"Adds items to the Draw and Tools menus for creating and editing organic shapes such as terrain."="Adds items to the Draw and Tools menus for creating and editing organic shapes such as terrain.";
"From Contours"="From Contours";
"From Scratch"="From Scratch";
"Add Detail"="Add Detail";
"Flip Edge"="Flip Edge";
"Sandbox from Contours"="Sandbox from Contours";
"You must first select the contours you wish to use to create the sandbox before using this tool."="You must first select the contours you wish to use to create the sandbox before using this tool.";
"Select a face, edge or vertex on the mesh to detail. Hold down CTRL to add detail without offsetting the new vertex."="Select a face, edge or vertex on the mesh to detail. Hold down CTRL to add detail without offsetting the new vertex.";
"Offset the new vertex from the mesh. Click to set the offset or type the offset distance. Hold down Shift to offset perpendicular to the selected entity."="Offset the new vertex from the mesh. Click to set the offset or type the offset distance. Hold down Shift to offset perpendicular to the selected entity.";
"Detail Offset"="Detail Offset";
"Select the entities you wish to drape."="Select the entities you wish to drape.";
"Select the mesh on which you wish to drape."="Select the mesh on which you wish to drape.";
"Select the first corner of the Sandbox or input the grid spacing of the Sandbox."="Select the first corner of the Sandbox or input the grid spacing of the Sandbox.";
"Select the second corner of the Sandbox. Shift locks the direction of the line. Input the length of the line if desired."="Select the second corner of the Sandbox. Shift locks the direction of the line. Input the length of the line if desired.";
"Select the third corner of the Sandbox. Input the length of the line if desired."="Select the third corner of the Sandbox. Input the length of the line if desired.";
"Sandbox from Scratch"="Sandbox from Scratch";
"Select an edge on the mesh to flip."="Select an edge on the mesh to flip.";
"Click to select the base point of the smoove or type a new radius for the smoove."="Click to select the base point of the smoove or type a new radius for the smoove.";
"Smoove the mesh up or down. Shift = Smoove perpendicular to the selection. Typing [10']=Offset 10', [10'r]=10' Smoove radius, [10'd]=10' Smoove diameter."="Smoove the mesh up or down. Shift = Smoove perpendicular to the selection. Typing [10']=Offset 10', [10'r]=10' Smoove radius, [10'd]=10' Smoove diameter.";
"Select the face(s) to stamp into the mesh or type a new offset for the stamp."="Select the face(s) to stamp into the mesh or type a new offset for the stamp.";
"Select the mesh to stamp into or type a new offset for the stamp."="Select the mesh to stamp into or type a new offset for the stamp.";
"Select the elevation of the stamped face(s)."="Select the elevation of the stamped face(s).";
"You must select a triangular face, an edge between two triangles, or a vertex connected to triangles to use this tool."="You must select a triangular face, an edge between two triangles, or a vertex connected to triangles to use this tool.";
"Can not flip this edge. The faces on either side of the edge must be triangles."="Can not flip this edge. The faces on either side of the edge must be triangles.";
"Invalid Selection. There are no non-vertical faces to stamp."="Invalid Selection. There are no non-vertical faces to stamp.";
"Create a Sandbox from contours"="Create a Sandbox from contours";
"Create a Sandbox from scratch"="Create a Sandbox from scratch";