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/ Freelog 101 / FreelogNo101-JanvierFevrier2011.iso / Skin / Snaps / Textorizer.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2010-11-25  |  199KB  |  1385x607  |  24-bit (80,429 colors)
Labels: crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | sky | tree | window
OCR: textorize 000 Textorizer mage jetlag.jpg Textorizer extorizer extorizer Controls Output 5CC 5000 TXE Siza 16.69 vehours ver-circling walves 'New York 0 jet lag disrubted and Cayce circadian rhythm Pollard wakes Five hours in Camden Town Yark jet to the tlagand dire Cay PUD New Backgrcund 4.00 1.00 50.00 Pollard iwakesin Camden own to the dire pUd ever-circling walves of disrupted circa 255 Line Heignt an rhythm. Five hours New York iet lagand Cayce Pollard wakes in Camden Townt textorizer.txt .50 the dire andever wolves of disrupted circadian rhythm ever Five -crcing hours New wolves Yo 0.00 cjet and Cayce wakes in Camden own to the dire and Szve] Fivehuur New You Cy Cclour disrupted rhythim Five hours New York jetlag and Cayce Pollard wak cas ir Save ac Pollard dire and cuer- -circlin Ca ...