CANCEL_INSTALL=Are you sure you want to stop? C'mon...:)
FAILED_INSTALL=Error, failed to install Maxthon. Please retry later or click the link below for another option.
SUCCESS_INSTALL=Huzzah! Maxthon has been installed successfully!
FAILED_SAVEFILE=Failed to install Maxthon. Please retry later or click the link below for another option.
FAILED_FILEERR=Error, failed to install Maxthon. Please retry later or click the link below for another option.
FAILED_VERINFO=Error, failed to install Maxthon. We can't obtain the correct set-up file information. Please retry later or click the link below for another option.
FAILED_NETWORK=Sorry, flaky internet connectivity is not letting this happen. Please retry later or click the link below for another option.
FAILED_WINVER=Sorry, your version of Windows does not meet minimum requirements necessary to install Maxthon. You need Windows XP or higher.
FAILED_SYSTEM=Error, failed to install Maxthon. Please retry later or click the link below for another option.