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/ Freelog 101 / FreelogNo101-JanvierFevrier2011.iso / Skin / Snaps / BuildIT.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2010-11-25  |  55KB  |  461x395  |  16-bit (17,039 colors)
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OCR: Insert Task Run BuildlT File Runs all tasks of ar externa BuildlT file Cancel H anage Files Allows you to copy mvre or delete files or folders recursively singly Play Sound File Plays an external sound file Send E- Sends an using the properties defined n Options FTP Files Uploads downloads renames or deletes a file on an FTP server Gel Web File Grabs a web page using GET POST orHEAD pue saves the response to a file Zip/Unzip an Archive Creates or extracts ZID compatible archive of files Run DOS Command Runs an external command ine capable program or tool BuildIT extenal Manage Plaus media mail propertie download rename HEAD line progr