home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/ruby
- #
- # Copyright:: Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
- # License:: All Rights Reserved.
- # Original Author:: Scott Lininger (mailto:scottlininger@google.com)
- #
- # This file declares the WebTextures class that provides hooks for showing
- # a web dialog with UI to select a texture and push it down to SketchUp
- # for auto-texturing of selected faces.
- #
- # WebTextures Self-contained object for showing dialog.
- #
- require 'sketchup.rb'
- require 'LangHandler.rb'
- # The WebTextures class. An instance of this class handles all of the
- # dialog display and callbacks for grabbing and applying textures from
- # the web. You'll find the code that creates the instance at the
- # bottom of this file.
- #
- class WebTextures
- # Define some constants.
- WT_DIALOG_X = 10
- WT_DIALOG_Y = 100
- WT_REGISTRY_KEY = "AgreedToEula"
- # Creates a new WebTextures object.
- #
- # Args:
- # title: string title of the WebDialog to display
- # strings: optional LanguageHandler object containing translated strings
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def initialize(title, strings = LanguageHandler.new("unknown.strings"))
- @strings = strings
- # PC Load paths will have a ':' after the drive letter.
- @is_mac = ($LOAD_PATH[0][1..1] != ":")
- # Cache the online state. We will only recheck if we're offline.
- @is_online = false
- # Find out if they've agreed to our EULA.
- @agreed_to_eula = Sketchup.read_default WT_REGISTRY_SECTION,
- # Remember the last lat/lng we passed up from the shadow_info.
- # If it changes, we'll tell the webdialog to reset.
- @last_shadow_info_json = false
- # Create our dialog.
- keys = {
- :dialog_title => title,
- :scrollable => false,
- :preferences_key => WT_DIALOG_REGISTRY_KEY,
- :height => WT_DIALOG_HEIGHT,
- :width => WT_DIALOG_WIDTH,
- :min_height => WT_DIALOG_MIN_HEIGHT,
- :min_width => WT_DIALOG_MIN_WIDTH,
- :left => WT_DIALOG_X,
- :top => WT_DIALOG_Y,
- :resizable => true,
- :mac_only_use_nswindow => true}
- @dialog = UI::WebDialog.new(keys)
- @dialog.set_background_color('000000')
- @dialog.set_html('<body bgcolor="#FF0000"></body>')
- # Attach all of our callbacks.
- @dialog.add_action_callback("grab") { |d, p| grab(p) }
- @dialog.add_action_callback("agree_to_eula") { |d, p| agree_to_eula(p) }
- @dialog.add_action_callback("store_ui_state") { |d, p| store_ui_state(p) }
- @dialog.add_action_callback("pull_ui_state") { |d, p| pull_ui_state(p) }
- @dialog.add_action_callback("get_flash") { |d, p| get_flash(p) }
- @dialog.add_action_callback("pull_selected_shape") { |d,p|
- pull_selected_shape(p)
- }
- @dialog.add_action_callback("open_url") { |d, p| open_url(p) }
- @dialog.add_action_callback("open_eula") { |d, p| open_eula() }
- # A hash to store arbitrary state about the WebDialog's embedded html UI.
- @ui_state = {}
- # Version string that will be written as an attribute onto any created
- # material.
- @version_ruby = "1.0.0"
- # Place where we will save the texture to.
- if @is_mac
- @image_path = temp_directory + '/temp.jpg'
- else
- @image_path = temp_directory + '\\temp.jpg'
- end
- # Where to load the url from.
- # TODO(scottlininger): Replace the default URL with the live one
- # once it's live.
- @url = Sketchup.get_datfile_info 'WEB_TEXTURES',
- 'http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/skptextures'
- @dialog.set_url(@url)
- show()
- end
- # A callback that opens a url in the default browser.
- #
- # Args:
- # url: The URL
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def open_url(url)
- UI.openURL(url)
- end
- # A callback that opens the SketchUp EULA in the default browser.
- #
- # Args:
- # None
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def open_eula()
- if Sketchup.is_pro?
- url = Sketchup.get_datfile_info 'EULA',
- 'http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/download/license.html'
- else
- url = Sketchup.get_datfile_info 'EULA_PRO',
- 'http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/download/license_pro.html'
- end
- UI.openURL(url)
- end
- # A callback that allows javascript to get a string describing the shape
- # of the currently selected face. If anything but a single face is selected,
- # then a simple rectangle will be sent. By default, it replies to the
- # javascript by setting a global js variable called 'shapeString', but
- # if an optional param called oncomplete is passed, then it will call
- # that function instead.
- #
- # Args:
- # params: The params string that was sent as part of the callback. It
- # may have an optional "oncomplete" param.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def pull_selected_shape(params)
- params = query_to_hash(params)
- # Figure out how many faces are selected.
- selection = Sketchup.active_model.selection
- faces = []
- for entity in selection
- faces.push entity if entity.typename == "Face"
- end
- # Generate a string describing the shape if only one is selected.
- # Otherwise just describe a rectangle shape.
- uv_strings = []
- if faces.length == 1
- corners, vertex_uvs = get_uvs(faces[0])
- for uv in vertex_uvs
- uv_strings.push(uv['u'].to_s + ',' + uv['v'].to_s)
- end
- else
- uv_strings.push('0,0')
- uv_strings.push('1,0')
- uv_strings.push('1,1')
- uv_strings.push('0,1')
- end
- shape_string = uv_strings.join(':');
- # Figure out the width and height if only one face is selected.
- # Otherwise just describe a square.
- if corners.to_s != ""
- width = corners[0].distance corners[1]
- height = corners[1].distance corners[2]
- else
- width = 1
- height = 1
- end
- # Walk the selection and build a string describing the geometry. This
- # will be encoded as a nested JSON array of x, y, z locations, like this:
- #
- # [
- # [{x:0, y:0, z:0}, {x:1, y:1, z:0}, {x:1, y:0, z:1}], // face 1
- # [{x:0, y:0, z:2}, {x:1, y:1, z:2}, {x:1, y:0, z:3}], // face 2
- # [{x:0, y:0, z:4}, {x:1, y:1, z:4}, {x:1, y:0, z:5}] // etc...
- # ]
- bb = Geom::BoundingBox.new()
- geometry_json = '['
- if faces.length <= WT_MAX_FACES_TO_PROCESS
- loop_strings = []
- for face in faces
- vertex_strings = []
- for vertex in face.outer_loop.vertices
- bb.add(vertex.position)
- loc = vertex.position
- vertex_strings.push('{x:' + clean_for_json(loc.x.to_f) + ',' +
- 'y:' + clean_for_json(loc.y.to_f) + ',' +
- 'z:' + clean_for_json(loc.z.to_f) + '}')
- end
- loop_strings.push(vertex_strings.join(','))
- end
- geometry_json += loop_strings.join(',');
- end
- geometry_json += ']'
- # Calculate the latlng center of our selection.
- latlng = Sketchup.active_model.point_to_latlong(bb.center)
- # Execute a JS command to reply.
- if params['oncomplete'] != nil
- cmd = params['oncomplete'] + '("' + shape_string +
- '", ' + width.to_f.to_s + ', ' + height.to_f.to_s + ', "", ' +
- clean_for_json(latlng[1].to_f) + ', ' +
- clean_for_json(latlng[0].to_f) + ', ' +
- geometry_json + ')'
- else
- cmd = "shapeString = '" + shape_string + "'"
- end
- @dialog.execute_script(cmd)
- end
- # A callback that tells SketchUp that the user has agreed to our EULA. This
- # will set a registry value to record that fact as a unix timestamp.
- #
- # Args:
- # params: The params string that was sent as part of the callback. It
- # may have an optional "oncomplete" param.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def agree_to_eula(params)
- params = query_to_hash(params)
- Sketchup.write_default WT_REGISTRY_SECTION, WT_REGISTRY_KEY, Time.now.to_i
- @agreed_to_eula = true
- end
- # A callback that allows the web dialog's Javascript to send down an
- # arbitrary JSON state string that will be sent back up to the dialog
- # should it be closed and reopened.
- #
- # Each JSON string is stored by key in the @ui_state hash. This allows for
- # different sections of the WebDialog UI to store different states
- # without clobbering each other. For example, Street View might want
- # to store the current yaw, pan, and zoom, while a Picasa photo
- # picker might want to store the current photo URL being viewed.
- #
- # Args:
- # params: The params string that was sent as part of the callback. It is
- # expected to contain a param called "key" and "state" that has
- # the JSON string we care to store.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def store_ui_state(params)
- params = query_to_hash(params)
- @ui_state[params['key']] = params['state']
- end
- # A callback that allows the web dialog's Javascript to request the
- # JSON state that was sent down to Ruby via store_state.
- #
- # Args:
- # params: The params string that was sent as part of the callback.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def pull_ui_state(params)
- params = query_to_hash(params)
- json = generate_ui_state_json()
- # Execute a JS command to reply.
- if params['oncomplete'] != nil
- cmd = params['oncomplete'] + '(' + json + ')'
- else
- cmd = "uiState = " + json
- end
- @dialog.execute_script(cmd)
- end
- # A callback that tells the user they need to install flash. This has
- # different behavior mac vs. pc. On mac, we show them some messages
- # and send them to Adobe to run the install. On PC, we tell them what's
- # happening and to expect an ActiveX install box.
- #
- # Args:
- # params: The params string that was sent as part of the callback.
- # It could contain 'message' or 'message2', which defines what
- # messages to show the user, and 'url' which defines where to open
- # the user's browser on Mac to should they click the 'yes' option.
- # If none of these is passed down, we use default values.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- #
- def get_flash(params)
- params = query_to_hash(params)
- if @is_mac
- # Show a Yes/No message box.
- if params['message'] != nil
- msg = params['message']
- else
- msg = @strings.GetString("Photo Textures requires the latest" +
- " version of the Flash player. Would you like to install it now?")
- end
- response = UI.messagebox(msg, MB_YESNO);
- # If they said yes, open the install URL in their default browser.
- if response == 6 # YES
- if params['message2'] != nil
- msg = params['message2']
- else
- msg = @strings.GetString("We will now send you to an installation" +
- " page for Flash player. Once you are done with the install," +
- " please restart SketchUp.")
- end
- response = UI.messagebox(msg, MB_OKCANCEL);
- if response == 1 # OK
- if params['url'] != nil
- url = params['url']
- else
- url = Sketchup.get_datfile_info 'INSTALL_FLASH',
- 'http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/'
- end
- UI.openURL url
- end
- end
- @dialog.close()
- else
- if params['message'] != nil
- msg = params['message']
- else
- msg = @strings.GetString("Photo Textures requires the latest" +
- " version of the Flash player. An installation box for this should" +
- " appear shortly. (If it does not, please visit www.flash.com to" +
- " install.) Once you have agreed to the installation, you may need" +
- " to restart SketchUp.")
- end
- UI.messagebox(msg)
- end
- end
- # Generates a JSON string representing the current shadow_info
- #
- # Args:
- # None
- #
- # Returns:
- # json: string representing our current shadow_info.
- #
- def generate_shadow_info_json()
- shadow_info = Sketchup.active_model.shadow_info
- return '"shadow_info":{ ' +
- '"city": "' + shadow_info["City"] + '", ' +
- '"country":"' + shadow_info["Country"] + '", ' +
- '"lat": "' + shadow_info["Latitude"].to_s + '", ' +
- '"lng": "' + shadow_info["Longitude"].to_s + '" '
- end
- # Generates a JSON string representing our complete UI state.
- #
- # Since many of our web textures UI ideas involve some notion of geolocation,
- # this callback will always report on the that info inside a key called
- # 'shadow_info'. By default, it replies to the JavaScript by setting a global
- # js variable called 'uiState', but if an optional param called oncomplete
- # is passed, then it will call that function instead.
- #
- # Args:
- # None
- #
- # Returns:
- # json: string representing our current ui state.
- #
- def generate_ui_state_json()
- # Build out a JSON string of all of our state info.
- json = '{'
- if @agreed_to_eula
- json += '"agreedToEula":"' + @agreed_to_eula.to_s + '",';
- end
- # Figure out the lat/lng of the center point of the current selection.
- # This will be passed up to the WebDialog so we can use it to improve
- # pose guessing.
- selection = Sketchup.active_model.selection
- if selection.length > 0 && selection.length <= WT_MAX_FACES_TO_PROCESS
- bb = Geom::BoundingBox.new()
- faces = []
- for entity in selection
- if entity.typename == "Face"
- faces.push entity
- for vertex in entity.vertices
- bb.add(vertex.position)
- end
- end
- end
- latlng = Sketchup.active_model.point_to_latlong(bb.center)
- json += '"selectionLat":"' + clean_for_json(latlng[1].to_f) + '",';
- json += '"selectionLng":"' + clean_for_json(latlng[0].to_f) + '",';
- json += '"selectionAlt":"' + clean_for_json(latlng[2].to_f) + '",';
- # If a single face is selected, calculate a lat/lng that is 50'
- # in front of the face. This gives much better Street View
- # pose guesses for looking at faces that are along the "sides"
- # of buildings.
- if faces.length == 1
- vector = faces.first.normal
- vector.length = 12.0 * 50.0
- offset_pt = bb.center.offset vector
- latlng = Sketchup.active_model.point_to_latlong(offset_pt)
- json += '"selectionOffsetLat":"' + clean_for_json(latlng[1].to_f) + '",';
- json += '"selectionOffsetLng":"' + clean_for_json(latlng[0].to_f) + '",';
- json += '"selectionOffsetAlt":"' + clean_for_json(latlng[2].to_f) + '",';
- end
- end
- for key in @ui_state.keys
- json += '"' + key + '":' + @ui_state[key] + ','
- end
- shadow_info_json = generate_shadow_info_json()
- # Store the last lat/lng so we know if the user resets them we can
- # reset the WebDialog's view.
- if shadow_info_json != @last_shadow_info_json
- json += shadow_info_json + ', "hasChanged": 1}}'
- else
- json += shadow_info_json + '}}'
- end
- @last_shadow_info_json = shadow_info_json
- return json
- end
- # A callback that allows the web dialog to tell SketchUp to take a screen
- # grab of the current dialog and apply that texture to selected faces.
- #
- # It expects a param called region that defines four x,y corners of the
- # pixel region to map to the currently selected face(s). Each of these
- # interior corners will be UV mapped onto the 4 geometric corners of the
- # Face. (In the case of a non-rectangular face, it will calculate "virtual"
- # corners that bound the face and map to those instead.)
- #
- # The string will be four x,y local texture coordinates separated by colons.
- # A typical string might look like this... '10,90:120,100:120,5:10,5'
- #
- # The first corner in the list (c0) is the bottom left, and they go
- # counter-clockwise from there. The x,y origin (0,0) is located at the top
- # left of the texture image.
- #
- # c3----------c2
- # | |
- # c0---- |
- # ------c1
- #
- # Args:
- # params: The params string that was sent as part of the callback.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing, but it does call a Javascript method called onGrabComplete()
- # when it is complete.
- #
- def grab(params)
- begin
- params = query_to_hash(params)
- # Make a list of the faces to texture.
- faces_to_texture = []
- selection = Sketchup.active_model.selection
- for face in selection
- if face.typename == "Face"
- faces_to_texture.push(face)
- end
- end
- # Bail out if there are no selected faces.
- if faces_to_texture.length == 0
- UI.messagebox(@strings.GetString("Please select one or more faces" +
- " in your SketchUp model that you would like to photo texture" +
- " and try again."))
- if params['oncomplete'] != nil
- @dialog.execute_script(params['oncomplete'])
- end
- return
- end
- op = @strings.GetString("Apply Photo Texture")
- Sketchup.active_model.start_operation op, true
- # Capture the screen and create the material.
- if params['compression'] == nil
- params['compression'] = 75
- end
- if params['top_left_x'] == nil
- @dialog.write_image(@image_path, params['compression'].to_i)
- else
- @dialog.write_image(@image_path, params['compression'].to_i,
- params['top_left_x'].to_i,
- params['top_left_y'].to_i,
- params['bottom_right_x'].to_i,
- params['bottom_right_y'].to_i)
- end
- file = @image_path.gsub(/\\/, '/')
- materials = Sketchup.active_model.materials
- m = materials.add @strings.GetString("Photo Texture")
- m.texture = file
- texture = m.texture
- if params['texture_width'] == nil
- else
- texture.size = params['texture_width'].to_f
- end
- pixel_width = texture.image_width.to_f
- pixel_height = texture.image_height.to_f
- # Attach some attributes to the material so we can view on 3D Warehouse.
- m.set_attribute "web_textures", "version_ruby", @version_ruby
- m.set_attribute "web_textures", "ui_state", generate_ui_state_json()
- m.set_attribute "web_textures", "created", Time.now.to_i
- # If a region param was passed that defines some UV mapping info, then
- # do UV mapping. Otherwise, just paint all faces with the untransformed
- # texture.
- if params['region'] != nil
- uvs = []
- corners = params['region'].split(':')
- for corner in corners
- u, v = corner.split(',')
- u = u.to_f
- v = v.to_f
- u = u / pixel_width
- v = (pixel_height - v) / pixel_height
- uvs.push(u.to_s + ',' + v.to_s)
- end
- if faces_to_texture.length == 1
- # Apply the texture to the side of the face the camera is looking at.
- # TODO(scottlininger): Could be better to rewrite to use the plane
- # equation. See http://mondrian.corp.google.com/file/11865235 for
- # commentary.
- face = faces_to_texture[0]
- camera_direction = Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.direction
- angle = face.normal.angle_between camera_direction
- if angle.radians < 90
- uv_texture(face, m, uvs, false, true)
- else
- uv_texture(face, m, uvs, true, false)
- end
- else
- # Apply the texture to the front of all selected faces.
- for face in faces_to_texture
- uv_texture(face, m, uvs, true, false)
- end
- end
- else
- # Paint the texture onto all selected faces.
- for face in faces_to_texture
- face.material = m
- end
- end
- if params['oncomplete'] != nil
- @dialog.execute_script(params['oncomplete'])
- end
- # Delete the temporary jpg file.
- File.delete(file)
- Sketchup.active_model.commit_operation
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
- UI.messagebox(
- @strings.GetString("There was an error pulling in the texture.") +
- "\n" +
- @strings.GetString("Please try again.") + "\n\n" +
- "#{e.class}: #{e.message}")
- if params['oncomplete'] != nil
- @dialog.execute_script(params['oncomplete'])
- end
- end
- end
- # UV Textures a face, meaning it applies a texture and positions it to match
- # four coordinate pairings passed in. Each "corner" of the face will
- # get a corresponding u,v coordinate local to the texture itself, and
- # SketchUp will scale and skew the texture so that the u,v location matches
- # with each corner.
- #
- # Args:
- # face: The face to texture.
- # material: The Material object to apply. It must already contain the
- # texture.
- # uvs: An 4-element array of strings. Each string is a single u,v
- # coordinate such as "0,0" or ".25,1.0"
- # do_front: If true, apply to front of face.
- # do_back: If true, apply to back of face.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- def uv_texture(face, material, uvs, do_front=true, do_back=false)
- corners, vertex_uvs = get_uvs(face)
- pts = []
- for i in 0..3
- pts << corners[i].to_a
- uv = uvs[i].split(',')
- pts << [uv[0].to_f,uv[1].to_f]
- end
- if do_front
- face.position_material material, pts, true
- end
- if do_back
- back_pts = []
- back_pts[0] = pts[2]
- back_pts[1] = pts[1]
- back_pts[2] = pts[0]
- back_pts[3] = pts[3]
- back_pts[4] = pts[6]
- back_pts[5] = pts[5]
- back_pts[6] = pts[4]
- back_pts[7] = pts[7]
- face.position_material material, back_pts, false
- end
- end
- # Turns a query string into a hash. So something like "x=100&z=2" will be
- # translated into { x:"100", z:"2" }.
- #
- # Args:
- # data: The string to process.
- #
- # Returns:
- # param_hash: The nice name/value paired hash.
- def query_to_hash(data)
- param_pairs = data.to_s.split('&')
- param_hash = {}
- for param in param_pairs
- name, value = param.split('=')
- param_hash[name] = value
- end
- return param_hash
- end
- # Pops open the dialog.
- #
- # Args:
- # None.
- #
- # Returns:
- # Nothing
- def show(force_refresh = false)
- # If we don't think we're connected, or if it's the first time we've
- # launched the dialog, then ask SketchUp if we're online.
- if @is_online == false
- @is_online = Sketchup.is_online
- end
- # If we're still offline, show a message.
- if @is_online == false
- UI.messagebox(@strings.GetString("Photo Textures requires a connection " +
- "to the internet and yours appears to be down. Please reset " +
- "your connection and try again."))
- return
- end
- # If the geo location has changed, force a refresh of the dialog.
- if @dialog.visible?
- if force_refresh == true
- @dialog.execute_script('refresh()');
- end
- end
- if @dialog.visible? == false
- if @is_mac
- # Mac has refresh issues with flash, so reset URL.
- @dialog.set_url(@url)
- @dialog.show_modal
- else
- @dialog.show
- end
- end
- if @is_mac
- # Force focus on the mac.
- @dialog.bring_to_front
- end
- end
- # There are two things that we calculate in this function: first, the
- # 4 "corners" in model space that define a rectangular bounding poly of the
- # underlying face. Second, an array of the uv points for each vertex in the
- # face, relative to that bounding poly.
- #
- # Args:
- # face: the face to calculate corners and vertex uvs for
- #
- # Returns:
- # corners: An Array of Point3d objects describing the four "corners"
- # surrounding the face. These may or may not be vertices. For
- # example, a circular face or a diamond will have 4 corners
- # where none of them match up with a vertex. A square face
- # will have all 4 corners overlap with a vertex.
- # vertex_uvs: An Array of hashes. Each hash contains a "u" and a "v"
- # member, so that you'll get something like this:
- # [ {u:0,v:1}, {u:0.75,v:.25}, {u:0.25,v:.75}, {u:0.25,v:.75}]
- #
- def get_uvs(face)
- # Get the axes for a plane that the face is on, with
- # the x axis parallel to the ground plane and the z axis
- # corresponding to the face normal.
- xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = face.normal.axes
- # Calculate points that define a "bottom" and a "left"
- # direction, as would be viewed by a person looking from
- # the camera toward the face with their feet pointing
- # downward. (In the case of a face that is parallel to
- # the ground, this method will return "bottom" as being
- # in the negative y direction.)
- far_left = xaxis.reverse
- far_left.length = WT_VERY_LARGE_NUMBER
- left = face.vertices[0].position
- left.offset! far_left
- far_bottom = yaxis.reverse
- far_bottom.length = WT_VERY_LARGE_NUMBER
- bottom = face.vertices[0].position
- bottom.offset! far_bottom
- # Figure out which face vertices define the 4 edges of
- # our bounding poly. Assume it's the first one for the moment.
- left_most_pt = face.vertices[0].position
- right_most_pt = face.vertices[0].position
- top_most_pt = face.vertices[0].position
- bottom_most_pt = face.vertices[0].position
- # Look at each vertex and decide if it's a better fit for
- # being a bounding point.
- for i in 1..(face.vertices.length-1)
- pt = face.vertices[i].position
- if pt.distance(left) < left_most_pt.distance(left)
- left_most_pt = pt
- elsif pt.distance(left) > right_most_pt.distance(left)
- right_most_pt = pt
- end
- if pt.distance(bottom) < bottom_most_pt.distance(bottom)
- bottom_most_pt = pt
- elsif pt.distance(bottom) > top_most_pt.distance(bottom)
- top_most_pt = pt
- end
- end
- # Now that we have all four bounding edges, calculate
- # the 4 corners of our bounding poly.
- left_line = [left_most_pt, yaxis]
- right_line = [right_most_pt, yaxis]
- top_line = [top_most_pt, xaxis]
- bottom_line = [bottom_most_pt, xaxis]
- corners = []
- corners << Geom.intersect_line_line(left_line, bottom_line)
- corners << Geom.intersect_line_line(right_line, bottom_line)
- corners << Geom.intersect_line_line(right_line, top_line)
- corners << Geom.intersect_line_line(left_line, top_line)
- # Now that we've calculated a perfect "bounding rectangle" for the
- # face, we can calculate u,v coordinates within that little
- # coordinate space. The "bottom left" corner of the rectangle is
- # at uv point 0,0 and the "top right" is at 1,1. Therefore, all of
- # the vertex u,v coordinates will lie between 0 and 1.
- uvs = []
- w = right_most_pt.distance_to_line(left_line)
- h = top_most_pt.distance_to_line(bottom_line)
- for vertex in face.outer_loop.vertices
- uv = {}
- uv['u'] = vertex.position.distance_to_line(left_line) / w
- uv['v'] = vertex.position.distance_to_line(bottom_line) / h
- uvs.push uv
- end
- return corners, uvs
- end
- # Cleans up strings to inclusion inside JSON string values
- #
- # Args:
- # value: a string that we want escaped
- #
- # Returns:
- # string: a JSON-friendly version suitable for parsing in javascript
- def clean_for_json(value)
- value = value.to_s
- value = value.gsub(/\\/,'\')
- value = value.gsub(/\"/,'"')
- value = value.gsub(/\n/,'\n')
- if value.index(/e-\d\d\d/) == value.length-5
- value = "0.0";
- end
- return value
- end
- # Returns the system's temporary directory.
- #
- # Args:
- # none
- #
- # Returns:
- # string: the pull path to the temp directory.
- def temp_directory
- if @temp_dir
- return @temp_dir
- end
- tmp = '.'
- for dir in [ENV['TMPDIR'], ENV['TMP'], ENV['TEMP'],
- ENV['USERPROFILE'], '/tmp']
- if dir and File.directory?(dir) and File.writable?(dir)
- tmp = dir
- break
- end
- end
- @temp_dir = File.expand_path(tmp)
- return @temp_dir
- end
- end
- #
- # Set up the UI hooks for the standard grab texture functionality.
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- if (not $wt_loaded)
- # Create the context menu item.
- UI.add_context_menu_handler do |context_menu|
- selection = Sketchup.active_model.selection
- has_faces = false
- for entity in selection
- if entity.typename == "Face"
- has_faces = true
- break
- end
- end
- if has_faces
- context_menu.add_separator
- context_menu.add_item($wt_strings.GetString("Add Photo Texture")) {
- if not $wt_instance
- $wt_instance = WebTextures.new($wt_strings.GetString("Photo Textures"),
- $wt_strings)
- else
- $wt_instance.show(true)
- end
- }
- end
- end
- # Create the Windows > Web Textures menu item.
- menu = UI.menu("Windows")
- menu_text = $wt_strings.GetString("Photo Textures")
- cmd = UI::Command.new(menu_text) {
- if not $wt_instance
- $wt_instance = WebTextures.new($wt_strings.GetString("Photo Textures"),
- $wt_strings)
- else
- $wt_instance.show()
- end
- }
- cmd.tooltip = menu_text
- menu.add_item(cmd)
- $wt_loaded = true
- end