Wordaizer is a program to play with text. Wordaizer continues where Wordle ends: Wordaizer does not replace Wordle (the Wordle copyright is with Jonathan Feinberg, www.wordle.net - actually it is owned by IBM Inc.). Wordaizer also makes word clouds, but in a much more interactive way, using patterns and masks to generate word clouds that is not possible with Wordle.
If you only want to make Wordle word clouds, don't use Wordaizer, it can not compete with the Wordle quality and speed. But...with Wordaizer you have and all-in-one approach to both word clouds and much more. You make the choice, we provide the tools.
Possibilities with Wordaizer:
- make word clouds
- tune word clouds for font (type, size, range etc)
- apply pattern masks to shape the word cloud
- mask on-the-fly to quicky create a cloud shape mask
- use a picture for word color source
- pretty fast (on a high-end PC: comparable to Wordle)
- user friendly interface
- accurate tuning possible
- multi-lingual (en, nl, de)
Just sheer fun to make a new kind of word cloud art !
Wordaizer can be downloaded from the APP Helmond homepage: http://www.mosaizer.com
For questions, bug reports and advice you can send an e-mail to sybren@mosaizer.com
Thank you for using Wordaizer.
As stated by Jonathan Feinberg on his website:
"Certain parts of the code are ⌐ IBM Corporation, and all rights are reserved. You may not decompile or reverse-engineer the applet and then make a derivative work based on your knowledge of that code. You may not use the applet on your own web site or, as a library, in your own work."
Herewith it is stated that all the Wordaizer code has been designed from scratch, not using any knowledge of the algorithms of the Wordle applet, nor by reverse engineering, not by other means. There is NO relation between the used algorithms of Wordaizer and Wordle. Although the result is similar, the application follows a clearly different algorithm, and is therefore NOT violating the copyright of IBM.
Because of the CPU intensive nature of bitmap manipulation, Wordaizer may need a right computing environment. The following minimum system requirements apply:
- 1.4 GHz Intel or AMD processesor
- 256 MB RAM memory
- 5 Mb of harddisk space for picture libraries
- 50 Mb of harddisk space to store real big Wordaizerr bitmaps
- Windows 2000/XP
- 15" Monitor with 1024 x 768 pixels
The following system is recommended when large bitmaps are generated (> 4000x4000 pixels)
- 2.4 GHz Intel or AMD processesor
- 512 Mb RAM memory
2.1 build 46
- improved mask load/change management
- added an eraser in on-the-fly mask making
2.1 build 45
- added pdf file output
- added URL input as source for the wordlet
- added a possibility to include all the system fonts
2.0 build 43
- removed a small bug (not finding the 'mydocuments' folder)
2.0 build 41-42
- improved printing on multiple pages under Windows 7 (Vista)
- added shortcuts for printing and saving
- added more skins
2.0 build 40
- fixed a bug in the manual words feed (the word 'word' kept coming back)
2.0 build 39
- fixed a minor issue with the mask refresh/reset
- fixed a print dialogue window skin error
- solved a bug in the mask eraser (at first touch now fully erasing)
- added the possibility to copy the mask to the mask editor window
2.0 build 36-38
- enhanced metafiles added
- some minor bugs solved in font selection
- minor issues in educational mode repaired
1.5 build 30-32
- special fonts added to create sophisticated wordlets
- added a custom print density
1.5 build 29
- installer now installs for 'every user' (admin rights required!)
1.5 build 28
- major update
- educational mode added
- simplified interface, removing non-obvious effects and controls
- improved size matching engine
1.0 build 22-23
- skins added, new GUI skins
- cumulative errors solved
1.0 build 21
- french translation added
1.0 build 20
- new feature added: provide text file with embedded frequency data
- minor tweaks to simplify the interface
1.0 build 19
- printing problem solved
1.0 build 18
- improved word count engine
1.0 build 16-17
- some bugfixes:
* input files can now also have one line of words
* the word frequency of the input text can now have an equal distribution
* the min word length limit can now correctly be set
- the maximum number of words is not limited, but follows the max amount of words from the input text
- the tilde (~) is now used as word-connectors, all olther punctuation characters will be removed
- the user can now specify which special characters will automatically be removed from the text