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- # Copyright 2005-2008, Google, Inc.
- # This software is provided as an example of using the Ruby interface
- # to SketchUp.
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
- # any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- # copyright notice appear in all copies.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This adds some useful functions to the Utilities menu in SketchUp
- require 'sketchup.rb'
- # This funtion will create a face from the edges in the selection set.
- # There must be at least three Edges selected.
- # It will show an error message if a face couldn't be created from the edges.
- def create_face_from_selection
- ss = Sketchup.active_model.selection
- # Get an Array of all of the selected Edges
- edges = ss.find_all { |e| e.kind_of?(Sketchup::Edge) }
- # We need at least 3 Edges
- if( edges.length < 3 )
- UI.messagebox($uStrings.GetString("You must select at least three Edges"))
- return nil
- end
- # Try to create a Face from the Edges in the active component
- face = nil
- begin
- face = Sketchup.active_model.active_entities.add_face edges
- rescue
- end
- # If a Face wasn't created, then there should be an error message
- # telling what the problem was
- if( not face )
- if( $! )
- msg = $!.message
- else
- msg = $uStrings.GetString("Create Face from Edges failed")
- end
- UI.messagebox msg
- end
- # Return the Face that was created
- face
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This example show how you can write a simple tool in Ruby. To implement
- # a tool, you have to implement the methods that you want to handle.
- # In this example the following methods are implementd:
- # onMouseMove is called when a mouse move event is received.
- # draw is handled to draw the tool
- # This tool show coordinates of points and screen positions.
- # It also shows lengths of selected Edges or areas of selected Faces.
- # To see this tool in action, type the following in the Ruby console window:
- # Sketchup.active_model.select_tool TrackMouseTool.new
- class TrackMouseTool
- # The activate method is called when a tool is first activated. It is not
- # required, but it is a good place to initialize stuff.
- def activate
- @ip = Sketchup::InputPoint.new
- @iptemp = Sketchup::InputPoint.new
- @displayed = false
- end
- # onMouseMove is called whenever SketchUp gets a mouse move event. It is called
- # a lot, so you should try to make it as efficient as possible.
- def onMouseMove(flags, x, y, view)
- # show the screen position in the VCB
- Sketchup::set_status_text("#{x}, #{y}", SB_VCB_VALUE)
- # get a position in the model and show it in a tooltip
- @iptemp.pick view, x, y
- if( @iptemp.valid? )
- changed = @iptemp != @ip
- @ip.copy! @iptemp
- pos = @ip.position;
- # get the text for the position
- msg = @ip.tooltip
- if( msg.length > 0 )
- msg << " "
- end
- #msg << pos.to_s
- msg << "( #{Sketchup.format_length(pos.x)},#{Sketchup.format_length(pos.y)},#{Sketchup.format_length(pos.z)} )"
- # See if it is on any special geometry
- if( @ip.vertex == nil )
- if( @ip.edge )
- if( @ip.depth > 0 )
- length = @ip.edge.length(@ip.transformation)
- else
- length = @ip.edge.length
- end
- msg << "\n " + $uStrings.GetString("length") + " = #{Sketchup.format_length(length)}"
- elsif( @ip.face )
- if( @ip.depth > 0 )
- area = @ip.face.area(@ip.transformation)
- else
- area = @ip.face.area
- end
- msg << "\n " + $uStrings.GetString("area") + " = #{Sketchup.format_area(area)}"
- end
- end
- msg2 = msg.gsub(/\n/,' ')
- Sketchup::set_status_text msg2
- # set the tooltip to show this message
- view.tooltip = msg
- # see if we need to update the display for this point
- if( changed and (@ip.display? or @displayed) )
- # This tells the view that we want it to update itself
- view.invalidate
- end
- end
- end
- # onLButtonDown is called when the user presses the left mouse button
- def onLButtonDown(flags, x, y, view)
- Sketchup::set_status_text $uStrings.GetString("Left button down at") + " (#{x}, #{y})"
- end
- # onLButtonUp is called when the user releases the left mouse button
- def onLButtonUp(flags, x, y, view)
- Sketchup::set_status_text $uStrings.GetString("Left button up at") + " (#{x}, #{y})"
- end
- # draw is optional. It is called on the active tool whenever SketchUp
- # needs to update the screen.
- # in this case, we display an input point if needed
- def draw(view)
- if( @ip.valid? && @ip.display? )
- @ip.draw view
- @displayed = true
- else
- @displayed = false
- end
- end
- def getInstructorContentDirectory
- "Query"
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Make selected components unique.
- # This looks at all selected components.
- def make_selected_components_unique
- # First get all selected components
- ss = Sketchup.active_model.selection
- components = ss.find_all {|e| e.kind_of?(Sketchup::ComponentInstance) }
- # Create a Hash. The keys are the guids of all of the component definitions
- # for selected components. The values are arrays of all of the component instances
- # that have that definition
- definitions = {}
- for component in components
- key = component.definition.guid
- a = definitions[key]
- if( a )
- a.push component
- else
- definitions[key] = [component]
- end
- end
- # Now make each collection of component instances have a new unique definition
- definitions.each_value do |a|
- # a is an array of component instances that all share the same definition
- # We will make the first one have a new unique definition, and all of the
- # other ones use that new definition
- definition = nil
- for component in a
- if( definition )
- # We already have a new definition. Make this component use it
- component.definition = definition
- else
- # Make the component have a unique definition and save it
- component.make_unique
- definition = component.definition
- end
- end
- end
- true
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Add things to the Utilities menu
- if( not $utilities_menu_loaded )
- add_separator_to_menu("Tools")
- utilities_menu = UI.menu("Tools").add_submenu($uStrings.GetString("Utilities"))
- utilities_menu.add_item($uStrings.GetString("Create Face")) { create_face_from_selection }
- utilities_menu.add_item($uStrings.GetString("Query Tool")) { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool TrackMouseTool.new }
- #utilities_menu.add_item($uStrings.GetString("Fix Non-planar Faces")) { Sketchup.send_action "fixNonPlanarFaces:" }
- $utilities_menu_loaded = true
- end