit mode, then stay in edit mode, unless the next attribute
- // to edit is scaletool, in which case we only highlight. Scaletool can't
- // be edited directly with a text box.
- if ((opt_forceEdit || mgr.isEditing()) && parts[2] != 'scaletool') {
- mgr.tree.editAttributeValue(mgr.getFocusedElement());
- } else {
- mgr.tree.hideEditPanels();
- }
- mgr.tree.highlight(el, parts[1], parts[2]);
- return el;
- };
- // ---
- // Selection Management
- // ---
- /**
- * Instructs the dialog to "select" an entity based on its ID. This function
- * both alters the local UI and pushes the selection down to SketchUp.
- * @param {string} id The id number of the entity to select. If null, then
- * SketchUp will be instructed to clear out its selection.
- */
- mgr.pushSelection = function(id) {
- var lastID;
- var el;
- // First clear any existing selection style.
- if (su.isValid(lastID = mgr.lastSelectionID)) {
- el = $('attribute-head-' + lastID);
- if (su.isValid(el)) {
- el.style.backgroundColor = '';
- }
- }
- // Then apply.
- if (su.isValid(id)) {
- el = $('attribute-head-' + id);
- mgr.lastSelectionID = id;
- }
- // Push the selection down to SketchUp.
- comp.pushSelection(id);
- };
- /**
- * Instructs the dialog to toggle the selection of an entity based on its ID.
- * @param {string} id The id number of the entity to toggle.
- */
- mgr.toggleSelection = function(id) {
- if (id == mgr.lastSelectionID) {
- mgr.clearSelection();
- } else {
- mgr.pushSelection(id);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Clears any existing selection. Note that this function is called directly
- * by SketchUp, so it should not be renamed.
- */
- mgr.clearSelection = function() {
- if (su.isValid(mgr.lastSelectionID)) {
- mgr.pushSelection(null);
- }
- mgr.lastSelectionID = null;
- };
- /**
- * Called on refresh of the dialog. This function restores any previous
- * selection.
- */
- mgr.resetLastSelection = function() {
- mgr.pushSelection(mgr.lastSelectionID);
- };
- /**
- * Hides the highlight elements.
- */
- mgr.hideHighlight = function() {
- mgr.setStatusBar(mgr.INTRO_STATUS);
- su.hide('highlight-line-top');
- su.hide('highlight-line-right');
- su.hide('highlight-line-bottom');
- su.hide('highlight-line-left');
- // Clear any previous label selection.
- if (su.isValid(mgr.tree.lastLabelCell)) {
- var cell = mgr.tree.lastLabelCell;
- var lastClass = cell.className;
- cell.className = lastClass.replace(/label-selected/, 'label');
- }
- // Hide details controls.
- if (su.isValid(mgr.tree)) {
- mgr.tree.hideDetailControls();
- }
- };
- // ---
- // Value Cell
- // ---
- /**
- * Resets the value cell of the last edited attribute. This is called when
- * the user hits the ESC key when editing, or tabs away when they haven't
- * made any changes.
- * @param {string} opt_entityName The name of the entity providing values.
- * Default is the last entity selected.
- * @return {boolean} True if the value was successfully reset.
- */
- mgr.resetValueCell = function(opt_entityName) {
- // Assume that we have no error prefix on our attribute value.
- var errorPrefix = '';
- var unitGroup = '';
- var attribute = mgr.tree.lastAttributeSelected;
- if (su.isValid(attribute)) {
- var entity = mgr.tree.lastEntitySelected;
- var entityID = mgr.tree.lastEntitySelected.id;
- var name = mgr.tree.lastAttributeSelected.label;
- if (su.isValid(name)) {
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- var cell = $('value_' + entityID + '_' + name);
- if (su.isValid(cell)) {
- if (su.isValid(comp.RESERVED[name])) {
- unitGroup = comp.RESERVED[name].unitGroup;
- }
- var value = mgr.formatDisplayValue(entity, name);
- var error = attribute.error;
- if (su.isValid(error)) {
- if (error.indexOf('subformula-error') > -1) {
- value = '=' + error;
- errorPrefix = mgr.ERROR_PREFIX;
- }
- }
- // Reset any size that was set in updateEditorLayout.
- cell.style.height = 'auto';
- if (mgr.showFormulas == true && su.isDefined(attribute.formula)) {
- cell.innerHTML = errorPrefix + '=' +
- mgr.insertSoftBreaks(attribute.formula);
- } else {
- cell.innerHTML = errorPrefix + value + ' ';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- /**
- * Clears the HTML value cell for a given entity and attribute. This makes
- * refreshing the display a little cleaner looking when called before waiting
- * for a jsCallback to update the whole page.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity object we're operating on.
- * @param {string} attribute The attribute name defining which value cell.
- * @param {string} value The new value for the entity/attribute cell.
- */
- mgr.setValueCell = function(entity, attribute, value) {
- su.setContent('value_' + entity.id + '_' + attribute, value);
- };
- // ---
- // Utilities
- // ---
- /**
- * Resets the scale tool graphic.
- * @return {number} The computed scale tool size.
- */
- mgr.calculateScaleTool = function() {
- var result = 0;
- var mask = 1;
- for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
- if (!$('scaletool_' + i).checked) {
- result += mask;
- }
- mask *= 2;
- }
- $('scale-tool-cell').innerHTML = mgr.dumpScaleToolGraphic(result);
- return result;
- };
- /**
- * Outputs HTML to display the scale tool graphic in the details panel.
- * @param {number} value The scale tool cell size to compute from.
- * @return {string} HTML containing a generated scale tool graphic.
- */
- mgr.dumpScaleToolGraphic = function(value) {
- var arr = [];
- arr.push('<br/><div class="scaletool-graphic">');
- for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
- var html = '<div class="scaletool-graphic" style="background-position: -';
- html += i * 100;
- html += 'px 0px">';
- arr.push(mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, i, html));
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
- arr.push(mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, i, '</div>'));
- }
- arr.push('</div>');
- return arr.join('');
- };
- /**
- * Returns a properly formatted string for a given attribute and its
- * unitGroup.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity object providing the data.
- * @param {string} attribute The attribute name to query for.
- * @return {string} HTML containing a formatted display value.
- */
- mgr.formatDisplayValue = function(entity, attribute) {
- var displayValue;
- // The scaletool doesn't make sense to format via the
- // comp.getAttributeFormattedValue method so work around that here.
- if (attribute == 'scaletool') {
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(entity, attribute);
- if (attr.value == '' || attr.value == 0) {
- displayValue = '<span class="live-value-result">' +
- su.translateString('All scale handles visible.') + '</span>';
- } else if (attr.value == mgr.ALL_SCALE_HANDLES_HIDDEN) {
- displayValue = '<span class="live-value-result">' +
- su.translateString('All scale handles hidden.') + '</span>';
- } else {
- displayValue = '<span class="live-value-result">' +
- su.translateString('Some scale handles hidden.') + '</span>';
- }
- return displayValue;
- }
- displayValue = comp.getAttributeFormattedValue(entity, attribute);
- displayValue = displayValue.replace(/\</g, '<');
- displayValue = displayValue.replace(/\>/g, '>');
- displayValue = displayValue.replace(/\&\#92;/g, '\\');
- displayValue = displayValue.replace(/\//g,
- '/<span class="zero-width"> </span>');
- displayValue = mgr.insertSoftBreaks(displayValue);
- return displayValue;
- };
- /**
- * Checks an integer to see if a given bit position is 0. If so, returns a
- * given string.
- * @param {string} value The integer's string representation.
- * @param {number} bitPos The bit position to check.
- * @param {string} result The string to return on success.
- * @return {Object} The result value when the test is successful, or ''.
- */
- mgr.ifBitIsZero = function(value, bitPos, result) {
- var mask = 1;
- var maskBits = 1;
- var intValue = parseInt(value, null);
- for (var i = 1; i < bitPos; i++) {
- mask = mask + maskBits;
- maskBits = maskBits << 1;
- }
- if ((intValue & mask) == mask) {
- return '';
- } else {
- return result;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Inserts the currently selected function into the edit field.
- * @return {boolean} Typically returns false to avoid event handler issues.
- */
- mgr.insertFunction = function() {
- // Do not allow inserting functions into names.
- if (mgr.tree.isEditingName == true) {
- return false;
- }
- var field = $('edit-field');
- if (mgr.isEditing() && !mgr.isDetailing()) {
- field.focus();
- mgr.storeSelectionTextRange();
- if (!su.IS_MAC) {
- if (mgr.selectionTextRange.parentElement() != field) {
- return;
- }
- }
- var selectObj = $('function-list');
- var optionObj = selectObj.options[selectObj.selectedIndex];
- var insertText = optionObj.text;
- insertText = insertText.substr(1);
- insertText = insertText.replace(/\s\(/gi, '(');
- su.replaceSelection(field, insertText, mgr.selectionTextRange);
- mgr.updateEditorLayout();
- field.focus();
- } else if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- field = document.activeElement;
- if (field != $('edit-field')) {
- su.replaceSelection(field, insertText, mgr.selectionTextRange);
- field.focus();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Inserts characters into a string value to force the browser to break long
- * words for easier display.
- * @param {string} displayValue The string value to break.
- * @return {string} The newly formed string with spaces injected.
- */
- mgr.insertSoftBreaks = function(displayValue) {
- // Force-convert our value to a string for display purposes. Note that the
- // '' value should come first so we're effectively messaging a string and
- // asking it to add a value (which will be converted into a string).
- var result = '' + displayValue;
- // Insert zero-width breaks after punctuation marks.
- result = result.replace(
- /([\:\!\@\#\$\%\^\;\*\(\(\+\{\[\}\]\|\,\.\?])(?=\w)/g,
- '$1<span class="zero-width"> </span>');
- // Insert the zero-width character before semicolons, so we don't cause
- // parsing problems with or "
- result = result.replace(/([\&\<])/g, '<span class="zero-width"> </span>$1');
- // Break really long strings of work characters into 10-char chunks.
- result = result.replace(/(\w{10})(\w)/g,
- '$1<span class="zero-width"> </span>$2');
- return result;
- };
- /**
- * Prompts for a new entity name and saves it, redrawing the user interface
- * upon completion.
- * @param {string} entityID The ID of the entity being renamed.
- * @param {string} currentName The current entity name.
- */
- mgr.renameEntity = function(entityID, currentName) {
- var entity = su.findEntity(entityID, mgr.rootEntity);
- var message = 'Please enter a new object name:'
- var response = prompt(su.translateString(message), currentName);
- // Exit if the user clicked the cancel button.
- if (response == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Clean off any leading or trailing white space.
- response = response.replace(/^\s+/gi, '');
- response = response.replace(/\s+$/gi, '');
- if (response.toLowerCase() == 'model') {
- alert(su.translateString('You are not allowed to use the name "model".' +
- ' Please try a different name.'));
- mgr.renameEntity(entityID, currentName);
- } else if (response.toLowerCase() == 'parent') {
- alert(su.translateString('You are not allowed to use the name "parent".' +
- ' Please try a different name.'));
- mgr.renameEntity(entityID, currentName);
- } else if (su.isEmpty(response)) {
- alert(su.translateString('You are not allowed to use a blank name.'));
- mgr.renameEntity(entityID, currentName);
- } else if (response.match(/^[\d\.]+$/)) {
- alert(su.translateString('You are not allowed to create names ' +
- 'that are numbers.'));
- mgr.renameEntity(entityID, response);
- } else if (response.match(/[\+\-\*\/\(\)\<\>\=\^\"]/) !== null) {
- alert(su.translateString('You are not allowed to create names ' +
- 'containing mathematical symbols.'));
- mgr.renameEntity(entityID, response);
- } else if (response.length > mgr.MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {
- alert(su.translateString('You are not allowed to use extremely long ' +
- 'names. Please try a shorter name.'));
- mgr.renameEntity(entityID, response);
- } else if (response != currentName) {
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, '_name', response);
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, '_name', 'mgr.redraw');
- }
- };
- /**
- * Sets the value(s) in the status bar for the manager panel.
- * @param {string} str The overall status string for the status bar.
- * @param {string} opt_iconName The name of an optional icon to display.
- */
- mgr.setStatusBar = function(str, opt_iconName) {
- su.setContent('mgr-status', str);
- if (su.isValid(comp.RESERVED[opt_iconName])) {
- $('mgr-icon').className = 'mgr-icon-' + opt_iconName +
- ' mgr-icon-' + comp.RESERVED[opt_iconName].group.replace(/\s/gi, '');
- } else {
- $('mgr-icon').className = 'mgr-icon-' + su.ifEmpty(opt_iconName, '');
- }
- };
- /**
- * Promotes the tab named by tabName to be the active tab.
- * @param {string} tabName The name of the tab (div) to activate.
- */
- mgr.setTab = function(tabName) {
- // Reset the tab classes.
- $('tab-basic').className = 'tab';
- $('tab-cap-basic').className = 'tab-cap';
- $('tab-functions').className = 'tab';
- $('tab-cap-functions').className = 'tab-cap';
- // Show the appropriate panel.
- su.hide('functions-panel');
- su.show(tabName + '-panel');
- if (su.isValid($('tab-' + tabName))) {
- $('tab-' + tabName).className = 'tab-selected';
- $('tab-cap-' + tabName).className = 'tab-cap-selected';
- }
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- $('edit-field').focus();
- }
- su.storeToCookie('activeTab', tabName);
- };
- /**
- * Displays a function summary string based on the function pulldown value.
- * @param {Element} selectObj The HTML 'select' element containing the
- * function list.
- */
- mgr.showFunctionSummary = function(selectObj) {
- var optionObj = selectObj.options[selectObj.selectedIndex];
- if (optionObj.className.indexOf('head') > -1 ||
- selectObj.selectedIndex == 0 || su.isEmpty(selectObj.value)) {
- $('function-summary').innerHTML = '';
- $('insert-button').disabled = true;
- } else {
- $('function-summary').innerHTML = selectObj.value;
- $('insert-button').disabled = false;
- }
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- $('edit-field').focus();
- }
- };
- /**
- * Stores the current text selection of the user so it can be replaced when a
- * partial selection was made.
- */
- mgr.storeSelectionTextRange = function() {
- var selection;
- mgr.selectionTextRange = null;
- if (!su.IS_MAC) {
- if (su.isValid(selection = document.selection)) {
- mgr.selectionTextRange = selection.createRange();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Updates the highlight divs to match the last highlighted cell.
- * @param {boolean} opt_show Should the update also display the highlight
- * elements. By default the value is false.
- */
- mgr.updateHighlightLayout = function(opt_show) {
- if (su.notValid(mgr.tree) || su.notValid(mgr.tree.lastLabelCell)) {
- return;
- }
- // Given the lastLabelCell, we want to find the value cell, which will be the
- // second TD inside the TR which holds both the label and value.
- var ancestor = mgr.tree.lastLabelCell.parentNode;
- if (su.notValid(ancestor)) {
- return;
- }
- var cell = ancestor.getElementsByTagName('TD')[1];
- var offset = mgr.HIGHLIGHT_EDIT_OFFSET - mgr.scrollPanel.scrollTop;
- var elem = $('highlight-line-top');
- elem.style.top = su.elementY(cell) - offset;
- elem.style.left = su.elementX(cell);
- elem.style.width = su.elementWidth(cell);
- elem.style.height = 2;
- if (opt_show == true) {
- su.show(elem);
- }
- elem = $('highlight-line-bottom');
- elem.style.top = su.elementY(cell) + su.elementHeight(cell) - 2 - offset;
- elem.style.left = su.elementX(cell);
- elem.style.width = su.elementWidth(cell);
- elem.style.height = 2;
- if (opt_show == true) {
- su.show(elem);
- }
- elem = $('highlight-line-left');
- elem.style.top = su.elementY(cell) - offset;
- elem.style.left = su.elementX(cell);
- elem.style.width = 2;
- elem.style.height = su.elementHeight(cell);
- if (opt_show == true) {
- su.show(elem);
- }
- elem = $('highlight-line-right');
- elem.style.top = su.elementY(cell) - offset;
- elem.style.left = su.elementX(cell) + su.elementWidth(cell) - 2;
- elem.style.width = 2;
- elem.style.height = su.elementHeight(cell);
- if (opt_show == true) {
- su.show(elem);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Updates the layout of the panel. Note that this is only actively used by IE
- * as Safari's CSS engine can manage the interface automatically.
- */
- mgr.updateLayout = function() {
- var elem;
- if (su.IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- elem = $('inspector-panel');
- if (su.isValid(elem)) {
- try {
- elem.style.height = elem.offsetParent.offsetHeight - 28 + 'px';
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore when new value(s) aren't viable.
- }
- }
- elem = $('scroll-panel');
- if (su.isValid(elem)) {
- try {
- elem.style.height = elem.offsetParent.offsetHeight - 71 + 'px';
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore when new value(s) aren't viable.
- }
- }
- elem = $('details-panel');
- if (su.isValid(elem)) {
- try {
- elem.style.width = elem.offsetParent.offsetWidth + 'px';
- elem.style.height = elem.offsetParent.offsetHeight + 'px';
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore when new value(s) aren't viable.
- }
- }
- elem = $('details-sub-panel');
- if (su.isValid(elem)) {
- try {
- elem.style.width = elem.offsetParent.offsetWidth - 6 + 'px';
- elem.style.height = elem.offsetParent.offsetHeight - 80 + 'px';
- } catch (e) {
- // Ignore when new value(s) aren't viable.
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Updates the field editor to be the same size and location as the field it
- * is editing. The editor itself is adjusted first to adapt to new input (or
- * initial input if the cell is being shown for the first time). The
- * underlying field is then adjusted to match the height of the editor cell.
- */
- mgr.updateEditorLayout = function() {
- var target = mgr.getFocusedElement();
- // If the target is invalid then exit. Note that on IE there are cases
- // where updateEditorLayout can be called when we are not in edit mode. So
- // if we reach this point and we are not editing we can exit.
- if (!su.isValid(target) || !mgr.isEditing()) {
- return;
- }
- var box = su.elementGetBorderBox(target);
- var boxtop = box.top;
- if (target.tagName == 'TD') {
- boxtop = su.elementGetBorderBox(target.parentNode).top;
- }
- mgr.editPanel.style.top = (boxtop - mgr.HIGHLIGHT_EDIT_OFFSET +
- mgr.scrollPanel.scrollTop) + 'px';
- // Match widths first so content height is computed off wrapped content.
- mgr.editPanel.style.width = box.width + 'px';
- $('edit-field').style.width = box.width + 'px';
- if (mgr.isFloating()) {
- return;
- }
- var field = $('edit-field');
- var fieldHeight = field.scrollHeight;
- if (fieldHeight > box.height) {
- // Minimize the height of the field to get an accurate scrollHeight.
- field.style.height = '0px';
- fieldHeight = field.scrollHeight;
- // On the Mac the scrollHeight is reported without padding so account
- // for extra padding here.
- if (su.IS_MAC) {
- fieldHeight += 5;
- // If there is no content inside the field, its scrollHeight is reported
- // as 0 on the Mac, so account for that here.
- fieldHeight = Math.max(20, fieldHeight);
- }
- var contentHeight = Math.max(20, fieldHeight);
- // If there is more than a line of content and we're on the Mac, add a
- // pixel to fix a problem with the content resizing slightly when focused.
- if (su.IS_MAC && fieldHeight > 20) {
- contentHeight += 1;
- }
- mgr.editPanel.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
- field.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
- target.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
- field.scrollTop = 0;
- // If the editor is visible, then set the underlying cell's HTML to be an
- // empty space, so the cell does not appear larger than the overlying
- // editor when one deletes several lines of text. The exception to this
- // is if we're entering a new attribute name.
- if (mgr.isEditing() && target.innerHTML.indexOf(
- su.translateString(mgr.ADD_ATTRIBUTE)) == -1) {
- su.setContent(target, ' ');
- }
- } else {
- var contentHeight = Math.max(15, box.height);
- mgr.editPanel.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
- field.style.height = contentHeight + 'px';
- field.scrollTop = 0;
- }
- mgr.updateHighlightLayout();
- };
- /**
- * Calls updateEditorLayout inside a timeout to ensure that all rendering has
- * occurred before the field height is calculated. The onpaste operation is an
- * example of a routine which requires this approach.
- */
- mgr.updateEditorLayoutTimeout = function() {
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.updateEditorLayout();
- mgr.floatEditorIfNecessary();
- }, 0);
- };
- /**
- * Takes an id of an HTML entity and returns a 3-element array of the entity
- * info that is encoded into that id. Id is expected to be in the form
- * TYPE_NUMBER_ATTNAME, such as value_4535_description.
- * @param {string} id String id to split apart.
- * @return {Array.<string>} An array of ID "parts".
- */
- mgr.parseIdIntoParts = function(id) {
- var returnArray = [];
- var allParts = id.split('_');
- // Shift and store the "name" or "value" and the attribute number from the
- // front end of our split up string.
- returnArray.push(allParts.shift());
- returnArray.push(allParts.shift());
- // Join any remaining parts in the middle with an underscore, since
- // it's possible that we had attribute names with an underscore, such
- // as "value_12345_my_att_with_underscores".
- returnArray.push(allParts.join('_'));
- return returnArray;
- };
- /**
- * Adjusts the position of the 'floating editor', consisting of the edit
- * cell and a label.
- * @param {Boolean} opt_atTop True to pin the editor at the top of the
- * viewport.
- */
- mgr.updateFloatingEditorLayout = function(opt_atTop) {
- var isTop;
- if (!mgr.isFloating()) {
- return;
- }
- var scrollTop = mgr.scrollPanel.scrollTop;
- if (typeof(opt_atTop) == 'boolean') {
- mgr.editPanel.floatOnTop = opt_atTop;
- isTop = opt_atTop;
- } else {
- isTop = mgr.editPanel.floatOnTop;
- }
- var offsetHeight = su.elementHeight(mgr.scrollPanel);
- var panelHeight = su.elementHeight(mgr.editPanel);
- var targetWidth = su.elementWidth(mgr.getEditorTarget());
- var targetHeight = su.elementHeight(mgr.getEditorTarget());
- var halfFieldOffset = mgr.FIELD_OFFSET / 2;
- // Adjust sizing as needed during resizing and floating of the editor.
- if (offsetHeight < (targetHeight + halfFieldOffset)) {
- mgr.editPanel.style.top = scrollTop - halfFieldOffset + 'px';
- mgr.editPanel.style.height = offsetHeight + 'px';
- $('edit-field').style.height = offsetHeight - mgr.FIELD_OFFSET + 'px';
- } else {
- // If we're scrolling toward the top when we tear off the editor then the
- // top of the reference tab will remain in that location (pinned to the
- // top), otherwise we'll be pinned to the bottom while we scroll.
- if (isTop) {
- // Pin the reference tab to the top edge.
- mgr.editPanel.style.top = scrollTop - halfFieldOffset + 'px';
- } else {
- mgr.editPanel.style.top = scrollTop - mgr.FIELD_OFFSET +
- (offsetHeight -
- (panelHeight - mgr.EDIT_FIELD_REFERENCE_TAB_HEIGHT)) -
- mgr.BORDER_OFFSET + 'px';
- }
- mgr.editPanel.style.height = (targetHeight + mgr.FIELD_OFFSET) + 'px';
- $('edit-field').style.height = (targetHeight) + 'px';
- }
- mgr.editPanel.style.width = (targetWidth) + 'px';
- $('edit-field').style.width = (targetWidth) + 'px';
- su.show('edit-field-reference-tab');
- };
- /**
- * Enable display of a 'floating tab' showing what field was being edited
- * when the user scrolls that field out of view.
- */
- mgr.floatEditorIfNecessary = function() {
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- if (mgr.tree.isEditingName != true) {
- // If the scroll would cause the editor to be clipped then we need
- // to pop it out and let it follow the scroll activity. The issue
- // here is "viewport" visibility, which is bounded by the offset
- // height of the scroll panel.
- var field = mgr.getFocusedElement();
- var panel = mgr.editPanel;
- var scrollPanel = mgr.scrollPanel;
- var offset = su.elementY(scrollPanel);
- var scrollHeight = scrollPanel.scrollHeight;
- var offsetHeight = su.elementHeight(scrollPanel);
- var scrollTop = scrollPanel.scrollTop;
- var scrollBottom = scrollHeight - (scrollTop + offsetHeight);
- var fieldTop = su.elementY(field) - offset;
- var panelTop = su.elementY(panel) - offset;
- var panelHeight = su.elementHeight(panel);
- var scrollAbove = scrollTop + panelTop;
- var scrollBelow = scrollBottom + (offsetHeight - panelTop -
- panelHeight) - (mgr.FIELD_OFFSET / 2);
- var viewAbove = fieldTop - mgr.FIELD_OFFSET;
- var viewBelow = offsetHeight - (viewAbove + panelHeight) -
- // Don't pop the panel until it would clip at the top.
- if ((viewAbove > 0) && (viewBelow > 0)){
- if (mgr.isFloating()) {
- mgr.unfloatEditor();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!mgr.isFloating()) {
- mgr.floatEditor(viewAbove <= 0);
- } else {
- mgr.updateFloatingEditorLayout(viewAbove <= 0);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Construct the 'floating tab' showing what field was being edited when
- * the user scrolls that field out of view.
- * @param {Boolean} atTop True to pin the editor at the top of the viewport.
- */
- mgr.floatEditor = function(atTop) {
- mgr.updateFloatingEditorLayout(atTop);
- mgr.isFloating(true);
- // Make the edit field's overflow-y 'auto', so that it can accomodate large
- // values when floating.
- $('edit-field').style.overflowY = 'auto';
- };
- /**
- * Deconstruct the 'floating tab' showing what field was being edited when
- * the user scrolls that field out of view.
- */
- mgr.unfloatEditor = function() {
- // Reattach to the edited field.
- su.hide('edit-field-reference-tab');
- mgr.isFloating(false);
- // Make the edit field's overflow-y 'hidden', so that the scroll bar
- // doesn't jump when editing in an inline fashion.
- $('edit-field').style.overflowY = 'hidden';
- mgr.updateEditorLayoutTimeout();
- };
- /**
- * Loops a component or group's units through the valid list.
- * @param {string} id The id number of the entity to toggle units on.
- */
- mgr.toggleLengthUnits = function(id) {
- var entity = su.findEntity(id, mgr.rootEntity);
- var lengthUnits = comp.lengthUnits(entity);
- var attribute;
- // If there are any user-created length attributes attached to this entity,
- // then show a warning about changing your units.
- var dict = comp.getAttributes(entity);
- if (su.isValid(dict)) {
- // Loop across all of our attributes to determine if any of them are
- // in "default" length units. When we shift from default to a fixed value
- // we want to query only when the default isn't already that unit.
- var keys = su.getKeys(dict);
- var hasDefaultLengthAtts = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- attribute = keys[i];
- if (su.isValid(comp.RESERVED[attribute])) {
- if (comp.RESERVED[attribute].unitGroup == 'LENGTH' &&
- su.notValid(comp.getAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, attribute))) {
- hasDefaultLengthAtts = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // If we found some default length attributes, then show our warning.
- if (hasDefaultLengthAtts == true) {
- if (mgr.confirmUnitsChange() == false) {
- su.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- var newUnits;
- if (lengthUnits == 'INCHES') {
- newUnits = 'CENTIMETERS';
- } else {
- newUnits = 'INCHES';
- }
- $('units-button').className = 'units-button-' + newUnits.toLowerCase();
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, '_lengthunits', newUnits);
- // Since this will redraw our panel, we need to store the refocus rule.
- if (mgr.getFocusedElement()) {
- mgr.refocusIndex = mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT;
- mgr.refocusTarget = mgr.getFocusedElement().getAttribute('id');
- }
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, '_lengthunits', 'mgr.redraw');
- su.stopPropagation();
- };
- /**
- * Shows a confirm message to the user asking if they want to alter units.
- * Returns true if the user says "Yes", false if they say "No".
- * @return {boolean} true if the user wants to continue with units change.
- */
- mgr.confirmUnitsChange = function() {
- var str = su.translateString('Warning: changing your units ' +
- 'could result in your formulas not behaving as you expect. ' +
- 'Are you sure you want to change them?');
- return confirm(str);
- };
- /**
- * Shows a confirm message to the user asking if they want to alter the units.
- * Returns true if the user says "Yes", false if they say "No".
- * @param {string} id The id number of the entity to toggle units on.
- * @param {string} attrName The attribute whose units are changing.
- */
- mgr.handleFormulaUnitsChange = function(id, attrName) {
- var entity = su.findEntity(id, mgr.rootEntity);
- var pulldown = $('formulaunits-pulldown');
- var units = pulldown.value;
- var lengthUnits = comp.lengthUnits(entity);
- var currentUnits = comp.getAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, attrName);
- // If the attribute is using default units then we need to know whether
- // this is a true change or simply moving from implied to explicit value.
- if (su.notValid(currentUnits) && units != 'DEFAULT') {
- if (su.notEmpty(comp.getAttributeValue(entity, attrName))) {
- if (lengthUnits != units) {
- if (mgr.confirmUnitsChange() == false) {
- pulldown.selectedIndex = pulldown.getAttribute('undo-value');
- su.preventDefault();
- su.stopPropagation();
- return;
- } else {
- var confirmed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // If the user is switching from something like Inches to Default-Inches
- // it's not really a change, so we don't want to ask for confirmation.
- if (!confirmed && units == 'DEFAULT') {
- if ((currentUnits != undefined) && (lengthUnits != currentUnits)) {
- if (mgr.confirmUnitsChange() == false) {
- pulldown.selectedIndex = pulldown.getAttribute('undo-value');
- su.preventDefault();
- su.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- pulldown.setAttribute('undo-value', pulldown.selectedIndex)
- mgr.tree.storeOptions(false, $('formulaunits-pulldown'));
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // AttributeTree Class
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Supports the overall tree structured display of the manager panel.
- * @param {string} id The global and internal ID of the attribute tree.
- * @constructor
- */
- function AttributeTree(id) {
- this.id = id;
- }
- /**
- * The id/name this instance is referred to at the global level. This is used
- * in markup generated for the tree to allow event handlers to gain access to
- * the current tree instance quickly.
- * TOOD (idearat): remove this global reference requirement.
- * @type {string}
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.id = null;
- /**
- * The last selected label, whose highlighting is often manipulated to help
- * display current selection focus to the user.
- * @type {Element}
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.lastLabelCell = null;
- /**
- * The last entity attribute selected or manipulated. This tracks context for
- * attribute editing operations.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.lastAttributeSelected = null;
- /**
- * The last entity object selected. Used to track context for editing and
- * highlighting operations.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.lastEntitySelected = null;
- /**
- * True when an attribute name is being edited rather than the value.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.isEditingName = false;
- /**
- * Adds a blank option to the current entity being detailed.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.addBlankOption = function() {
- var entity = su.findEntity(this.idToDetail, mgr.rootEntity);
- var attribute = this.attNameToDetail;
- var options = comp.getAttributeOptions(entity, attribute);
- var defaultLabel = su.translateString(mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_LABEL);
- var defaultValue = su.translateString(mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE);
- options += '&' + escape(defaultLabel) + '=' + escape(defaultValue);
- comp.setAttributeOptions(entity, attribute, options);
- su.setContent('options-panel', this.dumpOptionsTable(entity, attribute));
- var i = 1;
- while ($('option-label-' + i)) {
- i++;
- }
- $('option-label-' + (i - 1)).focus();
- $('option-label-' + (i - 1)).select();
- $('options-scroll').scrollTop = 9000;
- };
- /**
- * Adds a group of attributes to the current entity. This operation is
- * performed as a special choice within the addAttribute logic. The trigger
- * for this action is clicking on the header for an entire attribute set.
- * @param {string} groupName The name of the attribute group to add.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.attachGroup = function(groupName) {
- var entity = this.lastEntitySelected;
- var attributesToPush = {};
- for (var attName in comp.RESERVED) {
- attributesToPush[attName] = {};
- var attribute = comp.RESERVED[attName];
- if ((attribute.group === groupName) &&
- !su.isValid(comp.getAttribute(entity, attName))) {
- var defaultValue = attribute.defaultValue;
- var value = su.ifEmpty(defaultValue, '');
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, attName, value);
- comp.setAttributeFormula(entity, attName, '');
- comp.setAttributeLabel(entity, attName, attribute.label);
- attributesToPush[attName].value = value;
- attributesToPush[attName].label = attribute.label;
- }
- }
- // Push the new attribute information to Ruby/SketchUp and re-draw the UI
- // so we're sure we get all the new attributes into the entity's table.
- comp.pushAttributeSet(entity.id, attributesToPush, 'mgr.redraw', true);
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.tree.hideEditPanels();
- }, 0);
- };
- /**
- * Removes an attribute from the currently detailed entity.
- * @return {boolean} True if the attribute was successfully removed.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.deleteAttribute = function() {
- var str;
- var entity = su.findEntity(this.idToDetail, mgr.rootEntity);
- var attribute = this.attNameToDetail;
- if (comp.RESERVED[attribute]) {
- if (comp.RESERVED[attribute].hasLiveValue) {
- str = su.translateString(
- 'Are you sure you want to clear this attribute?');
- if (confirm(str)) {
- if (entity.attributeDictionaries) {
- this.hideEditPanels();
- this.hideDetailControls();
- mgr.doDeleteAttribute(entity, attribute);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- str = su.translateString(
- 'Are you sure you want to delete this attribute? ' +
- 'Any formulas that refer to this will be broken.');
- if (confirm(str)) {
- this.hideEditPanels();
- this.hideDetailControls();
- mgr.doDeleteAttribute(entity, attribute);
- return true;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Generates an HTML 'TR' containing a specific attribute's data.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity containing the attribute.
- * @param {Object} attrName The attribute whose data we are to expose.
- * @param {number} rowCount The row number for the row being generated.
- * @return {string} The html output for a single attribute row.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.dumpAttributeRow = function(entity,
- attrName,
- rowCount) {
- var label;
- var displayValue;
- // The base row class is tweaked to produce a striping effect for odd and
- // even cells.
- var oddEvenString = this.getRowClassByCount(rowCount);
- var rowClass = 'attribute-cell ' + oddEvenString;
- // If the attribute has user-level access then we also want to display a
- // small icon so the user is aware that configurable details exist. Do that
- // by adding a CSS class which exposes display of that icon.
- if ((su.isValid(comp.getAttributeAccess(entity, attrName)) &&
- comp.getAttributeAccess(entity, attrName) != 'NONE') ||
- su.isValid(comp.getAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, attrName, false))) {
- rowClass += ' details-icon-active';
- } else {
- rowClass += ' details-icon-inactive';
- }
- // The label is determined by the entity, followed by whether we've got a
- // standardized label (when the attribute is a known/reserved one).
- // Otherwise we default to the attrName itself.
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(entity, attrName);
- var reserved = comp.RESERVED[attrName];
- if (su.notEmpty(attr.label)) {
- label = attr.label;
- } else if (su.isValid(reserved)) {
- if (su.notEmpty(reserved.label)) {
- label = reserved.label;
- } else {
- label = attrName;
- }
- comp.setAttributeLabel(entity, attrName, label);
- } else {
- label = attrName;
- }
- // Provide for special coloring of the label.
- var labelStyle = '';
- if (su.isValid(reserved)) {
- if (su.notEmpty(reserved.color)) {
- labelStyle = 'color:' + reserved.color;
- }
- }
- // Determine the proper display style, again offering the first choice to
- // the attribute/entity information, then the reserved attribute list.
- var unitGroup = '';
- if (comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, attrName)) {
- rowClass += ' formula-result';
- if (comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, attrName).indexOf('$') == 0) {
- unitGroup = 'currency';
- }
- } else if (su.isValid(reserved)) {
- if (reserved.hasLiveValue == true) {
- rowClass += ' live-value-result';
- }
- }
- // Default to the unitGroup defined in our reserved list.
- if (su.isValid(reserved)) {
- unitGroup = su.ifEmpty(unitGroup, reserved.unitGroup);
- }
- if (comp.getAttributeError(entity, attrName).indexOf(
- 'subformula-error') > -1) {
- displayValue = mgr.ERROR_PREFIX + '=' +
- comp.getAttributeError(entity, attrName);
- } else {
- displayValue = mgr.formatDisplayValue(entity, attrName);
- }
- var formula = comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, attrName)
- if (mgr.showFormulas == true && su.isEmpty(formula) == false) {
- displayValue = '=' + formula;
- displayValue = displayValue.replace(/\</g, '<');
- displayValue = displayValue.replace(/\>/g, '>');
- displayValue = displayValue.replace(/\//g,
- '/<span class="zero-width"> </span>');
- if (comp.getAttributeError(entity, attrName).indexOf(
- 'error') > -1) {
- displayValue = mgr.ERROR_PREFIX + displayValue;
- }
- } else if (su.isEmpty(formula) == false) {
- // If a formula contains a boolean function and that formula contains
- // a boolean value of 0.0 or 1.0, then display the friendly TRUE or
- // FALSE text the same way that Google Spreadsheets does.
- //
- // Note: the match(/\bor\(/) will match or() but not floor()
- var lowerCaseFormula = formula.toLowerCase();
- if (lowerCaseFormula.indexOf('true') > -1 ||
- lowerCaseFormula.indexOf('false') > -1 ||
- lowerCaseFormula.indexOf('and(') > -1 ||
- lowerCaseFormula.indexOf('not(') > -1 ||
- lowerCaseFormula.match(/\bor\(/) != null ||
- lowerCaseFormula.indexOf('<') > -1 ||
- lowerCaseFormula.indexOf('>') > -1 ||
- lowerCaseFormula.indexOf('=') > -1) {
- if (displayValue == '1.0') {
- displayValue = 'TRUE';
- } else if (displayValue == '0.0') {
- displayValue = 'FALSE';
- }
- }
- }
- displayValue = mgr.insertSoftBreaks(displayValue);
- // With the various parts in place we can finally build the row itself.
- var arr = [];
- // Open a new row.
- arr.push('<tr>');
- // Output the label column markup.
- arr.push(
- '<td class="attribute-label ', oddEvenString, '" id="label_', entity.id,
- '_', attrName, '"', ' name="label_', rowCount, '"',
- ' valign="top" style="', labelStyle, '"',
- ' onclick="', this.id, '.handleAttributeClick(this, ',
- entity.id, ', \'', attrName, '\')"',
- ' ondblclick="mgr.resetValueCell();', this.id,
- '.editAttributeName(this, ', entity.id, ', \'', attrName, '\')"',
- ' onmousedown="mgr.storeSelectionTextRange()">',
- mgr.insertSoftBreaks(label),
- '</td>');
- // Output the value column markup.
- arr.push('<td id="value_', entity.id, '_', attrName, '"',
- ' name="field_', rowCount, '"',
- ' class="', rowClass, ' attribute-value"',
- ' ondblclick="mgr.resetValueCell();', this.id,
- '.editAttributeValue(this, ', entity.id, ', \'', attrName, '\');',
- '$(\'edit-field\').select();"',
- ' onclick="', this.id, '.handleAttributeClick(this, ',
- entity.id, ', \'', attrName, '\')" ',
- 'onmousedown="mgr.storeSelectionTextRange()">',
- displayValue, ' ',
- '</td>');
- // Close off the row.
- arr.push('</tr>');
- var html = arr.join('');
- return html;
- };
- /**
- * Generates an HTML 'TABLE' containing a specific entity's data.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity to process.
- * @return {string} The html for the attribute table.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.dumpAttributeTable = function(entity) {
- var collapseState;
- var branchClass;
- // If an entity was collapsed we'll generate output that maintains that
- // state during redraw/regeneration of the UI for that entity.
- // Note that we now show the root element as visible if it has not
- // been explicitly collapsed.
- if (su.isEmpty(comp.getAttributeValue(entity, '_iscollapsed'))) {
- if (mgr.rootEntity == entity) {
- collapseState = 'visible';
- } else {
- collapseState = 'collapsed';
- }
- } else if (comp.getAttributeValue(entity, '_iscollapsed') == 'false') {
- collapseState = 'visible';
- } else {
- collapseState = 'collapsed';
- }
- var arr = [];
- // Get our length units for this entity, defaulting to inches.
- var lengthUnits = comp.lengthUnits(entity);
- arr.push('<div class="tree-leaf-', collapseState, '">',
- '<div id="attribute-head-', entity.id, '"',
- ' class="attribute-head-', collapseState, '"',
- ' onclick="', this.id, '.toggleCollapse(this, \'', entity.id, '\')"', '>',
- '<span class="units-button-panel"><span onclick="mgr.toggleLengthUnits(\'',
- entity.id, '\')" ', 'id="units-button" class="units-button-',
- lengthUnits.toLowerCase(), '" title="',
- su.translateString('Toggle Metric'), '"> </span></span>',
- '<span onclick="', 'mgr.toggleSelection(\'', entity.id, '\');"',
- ' ondblclick="', 'mgr.renameEntity(', entity.id, ', ',
- su.quote(entity.name), ')"',
- ' title="' + su.translateString('Double click to rename') + '"',
- ' class="attribute-head-text icon-', entity.typename.toLowerCase(), '">',
- entity.name,
- '</span>',
- '</div>',
- '<div id="attribute-table-wrapper-', entity.id, '"',
- ' class="attribute-table-wrapper">',
- '<table class="attribute-table" cellspacing="0">'
- );
- // Locate the specific attribute library for components, the rest will be
- // ignored for now.
- for (var libraryName in entity.attributeDictionaries) {
- if (libraryName != comp.DICTIONARY) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Make sure we found what we were looking for in terms of attribute set.
- if (su.notValid(libraryName)) {
- su.raise(su.translateString('Unable to locate component library name.'));
- return;
- }
- // Capture the library itself, otherwise signal a problem.
- var thisLib = entity.attributeDictionaries[libraryName];
- if (su.notValid(thisLib)) {
- su.raise(su.translateString(
- 'Unable to locate component attribute dictionary.'));
- return;
- }
- // Keep track of the group name of each attribute, so we can output a
- // subhead for each new group that we encounter.
- var lastGroup = '';
- // Track rowCount so we can display stripped table rows in the output.
- var rowCount = 1;
- for (var attName in thisLib) {
- // Do not show attributes that start with an underscore, these are used
- // internally for maintaining UI state.
- if (attName.indexOf('_') == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- rowCount++;
- // Show a subhead for each new group that we encounter.
- var attr = comp.RESERVED[attName];
- var thisGroup = su.isValid(attr) ? attr.group : 'Custom';
- // If we change groups output a new section subheading.
- if (thisGroup != lastGroup) {
- arr.push('<tr><td class="attribute-subhead-label" colspan="2">',
- su.translateString(thisGroup),
- '</td></tr>');
- lastGroup = thisGroup;
- }
- // Process the attribute row, injecting that input into our table.
- arr.push(this.dumpAttributeRow(entity, attName, rowCount));
- }
- // Generate an add attribute row as the last row of the overall table.
- var rowClass = this.getRowClassByCount(rowCount + 1);
- arr.push('<tr>',
- '<td class="attribute-label ', rowClass, '"',
- ' onclick="', this.id, '.editAttributeName(this, \'', entity.id, '\')">',
- '<div id="add-attribute-link-', entity.id,
- '" class="add-attribute-link"><nobr>',
- su.translateString(mgr.ADD_ATTRIBUTE), '</nobr></div>',
- '</td>',
- '<td class="attribute-cell ', rowClass, '"> </td>',
- '</tr>');
- // Close the overall table and the divs which handle collapse/expand.
- arr.push('</table></div></div>');
- // Dump out child entity(s) beneath this entity. We currently limit this to
- // one level of child content.
- if (su.isValid(entity.subentities)) {
- var len = entity.subentities.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (i == (len - 1)) {
- branchClass = 'tree-branch-l';
- } else {
- branchClass = 'tree-branch-i';
- }
- // Wrap each child entity we add in a wrapper with child entity ID.
- arr.push('<div id="', entity.subentities[i].id, '"',
- ' class="', branchClass, '">',
- this.dumpAttributeTable(entity.subentities[i]),
- '</div>');
- }
- }
- var html = arr.join('');
- return html;
- };
- /**
- * Generate HTML for configuration options related to an entity/attribute pair.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity containing the attribute.
- * @param {Object} attrName The attribute whose data we are to expose.
- * @return {string} The html for the options table.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.dumpOptionsTable = function(entity, attrName) {
- var options = comp.getAttributeOptions(entity, attrName);
- if (su.isString(options)) {
- options = su.unescapeHTML(options);
- }
- var arr = [];
- arr.push('<div id="options-scroll">',
- '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"',
- ' class="options-table">',
- '<tr><td class="options-head">', su.translateString('List Option'),
- '</td>', '<td class="options-head">', su.translateString('Value'),
- '</td></tr>');
- // Gather the information we need to format the underlying value into a
- // display value based on the attibute's formula units. We look first for
- // a pulldown control, in case the user just changed their units in the
- // control before committing the change.
- var units;
- // If an explicit unit is selected, then use that instead of the default one.
- // This allows us to refresh the options list in the currently selected
- // units even before the change is committed.
- if (su.isValid($('formulaunits-pulldown'))) {
- units = $('formulaunits-pulldown').value;
- if (units == 'DEFAULT') {
- if (su.isValid(comp.RESERVED[attrName])) {
- if (comp.RESERVED[attrName].unitGroup == 'LENGTH') {
- units = su.ifEmpty(comp.lengthUnits(entity), units);
- }
- } else {
- units = 'STRING';
- }
- }
- }
- var units = su.ifEmpty(units,
- comp.getAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, attrName, true));
- var rowID = 0;
- if (su.notEmpty(options)) {
- var valuePairs = options.split('&');
- var len = valuePairs.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- var pair = valuePairs[i];
- if (su.notEmpty(pair) && pair != 'undefined') {
- rowID++;
- var nameValueArray = pair.split('=');
- // Format the name and value into strings that will
- // display nicely in an HTML text box.
- var name = unescape(nameValueArray[0]);
- var value = unescape(nameValueArray[1]);
- if (value.indexOf('=') != 0 &&
- value != mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE) {
- value = conv.fromBase(value, units);
- value = conv.format(value, units, 6);
- }
- name = name.replace(/\"/gi, '"');
- value = value.replace(/\"/gi, '"');
- arr.push('<tr>',
- '<td class="options-label">',
- '<input id="option-label-', rowID, '"',
- ' class="options-field" ',
- ' value="', name, '"',
- ' onfocus="this.setAttribute(\'undo-value\', this.value)"',
- ' onblur="', this.id, '.storeOptions(true, this)"',
- '>',
- '</td>',
- '<td class="options-value">',
- '<input id="option-value-', rowID, '"',
- ' class="options-field"',
- ' value="', value, '"',
- ' onfocus="this.setAttribute(\'undo-value\', this.value)"',
- ' onblur="', this.id, '.storeOptions(false, this)"',
- '>',
- '</td></tr>');
- }
- }
- }
- // Build a final 'add option' row for the table.
- arr.push('<tr><td class="add-option-link"',
- ' onclick="', this.id, '.addBlankOption()"',
- ' colspan="2">' + su.translateString('Add option') + '</td></tr>',
- '</table>');
- // Note this field isn't identified and is positioned off screen
- // above the viewport so it's effectively never accessible except by
- // having a keyboard action cause it to focus. It's here to help us trap
- // tabbing events rather than losing focus to an element we don't control.
- arr.push('<input type="text" style="position: absolute;top: -500px;"',
- ' onfocus="', this.id, '.addBlankOption()">');
- // Close off the 'options-scroll' div.
- arr.push('</div>');
- var html = arr.join('');
- return html;
- };
- /**
- * Handles requests to edit an attribute name. This is triggered by a
- * double-click action on an attribute label cell in the user interface.
- * @param {Element} target The target element for the (dbl)click.
- * @param {string} entityID The ID of the entity which owns the attribute.
- * @param {string} attrName The name of the attribute to be renamed.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.editAttributeName = function(target, entityID,
- attrName) {
- // Stop floating.
- mgr.unfloatEditor();
- // Find the entity object by searching through our root entity.
- var entity = su.findEntity(entityID, mgr.rootEntity);
- if (su.notValid(entity)) {
- su.raise(su.translateString('Could not find entity: ') + entityID);
- return;
- }
- // Can't rename reserved attributes, so check that dictionary.
- if (su.isValid(comp.RESERVED[attrName])) {
- mgr.tree.hideEditPanels();
- mgr.tree.highlight();
- alert(su.translateString('You cannot rename reserved attributes.'));
- return;
- }
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(entity, attrName);
- var field = $('edit-field');
- // Set the edit field's value to the current attribute name or prompt.
- if (su.notEmpty(attrName)) {
- var label = su.isValid(attr) ? attr.label : attrName;
- comp.setAttributeLabel(entity, attrName, label);
- field.value = label;
- } else {
- field.value = su.translateString(mgr.ENTER_NAME_STRING);
- }
- mgr.hideHighlight();
- // Update our current selection context so any edit/redisplay will know
- // where we were focused etc.
- mgr.setFocusedElement(target);
- this.lastEntitySelected = entity;
- this.lastAttributeSelected = attr;
- this.isEditingName = true;
- // Display/focus the actual editing controls.
- this.showEditPanel(target);
- if (su.isEmpty(attrName)) {
- this.showListPanel(entity);
- }
- field.select();
- // We need to stop event propagation here to properly support clicking
- // on the add attribute link in IE.
- su.stopPropagation();
- };
- /**
- * Handles requests to edit an attribute value. This is triggered by a
- * double-click action on an attribute value cell in the user interface.
- * @param {Element} target The target element for the (dbl)click.
- * @param {string} opt_entityID The ID of the entity owning the attribute.
- * @param {string} opt_attrName The name of the attribute to be updated.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.editAttributeValue = function(target, opt_entityID,
- opt_attrName) {
- if (su.isEmpty(opt_entityID)) {
- var entity = this.lastEntitySelected || mgr.rootEntity;
- } else {
- var entity = su.findEntity(opt_entityID, mgr.rootEntity);
- }
- if (su.notValid(entity)) {
- su.raise(su.translateString('Could not find entity: ') + opt_entityID);
- return;
- }
- if (su.isEmpty(opt_attrName)) {
- var id = target.getAttribute('id');
- if (su.isEmpty(id)) {
- return;
- }
- var parts = mgr.parseIdIntoParts(id);
- if (parts.length < 3) {
- return;
- }
- var attrName = parts[2];
- } else {
- var attrName = opt_attrName;
- }
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(entity, attrName);
- if (su.notValid(attr)) {
- su.raise(su.translateString('Could not find attribute: ') + opt_attrName);
- return;
- }
- var field = $('edit-field');
- // We edit formula or value in that order (first non-empty/null value).
- var formula = comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, attrName);
- if (su.notEmpty(formula)) {
- field.value = '=' + su.unescapeHTML(formula);
- } else {
- var value = comp.getAttributeFormattedValue(entity, attrName,
- field.value = su.unescapeHTML(value);
- }
- // If the user clicked on the label cell to select this attribute, then the
- // target which gets passed in is incorrect. Therefore, recalculate the
- // correct target.
- target = $(target.getAttribute('id').replace(/label_/, 'value_'));
- // Update our current selection context so any edit/redisplay will know
- // where we were focused etc.
- mgr.setFocusedElement(target);
- this.lastEntitySelected = entity;
- this.lastAttributeSelected = attr;
- this.isEditingName = false;
- if (attrName != 'scaletool') {
- this.showEditPanel(target);
- this.highlight(target);
- field.focus();
- su.selectFromTo(field, field.value.length, field.value.length);
- // On the Mac, the selectFromTo fails if there is nothing in the field,
- // so handle that here.
- if (su.isEmpty(field.value)) {
- field.select();
- }
- // Now that we've moved the text selection to the end of the field,
- // set out scroll to 0 so we don't see flashing on the PC.
- field.scrollTop = 0;
- } else {
- this.showDetailPanel();
- }
- var statusStr = '<b>' + su.truncate(
- comp.getAttributeLabel(entity, attrName), 40) + '</b>';
- var reserved = comp.RESERVED[attrName];
- if (su.isValid(reserved)) {
- statusStr += ' · ' + su.translateString(reserved.summary);
- if (su.notEmpty(formula)) {
- statusStr += '<br/>=' + comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, attrName);
- }
- mgr.setStatusBar(statusStr, attrName);
- } else {
- statusStr += ' · ' + su.translateString('Custom attribute.');
- if (su.notEmpty(formula)) {
- statusStr += '<br/>=' + comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, attrName);
- }
- mgr.setStatusBar(statusStr, 'custom');
- }
- // Update our editor height to match the height of its content. This is to
- // show long formulas properly at the moment that one starts editing.
- mgr.updateEditorLayout();
- };
- /**
- * Activates the buttons which support saving or refreshing the user interface
- * when an editing operation is in progress and has changed a value.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.enableEditButtons = function() {
- su.enable('applyButton');
- su.enable('refreshButton');
- };
- /**
- * Returns a class which can be used to help display striping for table or
- * list cells based on the rowCount provided (odd or even).
- * @param {number} rowCount The row number to use for class computation.
- * @return {string} The CSS class name.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.getRowClassByCount = function(rowCount) {
- if ((rowCount % 2) == 0) {
- return ' even ';
- } else {
- return ' odd ';
- }
- };
- /**
- * Responds to notifications that an edit operation has potentially occurred.
- * When data has changed in the edit field this method will ensure that it is
- * pushed to SketchUp via the Ruby bridge.
- * @param {Element} opt_formField The field serving as the edit field.
- * @param {Element} opt_target An optional target element being edited.
- * @param {number} opt_index A focus index, next, previous, or current.
- * @param {boolean} opt_editor Should the editor display on completion.
- * @return {boolean} True if there were edits which were found.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.handleEdit = function(opt_formField, opt_target,
- opt_index, opt_editor) {
- var name;
- var label;
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.tree.hideEditPanels();
- }, 0);
- mgr.isFloating(false);
- // Set any refocusing parameters on the manager since the tree instance
- // will be replaced during redraw and we'll lose any instance data.
- mgr.refocusTarget = su.isValid(opt_target) ?
- opt_target.getAttribute('id') :
- opt_target;
- mgr.refocusIndex = su.ifInvalid(opt_index, mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT);
- mgr.refocusEditor = su.ifInvalid(opt_editor, true);
- var entity = this.lastEntitySelected;
- if (su.isValid(this.lastAttributeSelected)) {
- if (su.notEmpty(this.lastAttributeSelected.label)) {
- name = this.lastAttributeSelected.label.toLowerCase();
- } else {
- name = this.lastAttributeSelected.id;
- }
- } else {
- name = undefined;
- }
- // Convert to element as needed.
- var field = $(opt_formField || $('edit-field'));
- var defaultValue = '';
- var dirty = false;
- var lastAttributeLabel;
- if (su.isValid(this.lastAttributeSelected)) {
- lastAttributeLabel = this.lastAttributeSelected.label;
- }
- if (this.isEditingName) {
- field.value = field.value.replace(/[\r\n]/gi, '');
- field.value = su.trimWhitespace(field.value);
- var attrName = field.value.toLowerCase();
- if (su.isEmpty(attrName)) {
- alert(su.translateString('Attribute names cannot be empty. ' +
- 'Please enter a different name.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else if ((comp.hasAttribute(entity, attrName)) &&
- lastAttributeLabel.toLowerCase() != attrName.toLowerCase()) {
- alert(su.translateString('Duplicate attribute name. ' +
- 'Please enter a different name.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else if ((field.value == su.translateString(mgr.ENTER_NAME_STRING)) ||
- field.value.length == 0) {
- mgr.resetValueCell();
- } else if (field.value.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
- alert(su.translateString('Attribute names cannot contain spaces. ' +
- 'Please enter a different name.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else if (field.value.search(/\W/) > -1) {
- alert(su.translateString('Attribute names can only contain letters and numbers. ' +
- 'Please enter a different name.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else if (field.value.indexOf('_') == 0) {
- alert(su.translateString('Attribute names cannot begin with an underscore. ' +
- 'Please enter a different name.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else if (field.value.match(/^\d/) !== null) {
- alert(su.translateString('Attribute names cannot begin with an number. ' +
- 'Please enter a different name.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else if (field.value.match(/^(true|false)$/i) != null) {
- alert(su.translateString('You may not name an attribute "true" or "false". ' +
- 'Please enter a different name.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else if (name == field.value.toLowerCase()) {
- if (su.notEmpty(comp.RESERVED[attrName])) {
- label = comp.RESERVED[attrName].label;
- } else {
- label = field.value;
- }
- comp.setAttributeLabel(entity, attrName, label);
- mgr.redraw();
- } else if (name != undefined) {
- var newLabel = field.value;
- var newName = field.value.toLowerCase();
- dirty = true;
- // In this case, we're about to rename, so construct
- // a refocusTarget string manually and always place the highlight
- // onto the newly created field.
- mgr.refocusTarget = 'value_' + entity.id + '_' + attrName;
- mgr.refocusIndex = mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT;
- mgr.refocusEditor = false;
- comp.pushRename(entity, name, newName, newLabel, 'mgr.redraw');
- } else if (comp.hasAttribute(entity, attrName)) {
- alert(su.translateString('The attribute already exists.'));
- return this.refocusAfterNamingError();
- } else {
- if (comp.RESERVED[attrName]) {
- label = comp.RESERVED[attrName].label;
- defaultValue = comp.RESERVED[attrName].defaultValue;
- } else {
- label = field.value;
- }
- var value = su.ifEmpty(defaultValue, '');
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, attrName, value);
- comp.setAttributeFormula(entity, attrName, '');
- comp.setAttributeLabel(entity, attrName, label);
- // In this case, we're about to create a new attribute, so construct
- // a refocusTarget string manually and always place the highlight
- // onto the newly created field.
- mgr.refocusTarget = 'value_' + entity.id + '_' + attrName;
- mgr.refocusIndex = mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT;
- mgr.refocusEditor = false;
- dirty = true;
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, attrName, 'mgr.redraw');
- }
- } else {
- // Editing value.
- var valueHasCarriageReturns = field.value.search(/[\r\n]/gi);
- field.value = field.value.replace(/[\r\n]/gi, '');
- if (field.value.indexOf('=') == 0) {
- // Content represents an explicit formula, strip leading prefix.
- var rawFormula = field.value.substring(1);
- var attrName = field.value.toLowerCase();
- if (comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, name) != rawFormula) {
- mgr.setValueCell(entity, name, field.value);
- var thisAtt = comp.getAttribute(entity, attrName);
- comp.setAttributeFormula(entity, name, rawFormula)
- comp.setAttributeLabel(entity, name,
- this.lastAttributeSelected.label);
- this.enableEditButtons();
- dirty = true;
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, name, 'mgr.redraw');
- mgr.setValueCell(entity, name, mgr.APPLYING_ATTRIBUTE_MESSAGE);
- } else {
- mgr.resetValueCell();
- }
- } else {
- // Start with what the user entered.
- var enteredValue = field.value;
- // Content is a raw value, not a formula.
- var hasLiveValue = false;
- // Determine whether this attribute has a "LiveValue", meaning it is
- // a value such as LENX that is derived from SketchUp. Live valued
- // attributes will be displayed in gray text unless a formula is set
- // on them.
- if (comp.RESERVED[name]) {
- if (comp.RESERVED[name].hasLiveValue == true) {
- hasLiveValue = true;
- }
- } else {
- // If the attibute has no formula units, then attempt to determine the
- // unit group from the string the user entered.
- var foundUnits = comp.getAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, name);
- if (su.isEmpty(foundUnits)) {
- foundUnits = conv.recognizeUnits(enteredValue, true);
- if (su.isValid(foundUnits)) {
- comp.setAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, name, foundUnits);
- }
- }
- }
- // Take the entered value and turn it into the appropriate base
- // units. (For example, lengths are always stored in inches, regardless
- // of the unit they are displayed in.)
- enteredValue = comp.parseToBase(enteredValue, entity, name);
- if (comp.getAttributeValue(entity, name) !== field.value ||
- su.isValid(comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, name))) {
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, name, enteredValue);
- comp.setAttributeFormula(entity, name, undefined);
- comp.setAttributeLabel(entity, name,
- this.lastAttributeSelected.label);
- this.enableEditButtons();
- dirty = true;
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, name, 'mgr.redraw');
- }
- mgr.resetValueCell();
- }
- }
- // When dirty is true it means there's an async call in progress to Ruby
- // which will deal with updating focus etc. Otherwise we have to handle any
- // specifics around focus/editor display locally.
- if (!dirty) {
- if (su.isValid(opt_index) || opt_editor) {
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.refocus();
- }, 0);
- }
- }
- return dirty;
- };
- /**
- * Responds to notifications that a keydown event has occurred. Key down
- * events are used to process navigation keys that we don't want to end up in
- * the target field such as Tab and Return.
- * @param {Element} target The element which received the event.
- * @param {Event} evt The native keydown event.
- * @param {number} opt_manualKeycode An optional alternative keycode to force.
- * @return {boolean} True so the event default operation continues.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.handleKeyDown = function(target, evt,
- opt_manualKeycode) {
- var keycode = su.ifInvalid(opt_manualKeycode, su.getKeyCode(evt));
- mgr.storeSelectionTextRange();
- switch (keycode) {
- case su.ESCAPE_KEY:
- su.stopPropagation(evt);
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement;
- var ancestor = target.parentNode;
- if (ancestor && ancestor.className == 'options-label') {
- if (target.value == su.translateString(mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_LABEL)) {
- target.blur();
- break;
- }
- target.value = target.getAttribute('undo-value') || '';
- target.select();
- } else if (ancestor && ancestor.className == 'options-value') {
- if (target.value == su.translateString(mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE)) {
- target.blur();
- break;
- }
- target.value = target.getAttribute('undo-value') || '';
- target.select();
- } else {
- mgr.tree.hideDetailPanel();
- }
- } else if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- mgr.resetValueCell();
- mgr.tree.hideEditPanels();
- mgr.tree.highlight();
- } else {
- mgr.hideHighlight();
- mgr.setFocusedElement(null);
- mgr.refocusIndex = null;
- mgr.refocusTarget = null;
- mgr.tree.hideDetailControls();
- }
- break;
- case su.ARROW_UP_KEY:
- if (!mgr.isEditing() && !mgr.isDetailing()) {
- su.stopPropagation(evt);
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- mgr.focusPrevious();
- } else if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement;
- var ancestor = target.parentNode;
- if (ancestor && ancestor.className.indexOf('options-') == 0) {
- var cellIndex = ancestor.cellIndex;
- var rowIndex = ancestor.parentNode.rowIndex;
- // The header is at 0, so 'real data' starts at 1.
- if (rowIndex > 1) {
- var target = ancestor.parentNode.parentNode.rows[
- rowIndex - 1].cells[cellIndex].firstChild;
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- target.select();
- }, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case su.ARROW_DOWN_KEY:
- if (!mgr.isEditing() && !mgr.isDetailing()) {
- su.stopPropagation(evt);
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- mgr.focusNext();
- } else if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement;
- var ancestor = target.parentNode;
- if (ancestor && ancestor.className.indexOf('options-') == 0) {
- var cellIndex = ancestor.cellIndex;
- var rowIndex = ancestor.parentNode.rowIndex;
- var rows = ancestor.parentNode.parentNode.rows;
- if (rowIndex < rows.length - 1) {
- var target = rows[rowIndex + 1].cells[cellIndex].firstChild;
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- target.select();
- }, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case su.TAB_KEY:
- // If the user is inside the details panel, let tabs flow normally.
- if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- break;
- }
- // If the user hits tab or enter when the edit panel is visible,
- // then apply the changes through handleEdit, but if the edit
- // panel is not visible, then tab or Enter simply remove focus
- // from the spreadsheet cell.
- su.stopPropagation(evt);
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- // If the edit field is currently visible we want to push any value
- // change back to SketchUp before we move the focus.
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- var refocus = su.getShiftKey() ? mgr.FOCUS_PREVIOUS: mgr.FOCUS_NEXT;
- mgr.tree.handleEdit($('edit-field'), mgr.getFocusedElement(), refocus,
- true);
- } else {
- // Shift-Tab moves us back, Tab moves us forward.
- if (su.getShiftKey()) {
- mgr.focusPrevious();
- } else {
- mgr.focusNext();
- }
- }
- break;
- case su.ENTER_KEY:
- // When detailing we want to watch for whether the enter key is pressed
- // when we're editing an option list. In that case we'll simulate a Tab
- // by blurring the field (to commit the value) and then add a row.
- if (mgr.isDetailing()) {
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement;
- var ancestor = target.parentNode;
- if (ancestor && ancestor.className == 'options-label') {
- var label = target.value;
- try {
- target = ancestor.nextSibling.firstChild;
- if (su.isEmpty(target.value)) {
- target.value = label;
- }
- target.select();
- } catch (e) {
- }
- } else if (ancestor && ancestor.className == 'options-value') {
- mgr.tree.storeOptions(false, target);
- mgr.tree.addBlankOption();
- }
- break;
- }
- // If the edit field is currently visible we want to push changes to
- // SketchUp and then return focus to the current field with just the
- // highlighting rectange but no edit field.
- if (mgr.isEditing()) {
- // Hide the highlight momentarily to avoid having it out of sync with
- // any editor-related resizing.
- mgr.hideHighlight();
- mgr.tree.handleEdit($('edit-field'), mgr.getFocusedElement(),
- mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT, false);
- } else {
- if (su.isValid(mgr.getFocusedElement())) {
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.tree.editAttributeValue(mgr.getFocusedElement());
- $('edit-field').select();
- }, 0);
- return false;
- }
- }
- su.stopPropagation(evt);
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- break;
- case su.SHIFT_KEY:
- // Ignore toggling of Shift since it's often used with Tab to control
- // direction of the Tab without implying a desire to edit content.
- break;
- default:
- // All other keys should trigger editing if we're currently highlighting
- // a cell.
- if (!mgr.isEditing() && !mgr.isDetailing()) {
- if (keycode > 32) {
- if (su.isValid(mgr.getFocusedElement())) {
- mgr.tree.editAttributeValue(mgr.getFocusedElement());
- // See if we got either an = or @ as a prefix. If so then we
- // consider that an indicator that the user wants to start a new
- // formula or reference and we clear any existing value.
- // NOTE NOTE NOTE that this isn't localized by keyboard, it's
- // specific to a US Ascii 101 keyboard arrangement.
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- if ((keycode == mgr.EQUAL_KEY_STD ||
- keycode == mgr.EQUAL_KEY_NUM) ||
- (keycode == mgr.COMMAT_KEY && ev.shiftKey == true)) {
- $('edit-field').value = '';
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (mgr.tree.isEditingName &&
- $('edit-field').value.length > mgr.MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2) {
- var ev = evt || window.event;
- if ((keycode != su.BACKSPACE_KEY) && (keycode != su.DELETE_KEY)) {
- su.stopPropagation(evt);
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- }
- }
- // Update our editor height to match the content just entered.
- mgr.updateEditorLayoutTimeout();
- if (mgr.isFloating()) {
- mgr.updateFloatingEditorLayout();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return true;
- };
- /**
- * Responds to notifications that a keypress event has occurred. For fields
- * ignore these events for any of the navigation keys to ensure they don't
- * affect field content.
- * @param {Element} target The element which received the event.
- * @param {Event} evt The native keypress event.
- * @param {number} opt_manualKeycode An optional alternative keycode to force.
- * @return {boolean} True so the event default operation continues.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(target, evt,
- opt_manualKeycode) {
- var keycode = su.ifInvalid(opt_manualKeycode, su.getKeyCode(evt));
- switch (keycode) {
- case su.ESCAPE_KEY:
- case su.ARROW_UP_KEY:
- case su.ARROW_DOWN_KEY:
- case su.TAB_KEY:
- case su.ENTER_KEY:
- case su.SHIFT_KEY:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return true;
- };
- /**
- * Responds to notifications that a keyup event has occurred.
- * @param {Element} target The element which received the event.
- * @param {Event} evt The native keyup event.
- * @param {number} opt_manualKeycode An optional alternative keycode to force.
- * @return {boolean} True so the event default operation continues.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.handleKeyUp = function(target, evt,
- opt_manualKeycode) {
- var keycode = su.ifInvalid(opt_manualKeycode, su.getKeyCode(evt));
- switch (keycode) {
- case su.ESCAPE_KEY:
- case su.ARROW_UP_KEY:
- case su.ARROW_DOWN_KEY:
- case su.TAB_KEY:
- case su.ENTER_KEY:
- case su.SHIFT_KEY:
- su.preventDefault(evt);
- su.stopPropagation(evt);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return true;
- };
- /**
- * Hides informational rows related to configuration details.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.hideAccessRows = function() {
- su.hide('formlabel-row');
- su.hide('units-row');
- su.hide('material-units-row');
- su.hide('options-row');
- };
- /**
- * Hides the controls typically displayed during hover which provide access
- * to editing or deleting an attribute's details.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.hideDetailControls = function() {
- $('details-button').style.top = '' + mgr.HIDDEN_EDITOR_TOP + 'px';
- su.hide('details-button');
- $('delete-button').style.top = '' + mgr.HIDDEN_EDITOR_TOP + 'px';
- su.hide('delete-button');
- };
- /**
- * Hides the details editing panel.
- * @param {boolean} opt_doSave True to cause data to be saved before closing
- * the details editing panel.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.hideDetailPanel = function(opt_doSave) {
- this.hideEditPanels();
- su.hide('details-panel');
- su.hide('delete-button');
- this.hideAccessRows();
- su.enable('cancelButton');
- su.enable('refreshButton');
- this.highlight();
- if (opt_doSave == true) {
- var entity = su.findEntity(this.idToDetail, mgr.rootEntity);
- var attrName = this.attNameToDetail;
- comp.setAttributeAccess(entity, attrName, $('access-pulldown').value);
- comp.setAttributeUnits(entity, attrName, $('units-pulldown').value);
- // If the formula units pulldown is present, then grab that value.
- if (su.isValid($('formulaunits-pulldown'))) {
- comp.setAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, attrName,
- $('formulaunits-pulldown').value);
- }
- var value = '' + comp.getAttributeValue(entity, attrName);
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, attrName, su.unescapeHTML(value));
- // Since this is an edit action, store the refocus target as we do in
- // handleEdit().
- mgr.refocusTarget = 'value_' + this.idToDetail + '_' + attrName;
- mgr.refocusIndex = mgr.FOCUS_CURRENT;
- mgr.refocusEditor = false;
- if (attrName == 'scaletool') {
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, attrName, mgr.calculateScaleTool());
- }
- var formLabel = $('formlabel-textbox').value;
- comp.setAttributeFormLabel(entity, attrName, formLabel);
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, attrName, 'mgr.redraw');
- }
- };
- /**
- * Hides the various panels which may be open as a result of an editing
- * operation.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.hideEditPanels = function() {
- mgr.editPanel.style.top = '' + mgr.HIDDEN_EDITOR_TOP + 'px';
- mgr.editPanel.style.left = '0px';
- su.hide('list-panel');
- if (su.isValid(this.lastLabelCell)) {
- var lastClass = this.lastLabelCell.className;
- this.lastLabelCell.className = lastClass.replace(/label-selected/,
- 'label');
- }
- mgr.setStatusBar(mgr.INTRO_STATUS);
- };
- /**
- * Responds to notification that a mouse click has occurred on an attribute.
- * The primary tasks to perform in this case are to inject attribute names
- * into formulas which are currently being edited and to update highlighting
- * as needed.
- * @param {Element} target The element which was clicked, or which
- * should be used as if a click had occurred. This is normally provided by
- * an onclick handler and resolves to a 'td' in those cases.
- * @param {string} entityID The entity ID for the entity whose attribute
- * should be highlighted.
- * @param {string} attrName The name of the attribute which should be
- * highlighted.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.handleAttributeClick = function(target, entityID,
- attrName) {
- var reference;
- var entity = su.findEntity(entityID, mgr.rootEntity);
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(entity, attrName);
- var field = $('edit-field');
- var last = su.ifAbsent(this.lastAttributeSelected, 'label', null);
- // When we're editing a formula our job is to inject the currently selected
- // attribute's label into the formula, replacing any current selection. In
- // all other cases we simply move the highlighting to the newly selected
- // attribute's value cell.
- if (mgr.isEditing() && ((field.value.charAt(0) == '=') ||
- su.contains(mgr.FORMULA_CELL_LABELS, last))) {
- // Only process if we're changing either entity or attribute.
- if (entity != this.lastEntitySelected ||
- attr != this.lastAttributeSelected) {
- // If entity remains the same we don't want to qualify with a leading
- // entityID! prefix.
- if (entity == this.lastEntitySelected) {
- reference = comp.getAttributeLabel(entity, attrName);
- } else {
- reference = entity.name + '!' +
- comp.getAttributeLabel(entity, attrName);
- }
- // mgr.selectionTextRange was set in mgr.storeSelectionTextRange,
- // which is called in onmousedown so we can capture what the user
- // had selected BEFORE any other events for click/dblclick.
- su.replaceSelection(field, reference, mgr.selectionTextRange);
- // Adjust the editor cell so it displays properly.
- mgr.updateEditorLayout();
- mgr.floatEditorIfNecessary();
- }
- } else if (mgr.getFocusedElement() == target) {
- this.editAttributeValue(target, entityID, attrName);
- } else {
- this.hideEditPanels();
- this.highlight(target, entityID, attrName);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Highlights an attribute value cell to help the user keep track of the
- * current focal point for editing.
- * @param {Element} opt_target The element which was clicked, or which
- * should be used as if a click had occurred. This is normally provided by
- * an onclick handler and resolves to a 'td' in those cases.
- * @param {string} opt_entityID The entity ID for the entity whose attribute
- * should be highlighted.
- * @param {string} opt_attrName The name of the attribute which should be
- * highlighted.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.highlight = function(opt_target, opt_entityID,
- opt_attrName) {
- // Reset the value of any previously selected element.
- mgr.resetValueCell();
- var target = opt_target || mgr.getFocusedElement();
- if (su.notValid(target)) {
- return;
- }
- if (su.notValid(opt_entityID)) {
- var entity = this.lastEntitySelected || mgr.rootEntity;
- } else {
- var entity = su.findEntity(opt_entityID, mgr.rootEntity);
- }
- if (su.notValid(entity)) {
- return;
- }
- if (su.notValid(opt_attrName)) {
- var attr = this.lastAttributeSelected;
- if (su.notValid(attr)) {
- var id = target.getAttribute('id');
- if (su.isEmpty(id)) {
- return;
- }
- var parts = mgr.parseIdIntoParts(id);
- if (parts.length < 3) {
- return;
- }
- var attrName = parts[2];
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(entity, attrName);
- }
- } else {
- var attr = comp.getAttribute(entity, opt_attrName);
- }
- if (su.notValid(attr)) {
- return;
- }
- // Clear any previous label selection.
- if (su.isValid(this.lastLabelCell)) {
- var lastClass = this.lastLabelCell.className;
- this.lastLabelCell.className = lastClass.replace(/label-selected/, 'label');
- }
- // Target may be either a value or label cell, we want to navigate to the
- // value cell, which will be the second TD inside the TR which holds both
- // the label and value.
- var ancestor = target.parentNode;
- if (su.notValid(ancestor)) {
- return;
- }
- var cell = ancestor.getElementsByTagName('TD')[1];
- if (su.notValid(cell)) {
- return;
- }
- // Update the label reference and highlighting to match the current cell.
- this.lastLabelCell = ancestor.getElementsByTagName('TD')[0];
- var lastClass = this.lastLabelCell.className;
- this.lastLabelCell.className = lastClass.replace(/label/, 'label-selected');
- // Check to make sure the element isn't a descendant of a collapsed tree.
- while (ancestor && ancestor.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- if (ancestor.className && ancestor.className.indexOf('collapsed') != -1) {
- return;
- }
- ancestor = ancestor.parentNode;
- }
- mgr.updateHighlightLayout(true);
- // Some older components may not have a label, so we can get it from the ID
- // of the cell we're on and then assign for future storage.
- if (!attr.label) {
- attr.label = cell.getAttribute('id').split('_')[2];
- }
- var label = attr.label;
- var statusStr = '<b>' + su.truncate(label, 40) + '</b> · ';
- var reserved = comp.RESERVED[label.toLowerCase()];
- if (su.isValid(reserved)) {
- statusStr += su.translateString(reserved.summary);
- mgr.setStatusBar(statusStr, label);
- } else {
- statusStr += su.translateString('Custom attribute.');
- mgr.setStatusBar(statusStr, 'custom');
- }
- // Highlighting is as relevant to current focus as editing is, so once
- // we've adjusted everything from a display perspective update our context.
- mgr.setFocusedElement(target);
- this.lastEntitySelected = entity;
- this.lastAttributeSelected = attr;
- this.isEditingName = false;
- // Place the detail controls to match the overall row.
- parts = mgr.parseIdIntoParts(target.getAttribute('id'));
- this.showDetailControls(target.parentNode, parts[1], parts[2]);
- };
- /**
- * Refocuses on the edit field and selects all of its text. Used specifically
- * when the user types an incorrect name and we ask them to try again.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.refocusAfterNamingError = function() {
- // If the user pressed Tab to enter/complete the naming/renaming process
- // we have to stop it from moving to the value cell. If not then we're ok
- // since the editor is already in the right position.
- su.stopPropagation();
- su.preventDefault();
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- mgr.tree.isEditingName = true;
- mgr.tree.showEditPanel(mgr.getFocusedElement());
- $('edit-field').value = $('edit-field').value.replace(/[\r\n]/gi, '');
- $('edit-field').focus();
- $('edit-field').select();
- // If the lastAttributeSelected is null it means this is an Add
- // Attribute operation so we want to redisplay the list panel.
- if (mgr.tree.lastAttributeSelected == null) {
- su.show('list-panel');
- }
- }, 10);
- };
- /**
- * Renders the tree, placing the output in the content element defined in
- * the manager.html file.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.render = function() {
- var arr = [];
- arr.push('<div id="', mgr.rootEntity.id, '"',
- ' class="tree-branch-root">',
- this.dumpAttributeTable(mgr.rootEntity),
- '</div>',
- '<br/><br/>');
- su.setContent('content', arr.join(''));
- // Any time we rebuild the tree's UI elements we want to refocus so any
- // previous editor or highlighting state is restored.
- mgr.refocus();
- mgr.updateEditorLayout();
- };
- /**
- * Sets the value of the edit field to the value provided and processes it as
- * an active edit.
- * @param {Object} value The value to set for the edit field.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.setLabelField = function(value) {
- $('edit-field').value = value;
- this.handleEdit($('edit-field'));
- };
- /**
- * Displays the proper set of access rows based on accessLevel provided.
- * @param {string} accessLevel The access level, which should be "LIST",
- * "NONE", or any other non-empty value.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.showAccessRows = function(accessLevel) {
- // Start by hiding all current rows, clearing the slate.
- this.hideAccessRows();
- // To avoid shifting focus just because of a click on the detail button we
- // acquire the attribute as needed here.
- var entity = su.findEntity(this.idToDetail, mgr.rootEntity);
- var attrName = this.attNameToDetail;
- var attr = this.lastAttributeSelected || comp.getAttribute(entity, attrName);
- // When altering material via text the only choice is Arbitrary text, but
- // that's been tucked away in a row of its own.
- var unitID = 'units-row';
- if (su.isValid(attr)) {
- var name = attr.label || attr.id;
- if (su.notEmpty(name) && name.toLowerCase() == 'material') {
- unitID = 'material-units-row';
- }
- }
- // All levels will show the formlabel row, unless we're looking at a level
- // which turns them all off.
- if (su.notEmpty(accessLevel) && accessLevel != 'NONE') {
- su.show('formlabel-row');
- su.show(unitID);
- }
- // The remaining row(s) are displayed based on whether this is list mode.
- if (accessLevel == 'LIST') {
- su.show('options-row');
- su.hide('material-units-row');
- su.hide('units-row');
- }
- mgr.updateDetailPanelLayout();
- };
- /**
- * Displays the detail controls, the buttons which optionally display for an
- * attribute during highlighting.
- * @param {Element} target The target element under focus/highlight.
- * @param {string} entityID The ID of the entity containing the data.
- * @param {string} attrName The name of the specific attribute being detailed.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.showDetailControls = function(target,
- entityID,
- attrName) {
- // Don't display controls when we're editing or detailing already.
- if (mgr.isEditing() || mgr.isDetailing() || mgr.isCalling()) {
- return;
- }
- this.idToDetail = entityID;
- this.attNameToDetail = attrName;
- var offset = mgr.HIGHLIGHT_EDIT_OFFSET - mgr.scrollPanel.scrollTop;
- // Show the Open Details Panel button.
- var elem = $('details-button');
- su.show(elem);
- elem.style.top = su.elementY(target) - offset + 2;
- elem.style.left = su.elementX(target) + su.elementWidth(target) -
- su.elementWidth('details-button');
- // Show the Delete This Attribute button.
- elem = $('delete-button');
- su.show(elem);
- elem.style.top = su.elementY(target) - offset;
- elem.style.left = su.elementX(target) - su.elementWidth('delete-button');
- };
- /**
- * Show the detail editing panel for the currently selected entity/attribute.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.showDetailPanel = function() {
- var label;
- var unitGroup;
- var selected;
- var entity = su.findEntity(this.idToDetail, mgr.rootEntity);
- var attrName = this.attNameToDetail;
- var value = comp.getAttributeValue(entity, attrName);
- var formula = comp.getAttributeFormula(entity, attrName);
- var access = comp.getAttributeAccess(entity, attrName);
- // Which options appear for sharing an attribute depends on the attribute
- // itself. Metadata attributes are always visible. Attributes with live
- // values cannot be edited with a text box. And "behavior" attributes are
- // never visible (unless it's materials, in which case it is.)
- var isMetaDataAttribute = false;
- var hasLiveValue = false;
- var attr = comp.RESERVED[attrName];
- var arr = [];
- arr.push('<div id="details-sub-panel" class="details-sub-panel">',
- '<form name="details" onsubmit="return false">',
- '<table class="details-table" cellspacing="0" ',
- 'onkeyup="mgr.updateLayout()">',
- '<tr><td valign="top">');
- arr.push('<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" cellspacing="0" ',
- 'class="default-cursor">');
- // Display our formula units pulldown.
- var pulldownHTML = [];
- var optionCount = 0;
- var attUnitGroup = '';
- var selectedUnit = comp.getAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, attrName, false);
- var selectedString;
- var unit;
- if (su.isValid(attr)) {
- attUnitGroup = attr.unitGroup;
- }
- pulldownHTML.push('<tr><td align="right" width="1%">',
- '<nobr>', su.translateString('Units:'), '</nobr>',
- '</td>',
- '<td>');
- pulldownHTML.push('<select name="formulaunits-pulldown" ',
- 'id="formulaunits-pulldown"',
- ' style="width: 100%" ',
- ' onfocus="this.setAttribute(\'undo-value\', this.selectedIndex)"',
- ' onchange="mgr.handleFormulaUnitsChange(\'', entity.id, '\',\'',
- attrName, '\')">');
- // The first option in the formula units pulldown is for the "default" unit.
- var firstOptionLabel = su.translateString('Default:') + ' ';
- if (attUnitGroup == 'LENGTH' && su.isValid(comp.RESERVED[attrName])) {
- firstOptionLabel +=
- su.translateString(conv.unitsHash[comp.lengthUnits(entity)].label);
- } else {
- firstOptionLabel += su.translateString(conv.unitsHash['STRING'].label);
- }
- pulldownHTML.push('<option style="color:gray" value="DEFAULT">',
- firstOptionLabel, '</option>');
- for (var i = 0; i < conv.units.length; i++) {
- unit = conv.units[i];
- selectedString = '';
- if (unit.name == selectedUnit) {
- selectedString = 'selected="selected"';
- }
- if ((attUnitGroup == unit.group || attUnitGroup == '') &&
- unit.configOnly != true) {
- optionCount++;
- pulldownHTML.push('<option value="', unit.name, '" ', selectedString,
- '>', su.translateString(unit.label), '</option>');
- }
- }
- // Close the formula units select list and associated cell/row.
- pulldownHTML.push('</select></td></tr>');
- // If there was more than one unit that can be validly selected for this
- // attribute, then show the pulldown. Otherwise don't bother.
- if (optionCount > 1) {
- arr = arr.concat(pulldownHTML);
- }
- arr.push('<tr><td align="right" width="1%">',
- '<nobr> ', su.translateString('Display rule:'),
- '</nobr>', '</td>', '<td>');
- arr.push('<select name="access-pulldown" id="access-pulldown" ',
- ' style="width: 100%"',
- ' onchange="', this.id, '.showAccessRows(this.value)">');
- if (su.isValid(attr)) {
- mgr.setStatusBar('<b>' + entity.name + '!' + attr.label +
- '</b> · ' + su.translateString(attr.summary), attrName);
- hasLiveValue = attr.hasLiveValue;
- if (attr.group == comp.METADATA_GROUP) {
- arr.push('<option value="">', su.translateString(mgr.ACCESS[1].label),
- '</option>');
- isMetaDataAttribute = true;
- } else if ((attr.group == comp.BEHAVIORS_GROUP &&
- attrName != 'material') || attr.group == comp.FORM_DESIGN_GROUP) {
- arr.push('<option value="">', su.translateString(mgr.ACCESS[0].label),
- '</option>');
- isMetaDataAttribute = true;
- }
- } else {
- mgr.setStatusBar('<b>' + entity.name + '!' +
- comp.getAttributeLabel(entity, attrName) +
- '</b> · ' + su.translateString('Custom Attribute'), attrName);
- }
- if (isMetaDataAttribute == false) {
- for (var accessID = 0; accessID < mgr.ACCESS.length; accessID++) {
- label = mgr.ACCESS[accessID].label;
- value = mgr.ACCESS[accessID].value;
- if (value == access) {
- selected = ' selected="selected" ';
- } else {
- selected = '';
- }
- arr.push('<option value="', value, '"', selected, '>',
- su.translateString(label), '</option>');
- }
- }
- // Close the access select list and associated cell/row.
- arr.push('</select></td></tr>');
- // Scale tool setup.
- if (attrName == 'scaletool') {
- arr.push('<tr>',
- '<td id="scale-tool-cell" valign="top" align="right">',
- mgr.dumpScaleToolGraphic(value), '</td>',
- '<td>',
- '<input type="checkbox" id="scaletool_1"',
- ' onclick="mgr.calculateScaleTool()"',
- mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, 1, 'checked="checked"'), '> ',
- su.translateString('Scale along red. (X)'), '<br/>',
- '<input type="checkbox" id="scaletool_2" ',
- ' onclick="mgr.calculateScaleTool()"',
- mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, 2, 'checked="checked"'), '> ',
- su.translateString('Scale along green. (Y)'), '<br/>',
- '<input type="checkbox" id="scaletool_3" ',
- ' onclick="mgr.calculateScaleTool()"',
- mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, 3, 'checked="checked"'), '> ',
- su.translateString('Scale along blue. (Z)'), '<br/>',
- '<input type="checkbox" id="scaletool_4" ',
- ' onclick="mgr.calculateScaleTool()"',
- mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, 4, 'checked="checked"'), '> ',
- su.translateString('Scale in red/blue plane. (X+Z)'), '<br/>',
- '<input type="checkbox" id="scaletool_5" ',
- ' onclick="mgr.calculateScaleTool()"',
- mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, 5, 'checked="checked"'), '> ',
- su.translateString('Scale in green/blue plane. (Y+Z)'), '<br/>',
- '<input type="checkbox" id="scaletool_6" ',
- ' onclick="mgr.calculateScaleTool()"',
- mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, 6, 'checked="checked"'), '> ',
- su.translateString('Scale in red/green plane. (X+Y)'), '<br/>',
- '<input type="checkbox" id="scaletool_7" ',
- ' onclick="mgr.calculateScaleTool()"',
- mgr.ifBitIsZero(value, 7, 'checked="checked"'), '>',
- su.translateString('Scale uniform (from corners). (XYZ)'),
- '</td></tr>');
- }
- // Output the form label editing row.
- var formLabel = su.ifEmpty(comp.getAttributeFormLabel(entity, attrName),
- comp.getAttributeLabel(entity, attrName));
- formLabel = su.unescapeHTML(formLabel);
- var formLabelPrompt = 'Display label:';
- // The onclick attribute has some special cosmetic behavior around the
- // label, as that is its tooltip.
- if (attrName == 'onclick') {
- formLabelPrompt = 'Tool tip:';
- if (formLabel == comp.getAttributeLabel(entity, attrName)) {
- formLabel = su.translateString('Click to activate.');
- }
- }
- arr.push('<tr id="formlabel-row">',
- '<td align="right"><nobr>', su.translateString(formLabelPrompt),
- '</nobr></td>',
- '<td>',
- '<input name="formlabel-textbox" id="formlabel-textbox" type="textbox"',
- ' value="', formLabel, '" style="width: 100%"/>',
- '</td></tr>');
- // Output the unit selection row.
- arr.push('<tr id="units-row">',
- '<td align="right"><nobr>', su.translateString('Display in:'),
- '</nobr></td>');
- var attributeUnitGroup;
- if (su.isValid(attr)) {
- attributeUnitGroup = su.ifEmpty(attr.unitGroup, attributeUnitGroup);
- }
- arr.push('<td>',
- '<select name="units-pulldown" id="units-pulldown"',
- ' style="width: 100%">');
- var units = su.ifInvalid(comp.getAttributeUnits(entity, attrName), 'STRING');
- for (var unitID = 0; unitID < conv.units.length; unitID++) {
- label = conv.units[unitID].label;
- value = conv.units[unitID].name;
- unitGroup = conv.units[unitID].group;
- if (su.notValid(attributeUnitGroup) ||
- attributeUnitGroup == unitGroup) {
- if (value == units) {
- selected = ' selected="selected" ';
- } else {
- selected = '';
- }
- arr.push('<option value="', value, '"', selected, '>',
- su.translateString(label), '</option>');
- }
- }
- arr.push('</select></td></tr>');
- // Build a second row for material, which has its own unit requirements.
- arr.push('<tr id="material-units-row">',
- '<td align="right"><nobr>', su.translateString('Display in:'),
- '</nobr></td>');
- arr.push('<td>',
- '<select name="material-units-pulldown" id="material-units-pulldown"',
- ' style="width: 100%">');
- for (var unitID = 0; unitID < conv.units.length; unitID++) {
- value = conv.units[unitID].name;
- if (value != 'STRING') {
- continue;
- }
- label = conv.units[unitID].label;
- selected = ' selected="selected" ';
- arr.push('<option value="', value, '"', selected, '>',
- su.translateString(label), '</option>');
- }
- arr.push('</select></td></tr>');
- arr.push('<tr id="options-row">',
- '<td align="right" valign="top"> </td>',
- '<td id="options-panel">');
- // Since the scaletool panel has more content, hide the options table.
- if (attrName != 'scaletool') {
- arr.push(this.dumpOptionsTable(entity, attrName));
- }
- // Close the options-row.
- arr.push('</td></tr>');
- // Close the overall options-table and the row it resides in.
- arr.push('</table></td></tr>');
- // Close off the outer table and options div.
- arr.push('</table></div>');
- // Create a separate div/table for the footer button arrangement.
- arr.push('<div class="details-footer"><form>',
- '<table class="details-footer-table" cellspacing="0">',
- '<tr><td valign="middle">');
- arr.push('<tr><td valign="bottom" align="center">',
- '<input type="button" value="', su.translateString('Apply'), '"',
- ' onclick="', this.id, '.hideDetailPanel(true)">',
- '<input type="button" value="', su.translateString('Cancel'), '"',
- ' onclick="', this.id + '.hideDetailPanel(false)">',
- '</td></tr>');
- arr.push('</table></form></div>');
- var html = arr.join('');
- su.setContent('details-panel', html);
- this.showAccessRows(access);
- // The onclick attribute shows its label, as that is what is shown as the
- // tooltip.
- if (attrName == 'onclick') {
- su.show('formlabel-row');
- }
- su.show('details-panel');
- mgr.updateDetailPanelLayout();
- };
- /**
- * Displays the editing cell, a special textarea styled to overlay the
- * underlying content being edited.
- * @param {Element} target The native element the editor should position and
- * offer editing services for.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.showEditPanel = function(target) {
- mgr.setEditorTarget(target);
- var tab = $('edit-field-reference-tab');
- if (su.isValid(this.lastAttributeSelected)) {
- tab.innerHTML = this.lastEntitySelected.name + '!' +
- this.lastAttributeSelected.label;
- } else {
- tab.innerHTML = ' '
- }
- // Adjust the tab's top to offset it as needed. Note that we show it (but
- // that doesn't flush to the screen) so we're sure the computation is
- // correct and not affected by display: none.
- su.show(tab);
- var tabHeight = su.elementHeight(tab);
- su.hide(tab);
- tab.style.top = 0;
- var topY = su.elementY(target);
- // Account for border thickness on the PC edit field.
- if (su.IS_MAC == false) {
- topY -= 1;
- }
- var panel = mgr.editPanel;
- panel.style.top = topY - mgr.HIGHLIGHT_EDIT_OFFSET +
- mgr.scrollPanel.scrollTop;
- panel.setAttribute('fixedtop', '');
- panel.style.width = su.elementWidth(target);
- panel.style.height = su.elementHeight(target);
- panel.style.left = su.elementX(target);
- mgr.updateEditorLayoutTimeout();
- su.show(panel);
- };
- /**
- * Displays the attribute name list for selection during attribute addition.
- * @param {Object} entity The entity object we're adding an attribute for.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.showListPanel = function(entity) {
- var stat = su.translateString(
- 'Select an attribute from the list, or enter your own.');
- mgr.setStatusBar(stat, 'select');
- var arr = [];
- arr.push('<div id="list-sub-panel" class="list-sub-panel">',
- '<div>');
- var lastGroup = '';
- for (var attribute in comp.RESERVED) {
- // Only show attributes at are not already attached.
- if (comp.hasAttribute(entity, attribute)) {
- continue;
- }
- var attr = comp.RESERVED[attribute];
- // Do not show hidden attributes, and do not show metaData or form
- // design attributes if we're viewing a sub node, as those attributes
- // only make sense at the top level.
- if (attr.isHidden != true &&
- (mgr.rootEntity.id == entity.id ||
- (attr.group != comp.METADATA_GROUP &&
- attr.group != comp.FORM_DESIGN_GROUP))) {
- // Changing groups? Then output a subheading segment.
- if (attr.group != lastGroup) {
- var onClickJS = this.id + '.attachGroup(\'' + attr.group + '\')';
- var onMouseOverJS = "mgr.setStatusBar('<b>" +
- su.translateString(attr.group) + '</b> · ' +
- su.translateString('Add all.') +
- "', 'add-all'); this.innerHTML='" +
- su.translateString(attr.group) +
- ' ' + su.translateString('(add all)') + "';";
- var onMouseOutJS = "mgr.setStatusBar('" +
- stat + "', 'select'); this.innerHTML='" +
- su.translateString(attr.group) + "';";
- arr.push('</div><div class="list-group"><div class="list-head" ',
- ' onclick="', onClickJS, '"',
- ' onmouseover="this.className=\'list-head-active\';',
- 'this.parentNode.className=\'list-group-active\';',
- onMouseOverJS, '"',
- ' onmouseout="this.className=\'list-head\';',
- 'this.parentNode.className=\'list-group\';',
- onMouseOutJS, '"',
- '>', su.translateString(attr.group), '</div>');
- lastGroup = attr.group;
- }
- onClickJS = this.id + '.setLabelField(\'' + attr.label + '\')';
- onMouseOverJS = "mgr.setStatusBar('<b>" +
- attr.label +
- '</b> · ' + su.translateString(attr.summary) + "', '" +
- attribute + "');";
- arr.push('<div class="list-item"',
- ' onmouseover="this.className=\'list-item-active\';',
- onMouseOverJS, '"',
- ' onmouseout="this.className=\'list-item\';"',
- ' onclick="' + onClickJS, '"',
- '>', attr.label, '</div>');
- }
- }
- arr.push('</div><div class="list-group"><div class="list-head" ',
- ' onclick="$(\'edit-field\').select();"',
- ' onmouseover="this.className=\'list-head-active\';',
- 'this.parentNode.className=\'list-group-active\';"',
- ' onmouseout="this.className=\'list-head\';',
- 'this.parentNode.className=\'list-group\';"',
- '><i>', su.translateString('Or enter a custom name...'), '</i></div>');
- arr.push('</div>');
- var html = arr.join('');
- su.setContent('list-panel', html);
- // To get the list panel to position properly, move it offscreen,
- // make it visible so IE6 can get at its sizing attributes, and then
- // update its position.
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- $('list-panel').left = -6000;
- su.show('list-panel');
- mgr.updateListPanelLayout();
- }, 0);
- mgr.hideHighlight();
- };
- /**
- * Stores the options selected from the options panel.
- * @param {boolean} wasEditingLabel Whether the label was/is the target of the
- * operation.
- * @param {Element} target The target element that was editing when this
- * method was invoked.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.storeOptions = function(wasEditingLabel, target) {
- var elem;
- var attr;
- var entity = su.findEntity(this.idToDetail, mgr.rootEntity);
- var attrName = this.attNameToDetail;
- var i = 1;
- var options = '';
- var foundEmptyLabel = false;
- // Pull the units to parse from directly out of the formulaunits pulldown if
- // it exists.
- var units;
- // If an explicit unit is selected, then use that instead of the default one.
- // This allows us to refresh the options list in the currently selected
- // units even before the change is committed.
- if (su.isValid($('formulaunits-pulldown'))) {
- units = $('formulaunits-pulldown').value;
- if (units == 'DEFAULT') {
- if (su.isValid(comp.RESERVED[attrName])) {
- if (comp.RESERVED[attrName].unitGroup == 'LENGTH') {
- units = su.ifEmpty(comp.lengthUnits(entity), units);
- }
- } else {
- units = 'STRING';
- }
- }
- } else {
- // In some of the reserved attributes, we hide the formulaunits-pulldown
- // control because it's not something that the user can change. In such a
- // case, pull the explicit formula unit for that attribute.
- units = comp.getAttributeFormulaUnits(entity, attrName, true);
- }
- target.setAttribute('undo-value', target.value);
- while (su.isValid(elem = $('option-label-' + i))) {
- var label = elem.value;
- var value = $('option-value-' + i).value;
- // If we've just tabbed off of a label for the first time, preload the
- // value cell with whatever we just typed in.
- if (wasEditingLabel &&
- value == su.translateString(mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE)) {
- $('option-value-' + i).value = label;
- $('option-value-' + i).select();
- }
- if (value.indexOf('=') != 0 &&
- value != su.translateString(mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE)) {
- var enteredValue = conv.parseTo(value, units);
- var baseValue = conv.toBase(enteredValue, units);
- value = '' + baseValue;
- }
- if (value.indexOf('=') != 0 && wasEditingLabel == false) {
- $('option-value-' + i).value = su.unescapeHTML(
- conv.format(conv.fromBase(value, units), units,
- }
- if (su.notEmpty(label) &&
- label != su.translateString(mgr.DEFAULT_OPTION_LABEL)) {
- options += '&' + escape(label) + '=' + escape(value);
- // Take a look at our current attribute value. If it's empty, then
- // let's set it to the current option value.
- if (wasEditingLabel != true) {
- var currentAttValue = comp.getAttributeValue(entity, attrName);
- if (su.isEmpty(currentAttValue)) {
- if (value.indexOf('=') == 0) {
- comp.setAttributeFormula(entity, attrName, value.substring(1));
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, attrName, value.substring(1));
- } else {
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, attrName, value);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (wasEditingLabel == true) {
- foundEmptyLabel = true;
- }
- i++;
- }
- // Erase empty list by storing a single character.
- options += '&';
- comp.setAttributeOptions(entity, attrName, options);
- if (foundEmptyLabel == true) {
- su.setContent('options-panel', this.dumpOptionsTable(entity, attrName));
- }
- };
- /**
- * Toggles the collapse state of a particular entity level. Typically invoked
- * via a click on the heading element for that tree branch.
- * @param {Element} headElement The element which represents the root of a
- * particular tree branch.
- * @param {String} entityID The ID of the specific entity whose data is being
- * shown or hidden.
- */
- AttributeTree.prototype.toggleCollapse = function(headElement, entityID) {
- this.hideEditPanels();
- this.hideDetailControls();
- // Make sure no highlighting is in place, we'll turn it back on after any
- // collapse has processed to ensure proper location of the highlight.
- mgr.hideHighlight();
- mgr.setFocusedElement(null);
- mgr.refocusIndex = null;
- mgr.refocusTarget = null;
- // Toggle the box display for this branch level.
- // Update the entity so it is aware of the collapse state.
- var entity = su.findEntity(entityID, mgr.rootEntity);
- var headParent = headElement.parentNode;
- if (su.notValid(entity)) {
- su.raise(su.translateString('Could not find entity: ') + entityID);
- } else if (headParent.className == 'tree-leaf-visible') {
- headParent.className = 'tree-leaf-collapsed';
- headElement.className = 'attribute-head-collapsed';
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, '_iscollapsed', 'true');
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, '_iscollapsed');
- su.hide('add-attribute-link-' + entityID);
- } else {
- headParent.className = 'tree-leaf-visible';
- headElement.className = 'attribute-head-visible';
- comp.setAttributeValue(entity, '_iscollapsed', 'false');
- comp.pushAttribute(entity, '_iscollapsed');
- su.show('add-attribute-link-' + entityID);
- }
- };