clonestampcomment = Allow you to duplicate part of an image.\nClick to select an area in the image, and then click again to clone the area.\nHold the shift key to clone dimly.\nEsc, Alt-Click: Cancel and initialize\nMouse Wheel, Up, Down: Control the brush size
paintbrushcomment = Click to paint with brush.\nHold the shift key to paint dimly.\nEsc: Cancel\nMouse Wheel, Up, Down: Control the brush size\nCtrl-Click: Pick a color
whitebalancecomment = It is to correct yellow or blue pictures that were taken indoor or in the dark.\nClick the mouse button over a white area to regain the original color.\nFind white dish or white cloth or white wallpaper and click it.
colorbalance = Color Balance
removecolorcast = Remove Color Cast
removecolorcastcomment= Remove colorcast and adjust white balance.\nThe higher level is, the more colorcast will be removed.
colorize = Colorize
colorizecomment = Add color and saturation to the original photo.\nIf you lower saturation, it will be a black and white photo.\nThe higher the stronger.
colorenhance = Color Enhance
autolevel = Auto Level
autocontrast = Auto Contrast
brighten = Brighten
darken = Darken
deepen = Deepen
grayscale = ╩╧╤φ╠ ╤π╟╧φ
sepia = Sepia
negative = Reverse black and white
negativeinshort = Negative
gammacorrection = Gamma Correction
gammacorrectioninshort = ╟ß█╟π╟
gammabright = Gamma Bright
exposure = Exposure
sharpen = ╥φ╟╧╔ ╟ß═╧╔
sharpencomment = Set the radius between 0.1 and 1.0\nand adjust the amount between 10% and 100%
blur = ╓╚╟╚φ╔
bright = Bright
contrast = ╟ß╩╚╟φΣ
decolor = Decolor
bloom = Bloom
bloomregion = Set the area for bloom
lce = Contrast Enhancement
lceinshort = Contrast Enhance
smartblur = Smart Blur(Clear Skin)
noisereduction = Noise Reduction(Clear Skin)
film = Film Effect
filmcinema = Cinema
filmcrossprocess = CrossProcess
filmprovia = Provia
filmvelvia = Velvia
filmportra = Portra
filmagfa = Agfa
old = Antique Photo
dilate = Dilate
erode = Erode
mosaic = Mosaic
regionfilter = Region (Out of Focus)
regionfilterreverse = Reverse the area
lineargradient = Linear Gradient
graduatedtint = Graduated Tint
graduatedtintcomment = Make the upper side of your photo deeper. Good for a landscape photo with sky.
graduatedtintfeather = Feather
graduatedtintshade = Shade
faketiltshift = Fake Tilt-Shift
faketiltshiftcomment = Makes aerial photos of real scenes look like miniature models.
lensflare = Lens Flare
lensflareshape = New Shape
lensflarenegative = Negative
fadestyle = Fade Style
contrastmasking = Backlight Correction
contrastmaskinginshort = Backlight
texture = Texture
noise = Noise
jitter = Jitter
crystallize = Crystallize
edge = Edge
embossing = Embossing
cellophane = Cellophane
pictorialization = Pictorialization
impressionistic = Impressionistic
pastel = Pastel
pen = Pen
waterpainting = Water painting
waterpaintingbrushsize = Brush Size
oilpainting = Oil painting
pencil = ▐ßπ
colorpencil = Colored Pencil
watercolorpencil = Watercolor Pencil
cartoon = Cartoon
colorengraving = Color Engraving
monochromeengraving = Monochrome Engraving
distorts = Distorts
glasstile = Glasstile
doublefacedglasstile = Double-faced Glasstile
verticalglasstile = Vertical Glasstile
horizontalglasstile = Horizontal Glasstile
window = ┼╪╟╤
illusion = Illusion
fisheye = Fisheye
fisheyelensvalue = Lens Value
motionblur = Motionblur
motionblurstep = ╬╪µ╔
zoomblur = Zoomblur
radialblur = Radialblur
wave = Wave
wavelength = Wavelength
waveamplitude = Amplitude
swirl = Swirl
box = Make a box
boxrightside = The box that shows the right side
boxleftside = The box that shows the left side
reflection = Reflection
perspective = Perspective
newsprint = Newsprint
sepiatooltip = Sepia\nCreate an "old-fashioned" effect by changing your photo to a reddish brown tone.
grayscaletooltip = Grayscale\nGrayscale is to convert your images into black and white tones. Grayscaling eliminates hue.
thresholdtooltip = B&W. Threshold\nChange a color photo to a black and white photo.
negativetooltip = Invert. Negative\nReverse colors of all pixels.
bloomtooltip = Bloom(Ctrl-G)
autoleveltooltip = Auto Level\n Adjust hue automatically
autocontrasttooltip = Auto Contrast\n Adjust contrast automatically