dbRebuildHistory=Esto reconstruira los favoritos por defecto.<br>Desea continuar?
dbExportDone=Exportacion finalizada!
dbConfirmDelete=Eliminar elementos seleccionados?
dbConfirmDeleteService=WARNING !!!<br>You are going to delete a Service or a Driver<br><br>Are you sure you want to continue?
dbConfirmUninstall=Esta seguro de querer desinstalar las aplicaciones seleccionadas?
dbRegCleaner=RegSeeker escaneara su registro para encontrar las entradas invalidas:<br>extensiones no utilizadas, ficheros faltantes, referencias invalidas...<br><br>Se recomienda hacer siempre un respaldo de los datos antes de modificar el registro, seleccionando la opcion "Backup antes de suprimir" en la esquina inferior izquierda del programa.<br><br>Para anular las modificaciones, ejecute el ultimo fichero<br>de respaldo .REG creado. Utilizar con precaucion!<br><br>Seleccione OK para comenzar la busqueda!
dbCleanStream=Windows esta almacenando toda la informacion de ventanas en el registro.<br>Limpiar esas entradas las restaurarß por defecto.<br>Puede acelerar la navegacion en carpetas.<br>Nota : se hara una copia de respaldo<br><br>Click en OK para proceder !
dbDeleteFile=Advertencia : Eliminacion de archivo(s) !
dbMountPoints=Windows is storing all mounted devices/network maps informations inside the registry.<br>Those keys contains informations like drive type, icons display etc...<br>Note : a backup will be made<br><br>Click OK to proceed !
dbTempFileMsg1=You can configure all the files you want to display in your Temporary File list using variables
dbTempFileMsg2=Be careful before deleting any result ! A bad variable usage could display unwanted files<br>For ex: %windir%\*.* will display all your files inside your Windows directory
dbTempFileMsg3=To disable a rule, just uncheck it
addNew=Add new rule
Title1=Nombre del favorito
Title2=Clave a a±adir
entername=Ingrese un nombre
btManage=Gestionar ...
btExclude=Exclusiones ...
ckScanDrive=Buscar en unidades entradas en el registro de exes antiguos
CleanDone=Se ha completado la Auto Limpieza!
backupname=Nombre del Respaldo :
ExItemsImport=Item(s) were imported inside your Exclusion list !
ckViewOnly=Double-click an entry to view a backup content (No changes done to the Registry)
btProtect=Show Protected
repairtitle=Fix Registry Security :
ckProtected=Search Protected Keys only
msgProtected=Click Search and RegSeeker will display the protected keys only. Select the ones you want to modify and right-click to choose Take Ownership. Be CAREFUL ! if you're not confident with registry security, do not use !
mnutakeownership=Take Ownership !
securitywarn=WARNING ! You are about to change Registry Key permission !<br>This will change the registry key ownership to your current username.<br><br>If you are not confident doing this, please click Cancel to Exit or Ok to Proceed.
securitychange=Registry Key permission have been changed !
colOther=Display Name
msAutod=Automatic (Delayed Start)
msToBin=Click OK to send to recycle bin<br>or Cancel to permanently delete the file(s)