home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- // found in the LICENSE file.
- /**
- * Javascript for omnibox.html, served from chrome://omnibox/
- * This is used to debug omnibox ranking. The user enters some text
- * into a box, submits it, and then sees lots of debug information
- * from the autocompleter that shows what omnibox would do with that
- * input.
- *
- * The simple object defined in this javascript file listens for
- * certain events on omnibox.html, sends (when appropriate) the
- * input text to C++ code to start the omnibox autcomplete controller
- * working, and listens from callbacks from the C++ code saying that
- * results are available. When results (possibly intermediate ones)
- * are available, the Javascript formats them and displays them.
- */
- cr.define('omniboxDebug', function() {
- 'use strict';
- /**
- * Register our event handlers.
- */
- function initialize() {
- $('omnibox-input-form').addEventListener(
- 'submit', startOmniboxQuery, false);
- $('show-details').addEventListener('change', refresh);
- $('show-incomplete-results').addEventListener('change', refresh);
- $('show-all-providers').addEventListener('change', refresh);
- }
- /**
- * @type {Array.<Object>} an array of all autocomplete results we've seen
- * for this query. We append to this list once for every call to
- * handleNewAutocompleteResult. For details on the structure of
- * the object inside, see the comments by addResultToOutput.
- */
- var progressiveAutocompleteResults = [];
- /**
- * Extracts the input text from the text field and sends it to the
- * C++ portion of chrome to handle. The C++ code will iteratively
- * call handleNewAutocompleteResult as results come in.
- */
- function startOmniboxQuery(event) {
- // First, clear the results of past calls (if any).
- progressiveAutocompleteResults = [];
- // Then, call chrome with a one-element list: the value in the text box.
- chrome.send('startOmniboxQuery', [$('input-text').value]);
- // Cancel the submit action. i.e., don't submit the form. (We handle
- // display the results solely with Javascript.)
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a simple object with information about how to display an
- * autocomplete result data field.
- * @param {string} header the label for the top of the column/table.
- * @param {string} urlLabelForHeader the URL that the header should point
- * to (if non-empty).
- * @param {string} propertyName the name of the property in the autocomplete
- * result record that we lookup.
- * @param {boolean} displayAlways whether the property should be displayed
- * regardless of whether we're in detailed more.
- * @param {string} tooltip a description of the property that will be
- * presented as a tooltip when the mouse is hovered over the column title.
- * @constructor
- */
- function PresentationInfoRecord(header, url, propertyName, displayAlways,
- tooltip) {
- this.header = header;
- this.urlLabelForHeader = url;
- this.propertyName = propertyName;
- this.displayAlways = displayAlways;
- this.tooltip = tooltip;
- }
- /**
- * A constant that's used to decide what autocomplete result
- * properties to output in what order. This is an array of
- * PresentationInfoRecord() objects; for details see that
- * function.
- * @type {Array.<Object>}
- * @const
- */
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Provider', '', 'provider_name', true,
- 'The AutocompleteProvider suggesting this result.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Type', '', 'type', true,
- 'The type of the result.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Relevance', '', 'relevance', true,
- 'The result score. Higher is more relevant.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Contents', '', 'contents', true,
- 'The text that is presented identifying the result.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Starred', '', 'starred', false,
- 'A green checkmark indicates that the result has been bookmarked.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord(
- 'HWYT', '', 'is_history_what_you_typed_match', false,
- 'A green checkmark indicates that the result is an History What You ' +
- 'Typed Match'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Description', '', 'description', false,
- 'The page title of the result.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('URL', '', 'destination_url', true,
- 'The URL for the result.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Fill Into Edit', '', 'fill_into_edit', false,
- 'The text shown in the omnibox when the result is selected.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord(
- 'IAO', '', 'inline_autocomplete_offset', false,
- 'The Inline Autocomplete Offset.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Del', '', 'deletable', false,
- 'A green checkmark indicates that the results can be deleted from ' +
- 'the visit history.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord('Prev', '', 'from_previous', false, ''),
- new PresentationInfoRecord(
- 'Tran',
- 'http://code.google.com/codesearch#OAMlx_jo-ck/src/content/public/' +
- 'common/page_transition_types.h&exact_package=chromium&l=24',
- 'transition', false,
- 'How the user got to the result.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord(
- 'Done', '', 'provider_done', false,
- 'A green checkmark indicates that the provider is done looking for ' +
- 'more results.'),
- new PresentationInfoRecord(
- 'Template URL', '', 'template_url', false, ''),
- new PresentationInfoRecord(
- 'Associated Keyword', '', 'associated_keyword', false, ''),
- new PresentationInfoRecord(
- 'Additional Info', '', 'additional_info', false,
- 'Provider-specific information about the result.')
- ];
- /**
- * Returns an HTML Element of type table row that contains the
- * headers we'll use for labeling the columns. If we're in
- * detailed_mode, we use all the headers. If not, we only use ones
- * marked displayAlways.
- */
- function createAutocompleteResultTableHeader() {
- var row = document.createElement('tr');
- var inDetailedMode = $('show-details').checked;
- for (var i = 0; i < PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER.length; i++) {
- if (inDetailedMode || PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[i].displayAlways) {
- var headerCell = document.createElement('th');
- if (PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[i].urlLabelForHeader != '') {
- // Wrap header text in URL.
- var linkNode = document.createElement('a');
- linkNode.href = PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[i].urlLabelForHeader;
- linkNode.textContent = PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[i].header;
- headerCell.appendChild(linkNode);
- } else {
- // Output header text without a URL.
- headerCell.textContent = PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[i].header;
- headerCell.className = 'table-header';
- headerCell.title = PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[i].tooltip;
- }
- row.appendChild(headerCell);
- }
- }
- return row;
- }
- /**
- * @param {Object} autocompleteSuggestion the particular autocomplete
- * suggestion we're in the process of displaying.
- * @param {string} propertyName the particular property of the autocomplete
- * suggestion that should go in this cell.
- * @return {HTMLTableCellElement} that contains the value within this
- * autocompleteSuggestion associated with propertyName.
- */
- function createCellForPropertyAndRemoveProperty(autocompleteSuggestion,
- propertyName) {
- var cell = document.createElement('td');
- if (propertyName in autocompleteSuggestion) {
- if (propertyName == 'additional_info') {
- // |additional_info| embeds a two-column table of provider-specific data
- // within this cell.
- var additionalInfoTable = document.createElement('table');
- for (var additionalInfoKey in autocompleteSuggestion[propertyName]) {
- var additionalInfoRow = document.createElement('tr');
- // Set the title (name of property) cell text.
- var propertyCell = document.createElement('td');
- propertyCell.textContent = additionalInfoKey + ':';
- propertyCell.className = 'additional-info-property';
- additionalInfoRow.appendChild(propertyCell);
- // Set the value of the property cell text.
- var valueCell = document.createElement('td');
- valueCell.textContent =
- autocompleteSuggestion[propertyName][additionalInfoKey];
- valueCell.className = 'additional-info-value';
- additionalInfoRow.appendChild(valueCell);
- additionalInfoTable.appendChild(additionalInfoRow);
- }
- cell.appendChild(additionalInfoTable);
- } else if (typeof autocompleteSuggestion[propertyName] == 'boolean') {
- // If this is a boolean, display a checkmark or an X instead of
- // the strings true or false.
- if (autocompleteSuggestion[propertyName]) {
- cell.className = 'check-mark';
- cell.textContent = 'Γ£ö';
- } else {
- cell.className = 'x-mark';
- cell.textContent = 'Γ£ù';
- }
- } else {
- var text = String(autocompleteSuggestion[propertyName]);
- // If it's a URL wrap it in an href.
- var re = /^(http|https|ftp|chrome|file):\/\//;
- if (re.test(text)) {
- var aCell = document.createElement('a');
- aCell.textContent = text;
- aCell.href = text;
- cell.appendChild(aCell);
- } else {
- // All other data types (integer, strings, etc.) display their
- // normal toString() output.
- cell.textContent = autocompleteSuggestion[propertyName];
- }
- }
- } // else: if propertyName is undefined, we leave the cell blank
- return cell;
- }
- /**
- * Called by C++ code when we get an update from the
- * AutocompleteController. We simply append the result to
- * progressiveAutocompleteResults and refresh the page.
- */
- function handleNewAutocompleteResult(result) {
- progressiveAutocompleteResults.push(result);
- refresh();
- }
- /**
- * Appends some human-readable information about the provided
- * autocomplete result to the HTML node with id omnibox-debug-text.
- * The current human-readable form is a few lines about general
- * autocomplete result statistics followed by a table with one line
- * for each autocomplete match. The input parameter result is a
- * complex Object with lots of information about various
- * autocomplete matches. Here's an example of what it looks like:
- * <pre>
- * {@code
- * {
- * 'done': false,
- * 'time_since_omnibox_started_ms': 15,
- * 'combined_results' : {
- * 'num_items': 4,
- * 'item_0': {
- * 'destination_url': 'http://mail.google.com',
- * 'provider_name': 'HistoryURL',
- * 'relevance': 1410,
- * ...
- * }
- * 'item_1: {
- * ...
- * }
- * ...
- * }
- * 'results_by_provider': {
- * 'HistoryURL' : {
- * 'num_items': 3,
- * ...
- * }
- * 'Search' : {
- * 'num_items': 1,
- * ...
- * }
- * ...
- * }
- * }
- * }
- * </pre>
- * For more information on how the result is packed, see the
- * corresponding code in chrome/browser/ui/webui/omnibox_ui.cc
- */
- function addResultToOutput(result) {
- var output = $('omnibox-debug-text');
- var inDetailedMode = $('show-details').checked;
- var showIncompleteResults = $('show-incomplete-results').checked;
- var showPerProviderResults = $('show-all-providers').checked;
- // Output the result-level features in detailed mode and in
- // show incomplete results mode. We do the latter because without
- // these result-level features, one can't make sense of each
- // batch of results.
- if (inDetailedMode || showIncompleteResults) {
- var p1 = document.createElement('p');
- p1.textContent = 'elapsed time = ' +
- result.time_since_omnibox_started_ms + 'ms';
- output.appendChild(p1);
- var p2 = document.createElement('p');
- p2.textContent = 'all providers done = ' + result.done;
- output.appendChild(p2);
- }
- // Combined results go after the lines below.
- var group = document.createElement('a');
- group.className = 'group-separator';
- group.textContent = 'Combined results.';
- output.appendChild(group);
- // Add combined/merged result table.
- var p = document.createElement('p');
- p.appendChild(addResultTableToOutput(result.combined_results));
- output.appendChild(p);
- // Move forward only if you want to display per provider results.
- if (!showPerProviderResults) {
- return;
- }
- // Individual results go after the lines below.
- var group = document.createElement('a');
- group.className = 'group-separator';
- group.textContent = 'Results for individual providers.';
- output.appendChild(group);
- // Add the per-provider result tables with labels. We do not append the
- // combined/merged result table since we already have the per provider
- // results.
- for (var provider in result.results_by_provider) {
- var results = result.results_by_provider[provider];
- // If we have no results we do not display anything.
- if (results.num_items == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- var p = document.createElement('p');
- p.appendChild(addResultTableToOutput(results));
- output.appendChild(p);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param {Object} result either the combined_results component of
- * the structure described in the comment by addResultToOutput()
- * above or one of the per-provider results in the structure.
- * (Both have the same format).
- * @return {HTMLTableCellElement} that is a user-readable HTML
- * representation of this object.
- */
- function addResultTableToOutput(result) {
- var inDetailedMode = $('show-details').checked;
- // Create a table to hold all the autocomplete items.
- var table = document.createElement('table');
- table.className = 'autocomplete-results-table';
- table.appendChild(createAutocompleteResultTableHeader());
- // Loop over every autocomplete item and add it as a row in the table.
- for (var i = 0; i < result.num_items; i++) {
- var autocompleteSuggestion = result['item_' + i];
- var row = document.createElement('tr');
- // Loop over all the columns/properties and output either them
- // all (if we're in detailed mode) or only the ones marked displayAlways.
- // Keep track of which properties we displayed.
- var displayedProperties = {};
- for (var j = 0; j < PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER.length; j++) {
- if (inDetailedMode || PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[j].displayAlways) {
- row.appendChild(createCellForPropertyAndRemoveProperty(
- autocompleteSuggestion, PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[j].propertyName));
- displayedProperties[PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER[j].propertyName] = true;
- }
- }
- // Now, if we're in detailed mode, add all the properties that
- // haven't already been output. (We know which properties have
- // already been output because we delete the property when we output
- // it. The only way we have properties left at this point if
- // we're in detailed mode and we're getting back properties
- // not listed in PROPERTY_OUTPUT_ORDER. Perhaps someone added
- // something to the C++ code but didn't bother to update this
- // Javascript? In any case, we want to display them.)
- if (inDetailedMode) {
- for (var key in autocompleteSuggestion) {
- if (!displayedProperties[key]) {
- var cell = document.createElement('td');
- cell.textContent = key + '=' + autocompleteSuggestion[key];
- row.appendChild(cell);
- }
- }
- }
- table.appendChild(row);
- }
- return table;
- }
- /* Repaints the page based on the contents of the array
- * progressiveAutocompleteResults, which represents consecutive
- * autocomplete results. We only display the last (most recent)
- * entry unless we're asked to display incomplete results. For an
- * example of the output, play with chrome://omnibox/
- */
- function refresh() {
- // Erase whatever is currently being displayed.
- var output = $('omnibox-debug-text');
- output.innerHTML = '';
- if (progressiveAutocompleteResults.length > 0) { // if we have results
- // Display the results.
- var showIncompleteResults = $('show-incomplete-results').checked;
- var startIndex = showIncompleteResults ? 0 :
- progressiveAutocompleteResults.length - 1;
- for (var i = startIndex; i < progressiveAutocompleteResults.length; i++) {
- addResultToOutput(progressiveAutocompleteResults[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- initialize: initialize,
- startOmniboxQuery: startOmniboxQuery,
- handleNewAutocompleteResult: handleNewAutocompleteResult
- };
- });
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', omniboxDebug.initialize);